alpha males alt-lite alt-right antifeminism bad history bad science beta males creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics evil ugly women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape is good actually red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh sexual assault

Women hunger for genetically superior rapist sperm, Return of Kings writer insists

Keep your seed in your pants, mister!

By David Futrelle

The idea that women secretly, or not so secretly, want to be raped isn’t exactly a new idea, and it’s one that remains popular among the sort of men who think that rape laws are just too damn strict.

So it’s hardly surprising to find a post on Return of Kings asserting that “Feminists are hysterical about rape because no man wants to rape them.”  RoK is, after all, a site presided over by the infamous Roosh Valizadeh, a man whose pickup guides seem an awful lot like how-tos for date rape.

What is perhaps a little unexpected is to see how much energy the post’s author, one Len Goddard, puts into concocting an evo psych justification for this nonsense notion.

Goddard starts off by asserting that feminists who talk and worry a lot about rape don’t do so because rape is common — he offers some dubious stats, unsourced of course, as “proof” that it is quite rare. No, the real reason

these types are adamant about manufacturing stories about sexual assault and rape is because they are trying to prove they are desirable. It plays to their ego to think that there might be some testosterone-fuelled barbarian out there who would find her suitable enough for a forced session. These women want to punish men not because of a fear of being attacked, but due to a bitterness of not being approached, considered, acknowledged, and on the more extreme scale … not being a target for forced sex.

So far he has not gotten beyond a popular antifeminist insult, frequently pulled out of a hat by misogynistic men losing arguments online, suggesting that feminists are all “too ugly to get raped.” (Indeed, later in the post Goddard, clearly thinking himself very clever, literally suggests to his readers that they use this rather threadbare insult on any feminists who challenge their misogyny.)

But before he gets to that point Goddard decides to tell a little evo psych “just so” story in an attempt to prove that feminists are indeed too ugly to get raped, and that this fact makes feminists feel very bad.

In fact, as Goddard sees it, getting raped by “some testosterone-fuelled barbarian” alpha male is basically a “biological imperative” for human females.

“Let’s rewind to the days of Vikings, global conquests, and crusades, where raping and pillaging were common,” Goddard writes, taking us back in time to what he seems to imagine was some sort of rapey golden age (and one with a decidedly Northern European feel to it).

When these Vikings or raiders would invade, they would indiscriminately rape the women. Now, as brutal and as terrifying as it was, this helped these women indirectly fulfill their biological imperative—which is to pass on the strongest genes possible to her offspring. These genes were forced upon them by the, proven, bigger, stronger, smarter men who likely just decimated the local men of breeding age.

In other words, the Viking rapists were not only giving these women what they secretly really wanted, at least in Goddard’s mind; they were infusing the cultures they invaded with their superior genetic material, uplifting the entire human race by making better (white) babies.

Some of the Vikings’ rape victims, he writes, were kidnapped and “absorbed into the tribes of the invaders where they likely had long and successful—biologically speaking—breeding lives.” As Goddard sees it, these were the lucky ones; the rest were left behind to fend for themselves.

Contemporary feminists are even less lucky, Goddard argues.

“Fast forward back to today,” he continues.  The “feminists and fat women (undesirables)” in contemporary society are essentially

the equivalent of the low-born and peasant women of yester-year. But those ancient women would have still had exposure to top-tier men—the best genetics–whether it was consensual or not (not).

Forget the emotional and physical trauma of rape; in Goddard’s twisted imagination rape was a good thing for these women and the human race in general, an opportunity for “low-born” women to have “exposure to top-tier men” and their golden sperm. In his scenario, the problem faced by contemporary feminists isn’t that they get raped; it’s that they don’t get raped often enough.

Today’s undesirables don’t have that “option,” if we can call it that. Do you think the likes of Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt are lining up to fuck a woman like Lena Dunham? Never in a million years.

It’s always about Brad Pitt for these guys, huh? I think he’s a bit old for Lena Dunham, who I rather suspect has little trouble finding dates.

Top-tier-women of today are the only women who get exposure to the top-tier-men. Fatties and feminists cannot fulfill their biological imperatives directly (seducing a top-tier man) or indirectly (being raped by an aggressive, dominant man).

Today’s sexual marketplace is discriminate against the laziness and repulsiveness of fat women and feminists whereas the sexual marketplace of the invading hordes was indiscriminate, driven only by raging emotions and carnal urges.

Despite the utter awfulness of the views he’s espousing here, it is sort of cute that Goddard and the rest of the losers associated with Return of Kings see themselves as being “top-tier” anything.

