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Straight men! Destroy the sexual power of women by having sex with each other, Reddit MRA suggests

Women, defeated at last!

By David Futrelle

In the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars only discuss the most important issues affecting men. Prostate cancer. Circumcision. When scientists will get around to developing some new technology that will render women obsolete — or that will at the very least make women feel really bad about themselves.

In one (sort of) recent discussion of the Obsolete Women Question on r/mensrights, one gay MRA called Eryemil, a real out-of-the-box thinker, suggests that it won’t take anything as fancy as a sexbots or artificial wombs to make women unnecessary. All that straight MRAs really need to do is to start having sex, not with women, but with each other. 

There’s just one little roadblock: straight men generally don’t want to have sex with each other. But maybe science will find an answer!

All we have to do to completely take away women’s social power over men is to discover a means to allow men the choice to become bisexual.

Like, I guess, a Gay Pill, or some sort of Gayifying Machine?

At the moment women couldn’t hope to compete with men in terms of sexual desire and common interests; the only thing that gives them so much power is that straight men have no other choice.

Actually, there are lots of men who think of themselves as straight who have sex with men. But never mind.

The most beautiful thing about this is that I don’t think this would work in reverse (making women bisexual, if they aren’t already) because of women’s evolutionary derived meta values i.e. hypergamy.

So a Gayifying Machine won’t work on women because they love sweet, sweet man cash too much — and their fellow women don’t have enough bucks to make them worthwhile hosts to latch onto? Well, at least this is an acknowledgement that men tend to make a lot more money than women.

Even if only a minority decides to go through with it, it will leave heterosexual males with an elevated sexual market value by virtue of their relative scarcity. You’d have a society of hetero men with harems of women eager to please him (and probably making all the babies) and a bunch of bros hanging out with their buddies playing video games and sucking each other off.

Damn. If scientists can pull this off — er, maybe that’s not the ideal phrase to use in this context — it sounds like women are DOOOMED.

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6 years ago

How long after the invention of such a gay pill do you think they’ll find that other men also won’t sleep with them? How long can they keep from looking in a mirror to find the source of their problems?

6 years ago

Oh just what queer culture needs; a massive influx of g0ys.

White Stick of Justice
White Stick of Justice
6 years ago

Well, seeing how these types think men are the only worthwhile thing I guess it was a matter of time, really.

@Doomcup: As long as it takes, dangnabbit. I imagine they’ll invent vampirism before they invent the slightest amount of self-awareness.

6 years ago

They have to be trolling. Please tell me that he’s trolling. Or an alien. There is no fucking way that a human mind has produced that as a good solution.

I don’t get that he goes on about sucking each other off. I can see a straight guy getting a blow job from a man or fucking or getting fucked, but giving a blow job? The only thing that makes it fun is the fact that it turns me on because my partner is getting off. I derive no direct pleasure from it, instead it’s a feedback that I’m doing it to him. The pleasure is directly related to the fact that I think he’s hot and I wanna make him feel good. And I really don’t see how you can be straight and want to do something sexual that you aren’t getting anything out of with a person you are not attracted to at all. I don’t think genitalia are sexy unless I’m into the person. And that’s just not straight if it’s the same gender, at least as far as I understand sexuality.

This is, of course, my own confused view and if anybody can enlighten me, please do. The same goes for if I said something stupid – then please correct me.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Well, at least this is an acknowledgement that men tend to make a lot more money than women.

There was also an acknowledgement that no, $(MORAL_PANIC_OF_THE_WEEK) will not turn good God-fearing churchgoing couples’ kids gay, via the implied statement that there is no existing known method to turn people gay.

Even if only a minority decides to go through with it, it will leave heterosexual males with an elevated sexual market value by virtue of their relative scarcity.

This is just laughably wrong, even if you accept their “sexual market” premise: bisexual men are completely substitutable for hetero men in any role. Are pencils with no eraser on the non-business end valuable due to their relative scarcity in a world where nearly all pencils do have erasers built-in?

sexbots or artificial wombs to make women unnecessary

Long before they can look forward to that, they should fear technology making men unnecessary. All it takes is a reliable way to turn eggs (or stem cells or whatever) into sperm (which, if the source cells are female, will all be X-chromosome sperm, so the resulting offspring of a woman and a turkey-baster will all be girls), and a reliable male substitute in the sack.

Oh, and the clock is clearly ticking, because according to everyone who swears by a certain Hitachi product, one of those two things has already been invented …

6 years ago

… on the plus side, maybe this is just the thing to get the mgtows to actually g-the-fuck-tow already …

ah, who am I kidding, we all know they never actually want or ever wanted to gtow – they just want to rail against women ad infinitum.

