
Madonna/Waifu: 4channers justify their love for YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam

Nasim Aghdam’s fans on 4chan have … complicated feelings about their new crush (Meme from 4chan)

By David Futrelle

Several days ago, I wrote about the burgeoning cult of Nasim Aghdam I found on 4chan’s /pol/ board, a longtime hotbed of incel lusts and “ironic” Nazism. Since then, /pol/’s love for the YouTube shooter, who injured three before taking her own life, seems to have grown exponentially.

Paeans to the supposed perfection of “Princess Nasim,” some reeking of 4chan’s signature “irony,” others sounding achingly sincere, fill assorted Tribute threads on 4chan’s /pol/ and /r9k/ boards.

Wow, she’s luminous here. Truly resplendent beautyI swear I'm going to be nicer to you faggots all the time. What a comrade she was. What an honour /ourgirl did us. She didn't just talk our code here she lived as everything we espouse irl and when they came to destroy her for it she died in purity of body and soul. She can never falter now, never slip, and she has done all she can do. They can't hurt her anymore but they tried to erase her life and make it as if their victim had never existed because they fear that which they cannot control. /pol has saved the day on this.

We can’t let her sacrifice be in vain. We must expose the kikes at YouTube and show the world the truth about this beautiful martyrOur love cannot be challenged she will always be alive in our hearts
She was a goddess too pure for the corruption of California. We should have taken her back to her capital in MidWest America, where she would have reigned as Queen and her will would have been enforced

Nasim apparently had her own line of clothing and made some of her own outfits. She was a real Renaissance waifu.

This one is a bit too long to screenshot. It covers a lot of, er, themes. I’ve lightly censored the assorted slurs.

Nasim Aghdam went full an hero by walking into the belly of the degenerate k*ke beast that is JewTube an enacted maximum chaos on google f***ot n***ers by shooting up their headquarters. Nasim had such a compassionate heart that she chose not to kill, but only to wound in order to expose the injustices of Jewtube, namely its censorship and globalist propaganda. Nasim facts:

>clean tidy house in all her videos
>hated degeneracy
>saving herself for marriage
>loves animals like Hitler
>made cooking videos
>loves guns and used them
>quoted Hitler
>went against the grain
>cute and weird wouldn’t have minded being with a socially awkward husband
>refused to let the media establishment run all over her
>stood up for what she believed in 
>died for what she believed in
>literal artistic genius
>impeccable Nasimwave taste, dress
>good taste in food
>shockingly talented in everything she does
>author and music composer
>chef with her own tasty recipes, “The Uncursed Kitchen”
>makes her own Nasiware clothing
>hard working
>extremely intelligent
>loves family, family woman, caring, loving, seeking an honest husband
>loves free speech
>loves to educate redpilling on censorship and factory farm abuse and much more if time permitted
>cuddle bunny
>beautiful, good tight body, and her long neck ends up being really cute and unique once you realize she’s 100% woman
>born to be a leader and take a stand
>a lot of fun, she’ll do stupid stuff with you
>perfect eyes that scare retarded normies away

Nasim has many videos denouncing the evils of satanism, anal sex, degeneracy in general, crass consumerism of junk food media, thots, third wave feminist whores, and being a conformist sheeple follower of the globalist government. She basically calls out and names the jew several times, and thats why they shut her down

A lot of very weird wishful thinking going on there. It reminds me of an old song.

Each night I ask the stars up above,
Why must I be a Nazi in love?

Not sure those are the original lyrics.

Some of St. Nasim’s admirers aren’t quite as pure-minded as /pol/ imagines her to have been:

I can't help but think if she got some dick in her life she would still be alive. Anonymous (ID: iGy1TncI) NZ 04/07/18(Sat)09:34:31 No.167086070 182 KB 182 KB JPG >>167085843 she was too pure for that she was against any kind of sexual filth

Others seemed less interested in her per se than they were in the idea of shooting people who represent things they don’t like.

The only thing she did wrong was only injure instead of kill May she serve as an inspiration to what could be done if need be.

