butts empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOWs explain sex misogyny post contains sarcasm reddit sex sex dolls very bad advice

There is no such thing as a woman good at sex: Part 1 in a new series, “MGTOWs explain sex”

If a woman moves during sex, she’s probably a slut

By David Futrelle

So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.

Because who knows sex better than dudes who’ve loudly declared their independence from women but for some reason spend their every waking moment obsessing over them? Who better to turn to for advice on sex than straight dudes who hate women so thoroughly they center their very identity around this hatred?

As you read the first entry in this series, drawn from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, I think you’ll understand just how valuable their advice can be.

ZCnegan 29 points 2 months ago* Women are not supposed to be skilled at sex. Sex is done by the male. The woman just takes it. There is no such a thing as women good at sex. There are women that are hot and women that are not hot. Some women that are hot have less sex appeal than other aparently less hot women, but that has nothing to do with them moving more or less in the bed. They can however be better in the bed if they do what we tell them to do. If they scream, being submissive, or if they talk dirty, or whatever fits your taste. This is why sex dolls can replace them... It is a feminist era idea that women can be active in the bed. Women orgasm with rape. Women orgasm with men that dont care about their orgasm. Women do not orgasm if they understand that you are trying to make them orgasm.

One commenter found that final sentence to be a little confusing. Happily, other commenters were able to explain its implications to him.

Sumo94 9 points 2 months ago That last sentence is disheartening. So I should just be focusing on me busting a nut? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]LeykisP1 6 points 2 months ago Yes. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]UK_Garce 3 points 2 months ago Why else would you have sex? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 3 points 2 months ago To please her? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]wawakaka 5 points 2 months ago that's what i used to think...

MGTOW sexmaster ZCnegan went on to urge his fellow MGTOWs to avoid eating soy foods. And ass.

ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago* ?? Do you remember when you are at the peak of your hormones in puberty? Or when you were at peak testosterone? You wouldnt see women as anything but sex objects. Thats your natural state of male sexuality. Similar to lions. It is modern society, estrogen foods, that makes men clingy. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 2 points 2 months ago Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? I feel like I have a lot of that bs permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago in the sidebar of mgtow there is KETO. Google estrogen in foods. Remove soy, gluten, processed foods from your diet. Or just cut the head of the snake all together and go Keto.

ZCnegan 1 point 2 months ago Also. Anal sex is great. And it keeps women naturally submissive. Do not eat ass, unless you wanna end with all kinds of infections and diseases. If that really turns you on, at least do it while in the shower when she is the most clean. Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? Dont eat woman ass, its full of estrogen. Just kidding lol

I hope all you men reading this are taking notes. Ladies, you don’t need to write anything down. All you need to do in order to do the sex properly is to lie there motionless until you are given further instructions (re screaming, talking dirty, etc) by the appropriate dude.

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Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


“loan words” is a good description – or perhaps even “taken willy-nilly without concern for consistency words”?
*insert obligatory reference to English language as a mugger, robbing all the others*

Hooray, opposablethumbs is doing more etymology stuff!

Also, everyone who commented on the lion and jungle thing: I have complained about that king of the jungle song for years without considering whether jungle might have originally meant something more/other than what it does now. Thank you all 🙂

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Oh, right, the actual MGTOW post topic thing. Well, I have an excuse to re-post this which I think displays a similar logic to our miggy friends (especially “If a female could orgasm, don’t you think I’d have seen it by now?”)

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ mish

Well I can honestly say I’ve seen that look loads of times. Pretty much every time I tread dogshit in the house in fact.

6 years ago

Re orgasm during a rape, I mean, it’s a thing that CAN happen, and can leave the rape survivor feeling all kinds of guilt and stuff and be like “I must have wanted this somehow, it can’t have been real rape”, so it’s probably something that should be talked about more. Like, bodies are weird and sometimes respond in unexpected ways. This dude, though, makes it sound as if it’s a regular occurrence, probably because he thinks women love to be “dominated” by “alpha males” or some shit like that.

