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There is no such thing as a woman good at sex: Part 1 in a new series, “MGTOWs explain sex”

If a woman moves during sex, she’s probably a slut

By David Futrelle

So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.

Because who knows sex better than dudes who’ve loudly declared their independence from women but for some reason spend their every waking moment obsessing over them? Who better to turn to for advice on sex than straight dudes who hate women so thoroughly they center their very identity around this hatred?

As you read the first entry in this series, drawn from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, I think you’ll understand just how valuable their advice can be.

ZCnegan 29 points 2 months ago* Women are not supposed to be skilled at sex. Sex is done by the male. The woman just takes it. There is no such a thing as women good at sex. There are women that are hot and women that are not hot. Some women that are hot have less sex appeal than other aparently less hot women, but that has nothing to do with them moving more or less in the bed. They can however be better in the bed if they do what we tell them to do. If they scream, being submissive, or if they talk dirty, or whatever fits your taste. This is why sex dolls can replace them... It is a feminist era idea that women can be active in the bed. Women orgasm with rape. Women orgasm with men that dont care about their orgasm. Women do not orgasm if they understand that you are trying to make them orgasm.

One commenter found that final sentence to be a little confusing. Happily, other commenters were able to explain its implications to him.

Sumo94 9 points 2 months ago That last sentence is disheartening. So I should just be focusing on me busting a nut? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]LeykisP1 6 points 2 months ago Yes. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]UK_Garce 3 points 2 months ago Why else would you have sex? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 3 points 2 months ago To please her? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]wawakaka 5 points 2 months ago that's what i used to think...

MGTOW sexmaster ZCnegan went on to urge his fellow MGTOWs to avoid eating soy foods. And ass.

ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago* ?? Do you remember when you are at the peak of your hormones in puberty? Or when you were at peak testosterone? You wouldnt see women as anything but sex objects. Thats your natural state of male sexuality. Similar to lions. It is modern society, estrogen foods, that makes men clingy. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 2 points 2 months ago Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? I feel like I have a lot of that bs permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago in the sidebar of mgtow there is KETO. Google estrogen in foods. Remove soy, gluten, processed foods from your diet. Or just cut the head of the snake all together and go Keto.

ZCnegan 1 point 2 months ago Also. Anal sex is great. And it keeps women naturally submissive. Do not eat ass, unless you wanna end with all kinds of infections and diseases. If that really turns you on, at least do it while in the shower when she is the most clean. Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? Dont eat woman ass, its full of estrogen. Just kidding lol

I hope all you men reading this are taking notes. Ladies, you don’t need to write anything down. All you need to do in order to do the sex properly is to lie there motionless until you are given further instructions (re screaming, talking dirty, etc) by the appropriate dude.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve been wanting a good troll chew toy lately. But not a “neutral” troll. Those are the worst. People who intellectually lazy and all smug about it aren’t too tasty.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

french loanword are always used for the edible version of something (cow => beef, sheep => mutton)

Not to mention pig => porc(pork), or chicken => poulet(pullet/poultry).

This is what happens when most of your nobles grow up in France rather than England, and they’re the only ones that can usually afford to eat meat. They bring the language back with them.

Granted, you also get words that get borrowed twice at different times as the languages drift: both ‘hotel’ and ‘hostel’ are from the French hôtel. The circumflex over the o indicates a previously dropped s in the word.

Black Forest gateau

It’s the Black Forest, so at least let’s go with the more linguistically appropriate name schwarzwälder kirschtorte (black forest’s cherry cake).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

you also get words that get borrowed twice at different times

There’s also a bit of redundancy in English. People sometimes ask me what the difference is between illegal and unlawful. There isn’t one. Just one’s from Norman French and the other from Norse.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

@Modern Monk,

I don’t know who is more pathetic:
The MGTOWs who write that or the forum of feminists who are complaining about that?

Well, as long as you feel appropriately superior without having to actually contribute anything. That’s the important thing, right?

Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

@Modern Monk

comment image

6 years ago


Is that how we ended up with both “guard” and “ward?”

6 years ago

The whole thing is bizzare. How can they be “men going their own way” when they do nothing but whine about women? I can hardly think of anything less manly, or less “going one’s own way”, than that.

I checked some actual “manly” sites: sites about hobbies such as fishing, muscle cars, etc. Most of them don”t mention women at all, let alone complain about them. Nor do they exclude women – it is just that such hobbies are more popular with men; if you are a women who wants to learn about, say, good whiskey, be their guest.

6 years ago

I also liek the way they keep telling people what is the right way to have sex so as to keep their women naturally submissive and docile – just like in porn – when they are ovviously virgins.

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