Did I mention that they discovered my last post about them and their Nasim obsession?

Hahaha. Fat fuck male feminist David Futrelle is at it again. That article is full of so many gems I don't even know where to begin. We need to drive the worship of this Goddess to levels never before seen.

Maybe it’s time for some pictures.

Here’s Nasim love in traditional 4chan style:

And here are some memes, if you can call them that, which look a lot more like the vaguely inspirational homemade graphics that your least-favorite relatives pass around on Facebook — at least until you remember that these particular inspirational images are glamorizing a woman who shot up YouTube. 

You’d think they would take the time to proofread their tributes to their new Goddess.

There are, of course, more than a few on 4chan who aren’t fans of the Cult of Nasim. And somehow they manage to be even worse than her fans. This comment captures the basic gist of their objections:

Reminder that if you treat this ugly awkward suicidal Muslim tr*nny as the queen of /pol/, you are literally a f*ggot

While all this was going on, a couple of /pol/sters or /pol/ sympathizers stopped by WHTM to try to post comments, one of which was a veritable masterpiece of unconvincing apologia:

You were linked on a /pol/ thread. This article is pretty good if not slightly sneering in tone so we appreciate the balance. A few pointers:

First of all, please remember that Nazi talk and references on /pol/ are largely ironic. This is not to say that we don’t have actual stromblags posting, but it’s still maymaying by and large, and should be understood as much; or else you’re either peddling fake news, or can’t quite grasp nuance.

Time to pull out this always useful gif again.

Lots of Nazis love the maymays. Andrew Anglin, to mention just one. That doesn’t make them not Nazis. Hate with jokes is still hate.

Secondly – and so this is clear – the issue with Aghdam is that YouTube used a toxic combination of algorithms and indifference to take down her livelihood, and in so doing, pushed her over the edge. We see them as directly culpable, so while we wish a speedy recover to all the victims, what we won’t tolerate is YouTube having the final word on the narrative here.

Yes, /pol/ wishes “a speedy recover [sic] to all the victims.” Except for all the /pol/sters who wish she had killed those she shot and then some.

Thirdly, seeing as we are 4chan and pretty gun savvy, it seems abundantly clear to us that Aghdam had no kill priority given her woeful lack of final total. The overall consensus is that she either never had the intention to begin with, or she changed her mind in the course of the act. That makes us love her even more because she’s proof that there IS a difference between human beings and mass murderers, and no more so evident than when it comes down to the wire.

Damn, I already used that JLaw gif. But this will work too.

I’m going to leave out the commenter’s link to a crowdfunder supposedly raising money in Aghdam’s name for animal welfare. I’m sure if anyone reading this wants to help animals they can think of countless ways to do so that don’t involve giving money to some dubious crowdfunder in the name of a would-be murderer.

This crowdfunder has been established as we are dismayed that (a) we didn’t get to her in time because we WOULD have been able to help her due to our status as Lord of All Internet, and (b) This is what YouTube took from her – the ability to be able to help those that most need it. And that’s despicable. And even you would agree it is.

YouTube must take its share of responsibility and admit as much or we will gather for Valhalla.

Ah, yes, that’s what you’re doing. gathering in Valhalla to prepare for Ragnarok. It’s telling that this gentle soul from 4chan can’t end his comment without some absurd and abstract but decidedly violent threat against the same people Aghdam targeted.

Yours in Adolf,



The other commenters who stopped by were a little less polite.

Interesting to see shitlibs, SJW’s, and autistic cat-ladies getting together to spy on /POL/.

It’s fun watching you tone police each other and drop trigger warnings while you un-ironically wail about the circle-jerk vacuum chamber that is 4chan, where at least they have sense of humor and a whiff of self awareness.

I probably broke enough of your gay rules for this comment to never see the light of day. But at least you, the hapless f*ggot that moderates the comments around here, will be forced to abrade your oh so delicate consciousness.

Lol get fucked you piles of trash, and I literally hope you all die ?

The smiley is a nice touch.

And then there was this guy:

It amazes me that liberals don’t realize just how many people in the world want to kill them. We might see an alt-right/muslim extremist team-up just to get rid of you.

