By David Futrelle
Some straight guys like women who wear makeup. Others prefer the natural look. Still others think women are spineless, mindless consumerist c*nts trying to hide their ugly insides by painting their outsides.
Yes, I’ve been reading the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit again, where I ran across this totally normal and healthy and not-at-all-scary response to the fact that lots of women wear makeup.
Here’s the text in case that’s a bit hard to read:
Avyctes 50 points
I haven’t worn makeup regularly since I was in middle school. It’s a skill I didn’t have a natural talent for and that I didn’t have the patience to get good at. I was especially bad at applying mascara because I’m terrible at controlling my instinct to close my eyes when a pointy object is near them.
I feel like this guy would still be mad at me for not caring about my appearance.
Oh no! We are no match for corporations! Does it sound like he is both blaming woman for falling for marketing and then being happy that women cannot stand up to corporations?
Also, I do wonder if women gave up make up if he would have the opposite reaction and say we should cover our flaws.
Am I the only one who read “feminine imperative” and thought, Ooh, do you live in an alternate reality where English has different verb forms for feminine and masculine imperative? Like “Go-a your own way already” versus “Go-o your own way already”? And would the gender of the verb depend on the speaker or the addressee?? And are there gender-neutral forms, and how are plurals formed???
…Probably the only one. 🙂
Err…longtime reader, first time commenter…what is The Wall I’m competing with? Am I supposed to do my makeup better than the Pink Floyd album? (I’ll admit, it’s a high bar…)
There is no way to win with these guys. If women stopped wearing makeup he would be pissing and moaning about how women don’t take care of themselves anymore.
Odd I always thought I didn’t wear makeup because it’s expensive and I can’t see well enough to make it look humanly good
Whatever. I have enough misandry power to compete with and beat The Wall.
Behold our unmakeupped visages and crumble in despair, Wall!
hmmm… really?
Well, you appear to be an angry, self absorbed, self-loathing beast who vomits misogynistic hatred because your echo chamber tells you too…
E.T.A., (so there’s no misunderstanding, this is in reply to our MGTOW/MRA brothers quoted above)
E.T.A. again… @ wwth…
Oh, and since CNN is reporting that Trump is seriously considering Rosenstein to try and obstruct the Mueller investigation, I’m just going to spam this link again
It lets you plug in your zip code and find a rapid response protest in your area in the event that Trump moves to try and kill the probe. You just RSVP and you’ll get an email with the time and date of the protest, which should happen within hours of the firing. It’s really important to not let Trump get away with such a blatant obstruction of justice.
There is definitely an interesting discussion to be had about people’s relationship to makeup and the role it can play in people’s self esteem, but this is not it.
I wonder if the guys who get so into talking about what their preferences are think that it will influence things. They must think their boner updates are pretty powerful. I’m sure that most people will read word of his preference and revel in doing the opppsite to repel such manospherians.
I’m glad my makeup is an affront to these doofuses, but since anything women do is somehow terrible I guess I offend them by merely existing. There isn’t any “winning” with them (though who would want to?).
Makeup can be nice. People can wear it or not. It makes some people feel pretty, though I wish it didn’t feel like a requirement in some places. I’m glad this was never the case for me. I didn’t even buy makeup until some time after college. I didn’t have the experience of experimenting with makeup in high school and middle school because I worried it would irritate my sensitive skin. A few years ago I went makeup shopping with a friend who has skin similar to mine to see what works for her. Although I don’t wear makeup daily, I like to wear it sometimes (special occasions and going out), so I thought I’d “level up” my makeup skills. I’ve watched YouTube videos and asked my friend to teach me. Now I’m competent I guess, but I also have a sense of what kind of look I want from makeup (balancing how nice I want to look with how lazy I feel). (/rambling, whoops)
well, you have to admit, if there is one thing, maybe the only thing, MGTOWs know, it’s how to spend your life as a useless sack of shit without anything resembling substance.
so much projection, so little time.
It’s obviously a cry for help, but how can you pity something so hideous?
It’s like weeping for Gollum.
Well, shit.
They caught me. I used to look like this tree stump that my neighbor dug up, then I got a few containers of make up, and now I look like a porn star pin up!
Who told them about this?
Yep, slap some red powder on your (face) cheeks and you can go from tree stump to Top Ranked Porn Star (and Worst of the Worst! of Money Grubbers!) in seconds flat!
Micro seconds flat. That’s why they call those things in make up Micro Beads.
Do these guys STEM, or what?
Spent a good chunk of the 80s wearing mascara, black nail polish and sometimes lipstick in the evenings (though how women drink a pint wearing that stuff I don’t know).
Admittedly, it was at the request of my feminine imperative. She’s the big Cure fan and picked the clubs we’d go to.
“I Was a Men’s Rights Activist”
He certainly is pinning a lot of depth and insight on people he decries as vapid and shallow…. (Not that his insights are all that, well, insightful or valid, but he thinks they are.)
Pfff. Makeup is fun. I’ll take it over migtoes any day.
“the wall” is the age barrier (varying, of course, depending on how much the writing MRA/MGTOW wants to bang children) after which women (and only women) go from hot, fertile, fuckable (unless they have tattoos, wear makeup, are fat, have an opinion, have a job, have no job, had sex before, want to have sex with people, etc pp) to hideous beasts (worth nothing, equivalent to spoiled milk, fleshy sagging bags of sad oldness, spotty old men hitting on asian sex workers and all kinds of other lovely descriptors). Generally somewhere around the early twenties, highest age I remember was 25.
The message is important.
Always remember: you’re only worth something if you’re a virgin who really doesn’t wanna get laid unless a strong man takes you and even then, you aren’t worth much because you have the ladybrainz, did not hunt the mammoth and men build the world, damn it!
(most of the articles are hilarious, so a search! I recommend the one about spoiled milk, which is still a favorite descriptor of myself, since I’m a 25+ year old in an environment filled with 18 year old)
I don’t participate in the comments much, but just had to drop in because, even though that wasn’t my first thought, ohmygod that is awesome of you. 🙂
Hebrew (and other Semite languages) does have different forms of the imperative: m.sing., f.sing., m.plu., f.plu. (the last one is almost completely obsolete, now; the masculine plural form can officially be used to designate any plural, either masculine or feminine, and is thus useful when trying to make that very gendered language of ours somewhat more gender-neutral).
So, using your example, the verb “go” in the imperative could be:
Depending on the person(s) addressed.
And now you know!
All in all, he’s just another dick in the Wall.
Ho, hum.
PS: And I see our newcomer has had similar thoughts. Welcome!
Yay, I learned some linguistics. Thanks, Penny Psmith!
So… he wants to fuck the wall? Cos if women are competing with it by getting themselves all dolled up, then, presumably, he thinks the wall is inherently attractive. Cos it seems like this dude is aroused and embittered (MGTOW, so those two reactions are probably synonymous by now) by the concept of aging. Or maybe these asshats just don’t understand figurative language… That works too
I love makeup. It’s fun, it’s pretty, it enhances my best features and hides the occasional giant honking zit. After reading about this MGTOW’s whining, I intend to play “The Phoenix” while I put on my makeup tomorrow-the “put on your war paint” line seems especially appropriate.
Clearly we need more men wearing makeup. That’ll show the gynocracy who’s boss around here.
Thanks for that link, that was really interesting!
I wear makeup literally about once every five years.
Regardless of how often anyone wears makeup, this jerk needs to stuff his odious opinion where the sun don’t shine.
I don’t know what this “wall” he speaks of is, but I would be glad to bring my middle finger to his face.