By David Futrelle
Eventually, it seems, every single far-right nitwit in the United States will be fighting with every other far-right nitwit. Last week, we looked at the miniature civil war that broke out between “crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell and the boys at the Daily Stormer. Today, let’s take a look at another name from this blog’s past: Davis Aurini.
Aurini, the infamous far-right huckster and pretend filmmaker responsible for the worst of the two competing Sarkeesian Effect “documentarues,” has long been at loggerheads with most of the alt-right, despite sharing many of their most noxious beliefs. Last month, he escalated his attack with a blog post mocking alt-right dudes as effete soyboys who can’t get laid.
In a post innocuously titled “A Path Forward for the Dissident Right,” the Aurininator recommends that his fellow racist far-rightists abandon the stupid “antics” they seem to specialize in and engage in some good-old fashioned self-improvement instead, until they learn how “to embody the greatness that Western Civilization demands from its adherents” in their own lives.
Aurini urges the “confirmed bachelors” of the alt-right to settle down, wife themselves up, and start popping out little alt-right babies. (Last I checked Aurini was himself a confirmed bachelor with no mini-Davises to speak of.) He tells them to get right with “God; the Logos.” Somewhat confusingly, he encourages alt-rightists to abandon white “Identity Politics” while embracing white identity. Aurini, a de facto white nationalist who pretends he isn’t one, tries to explain the distinction he’s trying to make, and ends up with little more limp word salad:
Identity Politics is … the cheap, plastic, high-fructose corn syrup replacement for identity. It takes things like culture, identity, ethnicity, and nationality – bleaches them until they’re threadbare – and then dyes the cloth in dayglow colours, turning the adherents into mindless zombies.
But the part of his post that’s likely to annoy alt-rightists the most — assuming there are any paying attention to him at this point — is the bit about them all being thirsty incels who couldn’t open an HB6 or higher if their life depended on it.
Feminism, he declares, is an “existential threat” to (white) western culture, threatening “demographic collapse … economic ruin, and … misery.” But it can’t be defeated with votes or jokes or even Man Logick. No, it can only be brought down “when masculine men win our women back with virility and leadership.”
Alas, he laments, the alt-right is hampered by “too much weakness [and] too much soy.” Basically, it’s a movement full of cucks.
Masculine confidence and leadership are extremely lacking within Dissident Right circles. … Instead of men, we have boys ruled by women, who decry the whore while worshipping the Madonna, incapable of realizing that they’re one and the same.
And, he continues, none of these pathetic Nazi soyboys can get laid.
We have an epidemic of thirst, hypocrites who lust after women unsuccessfully while decrying those who approach women with confidence. The same, toxic spirit which infected PUAHate – the site which drove Elliot Rodger to his killing spree … hasn’t disappeared, it’s simply moved on to the HAPA blogs and the AltRight.
Yes, that’s right. He’s comparing them to Elliot Rodger — which might not be entirely inaccurate, but certainly isn’t a polite thing to say about your sort-of allies.
To win our women back, we need to start acting like men – not pathetic pissant MRAs, or whiny Churchian incels. We need to stop hating on men who are successful with women, and start learning from them instead. This lack of virility leads to some of the most virtuous men in our circles being roundly decried, while the most depraved are celebrated as heroes.
Apparently he’s mad they don’t pay more attention to people like, well, him, or his old pal Roosh V. RESPECT MAH VIRILITAH!
Learn how to approach women with a masculine frame, and lead them … stop acting like the bitches on PUAHate, and start acting like real men.
Because until you do, the women will choose anything over your pathetic teenage angst.
In other words, they all need to become more like the Aurininator himself. Because, to paraphrase ZZ Top, every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-bladed Melon Ninja.
He’s actually correct here. The blind squirrel finds a nut, I guess.
Others have already named him, but it’s Jordan Peterson you’re thinking of. It was an article from Maclean’s (basically the Canadian version of Time magazine) that called him “the stupid man’s smart person”. I’d previously seen a similar analogy thrown at Trump, calling him “what a poor person thinks a rich person is like”.
For the record, Maclean’s has a generally center-right, David Brooks-esque reputation. They’ve been known for wading into controversies in the past, like claiming that Asians are over-represented at Canadian universities, all while playing into stereotypes of Asian students as being academic zombies (something I also saw growing up in New Jersey), or publishing Muslim-baiting articles by Mark Steyn. They’re not a left-wing magazine like Mother Jones or The Nation by any stretch. In fact, you could say that they’re the sort of “ultra-centrist to a fault” outlet that you’d expect to be fooled by Peterson’s pretense of defending “classical liberalism” on campus against a rising tide of left-wing youth activism. Instead, they see right through him as an “alt-lite” enabler, somebody who says much the same crap about women and non-whites except toned down in a dog-whistle version.
