block that metaphor men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit women are... would not bang

Women are lambs who become mutton after a single penis eats their virginity peanut, MGTOW explains

Trust me, you don’t want to see the other pictures I found by searching for “sheep nuts”

By David Futrelle

Here’s a little lesson in vaginanonmics from a Man Going His Own Way who might, I suspect, be a little bit hungry.

Men are appreciating assets. Women are depreciating assets. Women must acknowledge this fact. (self.MGTOW) submitted 1 year ago by FuckTOW So there's this old story about a girl posting on a forum to find a rich guy and she gets a reply from a banker explaining anyone with 500k annual income would not marry her because she is a depreciating asset. This line is key. The sooner women realise that they are less valuable than men the better. Men are the builders of society. We will continue to make money for a long time to come. We don't just pop out kids and then expect to be catered for till we die. Women lose their looks quickly (their ONLY bargaining chip) and the ability to reproduce. Women are like monkey nuts. Once you extract the peanut from the shell, who the hell wants the shell? You discard it and it disintegrates into nothingness. Biodegradable. Just like women. Once one man eats the nut inside. there's nothing left for anyone else. Men withstand the test of time. Our looks may (eventually) fade but we're still able to procreate till a ripe old age, and the money keeps on flowing in. So many women are just husks - mutton dressed as lamb. As far as I'm concerned, after that first cock - a women is nothing but a husk. And what do you do with the husk? Chuck it

Other MGTOWs agree: Once some guy eats a woman’s virginity peanut with his penis, she is no longer a tasty snack for any other man.

[deleted] 16 points 1 year ago* Very true. As far as I'm concerned, any woman who's already experienced one cock is just as used as a full-blown slut. A lot of guys will hamster "Well, she's only had sex with 2 or 3 guys, which is a lot less than most girls these days!" When girls bring nothing to the table but their sexuality and their sexuality has already been enjoyed by another man, what do they have left to offer? permalinkembedsave [–]FuckTOW[S] 0 points 1 year ago Yeah those guys that hamster are nothing but CUCKS. CUCKS who are happy being cuckolded. Happy in their position as lesser men. One cocks all it takes. We live in the age of science, and even science agrees the strongest bond is with the first cock. If that cock was a one night stand / initiation into adulthood due to peer pressure / any excuse to take a cock before the right time means you've fucked yourself for life. Then the next cock is just another cock, is another cock, is another cock. It has no value therefore, for me, that pussy isn't worth jack shit

In addition to being peanuts who are also somehow sheep, women are of course parasites. Parasitic peanut sheep.

FuckTOW[S] 13 points 1 year ago Women are worth a negative value as they literally are parasites. Emotionally mentally physically and financially they will take everything they can from a man.

Stay safe out there, fellas! It’s a dangerous world, metaphorically speaking.

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6 years ago

@Dr. Thang

Oh, haven’t you heard? Yeah, “science” to mgtows is defined as “random nonsense based on nothing that I just pulled out of my ass”

Aww, I was kinda hoping that there was a “science”-text somewhere where they elaborate on that. That would be horrible and utterly amusing!

As for the Virgin thing – Afaik the common consensus is that they do believe the crap about purity and worth and tightness/used vaginas(fun fact: I had to explain the whole concept to the fiance like two days ago during a discussion about porn and he’s still skeptical. Even the good ones….), but they also suffer from the whole “if I’m first she won’t know what she’s missing”-problem. And if you get yourself a woman who has no relationship-experience, she probably won’t recognise how terrible you’re treating her for quite a while.
And, of course, a lot of the women who stay virginal by choice (as opposed to those who didn’t stay Virgins by specific choice. Not as in incel, but as in “did not have offers and did not actively want or try to create offers”) are more likely to have more… Traditional values. Like staying at home with the kids, no divorce and so on, I’d guess.

Princess Carolyn
Princess Carolyn
6 years ago

They are basically the equivalent of this:

Small angry child: I’m leaving
Parent: Okay
Small angry child: *throws toys into tiny Elmo suitcase* I’m running away
Parent: All right, we’ll miss you
Small angry child: I’m REALLY GOING
Parent, amused: Bye then
Small angry child, opening door: I am RUNNING AWAY
Parent: Okay
Small Angry child: YOU WILL BE SORRY
Small angry child: *runs back into room, slams door* I HATE YOU

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

OT, but I thought some people might be interested in this essay about John Hughes by Molly Ringwald.

She talks about revisiting the movies and the issues with misogyny and lack of consent found in them.

I found it interesting anyway.

