By David Futrelle
Martin Luther King was famously influenced by Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance. So, apparently, are the high-minded civil rights activists of the Men Going Their Own Way movement. Only they hope that they can use this powerful tactic to make the women who won’t have sex with them feel bad about themselves.
Yes, fellows. I’m sure women will be absolutely heartbroken to learn that they will be deprived of you.
But if you’re really going to get serious about this whole nonviolent resistance thing you might want to learn how to spell the name “Gandhi.”
Well, I can’t say the finer points of cock economics (cockonomics? ecocknomics?) was a thing I expected to read about today. Yet, here we are.
Also this is my first post here, hello! I had a second (…and third and fourth) paragraph that, in very short, was talking about how Gandhi was in part influenced by the essays of Tolstoy– yes, the War and Peace guy– but it was a bit meandering and probably rather off-topic (the only connection was that Tolstoy also might not have had the brightest opinions of women, as mentioned above, though that’s largely inference from his fiction) so I trimmed it down to this. I think the real point was that Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 is a good musical. :p
Men, please go your own way…from this bowel movement.
And please remember to wipe the shit off your shoes.
@Christopher Crosby
Why would you want to inflict these turd weasels on all those patients?
…and send the Dow Cojones plummeting.
(curses! that joke would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for that meddling voiceless velar fricative)
I don’t think the Lysistrata strategy works on people who don’t want to sleep with you.
Men Getting Out Of Our Way
Here are the lovely market lady’s colleagues harvesting the product:
(it’s been at least a year since I posted this pic, come on people)
This is true, yes. For all his useful ideas and tactics, he wasn’t particularly nice to rather a lot of people. My partner is a Sikh, and when we first met, hearing him talk about Gandhi was a bit like reading Hitchens on Mother Theresa – my eyes just got wider and wider…
I, for one, am thankful that MGTOWs are not dating any women, that means less shitty men for us to deal with. Finally, they are living up to their acronym. (or not… well, that’s too bad)
The libertarians already tried that. It didn’t work: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bn53b3/atlas-mugged-922-v21n10
The thing about saints is, they used to be people, complete with flaws, human error, and being a product of their times.
“MGTOWs: We’re all about crushing women’s egos”
Yeah, well, it’s not working. I visited their sites for years for laughs and for the unearned boost in self-esteem which comes from humor of the Hobbesian type. “Sudden glory” is what it’s called: “the apprehension of some deformed thing in another, by comparison of which they [the spectators] suddenly applaud themselves.” Not very admirable, maybe; but I used to get a major kick out of the things those poor young schlubs were apt to reveal at the very moment(s) when they thought their excellences were most in view. I gather that nothing much has changed since then. (I quit a few years ago, not so much out of human charity as because I was getting bored; after hundreds of posts digested to squawks of hilarity sudden glory stops being sudden and becomes predictable, which is a shame.)
@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
omg, that had never occurred to me…
Seriously tho, I know how to appreciate people in their specific historical contexts. It’s part of my professional culture. I’m referring to this kind of thing:
argued that Sikhs were not a separate religion from Hinduism;
condemned Sikhs for their insistence on equality because he wished to retain the caste system (many ‘untouchables’ converted to Sikhism from Hinduism)
argued that anyone who used violent tactics against the British deserved capital punishment (sound familiar?)
Mother Theresa:
denied basic medical care, even painkillers, to men dying of AIDS (while receiving top quality care herself when she needed it);
refused to endorse birth control or abortions for desperately poor women;
and argued that poor people should remain so because poverty was a blessing.
These are not flaws.
Keep rationalizing it any way you’d care to, MGTOW; you won’t hear the wailing lamentations of women gnashing their teeth at the thought of being deprived of your presence because they simply won’t notice.
Added: …and remember, I was the woman who paid attention to them. (Hmp.)
Aye. One of our daughters is from India and I’ve a couple good mates who stepped in to give her some of her history and culture, once she expressed an interest (not all of it. She will never have the need to know her caste.). They are rather less than complimentary about Gandhi, and don’t hide it.
@Mish: I’d call those (the results of) significant character flaws, plus indoctrination; what would you call them instead?
And stroking your picket ?
