By David Futrelle
Martin Luther King was famously influenced by Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance. So, apparently, are the high-minded civil rights activists of the Men Going Their Own Way movement. Only they hope that they can use this powerful tactic to make the women who won’t have sex with them feel bad about themselves.
Yes, fellows. I’m sure women will be absolutely heartbroken to learn that they will be deprived of you.
But if you’re really going to get serious about this whole nonviolent resistance thing you might want to learn how to spell the name “Gandhi.”
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Clinical is a good description of how it sounds to me and probably how it comes off. Less worried about the sexism aspect (though it reminds me of the sexist use of “females”) of it than it just sounding odd now that I’m a civilian again.
How do you do, fellow feminists? Ugh… You’re not gonna convert incels to noninceldom by lecturing them incel talking points. Let’s be clear here, @Fguy, you’re an incel. The only difference is you haven’t spouted about Stacy and Chad ‘getting what they deserve’. ‘Moderate’ incel is still incel, cos it’s all the same shitty foundation
Also, just cos this gets my goat:
For certain people and in certain relationships. And physical attraction needn’t be looks based. And it needn’t be an up front decider of dateability. And lastly, physical attraction isn’t static. Getting to know and love someone makes them more attractive. It’s actually pretty fun waking up to find that one of your partner’s ‘flaws’ aren’t one anymore. So nope to all of that rubbish
@PeeVee + kupo
Yep, no end to em apparently. And I remember Afro. Collapsed like a souffle, didn’t he…
You’re right! Sometimes fate conspires. Wyrd bið ful aræd. There are absolutely times when it’s better to withdraw, reassess, and focus on other things. You can return later if you feel like it, after all.
That’s not what you said though. You didn’t say “I’m single ’cause I’ve been rejected a bunch,” You said it was because you’re too ugly to date.
Were you aware of doing that bait and switch, there? I imagine you weren’t. People can often do that unconsciously when they’re defending themselves.
We all live in a misogynistic world, and we all have hidden abscesses of misogyny in our thoughts. Even the most feminist’y of us. If you want to improve, you need to stop defending those little pockets of bigotry. You need to shine a light on them, see what they’re connected to, and get out the scalpel.
It’s good that you want to help them, but if you’re mentioning appearance as a reason at all, you’re putting the blame back on women. You’re saying “Women can’t help but be shallow and concerned only with appearance” – you’re just being nice about it.
Does that make sense?
I have a second half of the argument here, but I would like your reply first. It sort of sticks the knife in a bit.
As an aside, Axe, i thought you might like to know that it’s your talking about discovering being ace and the experiences and changes you’ve had because of that which have sort of woke me up to that fact in myself! So, thank you!
@WWTH, I’ma steel dat giff
It’s kind of amazing how many people seem to think this is a free therapy site for men with dating problems, isn’t it.
I’ve long ago given up even talking about the various not conventionally attractive men I’ve known who have managed to partner. Because 99% of the time, the men who are supposedly undateably ugly are only going for women who are conventionally attractive and outgoing and ignoring the nerdy/conventionally not attractive/awkward women.
aw, WWTH, you spoiled my big Part Two Super-Incisive Turbocritical reveal!
I mean, it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone here, but I thought it was gonna be good.
physical attraction isn’t necessary to fall in love and have relationships. asexual people exist and have relationships and fall in love, and some asexual people don’t feel physical attraction at all.
So me thinking Im too unattractive to date is somehow misogony ? I do think as human beings we are all more superficial than we are willing to admitt.
And again, I HATE the word shallow.
Dawww! <3 Always like to see other acies talk shop as it were. You helped me figure myself out too, so thanks as well ?
also I thought more about this (sorry for double post) but I am not sure how you look but if you feel ugly because of facial deformity for example, plenty of people with facial deformity or skin conditions fall in love and marry. what you said seems very shallow when I think about this. secondly insulting, differences in people’s appearance are not ugly. it is society which is ugly when it tells you these people can’t have happy lives because they don’t look like magazine modles.
I believe I can have a happy life, and incels can have a happy life. But we cant date though, but its part and parcel of life. We cant have everything in life
Have you just been skimming over the replies you received?
Let’s try this: Why do you think EVERY woman would find you unattractive, both in terms of looks and personality?
I’m not trying to give you dating advice, tbh. It seems people here think you’re making assumptions about women.
Based on previous rejections and experiences. No hard feelings. Part and parcel of life. You cant have everything in life
Yeah sometimes I also catch myself using “female” as an noun after reading incel crap. (Although I will also be using “male” as a noun when I do that). The problem with this is that it’s dehumanizing. Describing people this way distances people from themselves as whole person. It’s the way that we describe animals. It’s not an accident that female and male gets used in medicine, law enforcement, or military, because these are all occupations where people sometimes dehumanize others when doing their job.
(Not to mention that when people use female or male as a noun they are also pretty much always making sweeping generalizations, which is definately problematic in its own way.)
Think about it. I’m a woman. Say you overheard me in a store saying, “oh, all you MALES are so good at putting together objects” to my boyfriend. As a man, would you feel lifted up, or would you feel put down? And without knowing anything else about me, how much would you feel that I repect men in general?