Is this what the kids are calling “irony” these days? It’s hard to keep up, sometimes.

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Patty Thinkerer
Patty Thinkerer
6 years ago

/pol/cats are at it again, I see.

At least they admit it’s an echo chamber, I guess?

Tabby Lavalamp
6 years ago


6 years ago

It’s just a joke bro!

Mang after Charlottesville you think anyone here’d buy that?

6 years ago

Sad, displaced anger and frustration.

6 years ago

But we do realise you want to kill us. Many of the articles here are about just that.

So what? You can’t kill us… evidence? We are still alive.

Get fucked 4chan I literally hope ya’ll die lonely. And you will.

6 years ago

It amazes me that liberals don’t realize just how many people in the world want to kill them.

Nah mate, as a queer trans person, I’m well aware how many people wish I were dead.

6 years ago

I repeat this a lot, but journalists… sociologists… somebody needs to do an in-depth study on what causes people to become this. For the sake of all that is good and just and pure on this planet.

Well-adjusted people do not do spend any amount of their lives typing these things out and Photoshopping photos of deceased attempted murderers.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

Troll 1 : “it’s ironic”

Trolls 2 & 3 : “no fuck you mate”

We should have reverse-open threads exclusively for trolls, and let those three in there, should be entertaining.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

We already have those. They’re called “4chan”. 🙂

6 years ago

And just to really hammer the point that David made home:

First of all, please remember that Nazi talk and references on /pol/ are largely ironic.

Irony requires some foil for contrast. If the foil is “the functional norms of a decent society” (i.e. “normies” in their parlance), then there’s nothing ironic about Nazi memes not only is Nazism already outside the functional norms of a decent society, but it’s clear that /pol/ shares this contempt for the norms of decent society anyway, hence the natural gravitation towards that extreme over time.

For instance, these delightful chaps:

Insert Kurt Vonnegut quote about who you pretend to be here.

Xezixy (sp?) had a video outlining what I’ve noted at least once before: despite the insistence from the so-called “classical liberals” that they’re in no way comparable to the alt-right… they still hate all the same people with the same vehemence. Traffic in the same language, the same talking points, and I’m going to have trouble telling you apart.

Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
Cinimon Danger (It's not my real name!)
6 years ago

Again religious acceptance is a central tenant of the Baha’i faith. It’s very distressing to see this. I’m a second generation Baha’i and the whole thing turns my stomach. Moreso because it’s a terrible corruption of everything she believed.

I have family in the San Diego community. They never met her but they know her cousins. I shudder to think about the pain they would feel if they knew about this.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

Upping @Saint-Somnia here. I was wearing a shirt supporting a local LGBTQIA+ candidate which had rainbow colors, and some fucker tried to run me over at the stoplight. Imagine what he would’ve done if he’d known I was genderqueer and had a girlfriend.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

In furtherance of one of my earlier observations: Notice how much those two fine upstanding Kekistani citizens dress and look like Agents from The Matrix … not like the heroes, like the Agents.

6 years ago

Nasim had such a compassionate heart that she chose not to kill

That’s your definition of a compassionate heart? I’ve never killed anyone; do I get to be your dream waifu, too? Wait, nevermind, I don’t actually want that even a little.

6 years ago

It amazes me that liberals don’t realize just how many people in the world want to kill them. We might see an alt-right/muslim extremist team-up just to get rid of you.

They mean, like during World War 2?

Do these fools ever open a book (or one that doesn’t have pictures they can wank to, at least)?