6 years ago

Miggytoes be all “logic me no logics, fact me no facts” (◔.◔)

I don’t actually know my etymology from my el (eln, forearm) bow (bheug, to bend), but it is just fun to wonder about the wherefore of words sometimes 🙂

6 years ago

First time poster, long time reader.

I just wanted to say that I made it through that entire article without flinching and then MrAss’s comment made me throw up a little in my mouth, so thanks for that.

6 years ago

My experience is a lot like BoBali’s. But here’s the thing; I never bedded a man I couldn’t have a conversation with. I needed to know that we were on the same wavelength vis a vis hooking up, i.e. we both want to give and have a good time. Sex didn’t even have to be the topic of conversation; I could gather what I needed just by getting to know a guy a little. I was seldom disappointed.

Then there’s the fact that apparently every hot love scene in the movies is a lie.

It’s almost like miggytoes are full of horse shit or something!

6 years ago


Also, I think they like lions because the females do most of the work but the males get their choice of the kill the females made and then hang around doing nothing except running other males off.

Exactly! If a lion has a pride of himself and 12 gals and an entourage of 3 submissive males — that’s 8 incels left to fend for themselves in the wild. Funny how MGTOW and other angry men always identify with the alpha male and never the beta or gamma males…

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Funny how MGTOW and other angry men always identify with the alpha male and never the beta or gamma males…

Incels, on the other hand, tend to identify with the beta and gamma males; to the point where they greeted Elliott Rodger’s massacre with cries of “BETA UPRISING!”

I think that a lot of this comes from a mixture of misogyny, entitlement and what we might call internalised misandry: they genuinely believe that life is a power struggle between men, and they see women as nothing but a way of keeping score. It doesn’t occur to them that women do not like them and do like other men because they’re creepy rapey assholes; to them it’s a sign that those other men have higher status than them in some imaginary hierarchy, and their resentment of this makes them even more bitter.

Sigh. We need to fix men.

6 years ago

Re : etymology of forest.

Since it’s rather obviously a french loanword (forêt / forest), and since french loanword are alway used for the edible version of something (cow => beef, sheep => mutton), I think we can safely say that forest design an edible group of tree.

Re : EJ, alpha, beta and gamma : also, it show a will to put people in defined and rigid roles. As far as I know, social status in animal societies are almost alway significantly muddier and more complex than a simple ranking order. (for example, I distinctly remember a lioness with a mane that served an usually male role in a pride). But a defined and rigid role allow thoses various people to put the blame of their failure (real or imagined) on thoses roles instead of on their abilities. It’s sort of a coping mechanism. (a really problematic one, of course, since it prevent them from learning and make them dangerous)

6 years ago


Since it’s rather obviously a french loanword (forêt / forest), and since french loanword are alway used for the edible version of something (cow => beef, sheep => mutton), I think we can safely say that forest design an edible group of tree.

Hence Black Forest gateau (gateau being the edible form of cake).

6 years ago


…since french loanword are alway used for the edible version of something…

*Ambivalently side-eyes the douches in the feminine hygiene aisle*

6 years ago

(gateau being the edible form of cake).

… so chateau is the edible form of, um … cat …
or is sang froid the edible form of black pudding … I’m so confused.

6 years ago

I’ve heard orgasm from rape termed ‘body betrayal’. And it does cause anguish. Some women feel guilty just because they got wet during sexual assault, even though there’s a good chance it spared them some injury.

Oh and MrBadAss… cripes.

Men adore women.

I don’t want to be adored. I want to be respected.

It’s because of your breasts, softer skin, vaginas, little ears, long hair, smaller feet, lack of man stink, higher voices, delicate natures and feminine ways.

Well, I have PTSD from severe, long-term sexual harassment for the sin of having big breasts, so I’m not impressed with the fetishization of breasts. At all. Don’t fucking look at my tits.

I have man-sized feet, as well as big hands, thick bones, broad shoulders, a barrel-like ribcage, and muscles–and I’m still a woman! Amazing. It’s like we’re all not the same or something.

