domestic violence guns men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Can’t Drive, Can’t Shoot: Idiots respond to news that the YouTube shooter was female

Modified screenshot of news coverage earlier today

By David Futrelle

More than a few observers were surprised, as was I, by the news that the “active shooter” on the YouTube campus today was not another young man angry at the world, but a female YouTuber who blamed company policies for a drop in her channels’ views who shot and wounded three others before taking her own life. [Note: This paragraph has been corrected; see bottom of post for more details.]

Naturally, a bunch of Twitter dudes decided to respond to the tragedy with jokes about women being as bad at shooting as misogynistic idiots insist they are at driving.

Others made inane “ironic” jokes about glass ceilings being broken, welcoming the female shooter, whose name has not yet been released, to the boys club.

Others made jokes about sandwiches and how this means women should stay in the home lol lmao #AmiriteFellas?

Then there were these dudes:

Congratulations, fellas! Amazing work all around. Really doing your gender proud.

NOTE: This post has been corrected. The initial news reports suggested the shooting may have been related to a domestic dispute, and I said something to that effect in the first paragraph. The police later released the name of the shooter, Nasim Aghdam, a YouTube creator. NBC is now reporting that she was angry with YouTube for allegedly discriminating against her and filtering her channel in such a way that she lost a lot of her audience.

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6 years ago

So, is this their new tactic to deflect from the fact that someone was firing a gun in public with the intention to kill? AGAIN… ? Because the jokes are not funny. Not even courtesy laugh funny. Not even groan funny. ?

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

comment image

I wonder if any of these assholes have cried “too soon to talk about gun control” after a mass shooting.

Also, can’t wait for the trolls in this thread.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper, & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

Uhm, why are they dragging Lauren Southern into this? A fast Google search tells me she’s Canadian, and right-wing to boot. Why is she supposed to publicly condemn something she has no control over over here in the US?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

“active shooter”

I’ve always found that an odd turn of phrase. As opposed to what; a passive shooter?

6 years ago

Was at a loss for thoughts here, vague things like self and friends here all have sports cars (and can and do work on them), and I myself am going more “practical” next time.

Then the thought came to me, that our Miss T here used to have a Jaguar, and if anything would set someone off, that’d be it.

But did it? Um, no. She fixed the thing herself!

This is a mechanical GOD.

If a Jag won’t crack your mind, nothing will.

6 years ago


I think the Lauren Southern thing is meant to be a reflection of how she responds to attacks when the perpetrator is Muslim. That was my take anyways


Thank you for the speedy compilation. Sexism is nothing if not utterly predictable.

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
6 years ago


The term is used by various law enforcement agencies to mean that the suspect is targeting multiple people in a confined (or well populated) location seemingly without motive in the selection of their targets.

So an assassin wouldn’t be an active shooter for example.

The term is a way to distinguish which tactics should be used. A police, SWAT, etc. response to an active shooter would be different than to an attempted assassination, hostage situation, barricaded hostile, etc. An active shooter demands a much quicker approach, as one example. One such tactic is called Immediate Action Rapid Deployment (or IARD).

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Ladies, get married, get knocked up, leave the workplace.

Of course someone with your abilities would prefer less competition.

Not gonna happen. Not even sorry that this ruins your plans and breaks your heart.

Try working harder. And smarter.

6 years ago

Uncute attempt at deflecting the gun violence problem.

Austin Loomis
Austin Loomis
6 years ago

the passage about ‘kill all men wherever you find them’ is taken out of context

So, he thinks the SCUM Manifesto is Teh Feminizm’s* holy book?

(* The cartoon feminism in Tigzy’s alleged head, which has as much to do with actual feminism as the nefarious plots of the imaginary “Democrat Party” have to do with the actual policy positions and actions of the actually-existing Democratic Party.)

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

Oh look, a bunch of menzers who still can’t make their own damn sammitches. Who are also totally insecure about their own job skills. And who never miss an opportunity to whine about it, even in the context of a totally unrelated incident.

I wish I were shocked, but between this and the gun shit, I am just too damn tired. And BORED.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I didn’t hear that until now. I’m glad no one else was killed.

…And to the assorted anti-feminists, making sandwich jokes? Really??

Its hard to aim and shoot while making a sandwich.

Yeah, no shit, but you could say that about a lot of things. It’s hard to shoot a gun while doing surgery. It’s hard to shoot a gun while doing snowboarding tricks. It’s hard to shoot a gun while emailing ones’ students about the assignment they’re supposed to do (which is what I’m supposed to be doing right now…)

Basically, all of the Tweets are garbage except for Ali Dawah’s – a bit gotcha-y, but he had a point about Islamaphobia.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

I hate when jokes are made about shootings it’s just awful.

Hatred is the worst toxin of the human spirit.

I know what it’s like to wish karma upon an ex What she did though is the darkest form of that, while forgiveness isn’t always an option violence (unless self defensive) is never

Sorry if I got preachy it’s just my feelings on the subject of anything similar

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

@Austin Loomis

I still find it astounding how often Solanis is thrown at feminists as some kind of checkmate.
I wondered at first if this chap was referring to Clem Ford’s “kill all men” comment – but the “wherever you find them” is from SCUM, isn’t it?

6 years ago

Never read Solanis’ manifesto. Should I bother?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

…and this will be used forever and ever, world without end, to deflect attention away from the epidemic of angry white men with guns.

Meanwhile, all these asshelmets are crowing about how incompetent she was with her gun. As if taking more lives would have counted as a success.

6 years ago

Oh joy. They’re gonna go nuts.

Her name has been released and, well, it ain’t exactly a WASP name.

6 years ago

That last one. wtf?

6 years ago

I suppose such a shooting was likely to happen sooner or later. Youtube demonetisation has hit a lot of content creators hard, and caused a lot of anger. It was inevitable that they would eventually piss off someone violent.

6 years ago

…and this will be used forever and ever, world without end, to deflect attention away from the epidemic of angry white men with guns.

Of course it will. Because actually trying to help and save people would be bad, a terrible idea in fact. Where would we get to if nobody hurt and killed others? We might *gasp* have peace and prosperity!

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

Why does the myth that ‘women can’t drive’ persist?

Most accidents are caused by young men, followed by the elderly in general.

And if youtube were consistent in their enforcement of their TOS people like Alex Jones, Carl of Swindon, Davis Aurini, etc. would have had their channels closed down ages ago.

6 years ago

I cant help but feel that this and the killdozer guy have some similarities regarding motive and body count and the reactions to both are quite telling,
violence committed by angry white men is celebrated and justified while violence by anyone else is used to excuse the violence of angry white men.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

One gets the impression that Twitter, YouTube et al opportunistically provided platforms to all the worst people to generate cult following and controversy (more traffic, more money), and are now stuck with the hate cults. Revoking the platform risks angering armed wannabe terrorists and lifestyle harassers who’ve grown entitled to using the platform.

6 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady
Same reason aging cishet man comedians think the PC age is killing comedy,
they just tell the same sexist jokes about women being cold and not knowing how to drive they wrote back in the 70s/80s for other men.

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