Goddard continues by asserting that feminism is little more than a cry of “sour grapes!” from sexually frustrated women who hate “the male-feminist, soy-boy-cucks who orbit them” and long for the sort of macho lady-hating dude who thinks the Vikings were super-cool because they raped so many women.

In order for these unfortunate ladies to escape their misery, Goddard argues, they will need to abandon feminism and “embrace the lives that will lead them to the men they want, and therefore, the lives they want.” Only then will they be able to “command the respect of a good man.”

The writers at Return of Kings wouldn’t know a good man if he punched them in the face.

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6 years ago

See: Earlier post about all the radically different mating strategies animals have settled into.

I don’t know if MRA types would be impressed or horrified by hermaphrodidic slugs that penis-fence, the stabbed loser(s) bearing the biological cost of gestation.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
6 years ago

I can’t today. I just can’t. I’ve had enough of these dipshits.

6 years ago


Yeah. No disrepect to David’s writing, which is up to his usual high standard, but I glazed over at the first excerpt.

Thank God most of them are arrant cowards.

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
6 years ago

I really, really wished these shitstains would quite using the “Vikings” as their basis for “alpha maleness”. Matter of facts is that “viking” is literally a costume, not a damn culture. Also, most of the Nordic people of the time would condone and punish you for rape, because you know, it’s a fucking crime, a horrible experience, and who knows what other things.

6 years ago

Interesting that they assume “low-born” equates to inferior genetics.

As a counterexample, I offer Charles II of Spain, last of the Hapsburg dynasty of Spain and the product of almost 700 years of aristocratic breeding. Surely, he’s about as far from being “low-born” or “peasant” as it has been possible to get in the entirety of human history.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Isn’t funny how to the manosphere, feminists are a monolithic group who manage to be heterosexual but to ugly to get the male attention we want, man hating lesbians who want men genocided, and mean pretty popular girls who rejected them in high school and just want to stop non-Brad Pitt men from getting laid all at the same time? They actually make us seem kind of impressive. We really are all things to them!

As for the Viking thing, it’s my understanding that Scandinavian DNA is much less common in the British Isles than originally assumed and the Scandinavian associated Y DNA and mitochondrial DNA exist there is roughly equal amounts. This would suggest it was not only men that came there and although I’m sure some of them were rapists, they weren’t all raping their way through every village they encountered and spreading their seed all through the land. Way to only get your history through outdated stereotypes, dude.

6 years ago

Or for any Revolutions Podcast fans Ferdinand I of Austria, also a Hapsburg, who had such severe epilepsy even if he didn’t have a host of other issues he’d have been severely disabled.

6 years ago


As for the Viking thing, it’s my understanding that Scandinavian DNA is much less common in the British Isles than originally assumed and the Scandinavian associated Y DNA and mitochondrial DNA exist there is roughly equal amounts.

Depends which bit you ‘re looking at. South of England, Cornwall, mid Wales, there’s bugger all Dane DNA. Between York and Glasgow – there’s tons, even now (think my family sits around about 20% – both Y and mitochondrial, but we’re from an actual Viking colonised area and of course they brought their wives!).
The average gets skewed way down because the south has about 20 times the population. The Viking DNA project has the skinny 😛

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

Yeah because my months of therapy and bills for the hospital were because I was longing for alpha douche sperm because I’m undesirable. Excuse my language but these men shouldn’t be allowed to stick their rapist cock in anything. Or be only allowed to fuck fleshlights. They are the truly undesirable ones

6 years ago


Yeah, a lot of the older lineages got pretty dodgy as time wore on. The higher up the aristocratic ladder, the less infusion of outside genes they seemed to get.

But the whole thing about using “low-born” as an insult – especially one rooted in genetic inferiority – is only possible through an almost impressive depth of ignorance of both genetics and history. Which pretty much sums up these manospherian chucklefucks, in terms of genetics, history, and just about any other field of study you could mention.

With the possible exception of lifting.

I hear they lift, bro.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Re: Vikings and rape

I’ll just leave this here.

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

The testerical way Len Goddard prates about feminists and rape makes me think he must really, REALLY want one of my Viking ancestresses to whop him upside the head with her battle axe.

A deep-seated, genetic wish to have his seed line terminated by something better, in other words.

