By David Futrelle
Martin Luther King was famously influenced by Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance. So, apparently, are the high-minded civil rights activists of the Men Going Their Own Way movement. Only they hope that they can use this powerful tactic to make the women who won’t have sex with them feel bad about themselves.
Yes, fellows. I’m sure women will be absolutely heartbroken to learn that they will be deprived of you.
But if you’re really going to get serious about this whole nonviolent resistance thing you might want to learn how to spell the name “Gandhi.”
Honestly, the world needs to forget about Gandhi. Not only was he a terrible person, as many people here have already pointed out, his ideas about nonviolence were basically bullshit. Britain never would have pulled out of India if it hadn’t been for all the damage they’d suffered in WWII.
It’s kind of ironic, really. Most of the Indians who fought in WWII were fighting for the British empire, but in the end it was the Germans who got them their independence.
Also, I never got why Dr. King saw Gandhi as such an inspiration. Beyond the man’s aforementioned personal failings, their goals were almost polar opposites. Gandhi was campaigning for independence from white rule while King and the rest of the integrationist wing of the Civil Rights movement were trying bring American blacks into the mainstream of white society.
Still, in the final analysis, given the distinct lack of progress on racial issues, not to mention what psychologists have learned in the intervening decades about ingroup/outgroup dynamics, oxytocin, Dunbar’s Number, etc. American blacks would probably be better off today if King had been more like Gandhi in some ways…
Well, the issue isnt that the guys cant or dont have the ability to get into a relationship. Its the fact that they are acting like they are the ones who are making the choice and women are supposed to “GASP” be scared by this
I have all the respect for undateable guys who make peace with their situation and go their own way, whilst they continue to support and understand the females in our community
I have 0 respect for guys who let their bad experiences/rejections taint their view of women and let the bitterness take over their lives
Pretty much the same. Got a couple mates like that – one guy just can’t get second dates, the other simply isn’t interested in a relationship. They get on with their life, do their own thing, hang with a mixed group of friends and have a laugh – and have our complete, unwavering backup in doing so. Even switched pubs because one of the barstaff got a bit mouthy about them being perennially single. Upped and left drinks on the table, too. 😛
Thing is, there’s thousands of guys who do go their own way. They don’t make a grand conspiracy about it, they just do it. That’s always worthy of respect.
Exactly! I am one of them too. Im just not dateable/attractive. No hard feelings towards women (frankly, why should there be?), no need to beat myself up over it too. I try my best to post on sites like inceltears ect to help men as much as I can. To improve the situation for women, we need to fix men, because its the men who carry out all the violence
Good luck with that! Trying to haul people out of that sort of mental mire is a worthwhile thing to do, but I don’t have the patience for it. I’d do more harm than good (before getting banned 😛 )
You’re a good parent-person :). I’m assuming your daughter is Hindu, given the mention of caste?
Nice to see you! Hope you’re well?
*quietly vomits over MGTOW content of your post*
Well, she were born to Hindu parents, and we made sure she had the basics plus as much extra as she wanted once she were old enough to be interested. Thank god for good friends! 🙂
You must have a pretty low opinion of women if you think there’s some inherent, static quality about yourself that means not one single woman on this planet would ever consider you dateable.
Hi @Cherubic, welcome to the site! It takes awhile for comments to go through the first time, you should be good now.
Anyone else getting flashbacks from @Feministguy? I remember a different dude came round here with similar ‘women won’t date me, but I’m OK with that, no, furreals, I’m not bitter, not like these wretches, have I mentioned I’m ugly, cos I am, not attractive at all to women, that’s why they won’t date me, but I’m not bitter about it, incels suck’ kinda talk. Didn’t fly then either…
I dont blame my “failures” on other people or other groups of people. Its called being an adult and taking responsibility. Every time I have a thought/feeling that I dont quiet like or not comfortable with- I ask myself a question – “Would my mother be happy/comfortable with me thinking like that?”
@Shadowplay – Ill try, some incels are responding and self reflecting, obviously getting some hate though. It would feel very rewarding if I can even get ONE to give up the incel ideology.
I dont think its fair for Kupo to say that I dont have a good opinion on women unless I actually say something that is offensive/sexist/trump-like ect.
I always have doubt about men who call women ‘females’ even if they say they are feminists.
It’s pretty sexist to imply no woman would ever date you because of your looks. To put it another way, by calling yourself undateable you’re saying that you would like to date people (and you’ve implied the people you want to date are women), but that it’s not through your own lack of desire and/or effort that you are not doing so. You attempt to shift the blame for this from women to yourself by blaming your looks, but all that actually does is imply that women are too shallow to date you (and all 3.5 billion of us apparently have the same tastes in men’s physical features).
