butts empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOWs explain sex misogyny post contains sarcasm reddit sex sex dolls very bad advice

There is no such thing as a woman good at sex: Part 1 in a new series, “MGTOWs explain sex”

If a woman moves during sex, she’s probably a slut

By David Futrelle

So today I’d like to present the first post in what I hope will become a long-running series: MGTOWs Explain Sex.

Because who knows sex better than dudes who’ve loudly declared their independence from women but for some reason spend their every waking moment obsessing over them? Who better to turn to for advice on sex than straight dudes who hate women so thoroughly they center their very identity around this hatred?

As you read the first entry in this series, drawn from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, I think you’ll understand just how valuable their advice can be.

ZCnegan 29 points 2 months ago* Women are not supposed to be skilled at sex. Sex is done by the male. The woman just takes it. There is no such a thing as women good at sex. There are women that are hot and women that are not hot. Some women that are hot have less sex appeal than other aparently less hot women, but that has nothing to do with them moving more or less in the bed. They can however be better in the bed if they do what we tell them to do. If they scream, being submissive, or if they talk dirty, or whatever fits your taste. This is why sex dolls can replace them... It is a feminist era idea that women can be active in the bed. Women orgasm with rape. Women orgasm with men that dont care about their orgasm. Women do not orgasm if they understand that you are trying to make them orgasm.

One commenter found that final sentence to be a little confusing. Happily, other commenters were able to explain its implications to him.

Sumo94 9 points 2 months ago That last sentence is disheartening. So I should just be focusing on me busting a nut? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]LeykisP1 6 points 2 months ago Yes. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]UK_Garce 3 points 2 months ago Why else would you have sex? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 3 points 2 months ago To please her? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]wawakaka 5 points 2 months ago that's what i used to think...

MGTOW sexmaster ZCnegan went on to urge his fellow MGTOWs to avoid eating soy foods. And ass.

ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago* ?? Do you remember when you are at the peak of your hormones in puberty? Or when you were at peak testosterone? You wouldnt see women as anything but sex objects. Thats your natural state of male sexuality. Similar to lions. It is modern society, estrogen foods, that makes men clingy. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sumo94 2 points 2 months ago Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? I feel like I have a lot of that bs permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ZCnegan 2 points 2 months ago in the sidebar of mgtow there is KETO. Google estrogen in foods. Remove soy, gluten, processed foods from your diet. Or just cut the head of the snake all together and go Keto.

ZCnegan 1 point 2 months ago Also. Anal sex is great. And it keeps women naturally submissive. Do not eat ass, unless you wanna end with all kinds of infections and diseases. If that really turns you on, at least do it while in the shower when she is the most clean. Is that why eating ass is a thing now? What foods have estrogen? Dont eat woman ass, its full of estrogen. Just kidding lol

I hope all you men reading this are taking notes. Ladies, you don’t need to write anything down. All you need to do in order to do the sex properly is to lie there motionless until you are given further instructions (re screaming, talking dirty, etc) by the appropriate dude.

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one of many
one of many
6 years ago

Any woman reading this might like to support a petition that men with this mindset get at least one free sex doll. They can programm that one any way they want and if they screw this one up – as obviously happens – they must pay for the next one themselves. But for guys with that mindset – the first one should be free. That might save a lot of women a lot of trouble and the guy is happy too when he can programm things to his likeing – obviously. A happy creep is at least a less agressive one.

Honestly – men who cannot understand the difference between humans and objects should be given the possibility to live in an object world.

6 years ago

“Why would I want sex to be fun?” – MGTOW, apparently.

6 years ago

Sex dolls don’t deserve such a punishment.

I do hope MGTOW to disappear before this can be a long serie. Thoses guys are both painfully predictible, and yet chilling.

6 years ago

I would agree with that last sentence of ZCnegan’s. If I’m having sex with someone who is intent on “making” me orgasm, then it’s for darn sure it’s more about them scoring some kind of XP in their own head game than it is about any kind of mutual pleasure. And that’s definitely a deal breaker.