Edit: the blockquote mammoth struck. Thought it had been slain. 🙁

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

loves animals like Hitler

Oh yes, who can forget the first time they saw a majestic Adolfus Hitleraris out in the wild? It’s just not the same when you see one in a zoo.

cute and weird wouldn’t have minded being with a socially awkward husband

Okay. So, trolls, particularly on 4chan, just love to talk about how autistic and socially awkward they are. How does that square with the Hitler love? Now, I’m sure a lot of them aren’t actually on the spectrum and just trying to use it as an excuse to be an asshole, but those of them that actually are on the spectrum or who have any other disability or mental illness would be killed or experimented on if they’d been in Nazi Germany/Nazi occupied areas. Do they not know that more people besides Jews were targeted by their hero? I mean, it’s so well known that I’m not even going to bother posting a citation. Because I assume that all the readers here already know that disabled and mentally ill people were not considered part of the master race. Are the channers really this ignorant? Or do they think that if a Nazi regime did come back in their countries that they would somehow be exempt? I just don’t get it.

I’m also confused about all the praise for her animal rights stance. I’m pretty sure it was channers who decided to troll Jezebel by posting animal torture pictures in the comments a few years ago. I really doubt they give a shit and I doubt that most of these dudes are vegetarian or vegan.

On the “irony” thing, nthing everyone else that it’s bullshit. To piggyback off of the intent conversation in the other thread, this is one of those times when it’s pretty safe to say that it does matter if you think you’re being a Nazi ironically or if you think you’re being a Nazi sincerely. If you are posting pro-white nationalist things, you are normalizing white supremacy and fascism and it is having real life consequences. Hate crimes have gone up in the US at least (not sure about elsewhere) and if you’re doing Nazi “shitposting” you are partially culpable for it. You providing cover for the people that are dead serious about their hate. So, any “ironic” Nazi channers reading this can go fuck off into a sea of Legos and millipedes and dog turds.

6 years ago


I must be missing a crucial piece of information about World War 2 too. I’ll get a coffee and head on over to Wikipedia but if you have time to apprise me of the pertinent bits it could help me out

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Aaand I just got the Madonna song reference in the title of the post. Good one.

Paradoxical Intention: Resident Cheeseburger Slut

It amazes me that liberals don’t realize just how many people in the world want to kill them.

How could I not be aware when assholes like you are a dime a dozen, bruh? Y’all literally go on and on about how much you want us dead. Constantly. I constantly have to hear y’all piss and moan about how much you want to kill me for being queer, or for being a feminist, or for thinking other people deserve basic human rights that include you not killing them.

You never shut up about it, but pretend that there’s some sort of conspiracy where we just don’t know or we’re “silencing” you. And yet, here you are, almost as if that’s not actually the case.

comment image

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

No Platforming should be the go-to, any “ironic” Nazification must be opposed as vehemently and by all means. I actually had the normalization-conversation quite recently with real-life Edgy Fools IRL, they were honestly believing in the non-reality of it, until I started describing actual, physical violence perpetrated by Channers/Kek-mongers, done to people I know personally. That actually got through to them a bit. But completely out of touch with offline-life and the realities of peoples lives.

That I met them in the flesh was a bit of luck, I don’t think I could’ve had any effect on them from behind the screen.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s bizarre to me that so many people see the internet as some kind of vortex that has nothing to do with the real world. It is part of real life and things said and done online can and does impact “meat space.” I’m hoping the Cambridge Analytica and Russian troll farm scandals will start to change the way we think about and talk about the internet and its effect on the culture as a whole but we’ll see.

6 years ago

Thanks for moderating these assholes away, David!

6 years ago

First of all, please remember that Nazi talk and references on /pol/ are largely ironic.

First of all, please remember the old saying: Even if you fuck goats in “irony”, you are still (un)ironically a goat-fucker. And goat-fuckers are repulsive, reprehensible people who are Forever Alone for a reason.

YouTube must take its share of responsibility and admit as much or we will gather for Valhalla.

I take it that THIS is “irony” too?

Well, my Norse ancestresses are hunched over their swords laughing at it, so I guess I’ll take it as such.

PS: Yes, I’m back! My computer is finally fixed. New keyboard AND trackpad. Sorry to anyone I couldn’t answer from my old iPad, which cut out at unpredictable times.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

I cordially invite these guys to go piss up a rope.

Hmmm. Am I being ironic or not?

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

Hitler didn’t love every animal I recall he hated and feared cats (cracked counts as a source of I can’t remember the other sources right?)
Sorry I had to correct this