‘Delicate nature’? What does that even mean? Do you realize that the work of cleaning up pee and poop and other bodily messiness tends to fall on women?

We seek to protect you because you’re the weaker.

And you’re protecting us from other men. It’s a racket.

Men love women so much that they built, maintained, fought and died for nations in which to keep their women safe.

While women just lolled around in caves eating bonbons like pre-historic Peg Bundies? Women invented agriculture, cooking, pottery, and beer, you clownshoe.

Call us crazy. Men just want to have sex with you and for you to love men. Getting to know you is a bonus – because we live to ‘propagate the species’.

Men* only wanting women for sex is not ground-breaking news. We know.

*Obviously not all men. But all men like MrBadAss, who seems to think of women as children that are legal to fuck.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


I think we can safely say that forest design an edible group of tree.

Close; the forest is where the lord goes hunting edible game, and where a peasant will hang for doing the same.

6 years ago

Aw, the poor little tings. I’ll remember, if I ever have the misfortune of being with one, not to give any oral pleasure but lead him out the door.

6 years ago

Thank you all for the language discussion – especially “sang froid = black pudding”. That made me chortle.

In Italy I used to see property ads for “forestiere” – a euphemism for a room one rents to shag in, and by an association of ideas, a room to let to foreigners (women). Forestiera meaning “outsider” (female) and the forest being “the place outside the city, where the normal rules don’t run”.

As a forestiera myself it was easier for me to rent a flat than for a local, because of the weird rental laws that supposedly protected local renters – but actually made landlords unwilling to rent to them.

6 years ago

It seems I’m breaking the rules every day then by initiating the sex and doing most the work. All while nearly six months pregnant (I wonder if that’s extra points off in Migland)?

Not sorry migbros, you don’t discourage anything we do or enjoy by complaining about it. I’m fine with being “immoral” or “unnatural” in your view because it no doubt means I’m living happily, healthy, and having fun.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

And you’re protecting us from other men. It’s a racket.

Note how “protecting” in this context always gets used in the sense of guarding property from theft and vandalism. No guarantee is made that the woman will remain safe from her watchdog, especially if she strays from the ordained path.

Men like Mr. BadAss don’t have the slightest interest in protecting (in the ordinary sense of the word) the things that are important to women: their health, happiness, dreams, jobs, self-esteem. Apparently those things only need to be safeguarded when it’s men having them.

(Also, belatedly, thank you EJ and Alan! 🙂 )

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

> Alan
Male lions together : yeah, some countries are ready to put the blame on humans for animal behaviors… Even if it is well documented elsewhere… I mean, many of the animals those kind of persons claim to be inspired of can present homosexual behavior (both female and male), like lions, wolves, gorillas… So they can take back their arguments from where they should never been out…

Modern Monk
Modern Monk
6 years ago

I don’t know who is more pathetic:
The MGTOWs who write that or the forum of feminists who are complaining about that?

6 years ago

Since it’s rather obviously a french loanword (forêt / forest), and since french loanword are alway used for the edible version of something (cow => beef, sheep => mutton), I think we can safely say that forest design an edible group of tree.


Sounds like forest gardening, ie, a form of traditional indigenous land management on most continents, including North America (see fire landscapes) that wasn’t recognized by “Western civilization” such that all those explorers kept thinking it was untrammeled wilderness.

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
6 years ago

@Modern Monk

I choose option “C”: The assholes who like to pretend they’re above it all.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Modern Monk

I don’t know who is more pathetic:
The MGTOWs who write that or the forum of feminists who are complaining about that?

By all means, get back to us when you figure it out.

6 years ago


@Modern Monk

I don’t know who is more pathetic:
The MGTOWs who write that or the forum of feminists who are complaining about that?

By all means, get back to us when you figure it out.

Or never. I’d be happy with never.

I take issue with Monk’s use of the word “complaining” though. This is specifically a site of mockery and derision. And, these days, anger and activism.