alpha males alt-lite alt-right antifeminism cuck davis aurini elliot rodger grandiosity incel irony alert masculinity men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA PUAhate racism

Davis Aurini attacks Alt-Rightists as soyboy incels who need to become as awesomely virile as he is

Melon Ninja: Davis Aurini prepares to battle a cantaloupe

By David Futrelle

Eventually, it seems, every single far-right nitwit in the United States will be fighting with every other far-right nitwit. Last week, we looked at the miniature civil war that broke out between “crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell and the boys at the Daily Stormer. Today, let’s take a look at another name from this blog’s past: Davis Aurini.

Aurini, the infamous far-right huckster and pretend filmmaker responsible for the worst of the two competing Sarkeesian Effect “documentarues,” has long been at loggerheads with most of the alt-right, despite sharing many of their most noxious beliefs. Last month, he escalated his attack with a blog post mocking alt-right dudes as effete soyboys who can’t get laid.

In a post innocuously titled “A Path Forward for the Dissident Right,” the Aurininator recommends that his fellow racist far-rightists abandon the stupid “antics” they seem to specialize in and engage in some good-old fashioned self-improvement instead, until they learn how “to embody the greatness that Western Civilization demands from its adherents” in their own lives.

Aurini urges the “confirmed bachelors” of the alt-right to settle down, wife themselves up, and start popping out little alt-right babies. (Last I checked Aurini was himself a confirmed bachelor with no mini-Davises to speak of.) He tells them to get right with “God; the Logos.” Somewhat confusingly, he encourages alt-rightists to abandon white “Identity Politics” while embracing white identity. Aurini, a de facto white nationalist who pretends he isn’t one, tries to explain the distinction he’s trying to make, and ends up with little more limp word salad:

Identity Politics is … the cheap, plastic, high-fructose corn syrup replacement for identity.  It takes things like culture, identity, ethnicity, and nationality – bleaches them until they’re threadbare – and then dyes the cloth in dayglow colours, turning the adherents into mindless zombies.

But the part of his post that’s likely to annoy alt-rightists the most — assuming there are any paying attention to him at this point — is the bit about them all being thirsty incels who couldn’t open an HB6 or higher if their life depended on it.

Feminism, he declares, is an “existential threat” to (white) western culture, threatening “demographic collapse … economic ruin, and … misery.” But it can’t be defeated with votes or jokes or even Man Logick. No, it can only be brought down “when masculine men win our women back with virility and leadership.”

Alas, he laments, the alt-right is hampered by “too much weakness [and] too much soy.” Basically, it’s a movement full of cucks.

Masculine confidence and leadership are extremely lacking within Dissident Right circles.  … Instead of men, we have boys ruled by women, who decry the whore while worshipping the Madonna, incapable of realizing that they’re one and the same.

And, he continues, none of these pathetic Nazi soyboys can get laid.

We have an epidemic of thirst, hypocrites who lust after women unsuccessfully while decrying those who approach women with confidence.  The same, toxic spirit which infected PUAHate – the site which drove Elliot Rodger to his killing spree … hasn’t disappeared, it’s simply moved on to the HAPA blogs and the AltRight.  

Yes, that’s right. He’s comparing them to Elliot Rodger — which might not be entirely inaccurate, but certainly isn’t a polite thing to say about your sort-of allies.

To win our women back, we need to start acting like men – not pathetic pissant MRAs, or whiny Churchian incels.  We need to stop hating on men who are successful with women, and start learning from them instead.  This lack of virility leads to some of the most virtuous men in our circles being roundly decried, while the most depraved are celebrated as heroes.

Apparently he’s mad they don’t pay more attention to people like, well, him, or his old pal Roosh V. RESPECT MAH VIRILITAH!

Learn how to approach women with a masculine frame, and lead them  …  stop acting like the bitches on PUAHate, and start acting like real men.

Because until you do, the women will choose anything over your pathetic teenage angst.

In other words, they all need to become more like the Aurininator himself. Because, to paraphrase ZZ Top, every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-bladed Melon Ninja.

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6 years ago

Yes, that’s right. He’s comparing them to Elliot Rodger.

He ain’t wrong.

6 years ago

Instead of men, we have boys


ruled by women, who blahblahblahblah

You were almost there shelf skull guy. Almost had it. Then you lost the thread because…you’re you, I guess.