Anyway, you are not even close of Lysistrata, because you have nothing eligible to back up your ludicrous “contestation”.
Have a nice day.
@dawnpurityseeker I don’t think that has to be the only way, though it is the likely way, alas.
I now have a sort of co-habiting partner who more than carries his weight around the house. We still have two separate addresses but only spend occasional nights apart through circumstance rather than choice. We are planning to officially move in together when possible, but I won’t be tying the knot until at least a year after that just to make sure.
Oh…one more thing, you MGTOW sweeties – about crushing our egos. You and you predecessors have been trying to do that for many millennia…even staging Inquisitions and killing loads of women and children… and either you are incredibly stupid or you just don’t get it.
We are still here. Our egos, our spirits, our hearts are strong and getting stronger. You have wasted so much time, so much creative energy and so many lives on something that will never work. We will never go away, never give or shut up, never EVER give you what you want. You want a world that either has no women, or one where the women are silent, obedient, cock sucking slaves whose sole reason for living is to give you whatever the hell you want.
Not gonna happen, not now, not ever. And, if it did, life on this planet would end. Look around you at the world created, predominantly, by persons-with-penises. It is dying, and that is the world of profit over life, male over female that is the result of YOUR work, mostly. So, take a bow and accept due credit, along with your daddy gods, for a job hideously done.
And, yes, I do believe that women, along with those men who are truly our friends, will do a MUCH better job. For starters, societies that place men at the center and assume that it really is all about them and their papa gods are suicidal. When we place children at the center, we will stand a much better chance of having peace and prosperity for all, not just for the puppet masters at the top.
Hmm…just noticed that the post I wrote before the last one disappeared. Somewhere in the Blog Ghostworld my post is floating.
Gandhi was a bit sleazy all round. He started his career as a pro apartheid lawyer in South Africa.
Have you ever seen a 5 year old run away from home?
They stand at the end of the driveway, yelling through tears of frustration that they’re going away and never coming back and you’ll miss them and you’ll be sorry.
And never get any farther than the end of the driveway.
It’s actually a form of sulking.
More on Gandhi and WWII:
In addition to advising passive resistance against the Nazis (essentially, suicide), he actually praised Hitler.
Here’s some criticism of him on the grounds of racism, casteism and misogyny:
I think he could charitably be called a complex figure!
CW for, well, everything MGTOWs usually say –
From the original post, the next post by the guy who mentioned Ghandi [sic]:
Emphasis my own. That’s probably the worst take on sexual violence during wars that I’ve ever seen.
I hear ya. I am not planning on any more relationships, but if I were, I am done with cohabiting. A large part of why I broke up with ex was because I ended up being the unpaid servant. He is now hovering between living in filth and doing the minimum work himself.
And when a friend of ours (with the same mental illness diagnosis as him) who stayed with us for awhile pointed out what a sweet deal he had (in terms of food, shelter, and basic services provided regardless of how functional or not he was), he got so angry with her because she just didn’t understand.
Hell, he visited my apartment last night, and I had to have the serious talk with him that I expect him to put his dirty dishes in the kitchen before he leaves and to let me know if he finishes off anything from the kitchen so that I know I need to restock it.
The other reasons I broke up with him were the lack of communication, the unwillingness to acknowledge any personal responsibility for the problems, and his zero-sum fixed mindset regarding relationships.
Mind you, I still don’t consider him a misogynist as such, because he demonstrates affection and respect for lots of women in his life and in the abstract, and has always surrounded himself with lots of female friends and colleagues, many of them in powerful careers and leadership positions. But maybe I’m very, very wrong. He’s definitely sexist. A lot sexist at times. Actually, it was comparing him to my brother that gave me an understanding of the distinction between sexism and misogyny.
The violent language used by MGTOWs says it all: punishing, crashing, crushing, war, plantations–all in 2 brief paragraphs. What a shocker that any potential dates don’t want to get near that. And the lack of self-awareness in complaining about women’s “self-entitlement” is breathtaking. The irony, it burns!
Katamount – were you at the furry convention in Pittsburgh in 2009? I was in another convention kittycorner to the furry convention, and I know our two groups mixed a lot. 🙂