By David Futrelle
Ok, so let’s say you’re a totally normal dude who just happens to be, you know, an incel. And like most normal dudes you keep a folder full of pics of super handsome shirtless dudes on your computer, not because you like to look at them or anything but because you need them as evidence you can pull out at a moment’s notice the next time you get into an argument with someone online who doesn’t believe the totally true fact that super handsome dudes who are capable of removing their shirts are literally the only dudes in the world who can get dates with women unless, I dunno, the woman is super icky or a sex robot or just wants money from you or something.
And then your dad finds your folder of super handsome shirtless dudes and all hell breaks loose.
Dude. Dude. Dude!
I’m sorry about your dad, who honestly sounds like a bit of a jerk, but there’s nothing inherently weird about having a folder full of pics of shirtless hunky dudes on your computer.
It wouldn’t be weird if you had a folder full of pics of shirtless hunky dudes because you think they’re hot, regardless of whether you think of yourself as gay or bi or straight or asexual or whatever. It wouldn’t be weird if you had a folder full of pics of shirtless hunky dudes NOT because you think they’re hot but because, I dunno, you were trying to learn how to draw superheroes and wanted some pics of buff male torsos to use as a reference. Or because you like making funny photoshops with them. Or because you’re trying to get buff yourself and want inspiration. Or just because for some unknown reason you find looking at them very relaxing.
I mean, there are hundreds of non-weird reasons you might have a shirtless hunk folder on your hard drive.
The only weird reason I can think of for having a shirtless hunk folder on your hard drive is because you need them as evidence you can pull out at a moment’s notice the next time you get into an argument with someone online who doesn’t believe the totally true not true fact that super handsome dudes who are capable of removing their shirts are literally the only dudes in the world who can get dates with women.
It would also be weird if you had a folder full of pics of Chad Kroeger, but that’s a whole other can of worms my friend.
Why is it every time I hear the name “Chad”, I think more of the guy who thinks he’s hot stuff but actually isn’t than whatever these other guys are thinking of?
Maybe it’s because I don’t mind looking at hunky, shirtless guys?
Maybe its’ because I’m too busy with other things in life that I’m not trying to prove something?
I don’t know… Sometimes I wonder how I can even be on the internet when there’s so much stupidity on it.
Ma dude, if you have an entire folder full of pictures of hot guys, I’d think it’s very much a safe bet to assume you’re at least a little bit into men.
Mmyeah. XD That said, every time I hear “Chad”, all I think of is Chad Dylan Cooper, the Sonny with a Chance character. And maybe also the country. But I’m probably just weird like that.
if you’ve never had any interest in having a girlfriend, can you really day you’re an incel? I mean, technically he said he’s never “shown” any interest, but still… it sounds like he’s never even tried to date someone and somehow is already an incel…
oh wait, I just realized I’m acting like this incredibly toxic, damaging movement/philosophy/whatever-the-fuck has any real sense behind it.
The Atlantic off-loads garbage-bag-of-toxic-masculinity Kevin Williamson… apparently they found out he really is like he always said he is….
… *duh*
Did you know Sean Penn has written a novel? It’s called Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff. Apparently it’s really bad, full of purple prose, over-alliteration, and other problems.
Some people take a while to figure things out in regard to sex, sexual preferences, sex they do not want ever for any reason, and they have the right to decide when, with whom, what is off the table of sex they choose for themselves!
Whether they’re 18 or 58 they get to decide! And those younger than 18 shouldn’t feel like they have to know RIGHT THIS SECOND before it’s too late or whatever. Seriously. Quit taking away the wonders of going through and figuring shit out from people!
I was thinking that myself. I was after all lurking in that thread where he first showed up.
The disagreement most seem to have (and I share the skepticism) was the idea of “saving the incels.” You can’t save people who don’t want to listen to your message.
It’s the same reason the “coming to Jesus” moment in Rapture movies are silly. No one watching the movie is going to convert… they either already believe or will think the movie is bad and not care.