@handsome jack
oh no, I’m very familiar with “soyboy” as an insult, and its origins. but this is the first time I’ve seen something like “this movement suffers from too much soy”. and that’s what I was baffled by. I guess “soy” just means some genetic weakness or femininity now?
Thank you!! Bookmarked. Personal quirk of mine, but I get really uncomfortable if I can’t attribute a particularly good phrase that I’ve remembered.
And JP is planning to start his own online university, as a counterpoint to “liberal indoctrination”.
Translation: shut up, the skull is cool, quit making fun of me!!!1!!!
Re soy: I mentioned this to my partner as he’s a personal trainer and nutrition type person. Apparently the keto diet is being pushed by uber-manly types as a way to minimise that horrid girly soy.
Rajinder laughed so hard I thought he’d broken something. Then he went and made a super-sized soy protein shake. Now he laughs every time he makes something with soy in it – which is very frequently.
Since somebody posted an hbomberguy video in another thread, I might as well too.
This is a funny takedown of the whole soyboy thing.
Davis Aurini sure loves comparing people with whom he’s fallen out to Elliot Rodger: first Jordan Owen, now the entire alt right. You know, people with whom he agrees on virtually every point but dislikes because they don’t have his style. It makes you wonder if he thinks the same about Rodger himself: fundamentally right, but going about it the wrong way…
Fixed that for ya. 😛
I’ve noticed that reactionary dudes who mock insufficiently alpha men as being girly soyboys aren’t also praising women who eat a lot of soy as being super estrogeney ultra feminine girly girls. I guess because most women who eat tons of soy are usually vegetarian or vegan and those women are usually more on the progressive side. Many of them are even the types who don’t shave their legs and armpits and that’s misandry and not very girly at all!
Jimmy Skullman is hilarious as usual.
Wait, corn syrup bleaches ethnicity? How does it do that without arms?
And zombies wear dayglo? I thought they shambled around in old, tattered, dark clothing.
No, you see, they WOULD win against us weakling females in a heartbeat if they weren’t being SABOTAGED from within by cucks and manginas and white knights.
The fact that they haven’t won yet when they clearly should have indicates that they are definitely being sabotaged and that the saboteurs are whichever other men they tend to dislike at the moment.
Dunno if you would call it dayglo, but Michael Jordan dressed pretty brightly:
Michael Jackson, you mean? 😀
Well fuck. This is what I get for posting at midnight.
I came across an article about Strength and D&D in my google-feed which bangs on about how realistic it is (because sum of three dice, bell curve, blah blah) and found it was written by this clown.
The coat, goatee, sunglasses and sword are peak “I play D&D but I’m not a geek because look how cool and badass I am!”
I do that kind of thing all the time, and usually don’t even have alcohol or late night type reasons to fall back on. And I triple check, too!
I recently referred to Dorothy Parker as Dorothy Porter; given that they’re both actual people, it was all the more confusing for my FB friends.
Re the hbomberguy clip that wwth posted – I think that’s the one that I (and Moggie, among others) have raved about here, too. All his videos are good, but this one is just gold from start to finish.
That moment when he does the big reveal about BrainForce Plus or whatever the hell it’s called…
Mish, no, the video above is his earlier one on the subject. Which gives me the perfect excuse to repost the mega-own we raved about:
That is probably the finest seven minutes in Youtube history. I laughed almost constantly from start to finish.
Pajama Watson has, I noticed, wisely decided not to continue fighting and has moved on with his life.
I have never laughed harder than when I watched that one clip from Infowars where Alex Jones pretends to get inside information delivered to his phone in real time and PJW is forced to just play along. Possibly the most awkward moment I’ve seen on that show, except when Juicebro co-hosted.
That phrase has been around for a good few years now. I first saw it used by Julie Burchill to describe Stephen Fry, which was unusually clever and witty for her. Turns out to be quite a lot older than that…
Jordan Bee Peterson. He kind of blew up when I was on hiatus but I’ve now read a bunch of stuff about him and watched some clips. I’ll definitely do something on him at some point when inspiration strikes or he says some new ridiculous thing.
I was thinking of doing something on Aurini’s DnD post but it was so damn tedious.
From what I’ve read from reliable sources, you’d have to eat absolutely crazy amounts of soy products in order to get some kind of estrogen effect. Still, I’ve seen people advise pregnant women not to eat soy during pregnancy, because if they’re pregnant with a boy, eating soy might turn him gay or even worse turn him into a trans woman! *gasp*
I suspect that the idea that east Asian men are less masculine than western men, and that vegans are less masculine than meat eaters, play some kind of part too in these weird rumors about soy.
Ironically now is a really good time to stock up on soy.
Trump picked his fight with China; China has retaliated. One of the tariffs they’ve imposed is on soybeans; so the market is currently dumping them like they’re on fire.