6 years ago

Has anyone thought to inform these “people” that sex doesn’t have to be with women. If you think a man will be better at it, go for it.

6 years ago

I would agree with that last sentence of ZCnegan’s. If I’m having sex with someone who is intent on “making” me orgasm, then it’s for darn sure it’s more about them scoring some kind of XP in their own head game than it is about any kind of mutual pleasure. And that’s definitely a deal breaker.

The further elaboration seems to indicate that they think caring at all about her pleasure is an active turn-off, though.

What this guy doesn’t get, though, is that he’s essentially admitted that he’s terrible at sex. He’s so bad at it, he can’t even get a woman off with cunnilingus.

6 years ago

My husband’s going to be awfully surprised that I’m not good at sex. O.o

6 years ago

*awkwardwave* I have personal experience of this 😮 Dude was extremely focused on avoiding anything that might make him feel less masculine. And he couldn´t stay hard unless I remained completely motionless, even relaxing my pelvic floor as much as humanly possible. I was young and stupid enough to do as he wished – hoping he´d feel comfortable enough for proper sex later. He didn´t. He did take me out to dinner afterwards because I´d been a good girl. Then he scolded me for having a hand on the table. Which he said was me trying to manipulate him into putting his hand on top of my hand. WTF dude?! O well: the food was good and I got away.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Whenever men say that women aren’t supposed to enjoy sex, we’re just supposed to lie there and wait for it to be over, I just assume that they’re terrible in bed and trying really hard to convince themselves themselves that this is not their own fault, just the natural state of affairs.

6 years ago

Also, what the fuck is this about the natural state of men being to see women as sex objects, and it’s only modern society & modern foods making men clingy?

The Odyssey, which most of us are at least exposed to the plot of before we leave high school, is all about a man taking more than a decade missing his wife and trying to get back to her. Nearly all literature that survives from before the 19th century was written by men, and how many of them include romance?

Hell, the entire genre of chivalric romance is about not seeing the woman you love as a sex object, and how much purer it is to love a woman you can never touch. Which has its own problems, but the point is, how the hell can you say that men having emotional attachments to women is a modern phenomenon?

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Oh, well, my husband and I have have been doing it all wrong for two and a half decades.


Thank you, MGTOWS! Thank you!

6 years ago

I’m good at the s-e-x. I know this because I monitor such things and ask my partners, and have a moderate (def larger than average) size pool of partners to draw from after years of navigating the singles’ scene, and I’m in my mid 40s. I have twenty five years or so of getting good at the s-e-x. I got skills. (lol)

You know what’s weird to me…? I was having orgasms as early as 12-13 yo by myself, as I had learned how to give myself an orgasm as a young teen and had a high libido drive in high school years. I had a couple of sexual partners in high school, one was a caring, intelligent guy who was my first sexual partner boyfriend of a few years, and when we would have intercourse we never stopped to ask ourselves anything along the lines of — “should the girl also be having an orgasm during het sex..?” My high school boyfriend meant well, but he had no precedent for wanting to give me pleasure, I had no precedent for expecting him to care about my orgasms.

Fast forward to college: I have my first orgasm with a partner when a wonderful fella by the name of Oxxx Hxxxxxxx went down on me after a frat party and gave me my first wonderful (!!!) experience of reaching orgasm through oral sex. I remember his name even though he wasn’t my boyfriend, just a friend, and we never “hooked up” again. He made quite an impression.

If only these silly MGTOWs knew how much a young woman appreciates a guy who will give her pleasure. If only they could stop hatin for a minute and want to please a woman sexually, to the point they overcome their fears and phobias. There are plenty of articles and porn available if they want to learn to give pleasure… but girls/women being so icky n all… I guess they don’t want to do that.