6 years ago

Kitten story, for those a little overdosed on idiots:

I know, the Metro, but they find neat stuff sometimes.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I wish these doofusheads would learn some real history and biology, rather than cling to their fantasy version of these fields of study.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

Nah… maybe I’m not reading the right books, but from my research, the early (ca. 700-1000) Scandinavian raiders were usually after booty… (make that “booty” in the medieval pirate sense, not “bootie” in the modern popular sense) and “get in and get stuff and get out” was more the order of the day. They rarely took women, as they had women at home. Later, they tended to be more after land, and they came to stay… and they didn’t need to kidnap women because they brought women with them.

Myself, I wouldn’t want to live in a world where the Golden Horde tore across my homeland killing, burning and ravaging…. It’s interesting that the Mr. Misogynist types harken so much after those (many, many, many) periods in our history when men (who were men!) journeyed forth and raped and pillaged… it’s equally interesting that, in these fantasies, the miggies are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS the raiders, never the victims.

6 years ago

Big and strong? I prefer somewhat (physically) smaller men, myself. He-men have never done it for me, sorry. And, I’m as straight as a pin. I suppose Cultural Marxism has screwed me up.

Never mind that I went through puberty long before Cultural Marxism was a thing.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

It’s no accident that he equates aggressive, violent behavior with superior genes.

Because he’s a dipshit.

6 years ago

@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie

Imagine if you were to tell them that most norsemen were traders and not pillagers; that those who went in expedition to seize lands had their wives and families with them as well as a good number of unmarried young women; that rape was a serious crime in the danelaw which was punishable by death; that vikings attack that resulted in captives were of all genders and usually sold as slaves to the vikings biggest trading partner of the time: the Caliphate of Baghdad and especially don’t tell them than mass raping of men was also a common thing. The idea that the world was better when war and violence was common is just a violent fantasies for sad, lonely and underachieving men that has very little to do with actual history and in which they would certainly not be happy.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ epronovost;

Ahh, the Caliphate of Baghdad… and speaking of the Golden Horde, in 1258….

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

An echo down the line of whispers

At the cost of the details of truth

Or worse towards the voices of reason

Enough to pass the tales to the youth

Let’s be honest with ourselves, it’s a game of telephone
Gone so far beyond where it began
Mutated into women being something to be owned
From a single subvertin’ sort of man

Passing down the line, where less and less is fine
And God only knows where it started
From an offhand remark? Something quite stark?
Or just the question of who farted

Wisdom may age like fine wine
But someone popped the cork
Letting more and more slip into the bottles and the brine
And the truth put on another fork

A neverending chain of comforting lies
Mutated by the purveyors of…this
Claiming that subjugation gave man his natural highs
Somehow, I do not feel bliss

Let’s get to the point
This is a pile of shit
And there are those who wish to roll in it
And take the rest in with them
Whether they want it or not
Instead of sticking to themselves being the ones to rot

On a more serious chord for me to strike
They’re either dodging a large point
Or bumbling over it, cursing its like
For causing them to pop a joint

While I’ll leave it to the rest to put history to the test
The sentiments they echo so
Saying it’s humanity’s best, far from surfing at the crest
They’re plunging so, so low

Fear of abuse guides many a step
That a woman makes in her life
And if she happens to be maimed, then she’s roundly blamed
For causing that strife

From leaving parties early to carefully planning
One’s early morning route to work
What men don’t have to do–what the rest have to go through–
It’d drive them berserk!

It’s nothing new to see
Control over another
Watching one’s step even when goin’ to the store to get some butter
A plan we never wanted
We wish it could go
But why not? Well, I think we know

What I should be composing soon

Of those that love to take

Of a corrupt system, more recent than one thinks

Can’t live without the threat of rape

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Troubelle, I really liked that. It might be my favourite of yours yet.

How long did it take you?

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

“Vikings global conquests”? They didn’t even stay in the Americas, they didn’t even conquer, they mostly raided because of the shitty farmland where they lived.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago


I think about…twenty minutes or so. Not entirely sure–time’s a bit fleeting in terms of numbers.

I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it! Unfortunately, while I’d love to collect them all up, that…proves to be a bit difficult.

6 years ago


Agreeing with EJ, it’s a good one. Always admired your ability with verse.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

It’s been said here before, but I’ll say it again. While pre-Christian Scandinavia was hardly a feminist utopia, it was progressive for its time.

I already knew that women could divorce their husbands for domestic violence, but I found this little nugget that made me smile. Bolding mine.

The woman could, for example, demand a divorce if her husband settled in a new country whilst on his travels, but only if the man neglected to go to bed with her for three years. The aim of this was to secure the wife against a life of loneliness. The most typical grounds for divorce were, however, sudden poverty in the man’s family or violence on the part of the husband. If a man struck his wife three times she could demand a divorce.


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