block that metaphor men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit women are... would not bang

Women are lambs who become mutton after a single penis eats their virginity peanut, MGTOW explains

Trust me, you don’t want to see the other pictures I found by searching for “sheep nuts”

By David Futrelle

Here’s a little lesson in vaginanonmics from a Man Going His Own Way who might, I suspect, be a little bit hungry.

Men are appreciating assets. Women are depreciating assets. Women must acknowledge this fact. (self.MGTOW) submitted 1 year ago by FuckTOW So there's this old story about a girl posting on a forum to find a rich guy and she gets a reply from a banker explaining anyone with 500k annual income would not marry her because she is a depreciating asset. This line is key. The sooner women realise that they are less valuable than men the better. Men are the builders of society. We will continue to make money for a long time to come. We don't just pop out kids and then expect to be catered for till we die. Women lose their looks quickly (their ONLY bargaining chip) and the ability to reproduce. Women are like monkey nuts. Once you extract the peanut from the shell, who the hell wants the shell? You discard it and it disintegrates into nothingness. Biodegradable. Just like women. Once one man eats the nut inside. there's nothing left for anyone else. Men withstand the test of time. Our looks may (eventually) fade but we're still able to procreate till a ripe old age, and the money keeps on flowing in. So many women are just husks - mutton dressed as lamb. As far as I'm concerned, after that first cock - a women is nothing but a husk. And what do you do with the husk? Chuck it

Other MGTOWs agree: Once some guy eats a woman’s virginity peanut with his penis, she is no longer a tasty snack for any other man.

[deleted] 16 points 1 year ago* Very true. As far as I'm concerned, any woman who's already experienced one cock is just as used as a full-blown slut. A lot of guys will hamster "Well, she's only had sex with 2 or 3 guys, which is a lot less than most girls these days!" When girls bring nothing to the table but their sexuality and their sexuality has already been enjoyed by another man, what do they have left to offer? permalinkembedsave [–]FuckTOW[S] 0 points 1 year ago Yeah those guys that hamster are nothing but CUCKS. CUCKS who are happy being cuckolded. Happy in their position as lesser men. One cocks all it takes. We live in the age of science, and even science agrees the strongest bond is with the first cock. If that cock was a one night stand / initiation into adulthood due to peer pressure / any excuse to take a cock before the right time means you've fucked yourself for life. Then the next cock is just another cock, is another cock, is another cock. It has no value therefore, for me, that pussy isn't worth jack shit

In addition to being peanuts who are also somehow sheep, women are of course parasites. Parasitic peanut sheep.

FuckTOW[S] 13 points 1 year ago Women are worth a negative value as they literally are parasites. Emotionally mentally physically and financially they will take everything they can from a man.

Stay safe out there, fellas! It’s a dangerous world, metaphorically speaking.

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6 years ago

I don’t care, I’ve got a job. Money keeps rolling in.

These guys seem to lack basic humanity and compassion anyway so they are just worthless husks amirite.

They never had a nut inside, they were always just husk.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

How very tedious of them. Yawn.

6 years ago

Or the nut went rancid.

Didn’t we have this guy before? That “Men withstand the test of time” line seems awfully familiar.

Edit: me being stupid – it’s their stunning lack of originality in anything. Throws me off.

6 years ago

I want to start a GoFundMe account, have everyone give me money to buy an island (plenty of islands for sale even less than a million and half that much) and send all these Mgtows there. Who’s with me?

6 years ago

The if we the “male” as a product, we must calculate the depreciating assets of their net worth. Should we take the average yield to be around 14-65 years of age as the baseline, we have around 51 years worth of a depreciable asset. Should we focus less on their values as an employee and soley on the skillset of production:
It shows that men are not stocks and are in actuality a depreciating asset.

Assessment from amateur accounting client: Hire Robots.

6 years ago

“Hamster” as a verb?


Is that a new one?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I like how Fucktow just acknowledged that he’s really upset at how much happier other men are than him.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Welcome, if you’re new. And no, that’s not a new one. Manospherians believe that only they know the truths of how the world works and how stupid they are. They’re the only rational ones. Women and men who don’t hate women AKA manginas/betas/cucks/white knights just have a hamster running on a wheel in place of a brain. Anytime anyone disagrees with them, they are hamstering.