Yes, I feel like we’ve been down this path before.
Mind me asking, whats wrong with being called a “female”?
@Kupo, sorry its just how I feel and view myself. Obviously its not directed at women, and I DETEST the word shallow. Im currently on inceltears trying to outlaw the word “shallow” as we speak! When someone says that something or someone is shallow, in my opinion it means “Im going to vilify them for having preferences” Which happens to women very frequently unfortunately.
I dont blame women at all. The onus is on ME to be attractive and meet the standards. I havent managed to. I realised this, deleted my dating sites, promised myself Ill never ask a lady out again and made peace with it. Its one of those things, laws of averages. Theres things I can do, theres things I cant do. As human beings, we tend to obsess over things we dont have or cant get, rather than appreciate and value what we DO have. No bitterness, no self pity, and certainly, no being part of a women hating “cult culture”. Now I am trying to teach incels to do the same as what Ive done.
I don’t give a fuck what you do in your personal life, just don’t come on here talking about how undateable and unattractive you are. It’s insulting to women to tell us that as a collective we would never date you.
You claim you made a choice not to date but your wording says otherwise.
And calling us “females” is offensive as fuck.
Hi, welcome! You’re stumbling over some sort of common stumblyblocks. Good on you for getting as far as you have, though.
First thing! A lot of men who use the word “females” to refer to women will juxtapose it with “men” and not “males”. “Men do their thing, and females do their thing”. It very literally reduces the agency of women in the conversation. A lot of people do this unconsciously, so don’t feel bad about doing it, but – well, catch yourself when you do, and ask “would ‘women’ work as well here?” If it would? Use it instead.
Second thing! Blaming “ugliness” for being “undateable” is basically blaming women for being shallow – saying all that women care about is looks, and all women have the same standard for appearance.
This is wrong. Society has a standard for appearance. You know, that towering patriarchal edifice that crushes us all? That’s what tells you that you aren’t attractive enough to date. Not women. Women aren’t a monolithic group with the same standards. Lots of unattractive people get dates, have sex, get married, have families, etc.
Being conventionally attractive makes dating easier, sure, but it’s a crutch that a lot of people don’t have, and they do just fine.
Good for you for trying to de-toxify incels that are not overly pickled in hate. I couldn’t do it! Just, be mindful of what you blame a failure to date on. Women are diverse and have as much a range of standards and attractors as men do. Saying “women just don’t want to date an ugly guy” is reductive and insulting.
I’m rambling! Mea culpa. We’ve had people come in and say similar to you before, so it all sort of blurs together. Do you understand why you touched a nerve?
I catch myself doing the “female” thing at times though it’s contrasted with “male”. Holdover from the military. They use that terminology and like in most cases are quite insistent about it. The women sleep in “female berthing” the men sleep in “male berthing”. “A male sailor”, “a female sailor.” etc.
JoeB, those are adjectives, and that’s ok.
Geez Kupo, hostile! And my apologies, I didnt realise where the word female came from and didnt realise the offence and stigma that sorrounds it. My bad. Im here to learn, Im here to discuss.
I dont think I am dateable so its not a choice. But how I react and how I DEAL with it is my choice. I prefer to deal with it in a healthy way and encourage and guide incels to deal with it in a similar way that I do. I wouldnt say its insulting at all. Just based on my experience.
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes Thank you and thank you for clearing things up. I will defo use women instead. I just didnt realise, thats all. No offence intended.
I think there are lots of things important in dating, such as shared values, personality, religion ect ect. But there has to be SOME kind of physical attraction for it to work. Im not physically attractive, hence Ive never dated. Doesnt make women shallow at all. In fact contrary to the shit that the so called incels spout, 99.9999999% of women who turned me down (back in the day when I tried) were absolutely lovely about it.
I take it the people who came before me were hateful incels who think they are entitled to sex? Im attempting to convert as many hateful incels as I can to my peaceful method of dealing with not being able to date. Surely thats a positive right?
We all have our strengths and weaknesses and even…GASPPP… incels probably have things that they are GOOD at. I want for them to live happy fulfilling peaceful lives. Because they are a danger. And its women who will suffer unfortunately .
Edit: Point taken. Take the rough with the smooth in life. Rather than “blame”, accept that some things arent meant to be.
Yeah, as an adjective it’s fine! If you’re being clinical or abstract it works just fine.
I think it’s reductive – sometimes reduction is just what you need! If you want to collapse the whole messy edifice of gender and sex down to the simplest form ’cause you’re not talking about gender, “male” and “female” do that very well. But if you’re using that reduction all the time, and in every circumstance? That’s an issue.
And I mean, the reduction bulldozes non-binary, gender-fluidity, and related concerns, so it’s not a great one! All reduction attempts involve disregarding things that are important.