Long before they can look forward to that, they should fear technology making men unnecessary. All it takes is a reliable way to turn eggs (or stem cells or whatever) into sperm

I seem to remember a discussion suggesting that we’re well on the way towards this already in terms of scientific development? (I could have sworn I saw something about this in the news or maybe even here, a few weeks/maybe a couple of months ago.)

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

@Zaunfink, some people like doing that

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

In a way, almost as funny as if the MRAs were to watch in horror as the male of the species was made obsolete, would be if TERFs took the same technology, bought an island somewhere to turn into a real-world Themyscira secure in the knowledge all their offspring would be girls … and then one day one of them came out as a transman.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

1)some people like feeling/tasting/otherwise sensing their partner(s). Folks with oral fixations for example. So, yeah, it is possible to acheive pleasure by the sensory input of the act irrespective of (but hopefully addition to!!!) the enjoyment of said partner(s). Or so I’ve heard >.>
2)orientation is not behavior. I’m ace. I have sex. Don’t make me any less ace. Bi folk who’ve only ever been in committed monogamous relationships with people of 1 gender aren’t any less bi. Nor does suckin dudes make a straight dude any less straight. Not how that works. Maybe he’s not actually straight, but let’s not assume that tho
3)genitals are totes gross unless attached to someone I’m into. Agreed 😀

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago

Some desperate MAGA gay dude is trying that reverse psychology on some MRA he likes, methinks.

Then again, these past couple of years we’ve seen these people break the World Record for stupidity on a daily basis, so it could be legit.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

So the they can get rejected by men as well for being shitty people?
This amuses me.
Why is it everytime they talk about bi women though they assume in a way it’s a phase.
It’s not (although maybe I’m more pan because I really don’t care about genitals genitalia and gender)

6 years ago

These guys are just out of luck. In the past, when women were desperate to marry because that was pretty much their only option, assholes like this could usually find someone. Women aren’t desperate enough anymore.

Which, in my opinion, is going to lead to an improvement in the gene pool. MRA guys, not perpetuating your genes is good for the human race, but as long as you actually do GYOW, I have no ill will for you. You guys go ahead and fuck your blowup dolls and hang out together being bitter (and, apparently, getting an occasional blow job).

The rest of us will be over here having real relationships, with all the pain and joy such things bring.

6 years ago

I’m very disappointed with this post (the OP, not David obvs). I read the headline and the beginning, and was looking forward to all the snarky comments I planned to make.

But somehow, halfway through a thought experiment about all men pairing off with each other to reach a beautiful MRA utopia, the OP started going on about women. I’ll be honest, I didn’t entirely follow the reasoning, but I gather it’s an exciting compound of “women are evil minxes controlling men with hypergamy” (confused, but moving on), “women are disgusting & worthless” (I thought we’d already established this), and “women are all bisexual anyway” (FWIW I doubt this is true, but relevance?).

So the OP didn’t want to talk about a beautiful utopia for MRAs. He wanted to talk about hating women. I’m not surprised, I’m just bored.

6 years ago

LOLOL @ “gayifying machine” ! 😀

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

a bunch of bros hanging out with their buddies playing video games and sucking each other off.

no. don’t. stop. please come back. my dating pool will consist only of men who want to date me

@Fluffy Spider

So the they can get rejected by men as well for being shitty people?

That poses an interesting conundrum, given that these guys’ sexuality seems to be so tied up in scorekeeping and abuse. Will they turn on each other?

6 years ago

(although maybe I’m more pan because I really don’t care about genitals genitalia and gender)

Not sure that’s the distinction between “bi” and “pan” I’d use (if, indeed, I used one at all).

6 years ago

Let’s just leave the bi vs. pan discussion right there, shall we? It’s not going to go anywhere useful this time either.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
6 years ago

How long can they keep from looking in a mirror to find the source of their problems?


6 years ago

OK, sorry.

6 years ago

Just out of curiosity, do you people think sexuality is something you are born with or environmental?

6 years ago


That poses an interesting conundrum, given that these guys’ sexuality seems to be so tied up in scorekeeping and abuse. Will they turn on each other?

Is a bear Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods?

They already turn on each other over anything or nothing. Throwing sexual tension into the mix – it’d be like giving toddlers Scuds.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

But they also have extreme jealousy issues so would they be threatening and sniping at each other?
Toxic plus toxic equals more toxic
Just a theory though

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Why can’t these guys just masturbate and leave the rest of us in peace?

6 years ago

OT: the TERF hashtag #peaktrans is trending – because trans- and NBpeople and their allies are flooding it with pro-trans messages. Woohoo!

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