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Does giving a woman an orgasm make you a cuck, men who never have sex wonder

Perfectly understandable response to incel bullshit

By David Futrelle

It’s always a little strange to see self-described “involuntary celibates” — that is, guys who by their own admission are currently (and perhaps forever) unable to locate any women who want to fuck them — discussing sex as if they actually have first-hand knowledge about it.

But here are two dudes on the Braincels subreddit earnestly discussing what to them is a major sex controversy: should you bother to give women orgasms, assuming female orgasms even exist?

AjitPaiFan1 Corinthians 7 1 point 17 days ago I don't care whether or not a BITCH gets her cumcums. That's the reality. The thing is, however, hoes talk about getting fucked amongst each other. If you fuck a bitch so hard she starts PISSING involuntarily and squirming like a sea creature (sometimes wrongly conflated with the transcendental male experience called "orgasm"), then every single one of her friends is going to hear about it and want in on the action. Considering the size of the social circle of the average female, making one of them cum opens up the opportunity for fucking dozens of other sheepish, millennial, STD ridden, bangin babes in a casual context. permalinkembedunsavereportgive goldreply [–]derpyderpderp42069[S] 1 point 17 days ago Or you could just fuck another girl whenever you want instead of being a beta cuck trying to please women. Jesus what's wrong with you cucks. "Maybe if I jump through these hoops and give some thot a super orgasm she will tell her friends and they will like me too teeheehee" Sheesh grow some self respect.

I really can’t imagine why women aren’t lining up to bed these fellows.

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Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

The stupid! It burns!

Seriously this hurt my brain to read, the actual comment by these incel goons I mean

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Short and sweet reply: EYEROLL.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago


EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

“Millenial”? I always thought incels were mostly youngish men. Why are they using the term “millenial” in a derogatory way?

6 years ago

On the upside Rony the turtle had a nice comment

6 years ago


Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
6 years ago

That is something that I just don’t get on a very basic level, with these guys (yeah, I know, one of many unfathomable things). I mean, the whole point of sex is that it’s mutual – otherwise it’s just a form of masturbation using the body of someone else.
So, if you’re not interested in the enjoyment of the other person, at all, if you in fact view it with such disdain, why even bother?

Okay, fine, I know the answer: the symbolic social capital of sexual “conquest” etc. But I still feel like I don’t get it.
Maybe it’s my ladybrainz.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
6 years ago

@Moggie: I’ve seen the claim before that the female ejaculation is just pissing. And of course, these guys can’t imagine an orgasm that does not include ejaculation. So for them this is another way to look down at women and ignore their individual sexuality.

Brazilian Sigma
Brazilian Sigma
6 years ago

/r/Braincels shoulld be renamed to /r/Brainless

The Real Cie
6 years ago

My hand is better than these losers any day. It hits the mark every time. I hope they all end up with splinters in their bits from having sex with unwilling knotholes.

6 years ago

Well, apparently these guys think that peeing during sex is a female orgasm? I mean, I know that can happen, but… have they never even watched a porno? Most of those orgasms are fake (I’ve never talked to a porn star, so maybe all are fake?) but they don’t make the actresses pee themselves to make it seem real, so wouldn’t that make you realize.

Also, doesn’t that second commenter realize that women are a hive mind? If you don’t give a woman an orgasm, obviously all the rest of us will know and shun you forever! How else could women do all these things to trap men, and make sure incels never get sex unless we are of one brain (obviously, still not as good as a single MAN BRAIN) and can transmit these thoughts instantly.

Plus, why are they so eager to have sex with STD-ridden people?

And, I don’t comment here a lot, so… post contains some sarcasm!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Perfect example of why these guys aren’t incels because they’re just not physically attractive enough.

6 years ago

Also, what sea creature, exactly? Squid? Polychaete? Korean penis fish? Cymothoa exigua? This is important! I wish AjitPaiFan (really?) would tell us which sea creatures he has had sex with.

(Don’t google for Cymothoa exigua. Just don’t)

6 years ago

Derpy the Appropriately Nymed wrote:

Or you could just fuck another girl whenever you want Instead of being a beta cuck trying to please women.

Uh…isn’t the whole incel thing based on the fact that they believe they can’t actually fuck a girl? Like, ever?

Do you even whine, bro?

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

You could write an encyclopedia about the things Incels don’t get about sex. And a book about reasons no one wants to even be around them, let alone have sex with them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

(Don’t google for Cymothoa exigua. Just don’t)

I did. Turns out it was the creature in the movie The Bay. Well a mutant version of it anyway. That’s a good movie. Highly recommend to anyone who likes creature features. That’s one that’s actually scary.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
6 years ago

…so it’s confirmed. To them, “cuck” isn’t defined as an infidelity fetishist.
It’s defined as “literally absolutely anyone with any concern (real or imaginary) with producing or allowing a positive outcome, actual or theoretical, for women.”

Then again, I assume these are the guys who once argued that having daughters was inherently “cucking” so I don’t know what I was expecting.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

Okay, fine, I know the answer: the symbolic social capital of sexual “conquest” etc. But I still feel like I don’t get it.
Maybe it’s my ladybrainz.

Don’t worry; I’m well-versed in superior manly STEM-lojik, and I also don’t get it.

6 years ago

The following is a digression, but…this reminds me of a book I read – I don’t remember the title, something like The Technology of Orgasm – that was more or less about the history of vibrators.

Anyway, this book went into detail about the old medical diagnosis of hysteria, and the hysterical paroxysm, now known as female orgasm. It brought up the very good point that the doctors who didn’t recognize a female orgasm for what it was, had likely never seen one in their wives.

6 years ago

The cumcums?

I’m sorry I just typed that and I’m sorry anyone read that.

6 years ago

The obsession that incels have over something they cant get is just unreal and unhealthy.

My dad used to say “Make sure you know enough about a subject before you run your big mouth off about it, or you will look like an idiot”

Best piece of advise I ever got

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago
6 years ago

No way am I clicking that link.

6 years ago

Re The Technology of Orgasm, see for critique of same.

6 years ago

Its insane to me that most parts of history and culture, female orgasm was ignored and was even questioned by the scientists. I can’t imagine the reverse.

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