By David Futrelle
Here’s today’s tidbit of wisdom on the mysterious creatures known as “women” from one of Twitter’s many Men Going Their Own Way.
Damn those women and their devious honesty! HONESTY IS A TRAP! A DECOY! A WEAPON! A DECOY AND A WEAPON! At the SAME TIME!
Also, I think there’s something terribly wrong with that goth lady’s fingers.
The goth lady’s fingers are fine, just confusingly painted.
I focus on that because otherwise I’d think too much about what that MGTOW wrote and that would fry my brain…
Honesty: because accusing women of being deceitful liars wasn’t enough. “I’ll call them honest! Surely that will devastate them! MGTOW!”
MGTOW is about not giving women legal and/or financial power over my life – because feminists destroyed marriage with no fault divorce, alimony, asset division and child support. It’s about maintaining my sovereignty from a gynocentric and misandric social and legal landscape. It’s realizing men built and maintained all upon the earth – not women. It’s about realizing men’s lives were trafficked and exploited in war for women’s and the state’s safety and welfare. It’s about recognizing how women and the state brainwash men into disposability for their own benefit. It’s about recognizing feminist colonization and appropriation of masculine achievements. It’s understanding that feminism is about equity (socialism), not equality. It’s the realization that women are the privileged, not men. It’s the understanding that women now have the right to destroy a man’s life through mere accusations – having successfully revoked men’s rights to presumption of innocence and due process.
Men have been used by, exploited by and disposed of by women and her state pimp for many centuries. MGTOW is the way of the new, modern, sovereign man. MGTOW are men acting in their own best interests and refusing to be doormats of the misandric feminist matriarchy. MGTOWs rule, bishes.
So…. The state, huh. If I may ask – who is the state? What kind of people make up the institution of “state”, which is so terribly unfair to the poor men?
MGTOW is missing letters. Like SSN for sadly still not.
@ man splainer
Just out of curiosity, what have you personally contributed to world civilisation?
‘Cause if you’re talking about women mooching off the achievements of others, then it might be seen as a bit hypocritical for you to claim affiliation with all these great men of history if you’ve done bugger all yourself.
MGTOW talking point 1:
MGTOW talking point 2:
So… Men built the state that supposedly exploits and disposes of them, yet somehow it’s women that are at fault for a ‘misandric feminist matriarchy.’ Which has apparently been around for centuries, so that explains why it was only in the last 100 or so years that women gained suffrage in a lot of modern democracies.
Also, calling a man-built state the ‘pimp’ of women implies that the state also exploits women, so I fail to see how that’s a feminist matriarchy of any kind.
Do you even proofread, bro?
When it comes to the topic of women, there’s only one expert we really need to consult:
Diggin’ goth lady’s fingers, BTW.
@ Man Splainer
Yeah, feminists ruined marriage by making it a legal partnership of two people, no longer a way for men to own a woman for sex on demand, income, cooking, housecleaning, and childbearing. You are so right!
Now, please, go already. We won’t mind. Honest.
*sigh* Mansplainer, dearie, I love how you and your ideological buddies talk about war like you have any idea what that is. No, women didn’t eat bonbons while the men went to war, and armies never took extra special care not to harm civilians. If you’re ignorant enough to argue the opposite, please crack open a history book sometime. But it’s not like most ‘Muricans would grasp this, since you guys never really had a war on your soil. Which might have something to do with the tactical advantage of being flanked by insurmountable expanses of ocean.
Oh look. MRAL is back. Yet again.
Eat any good seagulls lately?
“So…. The state, huh. If I may ask – who is the state? What kind of people make up the institution of “state”, which is so terribly unfair to the poor men?”
Women vote for whatever alpha men best kiss women’s arses and disposes of lower class men on women’s and the state’s behalf. Women only vote for married men (alimony, asset division, child support). It’s how we got Obama and Trudeau.
That clear enough for ya, Zaunfink (rhetorical). Women do vote you know. There never was a ‘female-only draft’. There never was a ‘women last in the life boats policy’. Society socially conditioned men into marriage and disposability on women’s behalf. Society is in fact composed of women as well as men.
You’d be wise not to fek with me, peeps. I’m as undefeatable as God herself.
Truth is for beta cuck manginas, I guess
You can’t even rule yourself. If you could, you wouldn’t give crap one what people you never have and never will meet think about your lifestyle decisions.
Sigh – really dear Mansplainer – how can we miss you if you won’t go away.
And by the by with out women giving birth there would be no men, including you so maybe you might want to ease up on the ‘women have done nothing’ trope there.
@Alan Robertshaw
I’m a vet. I graduated #1 in my university class. I didn’t get a free ride through higher education and suck off the teat of others – but instead paid my own way. I’ve never taken a handout. I’ve worked hard all my life and paid an enormous amount in taxes. I’m well regarded by all those for whom/with I’ve worked. I didn’t spend my life taking advantage of others but instead did my best to do no harm.
I’m likely one of the greatest men that ever lived. I’ve always given far more than I’ve taken. The only thing I didn’t do is dispose of another’s life on my own behalf. It seems all women are in fact draft dodgers. It seems women want to rule the civilizations with which men built, maintained, fought and died. Am I to believe women give birth to men only so that men might become women’s and her state lover’s personal civilization builders and human sacrifices? No need to answer. I already know the answer, bish.
@Man Splainer:
Ugh, look, just go already, or admit that the whole point isn’t to go your own way, but to win the argument.
We, uh, did kind of murder each other over whether half of us got to own other people.
We fought the British, and the French, and the Spanish (and the Mexicans). When we fought the natives, it tended to be kind of one-sided, I’ll give you that.
But we haven’t had a war on our continent since before the machine gun was invented.
Extracted without comment.
@ man splainer
That’s nice; I really like animals too,
Well deadpanned.
I like the new tagline of ‘bish’ better than that ‘tsk, tsk, tsk’ last time, but really it grates, too. Maybe come up with something more entertaining, okay, honey pie?
There was never a men last in the life boats policy either, champ.
Oh, and if you want to sell us on the big tough manly man alpha Marine Todd persona, you might wanna lose “bish.” That word more conjures up sorority sisters drunk on Franzia than grizzled war vet and genius scholar.
I do like the unintentional irony of claiming to be entirely self made while acknowledging that you went to university. Even if it’s not a public university, private universities still receive quite a bit of public funding. And if you were in the military, well, that is a government job you know. You don’t sound very much like someone who would never stoop to having anything to do with the pimp state.
Feminists created no-fault divorce, alimony, asset division and child support. Ever since, marriage has been in steep decline. Feminists made marriage the financial and legal indentured slavery of men to women and her state protector.
You lose, laserqueen. I’m the Man Splainer. I win 99.9% of the time. Don’t fek with me, bish.
I thought about it and I concluded he meant he was a veterinarian; for once I don’t think he’s claiming to be military, just manly-man-STEM-brained.
I’m so intimidated I think I’ll take a nap.
I don’t think you know what mansplaining is. It’s when men explain topics to women when they know less about the subject than the woman does. Mansplainers are wrong by definition. I hope you have better luck finding a good name next time you sock here. Actually, never mind. Your name fits you perfectly. You should keep it.
So, feminists both created marriage and caused its steep decline?
I didn’t realise that we were so powerful.