actual mammoths antifeminism bad science men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny whaaaaa?

We Extincted the Mammoth to Male-Genocide You

The last mammoth

By David Futrelle

So over on Tumblr, some people were having a nice little discussion of how amazing it is that our ancient ancestors were able to figure out some rather complicated sciencey things, like the circumference of the earth, without being able to just look them up on Google.

Someone mentioned mammoths, those oft-hunted beasts that not only co-existed with our hairier prehistoric predecessors but managed to survive, at least in some remote areas, for several thousand years after humans first became civilized.

Then someone called Brett Caton showed up. He began innocently enough.

“I find it utterly bizarre that humans saw these megafauna,” he wrote, before linking to a New York Times story about the last known population of mammoths that went extinct. According to one scientific paper quoted in the story, these mammoths, living on isolated Wrangel island in the arctic sea north of eastern Siberia, had “carried so many detrimental mutations [in their genome] that the population had suffered a ‘genomic meltdown.'”

Then Mr. Caton’s comment took a bit of a turn.

“That ‘genomic meltdown’ is one of the reasons feminism is so potentially lethal,” he wrote,

because they keep pushing for asexual reproduction, or trying to combine ovaries, when the most likely outcome is a population running about – unable to reproduce sexually since the whole “male genocide” bit – with incredibly damaged chromosomes. 

Sex exists for a reason, and no, “because it’s fun” is not the answer, sorry. It works better than reproduction otherwise. Which is why every complex species uses it. 

Intelligence requires a lot of things to be working correctly, and if you have an all female species that is over the tipping point of idiocy, then there won’t be enough people to maintain the technology to continue to reproduce. And humans will go the way of the Wrangel beasties.

Fortunately, feminists are horribly lazy bastards, so i doubt they’ll continue to get their way, but it does made for a decent plot for a dystopian fiction…

Mr. Caton’s comment raises a number of questions, including:

  1. Huh?
  2. What?
  3. What the hell?
  4. Does this dude think the Wrangel island mammoths were, like, the world’s first hairy legged feminists?

As it turns out, I’m not the only one with questions. Caton’s post has so far garnered 154,000 “notes” on Tumblr, and comes trailing a long and ever-expanding string of comments from other people as confused as I am. “Whaaaaaaaa???” wrote one. “W-what??” asked another.

Still another added:

I got to that point … and was like “wait What.” And then it just kept going and I was like “is this actually happening? Am I seriously reading this right now??”

It is. You are. Apparently we feminists extincted the mammoth to male genocide you.

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Still, even if we imagine an absurd world where all men died out and we had billions of (cis) women reproducing through this tech,


(Though they did eventually reintroduce men … somehow. Where they got fresh Y chromosomes I can’t recall.)

6 years ago

Well I suppose some factions of radfems (like scum and probably a few terfs) might want some form of “male genocide” but they are actively rejected by the intersectional feminist movements very premise,
Its the same logic that says all Muslims are terrorists because of the few thousand guys with a black flag losing a war (against other Muslims) and ignoring the nearly 2 billion other Muslims in the world.

My mother was a legal observer at our local rally she estimates something like 17,000 people showed up.

6 years ago

Ok more like 1,700,
looks like I added an extra zero.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

Not sure how many were at the London one, couple thousand at least. About 12 of us went up town for it. It were pretty busy, so we stayed on the edge of the crowd. Crowds make most of us short tempered and jumpy, but, eh. The kids are doing right. Got to support that.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

There was a London one? I thought the UK already had decent gun control. All the terrorists there seem to use bombs, knives, and cars …

6 years ago

Yep. Outside the US Embassy. Why the buggers had to build their new embassy about 50 feet from MI6, I don’t know, so that were fun. 😛

Lots of Americans here, especially for uni or families of city suits. Still a fair number of our kids showed up too, in support. Some of the usual aggro merchants too, of course.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago


Yes. Turns out “March For Our Lives” went global in support of stricter gun laws in America. Even those who already have great gun laws.


…all stood in solidarity with the Parkland students and others who have been victims of gun violence.

Fanfucktastic, huh?

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

Tel Aviv too.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

We’ve had our rallies for asylum-seekers this weekend too, so there’s a bit of fragile hope in the air.

Off-off-topic: looks like Voxiversity is in for some competition. Jordan-who-is-everywhere-I-fucking-look-goddammit-Peterson has announced he’s going to set up his own university. To have learnin’ free of indoctrination, ofc.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

Jordan Peterson just got on my radar, and I wish he would drop back off it already.

