By David Futrelle
It’s always a little strange to see self-described “involuntary celibates” — that is, guys who by their own admission are currently (and perhaps forever) unable to locate any women who want to fuck them — discussing sex as if they actually have first-hand knowledge about it.
But here are two dudes on the Braincels subreddit earnestly discussing what to them is a major sex controversy: should you bother to give women orgasms, assuming female orgasms even exist?
I really can’t imagine why women aren’t lining up to bed these fellows.
Called it!
Now how long before he gets banned for the sad boner talk? AGAIN. He is fucking tedious.
Its all good mocking the MRA and whatever pathetic group there is, but wouldnt it better to come up with solutions to reduce inequality?
Wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t try to splain to us what it would be better to do?
Wouldn’t it be better if you understood that people can mock misogyny and still have done/currently do real world activism?
We don’t mock them for being “pathetic.” There’s nothing wrong with that. We mock them for being raging misogynists.
This is not Jacobin magazine. If you want to go there, I’m sure you’d be very welcome, and they’d no doubt enjoy your ideas on reducing inequality.
This is We Hunted The Mammoth. Its stated purpose is to track and mock misogyny. Perhaps you missed that, seeing as it’s literally in the site header?
Just fuck off already, you little shit.
@Imperator Kahlo
How awesome to hear from you! I’ve missed your posts – hope you’re well 🙂
shorter feministguy:
“Just ignore me shitting on the floor here. There’s worse problems out there, ladiezzzz! How do YOU fix these terrible problems that affect my boners?”
Since you’re a dude in a patriarchal system, YOU go fucking fix it and don’t wait on us to figure it out for you. FFS, you just need a binky for everything. You have’t listened to a fucking thing anybody has said to you, so why would you listen to us now?
Keep deflecting bro.
@ feministguy
Do you even goalpost shift bro?
Hi Mish, and thanks! (Smiling kitty image saved for future use).
That’s feminism’s goal, yes. Mockery is our tool against the patria-
er, wait, no.
Mockery and evidence are our tools against the patriarchy! W-
Mockery, evidence and activism are among our tools we use to fight the patriarchy! Yes, that’s it. At this site we do all three, but the site itself focuses on mocking the bajeebus out of them.
Or did you mean something else when you were talking about reducing inequality, Feministguy? Helping the incels? The ones whose main purpose is to hate us and fight the equality we’re striving for? Help them come to peace with their hate?
That sounds a bit counter-productive to me.
I know you’re all about this whole “eliminate my enemy by making them my friend” jazz, which is great’n’all, but they aren’t going to be friends with us until we’re literally barefoot back in the kitchen – at which point they’ll just leave us alone.
There’s no middle ground for us to meet at, because we aren’t giving a fucking inch. We’ve paid dearly for every scrap of freedom we enjoy, and we won’t consider the sacrifices of those who came before as bartering chips to placate these stochastic terrorists.
If you can steer them towards some sort of absolution, great. Just don’t ask for help in it here. You’re asking the Maquis to have a nice sit-down chat with the occupying SS, and getting offended when we tell you to kindly sit and spin.
These people shoot up schools, drive vans into crowds and cheerfully vote for autocrats. They get nothing but disdain.
Got it
Will continue to help incels make peace with not getting intimate but wont bring it up here
and cornyships
I havent had a boner in almost 2 years and nothing anyone does will affect my chances with women. Whats not meant to be isnt meant to be
Will consider it, never heard of the magazine before
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
The advise was not to talk about myself, so from now, I wont