I actually rewatched Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Pretty in Pink recently myself. Pretty in Pink probably holds up the best today. There isn’t all that much cringeworthy about it. Breakfast Club does have some issues, but it’s still always been my favorite. I’ve always liked how it showed people from disparate backgrounds and social statuses bonding and recognizing the humanity in each other. I never really liked how they paired off the characters in the end though. It feels tacked on. Like it’s required for teen movies to end with a romance. Sixteen Candles is pretty terrible. I just can’t get past the misogyny and racism, the romance is not remotely realistic or relateable and even the humor that’s not centered around racism or misogyny just consists of unfunny gags. I really don’t get why that movie is still so beloved by so many women. But then again, I’m not big into romance plots.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago


Jesus, all these myths about vagina tightness, there’s just so much obvious nonsense there. Even as a teenager, I remember thinking “this sounds like bullshit” whenever I heard stuff like that. If what most guys thought about that was true, then my mouth would look like a deflated balloon animal from all the huge sandwiches I’ve eaten. Do they think women who have given birth have forever baby-sized openings down there?
And yeah, I’m sure that’s one of their reasons, that they realize women with experience would know how shit they are in bed. I don’t think that’s true though, even women who have never had sex would probably recognize a bad lay by the fact that they got no pleasure from it, right?
But I also think there’s a creepy possessive element to this, because fuckin of course there is with these guys. The way they believe “science” proves women become eternal slaves to the first man they had sex with or whatever, the way they claim they don’t want a woman who has been “tainted” by any other men, the way they never shut up about how women have no value beyond sex, it’s all about seeing women as property and wanting to own one. They’re like children who will throw a tantrum if any other kids play with their toys, that is exactly how mature they are.

6 years ago


(Spoilers I guess?)

I was watching Blade Runner (the original) just earlier this evening with a friend who hadn’t seen it before. She paused the film after the scene where Deckard blocks Rachel from leaving, grabs her, shoves her against a window, forcefully kisses her and makes her say what he wants her to – until she asks for him to put his hands on her. We talked about how uncomfortable the scene is, since it’s the old problematic trope of “force a woman to be intimate with you and she’ll like it eventually.” Hell the next time he even sees her after that she says “I love you.”

Ugh. Heebie jeebies after that scene. I hope we’ve come a lot further than 1982 but I wonder how many recent films contain that trope to an extent.

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

The more I see of migtoes, the more I’m convinced they’re really just unadmitted incels. And the more I see of both, the more I’m certain they’re all just in dire need of some food. Mangry = hangry. Guys, just go eat a Snickers already! (And get it yourselves. You’re all old enough to buy your own candy bars, FFS.)

Also, hi to Mea and any other new folks!

6 years ago

. I don’t think that’s true though, even women who have never had sex would probably recognize a bad lay by the fact that they got no pleasure from it, right?

Unless she was particularly young and easier to gaslight/emotionally manipulate. The guys who obsess over virginity are the same ones who insist that “prime females” aren’t older than 20.

6 years ago

I am so confused (and I thought my education reading here had given me a certain amount of MRA-etc literacy).

To hamster; from context it means to be subordinate or pleasing to a woman (not the same thing whatever these nincompoops – used advisedly – say). My only references for things hamsters do are 1) store unfeasibly large amounts of food in their cheeks, and 2) get really aggressive with other hamsters of the same sex (which is generally why you only have one – pause to think of The Highlander – it’s just not fair, and having 2 non-opposite sex results in way too many hamsters quickly).

So 1 doesn’t seem relevant and 2 is the essence of toxic masculinity. I’m bemused. Is it possible they don’t have the first clue about what they’re saying?

Also, and happy to be contradicted with science, but as I understand it, male fertility doesn’t stay (apologies) rock solid until the day you die; sperm count tapers off and the risk of genetic disorders increases. It’s just there’s no easily identifiable “nope” point.

6 years ago

If what most guys thought about that was true, then my mouth would look like a deflated balloon animal from all the huge sandwiches I’ve eaten.

Oh. That went in a different direction than I had expected.

6 years ago

From reading some of the ‘red pill’ crap, I took “hamstering” to mean something like ruminating about things. Or building things up in one’s mind. Which they seem to claim women do, and which they seem to strive to make women do, the keep her guessing type of stuff.

I have actually had men try to pull this shit with me. Also their “dread” garbage. Meant to keep you off guard, I guess. And then the woman “hamsters” which means she tries to guess just exactly what’s going on, and supposedly, to these types, this is a good thing.

People may also say “playing games”. In my case, dealing with these types gave me anxiety.

No, anxiety, worry, and fear are not going to make me want you more.
I do NOT like to feel anxious, engage in drama, or fight, cry over “fake break ups” and all of their shit. And I’ve encountered it all.