Weird Eddie,
I don’t think it’s because they found out how bad he was. It’s because female subscribers continued to complain and continued to unsubscribe from the magazine. Initially the editor in chief defended the hire even after those comments about how women who get abortions should be hanged were brought to his attention.
Sorry if the article already noted that. I didn’t actually read it.
I’m sure he only ever looks at his Chad folder for the articles.
It is interesting how oriented (not in a sexual way, but in a paying-attention-to way) toxic dudes are towards other men. Redpill field reports frequently describe the competitor men in considerable detail, including height, weight, musculature, and what they were wearing. The women? They barely exist in the narrative except as generic HB8s, plates, thots, etc. Sex, if any, is glossed over as an uninteresting triviality. Only the men have any sort of dimensionality.
Then again, 99% of RP field reports never happened, so of course they’re going to be vague.
The way he just kinda glides right past ‘Chad folder’ like it’s just a thing, do incels generally have those? He just says it like it’s normal, like he don’t need to explain what the fuck that is. Is this a regular feature on the hard drives of these guys? So many questions
While the reasoning is odd for having it, it is weird to be judged for a folder of shirtless buff men
I have a folder of all size men and women to give me ideas on how to vary my art
Everyone is beautiful in their own way to me (is it weird I don’t have body type preferences)
I thought the same thing!
He blithely says “Guys, my dad found my Chad folder” in much the same way someone from yesteryear would say “Guys, my dad found my Penthouses.”
I agree…so many questions…
And yeah, I pretty much think he’s just trolling, especially with that explanation for the 25/26 age thing: (paraphrased) “Well, I know when I’m that age, I’ll still be a loser, so I want to get my arguments squared away ahead of time, and that’s why I asked that question.”
Yeah…not really buying it.
It is a tad odd.
Wonder if they have Stacey folders as well, for the ten minutes hate.
Just going to unpack a couple of things here,
Its almost always something other than a sex toy (shampoo bottles are a common stereotype) since a good sex toy is usually designed to not get stuck in ones rectum (some one with actual stats on this a free to correct me) and anal masturbation is not an indicator of orientation.
@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Back before I bailed on an increasingly toxic 4chan everyone there talked about their “xyv folder” like it was the most normal thing in the world which was usually a folder dedicated to a specific meme or type of image (or porn) like say a “doge folder” or “reaction image folder” so I imagine incels have a lot of tics like that in common with general *chan culture just flavored with their specific form of toxicity.
It’s official: Pics of hot dudes is the new Pokemon.
@EJ (The Other One)
You know at one point they wanted the American version to redraw all the pokemon as buff pro wrestler guys?
> Shadowplay
Or is it the ten minutes fap, as they say ?
My Boyfriend Saw My Recipes Folder and Now He Thinks I’m Gonna Make Him Double-Cheese Lasagna!
It’s a folder of recipes and photos of really attractive dishes that take a long time to make. I have it just to remind myself that I’m too pressed for time to make vegan mushroom stroganoff or five-grain bread or even avocado toast. But now my boyfriend has the totally wrong impression!
Oh, and he saw my folder of handsome shirtless dudes and said I didn’t stand a chance with any of them, including Brad Pitt. But maybe if I made avocado toast for Brad . . . ♥ ♥ ♥
I don’t think these guys should read about politics….
Melania Trump promised to do something, but I guess Amnesty International got tired of waiting
Twitter is so ‘toxic’ that Amnesty International is enlisting a ‘Troll Patrol’ to help police it
Yeah that’s my thought too. Like what? What could pics of hot dudes prove? But maybe it makes perfect sense if you’re part of this weird incel subculture.
@ Kat
Do you have a vacancy for a ‘beta orbiter’?
Yes! The cats are always hinting that they’d like extra parents, just in case our opposable thumbs become damaged.
Not gonna cook for you, though. I cook only for Brad Pitt.
@ Kat
I’d quite like to be a fairy catfather. My record of looking after other people’s cats can probably fairly be described as ‘mixed’, but I do love the furry little buggers so I’m sure that makes up for it.
It’s my wrists isn’t it?