6 years ago

So, long time lurker, and a little bit tipsy, but been watching the coverage of the rallies today and am just so amazed at these young people. Emma Gonzalez, Naomi Wadler, good lord, ALL of y’all are amazing. I am in awe of the courage, intellect, and painful honesty i see these young people displaying. They give me hope in this world. So damn amazing

6 years ago

Perhaps this dude misunderstood it when a feminist-leaning person told him that they supported asexuals. We’re actually just humans that do not experience sexual attraction, not humans who have discovered how to asexually reproduce. Yes, I know, it can be confusing.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

I have to admit I often worry I sound like this guy. From the ordinary person’s perspective even pretty mild communism and any feminism that isn’t exploitable as a marketing device sounds about as [insert reference to prejudice against mentally ill people] as he does. 🙁 or at least this is what their reactions would lead a person to think a lot of the time. And well, a lot of them do say it outright, too. Doesn’t help that I am mentally ill.

It’s weird that as a person who isn’t proudly racist and considers proud racism a major character flaw, I have to be a lot more careful to hide my power level than the currently hatching batch of Nazis do. For some reason not being taken seriously doesn’t hurt them at all, while it’s the worst thing for anyone speaking up for even moderate decency.

tim gueguen
6 years ago

There were solidarity marches in several Canadian cities as well.

As for Caton I wonder if he’s confusing the goals of feminism with the ’80s anime series Gall Force, which revolved around a civilisation of female humans, the Solnoids, fighting a war with the non-human, and all male, Paranoids.

The Real Cie
6 years ago

No way! I would never extinct my fat, legbeard sisters!

The Real Cie
6 years ago

Off topic, but I am a person who has three diagnosed major mental illnesses (bipolar disorder type 2, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder) and people using the term “crazy” in general doesn’t bother me. To me, crazy means doing the same action that didn’t work repeatedly and expecting it to work this time, or spouting nonsense like this guy is spouting. I’m far more bothered by people crying “mental illness!!111!!!” whenever someone commits some sort of heinous crime because the majority of people with mental illness are not violent and are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators thereof. Just had to get that off my chest.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

There was one in London? Aww man, I missed it. I love a good demo.

6 years ago

Me too, EJ, me too.

6 years ago

@tim gueguen
I have a really vague memory of watching one of those way back when the “Japanimation” section of your local VHS rental store was a minefield for unsuspecting parents,
I barely remember the girls running around in there underwear or naked (I remember it in a nonsexual “the ship came under attack while I was sleeping and its just us girls anyhow” kinda way), the bad guys being really creepy and people dying and then at the end of the one I watched they chased some naked guy around an earth like planet or something?
The actual plot I do not remember at all.

6 years ago


I met some great people, including two ladies who are interested in maybe carpooling to some rallies that are more far-flung.

You could contact your local Soros cell about their free globalist bus service.

6 years ago

Off topic, but I am a person who has three diagnosed major mental illnesses (bipolar disorder type 2, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder) and people using the term “crazy” in general doesn’t bother me. To me, crazy means doing the same action that didn’t work repeatedly and expecting it to work this time, or spouting nonsense like this guy is spouting. I’m far more bothered by people crying “mental illness!!111!!!” whenever someone commits some sort of heinous crime because the majority of people with mental illness are not violent and are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators thereof. Just had to get that off my chest.

Same here. I have had a schizophrenia-like condition for the past thirty years (so pretty safe to say it’s chronic) – I don’t tick ALL the boxes for schizophrenia, and so no psychiatrist has ever put a precise label on me, but yeah, mentally ill anyway.
I’m not gonna argue against this site’s policy of not using “crazy”, but to me, it’s obvious that people can use it in a way which is disconnected from talk of mental illness, and when people use it that way it doesn’t bother me. Still bother the heck out of me when people go “that shooter was clearly a mental case, no sane person would do such a thing” and the like. But YMMV.

6 years ago

LOL I remember that one!
A bunch of people taking a chartered bus to the nations capital for a protest obviously meant they were fake protesters brought in my the Soros funded Illuminati as part of an evil plot to destroy western civilization,
instead of say a bunch of people who pooled money to charter a bus because they were all going to the same national protest./s

I think it comes down to just being easier to blanket ban that kind of thing then wright out a bunch of exceptions to the ban on ableism,
on the up side we get some interesting terms while working around the rules (ammo-sexual is a great one).

6 years ago

Good point. 🙂