That’s one of the main reasons I give STEMlords the big side-eye, incidentally. Reduction-worshippers who see physicists reducing the universe to subatomic particles, then want to do the same thing to humans. They get a big ole squinty eye from me.
Axe, Kupo:
Yeah, I am reminded of Afroaway00, for one.
You said you deleted your dating profiles and decided not to ask anyone out. That’s a choice that you made. It’s not a bad or wrong choice. You have every right to do that. But it is a choice. And you said so yourself. You don’t think you’re dateable. Presumably you haven’t yet asked out every single and available woman in your area so you don’t know that you are altogether undateable. Having that feeling that you are undateable does not in itself speak ill of you. A lot of people go through similar insecurities and changing your insecurities is difficult. It’s the fact that you’ve gone out of your way to point it out in more than one thread that is earning you the sideeye. Especially since you emphasize how even though no woman would ever date you, you don’t hate us. You’ve said it so much that it seems like – no matter how much you may say otherwise – that you would like praise for not wanting us all to be murdered despite the fact that we won’t touch your penis. Not being filled with hate and rage against women should be the default and a minimum standard of decency. Not something you need to go out of your way to point out. In fact, you’ve brought it up so much already – including maybe under a different name at an earlier point – that it’s starting to sound like a suspiciously specific denial.
@Feministguy, she’s hostile because “women won’t date me ’cause I’m ugly” is the sort of thing that misogynist spitebladders hiss at us. Adding “but it’s not women’s fault” at the end doesn’t really change it, because you never actually say what is at fault. It ends up reading as “it’s not women’s fault (that they are that shallow).”
Like, you know there are women who don’t give a damn about appearance at all, right? There are women who get hot and bothered by a good thorough discussion of database architecture, or library science, or philosophy. There are women who are attracted by so many things other than appearance. Like women are – now, stay with me here – like women are individuals or something.
Physical attraction does play a part for most people (not all), but what counts as physically attractive varies from person to person. What matters varies from person to person.
I’m not telling you to get back on that dating horse – there’s absolutely nothing wrong with deciding to not date. I don’t date, because I’ve decided that I don’t want that. After going through a lifetime being told by society that I need to date, get married, have a family, etc, I’ve come to the realization that I don’t need to do that if I don’t want to. Neither do you.
But it’s not something as banal and meaningless as appearance that matters. I’ve known and been friends with women and men who are by society’s accounts very ugly – all married, with children.
In short: being conventionally attractive makes it easier; it’s a crutch. That’s it. Be happy with yourself first. If you need a relationship to make yourself happy – being in a relationship will not make you happy.
I hope you understand why you’re getting pushback on this, and I hope you have happiness with yourself!
Yea, Feministguy, your initial post made me cringe for a number of reasons, and the blow-back I expected ensued. Thank Scildfreja Unnyðnes for giving your sincerity the benefit of the doubt, and politely pointing out some of the triggers.
If you are indeed sincere, you will find all sorts of good people here, but ‘happy’ incel or not, is gonna push a few buttons here.
Does an event have to always be someones fault? One of them things, Im not born to date/have sex/become intimate ect. I deleted my dating sites as the rejection was hurting too much. It got to a point where I would think about it non-stop… I wouldnt enjoy simple things like going to the gym or watching football. At that time, I re-evaluated and thought it would be better to make peace with my situation and to carry on getting rejected. Did WONDERS for my self esteem.
Maybe its just not meant to be? Its one of them things, theres lots of things I can do, dating, I cant do. Law of averages, Im going to be good at some things, Im going to be bad at some things. No one to blame. What I want to achieve is to reduce the number of hateful incels. And I like to be considered a feminist too. I have family members too who are women, and they way our society is going, women (are is the most danger they have ever been tbh). If I can use my example and incels can follow my lead, would that be such a bad thing? If so , can someone explain why?
I would like help in fact, any suggestions to how I should message/talk to incels to help them become peaceful singletons rather than peaceful misoginistic turds? I know someone from school who thought life was soooo tough and unfair because he couldnt date like me, so (as a pharmacist myself), I took him to a cancer ward to make him realise how lucky he is and how dating/sex isnt the be all and end all of the world.
And thanks @Scildfreja Unnyðnes I have great family, great friends, a good degree, good job, healthy… theres no reason for me not to be happy. And you know what? Incels have more to cheer about than they realise too! Which is what I will re-inforce and get them to realise one day 🙂 Ive made peace with being single forever, and my aim is to get the incels to do the same!
I know its frustrating reading about a bunch of angry young men wanting to kill you because you wont touch their penis. But I want to help them. Dont know why. Im a crazy idiot! But Im there to help any one of them.