By David Futrelle
Here’s today’s tidbit of wisdom on the mysterious creatures known as “women” from one of Twitter’s many Men Going Their Own Way.
Damn those women and their devious honesty! HONESTY IS A TRAP! A DECOY! A WEAPON! A DECOY AND A WEAPON! At the SAME TIME!
Also, I think there’s something terribly wrong with that goth lady’s fingers.
@ Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
You’re not alone, I thought the same.
Very enthusiastic sounds like either a backhanded compliment or a compliment you give to someone when there’s nothing good to say but you don’t want to be mean. It just means “at least you tried! A for effort!”
Oh, she painted her fingers in black ? White digitalicide !
Well, except for this sarcasm, the picture is gorgeous.
Dear Man Splainer dude –
Thank you so much for your incoherent and utterly self-serving diatribe about the contributions you and your masculist little buddies supposedly made to the development of “civilization.”
You helped me realize how completely boring you all are. To borrow a lovely and descriptive phrase from a favorite author – Your words are as the buzzing of flies in my ears.
Whatever “contributions” you and your fellows have made, they have resulted in a sick, poisoned and, possibly, dying world…which we women and men of truly good will will now have to clean up, if we want our children and grandchildren to have a world at all. Your wars, waged for the political and economic greed of your masculine elders, are a truly fantastic legacy. I am reminded of the babies in southern Iraq, born in the nightmare of the dust from your spent uranium shells, condemned to death or severe deformity. I am sure that they also thank you for the male made world into which they have been born.
So, thanks. Now that I can look at you and your brothers, and those women who actually agree with you, and see the appallingly empty, boring and ethically vacant natures of MGTOWS and those who incorporate your “philosophy” into their little, angry lives, I am free to move on and actually do something good and real for my world.
Please don’t let the door hit you on your asses as you, hopefully, leave and GO YOUR OWN WAYS. It is time for the adults to get about our business…creating a world we and our future generations can really live with.
Buh bye, now.
“Remember, if shes telling the truth, and you know she’s telling the truth, she’s lying.”
“You can’t even rule yourself. If you could, you wouldn’t give crap one what people you never have and never will meet think about your lifestyle decisions.”
You’ve a fundamental breakdown with reality, shadowplay. I really don’t give a crape what you think. Your wants and needs mean zip to me. I’m certain I’m far more intelligent and far more wise than yourself. That I understand all things and hold all the power of the universe in my hands doesn’t mean I don’t rate a reply in the games. I very much enjoy screwing with you people. It’s how I roll.
@Bina’s Little iPad Sock -> I really don’t give a shite about you either, BLIS. You can take your poorly thought out ideas and shove them as deeply up your arse as might seem possible. But I get to express my opinions, right? Or are you suddenly leader and commander? Or are you suddenly a combo of the Third Reich + Hammer & Sickle?
Feminism is likely the best thing to ever happen to men. If forces men into rejecting illusions and enchantments with regard to women and her state keeper.
In this way – feminism is likely Karma against women and her state pimp. Don’t overthink it. Karma works in mysterious ways. I sometimes think feminism is God’s mercy upon men in disguise – not that I necessarily believe in God.
For not giving a crape [sic], Man Splainer certainly seems to be very upset about not getting his way.
Begging your pardon, Mr. Troll, but didn’t you just claim to be God, a couple of posts ago?
Ah, yes:
Sure sounds like you claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent. Right before you admitted to being a troll:
The irony is, in here, a guy like you is not the cat that’s about to eat the canary, you’re the little ball with a bell trapped inside it in a room full of cats. Believe me. I’ve seen what happened to your predecessors. 🙂
Oooh, The prodigal son returns
Lol, Bina told you to live up to your name and go. You know, the G in MGTOW? G your own W? I guess advising you to do the thing your group advocates doing makes Bina into Hilterstalin?
Understand all things, sure.
I agree! Freedom from rigid gender roles assigned to them at birth and harshly enforced throughout lives; a reduction in stress and anxiety and trauma. Real companionship with men and women, an acknowledgement and celebration of deep bonds. Union instead of isolation, community instead of confrontation. Feminism is great for men.
I doubt that’s what you mean, thoug- nope, it’s not what you mean.
Are you planning on actually having a conversation, or are you just gonna gush your manfeels all over the place? I need to know if I need to engage my brain here or not.
Ladies, gentlemen, and esteemed individuals of neither title:
the rare and elusive Thripple Troll Thread!
(Because “thripple” sounds funnier than “triple”.)
Yes, in the quietness of your own home, or with your friends, or on your own blog. However, when you post your opinions on this site, then you are publishing them on the website of someone who disagrees with you.
Do you believe that every website has a requirement to publish everything that anyone wants to write on them? If so, I have some stuff that I’d like to put on the CIA website.
At least shadowplay knows how to spell “crap”. I have two names for you: Dunning, Kruger.
Do you seriously think you understand all things? Then expound in detail the architecture of the Macintosh computer as it existed between 1984 and 2000 without using any words longer than three syllables. Do you seriously think you’re omnipotent? Then strike me dumb through the Internet.
I know you’re trying to offend us, but you’re just making us laugh at you.
@Axe: I love the shirt.
Careful with the crepe pics. We might accidentally summon the girlfriends wanting to get pancakes is misandry troll. We all know about how sweet breakfast items oppress men and serve as a call to arms for the noble citizens of the manosphere.
How do you expect that you screwed with us? You’re a pretty standard MGTOW talking point troll thus far. You haven’t even entertained us as much as some of your earlier personas did. Or maybe you’re a new troll. In which case you’re so generic that you got mistaken for a sock. You haven’t made us rethink our opinions. You haven’t beat us in an argument. You’re such an obvious troll that you’re not going to persuade any fence sitting lurkers. The only way you’ve won or screwed with us is if your objective is to merely get replies. If that’s the case, you’ve accomplished your goal. So, good job.
Here’s the thing.
If you’re just really thirsty for attention you’re very much contradicting the claim that you don’t give a French breakfast confection about what we think of you. You clearly give enough crepes to open a chain of hipstery brunch places.
@crepe pics

I resent your implications! Crepes can be a dinner food, too!
What about the sort of fabric called crêpe, frequently used to make women’s clothing?
Hate that stuff. The way it hangs reminds me of a horror movie.
Really crepey.
You’re right, Kupo. I’m sorry. Any time of day is a good time to eat food that oppresses men.
Fuck off.
So you’re a breedbate is what you’re saying?
@ Falconer
Ah, it is so good to see someone making an obscure Firesign Theater reference. Makes me smile.
Wait a minute. Didn’t I say that on the other side?
*strange backward sounding noises*
It’s okay. They’re speaking Chinese.