Personally, I think hamsters are much smarter than MGTOWs. They’re definitely cuter.

6 years ago

Ah thank you. I’d forgotten about that analogy. I hadn’t realized it had been converted into a verb now.

6 years ago

This might sound weird and kinda morbid, but every time I see one of these Reddit threads, I always imagine this person at the end of their life with an Everyman-style review of their deeds and watching them try to justify all the time and effort they’ve devoted to being terrible, and all they have to show for it is a headstone destined to be overgrown and forgotten.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

welcome Mea! I like your avi.

6 years ago

They deserve and seem to want a life of hollow empty loneliness. They have got logic confused with callousness.

Off topic but have you noticed how the Vulcans in original trek are totally illogical about their traditions?

6 years ago


Women must acknowledge this”

Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!

Secondly: where did he get the whole “even science agrees the bond with the first cock is the strongest”-thing from? Where’s the evidence?

Third: is it sexuality or looks we bring to the table? Can they make up what passes as their mind, please?

And last: so what of someone is happy with a woman who has sexual experience? Why does it matter why someone is happy? At least they are happy instead of whining and complaining all the time.

6 years ago

Welcome to WHTM.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

“Yes, that’ll be “broken record” for $400, Alex!”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I think it’s because MGTOW is a “you can’t fire me, I quit!” thing. They don’t want to admit that no women want anything to do with a petulant misogynist such as themselves. Clearly, the problem is that women these days and/or western women are horrible, not that the miggy toes are terrible. Therefore, if a man is happily partnered with a woman, he must be in the wrong. Because how can anyone be happy with those horrible women?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I remember that craiglist ad. Someone penned a rebuttal to the rebuttal in which they described the $500K Wall Street banker as a “inflation-indexed junk bond with an underwater nested call option.”

I love the assumption that babies arrive fully baked, with no further maintenance needed. The mom can just be discarded because she’s a worthless husk now. Are these valuable men who are responsible for everything in the world planning on being the one to raise the kids and keep the house clean?

6 years ago

These are probably the same types who think tgat their time spent with the kids is pure bonding (aka fun) time and they shouldn’t have to clean up the mess left behind because that’s somehow not their job but it’s totally fair if the wife works all day, comes home, and has to clean all that mess up.

6 years ago

So, these guys don’t want a woman who has had sex with another guy, and they chastise women for being too choosy about who they have sex with?

No wonder choosy mothers chose Jiff, or Jeff, or Chad, or anyone but them

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago


Oh, haven’t you heard? Yeah, “science” to mgtows is defined as “random nonsense based on nothing that I just pulled out of my ass”

It always makes me laugh though, imagining these basement dwelling virgins, typing with their cheeto dust encrusted fingers about how women contribute nothing to society and have no value. Real captains of industry these guys, I’m sure. And I get it of course, this is what happens when you take credit for all the good things men have done without accepting blame for any of the bad, of course they think they don’t have to do anything with their lives because they can just leech their self-worth off better people. But one thing I’ll never understand is the logic behind their obsession with virgins. The more they talk about it, the less it makes sense. If they can only enjoy something when they are the only ones who ever enjoyed it, then it’s no wonder they are such perpetually bitter failures.

6 years ago

I’ve had several lovers, and quite frankly, I prefer the ones who know their way around a cock. What a weird concept, preferring women who haven’t a clue what to do in bed. Their sex lives must be dreadfully dull.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Once you extract the peanut from the shell, who the hell wants the shell

I know it’s not entirely pertinent to the discussion, but peanut shells have quite a few uses. They used to be a common packing material (hence those polystyrene things being called ‘packing peanuts’). They’re a component in agricultural feed, and also used to make biofuels.

A quick Google shows they currently sell for between $15-20 per ton.

So apparently lots of people want them.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

With all the accurate information available online why do these idiots insist on getting their information about women by putting their heads firmly up each other’s ass?

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove

Well, I definitely have evidence that hamsters are much better than these people. Hamsters get everywhere, MGTOWs congregate in tiny groups filling each others heads with marshmallow fluff and rocks….

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