You’re getting some pushback here because you made some generalized statements about women. I don’t think that you meant to, and I don’t think that you’re here in bad faith. (And at least some of your issue is poor self-esteem). Most of your problem is that you seem to be early into learning and understanding feminism. We all make mistakes in our feminism; even women do. So, pull up a chair and listen, FeministguyInTraining. 🙂
@Feministguy, if you’d like a conversation with me that’s great, but you have to actually engage what I’m saying instead of just repeating your point. I know it’s difficult! Self-criticism is really, really difficult. But there’s no point having this conversation otherwise.
And I chose the word shallow because you don’t like it. Not to be mean, but because you’re calling women shallow. It’s what you’re saying when you equate “can’t get a date” with “not good-looking” enough.
I won’t continue until you actually engage what is being said to you. I hope you do!
it’s interesting how we build one another; how our self-perception shifts based on who we’re exposed to!
You’re saying “I’m not being misogynist!” to a bunch of women who are telling you that you are being a bit of a jerk to women, @Feministman.
That’s not a very feminist thing to do. Maybe stop being defensive and consider for a moment that we might be on to something here?
So when feministguy said he was here to learn, what he meant was he was here to spout the same incel talking point again and again and not actually pay attention to what anyone else has to say. Got it.
But I will still bring up one more point that will probably be ignored because it’s necessary to harp on IMO.
The incel community is almost exclusively cishet men. Why is that? If some people are just undateable because they’re too ugly, why do those people almost always seem to be men? Are there no such thing as ugly women? Why are they straight? You’d think, given that there are fewer gay people than there are straight people that gay people would have a tougher time just by the numbers. There’s a smaller pool. Yet not only are incels just about always men, they’re men who are into women. Trans people are one of the few groups of people that it’s socially acceptable to blatantly hate or even deny their existence. How many jokes in comedies revolve around a man hooking up with a hot woman only to find out she has a dick? If incel were actually about rejection, I’d think trans women would be a major part of the group. Their bodies and identities are treated as a joke and something freakish and disgusting more than probably any other group. And yet. They all seem to be cis men, don’t they? So why is that? If the incel identity has nothing to do with privilege and entitlement and misogyny, why is it that they are almost all cishet men? How is it that cishet men get rejected the most or are seen as the ugliest despite being in the demographic group that our culture treats as the default human? It just doesn’t make any sense.
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Id love to chat to you. Maybe we should agree to just say that Im not dateable because of the path Ive been chosen. Im not cut out for it. Nothing to do with women being shallow at all. One of them things. Part of life and Im extremely sorry for any offence I caused
Im sure there are undateable woman out there too. But undateable men are more likely to rape, go on shooting sprees, spread hate, become violent. Men are more violent than woman- so we men are more dangerous. Which is why incels are a huge huge threat to society
Incel isnt just “I cant get laid”. Incel is “I cant get laid, I DESERVE SEX wah wah wah ” So incel ideology is inherently sexist and reeks of entitlement to womens affection and bodies. I agree
So Jackie called this out but didn’t actually comment on it, and I’m going to.
Cancer patients are not examples for you to hold up to others as “see how bad yuou could have it”. They’re human fucking beings and they’re going through something really difficult. Ok, instead of generalizing all cancer patients I’m going to get personal.
When my fiance was dying of cancer we would have people like that come around to visit him in his hospital bed. They would talk about how much they loved being in the cancer ward because people there didn’t worry about the petty shit. They took inspiration from our tragedy to remind themselves that it could be worse. We were always super nice to them and never complained, so they probably thought this was perfectly fine for them to do.
It wasn’t. It hurt like hell. It made us feel like an attraction in a zoo. It was so goddamn condescending and smarmy and gross. But we were already going through too much. We didn’t have the time or energy to tell them to fuck off. So we bore our fake smiles and ignored the pain they caused us. Because we couldn’t afford to handle it any other way. You can only break down into tears so many times.
That’s a terrible thing that you’re doing. You need to stop, immediately.
I was making a generalization. 😉
I don’t think that men that do this are necessarily conscious of a plan anyway. It’s more that life changes until you get TWO overworked partners, but only one of the partners (the woman) feels society breathing down her neck, while the man doesn’t even pay attention because he’s “tired”. I’m too lazy to find the statistic, but women generally drop something like 7 hours of housework a week after divorce, just from having the man live OUTSIDE their house. So yeah, fucking men. ? ;p
Although, I don’t think its necessarily bad to be doing more housework if you gain enough pleasure from the man living there in other ways to make up for it. Things are never going to be exactly equal in a relationship, for men or women, gay or straight. Different strokes for different folks, and all that good stuff. 🙂 I just know myself, and I know that there’s no romance that will ever be worth more housework to me, because I’m a lot happier living alone just to begin with. 😉
Yeah, I hear ya too. My ex will come over to see our kids, and he tries to remember to clean up after himself, but he never had to do housework as a child. He has no clue what goes into running a house.
My experience with being married is that I learned that you can’t be a man’s mommy AND his wife. You can’t make up for whatever he didn’t get as a child, or you’ll just be the bitch and the nag. Personally, I find that I’m a lot less angry cleaning up after a GUEST than a husband, and that people (including him) are generally more respectful of places that aren’t theirs. And he tries, because he knows that if he doesn’t, I’ll throw him out. I’ve done it before, and he’s walked out himself when I’ve pissed him off. We have our own places, and we don’t HAVE to hang out, so it’s take it or leave it for the both of us. 😉