By David Futrelle
Some straight guys like women who wear makeup. Others prefer the natural look. Still others think women are spineless, mindless consumerist c*nts trying to hide their ugly insides by painting their outsides.
Yes, I’ve been reading the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit again, where I ran across this totally normal and healthy and not-at-all-scary response to the fact that lots of women wear makeup.
Here’s the text in case that’s a bit hard to read:
Avyctes 50 points
Did you know you can communicate the same concept using a number of different combinations of words and that subtext can communicate concepts just as strongly (sometimes moreso!) as the actual words you choose?
@EJ (The Other One):
Maybe I misunderstand your description, but the ethical question that’s always raised for me is: How do you know it’s not revenge porn?
@Rabid Rabbit:
That is an issue, I’ll agree; that’s why I’m fond of people who post their own work directly. (That might definitely be TMI.)