(Girl) friends nodding along here. This is why we’re single. Sick of the shit.

And men promote this crap to other men? THIS is why you’re single, guys!

Hamster on that!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

So I read the first part of the blog title: “women are lambs who become mutton yada yada yada” & thought, yeah, same old, same old. Then I read

after a single penis eats their virginity peanut, MGTOW explains

comment image

Bravo, Mr Futrelle.


Ha! Same here XD

6 years ago

So that explains it. MGTOW people think their penises are like Xenomorph tongues.

6 years ago

This reads to me like they’re setting impossible standards for a woman to justify not being with women (or more like no women choosing to be with them). Not quite sour grapes, more like “I only eat the finest grapes.”

Ever since reading the analogy on here about male virginity and sharpening pencils (was that PeeVee that first said it?), I keep hoping to see it trolled on their sites when female virginity gets brought up.

6 years ago

Secondly: where did he get the whole “even science agrees the bond with the first cock is the strongest”-thing from? Where’s the evidence?

I think it’s a paper published a few years back called “The lyrics to The First Cut Is the Deepest.” (I hate that song.)

6 years ago

@Oogly– well, there is precedent.

GIS for “Necronom II”. It’s almost certainly NSFW and for some reason I can’t link it without the URL getting borked.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


No tentacle porn before my breakfast, please!
(also, I keep meaning to ask: how are you, after the issues with your script running out a few weeks back?)

6 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
I managed for that week, and finally got my prescription fixed. I got the proper dosage and enough pills to last me the month.

6 years ago


Good. Didn’t want to ask, but were wondering too. 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ weatherwax

as I understand it, male fertility doesn’t stay (apologies) rock solid until the day you die; sperm count tapers off and the risk of genetic disorders increases.

I was going to post a response about a Roman law reflecting that. But I went to check some references and ended up on a wikiwalk. It’s too late to respond now, but I got reading this on my travails and I thought folks might find it interesting

6 years ago

That third screenshot, about men being a woman’s second third, etc, lover being cuckolded. THAT’S LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT BEING CUCKOLDED IS! hahaha. Jeebus

tim gueguen
6 years ago

Virginity Peanut would make a good band name.

My cousin had a hamster when we were kids. So my family decided to buy one. We got a big surprise when she gave birth. We ended up keeping one of the babies.

Canadian TV viewers can see a 21st Century Molly Ringwall in Raising Expectations, a sitcom that airs on the Family Channel. Ringwall and Jason Priestley star as Paige and Wayne Wayney, perfectionist parents of 4 overachieving teens and one slacker.

The Laughing Cow (I do mean the cheese)
The Laughing Cow (I do mean the cheese)
6 years ago

So, does that guy think men are not biodegradable? Until we start downloading into android bodies all humans are at least mostly biodegradable.

Does this also mean he thinks woman with replaced joints or prosthetic limbs are less disposable? Either he is more progressive than expected, or he did not think through his weird analogy.

6 years ago

I was watching Blade Runner (the original) just earlier this evening with a friend who hadn’t seen it before. She paused the film after the scene where Deckard blocks Rachel from leaving, grabs her, shoves her against a window, forcefully kisses her and makes her say what he wants her to – until she asks for him to put his hands on her. We talked about how uncomfortable the scene is, since it’s the old problematic trope of “force a woman to be intimate with you and she’ll like it eventually.” Hell the next time he even sees her after that she says “I love you.”

Ugh. Heebie jeebies after that scene. I hope we’ve come a lot further than 1982 but I wonder how many recent films contain that trope to an extent.

Looks like ‘Blade Runner’ isn’t the only Harrison Ford movie where a character he plays acts predatory towards women.

Crazy dog lady
Crazy dog lady
6 years ago

So much sh*t in this post but im just going to say men aren’t biodegradable what happens when they die

6 years ago

Isn’t it also degrading towards men, that crap they write? After the first penis, all the other penises are just penises to women, and they won’t care…
Like, I’ve had lots of one-night-stands and a few boyfriends and a girlfriend before meeting Mr Right, to whom I’m now happily married since 17 years. And I guess his penis is a pretty regular penis? I’ve seen lots of them, after all, I can tell. But here’s the thing: There are so many more reasons to love someone and marry them than “they have a penis which is somehow different and remarkable compared to other penises”!
We have so much in common, we refer to each others as soul mates (I know some people find this unbearably cheezy, but I don’t care 😉 ). It’s just so sad that they think the only reason a woman would love a man is if she’s never seen a penis before, and so is under the impression that this particular body part is somehow rare and special.