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

“Dissident right”? The only thing they’re dissidents to is reality.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

I love the fact that David writes his articles well enough that I don’t actually have to read what Davis posted to understand the gist. 😀

6 years ago

I love the fact that David writes his articles well enough that I don’t actually have to read what Davis posted to understand the gist. ?

Doubt I could understand Aurini’s original prose without a thesaurus and a tab. Is there no Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Language that can take him to task?

6 years ago

Wow, if feminism is such a threat to western civilization, feminism must be really strong (and has thus earned its conquest) or western civilization must be really fragile (and thus justifies its defeat).

When they complain about feminism, they make themselves sound so pathetic and weak. If they think women (and all women’s endeavors) are so weak, that means that they are then even weaker; I mean, they are, but why are they admitting this to other MRAdjacents? I guess it falls in line with the facist talking point about how the enemy is both super scary/powerful and somehow inferior at the same time. I wish the contradiction would make their heads explode already.

6 years ago

@Jaygee: only if it takes out the brain stem too. Otherwise they manage to keep going.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
6 years ago

“confirmed bachelors” of the alt-right

…I’d wonder if this was homophobic if I thought Aurini had any idea what that slang term means. Or am I thinking of a different euphemism?

6 years ago

Am I supposed to be won over by David Aurini’s virility and leadership? It’s not working. Maybe he should try tighter pants? Or… less fascism? Dunno. Something’s not quite working for me.

6 years ago

Seriously, what’s up with right-wingers and writing as if they’re bullshitting an academic paper? Do they think it makes them sound more intelligent or something? Guess the world may never know.

Definitely less fascism. XD

6 years ago


He’s like all of them. They write like a “stupid person’s idea of a smart person.” <- quoted description of that rancid Canadian psychologist bloke as has been in the news lately. His name's escaping me.

6 years ago

Well, he is right, after a fashion. The White Identity that white nationalists have built is a flat, colorless replacement for actual culture or ethnicity, and doesn’t have much relation to actual European culture-when was the last time you saw these guys forming a Morris dancing troop, or learning Norwegian, or taking Catalan cooking classes?

Also, regarding his sword video, Hanweis aren’t really top of the line. They’re ok, but definitely not great. And his technique could use some…improvement.

6 years ago

Jordan “I’ve won over mainstream assholes by papering over my obvious transphobia with a veneer of free speech rights” Peterson

In this metaphor, you can make wallpaper out of veneer.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

This guy’s still around? I’d almost forgotten about him.

6 years ago

Thank you!

Bad with names.

6 years ago


And his technique could use some…improvement.

Tact. You has it. 😛

6 years ago

he can’t be using “soy” literally here, right?
has “soy” just become another near-meaningless derogatory word to them, like “cuck”?
it just seems extra weird of he’s literally saying other alt right assholes eat too much soy-based food…

6 years ago

he can’t be using “soy” literally here, right?

Why not? Ever looked at the ingredients of Hot Pockets?

6 years ago

So he’s still around, figured he’d bail after Charlottesville.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


They write like a “stupid person’s idea of a smart person.” <- quoted description of that rancid Canadian psychologist bloke as has been in the news lately. His name's escaping me.

I thought you were being sarcastic – I’m at the point where I’m actively trying not to say his name. Having said that though, have we had a Mammoth post on him yet?

As for Aurini, surely he’s a living, breathing parody? Can a person be that hilariously cringy and still take themselves seriously?
No, Shaunjen is best Skull Guy.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


“Soyboy” in an insult in a similar vein but closer to “magina”. Soy has a chemical within it similar to estrogen, and there’s this myth in the bodybuilding community that because of the similarity to estrogen, eating soy makes you grow tits and shit. So a “soyboy” is a “feminine man” because that’s awful for whatever reason. Came from the overlap between the bodybuilding community and the overall manosphere/nazis-sphere.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

Late as usual, but @Ray of Rays:

Yes, that was historically a way to imply that a man preferred the intimate company of other men. I am unsure that Aurini knew of these implications.

6 years ago


Don’t recall a post on him as yet.

Wish I were being sarcastic – it’s a description I came across while I were reading about Peterson last week (slow to these things, always playing catch-up). Having read some of his drivel – it’s accurate.

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