If they did give a gal a mind blowing orgasm, they wouldn’t need a sex doll because she’d be coming back around for that. 😉

Silly MGTOWs.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
6 years ago

That’s just really pathetic. Honestly, I hope that he is a virgin, because otherwise there is some poor woman out there who had to suffer through a bout of unsatisfying sex with this ignoramus.

By the way, ironically enough, when I started reading this post, my playlist switched to a song about a woman recalling her awkward tinder date. 😀

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

Gah, I really hope those miggytoes are not into necrophilia. 😛 (Sorry, but that’s what the ‘stay completely still’ thing brings to mind – not sex dolls, oddly)

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

Dear migtoes, please just buy a Fleshlight. Or use your preferred hand.

Hey, it’ll do whatever you tell it to…and it will never tell you that you’re the one who’s bad in bed!

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago

Either these guys are virgins or the prostitutes they hired really phoned it in. Those are the only two explanations for why they think women are supposed to just lie there motionless. I can’t imagine how that would be enjoyable anyway, I’d honestly rather just use my hand in that case. Besides, only a narcissistic virgin would think the point of sex is to “get off”, because if you can do that alone any time you want, why bother involving another person? Either way, this is a clear and desperate attempt to relieve the immense shame of being incapable of pleasing a woman.

6 years ago

Men adore women. It’s because of your breasts, softer skin, vaginas, little ears, long hair, smaller feet, lack of man stink, higher voices, delicate natures and feminine ways. We seek to protect you because you’re the weaker. Heterosexual men don’t love other men because…why would we when we have heterosexual women? We CisHets can’t help it really. Men really, really do love women. It’s a biological determinant. Men love women so much that they built, maintained, fought and died for nations in which to keep their women safe. Call us crazy. Men just want to have sex with you and for you to love men. Getting to know you is a bonus – because we live to ‘propagate the species’.

6 years ago

I do think there is no shame in not being able to please another human. But if you can’t, or decide to not put enough effort to do it, then you should not bother with it at all.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

So, according to these asshats sex is:

-not supposed to be fun for women
-only any good if the woman basically behaves like a sex doll
-only there for the man to get off

And they don’t want to do anything with women anyway.

So. These dudes have no clue about sex and have a serious case of sour grapes going on.

I’m asexual, mind you. Sex is something that happens to other people. It’s amazing how much these fuckheads obsess about sex while trying to convince themselves and the world that they don’t any…

And since I’m aromantic as well, I’m safe from running into one of these berks while looking for a partner.

I wonder if those dudes wear axe body spray…

They seem the type.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants


All you need to do in order to do the sex properly is to lie there motionless until you are given further instructions (re screaming, talking dirty, etc) by the appropriate dude.

With MGTOWs, I suspect they could find many women willing to skip the sex altogether and go straight to the screaming obscenities part.


Which has its own problems, but the point is, how the hell can you say that men having emotional attachments to women is a modern phenomenon?

They probably believe that everyone at the Round Table was constantly stuffing tofu into their quest-holes. How else can you explain all the jousting and oneitis over Lady Stacey Legbeard de Postwall?

frank travellin
frank travellin
6 years ago

Holy fuck, McTows. Just do a hit of K and get yourself to an all male orgy already.

Problems solved

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

They probably believe that everyone at the Round Table was constantly stuffing tofu into their quest-holes. How else can you explain all the jousting and oneitis over Lady Stacey Legbeard de Postwall?

This is the finest thing I’ve read all day.

6 years ago

@Dr. Thang none of the sex workers that I know would phone it in to this extent. Hell, the sex workers I know know to stay away from miggytoes for their (the worker’s) own safety!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

*aroace fist bump*


Besides, only a narcissistic virgin would think the point of sex is to “get off”, because if you can do that alone any time you want, why bother involving another person?

That’s… not remotely true. Like, at all. Lotta buncha hella non virgin dudes do think that way, lotta buncha hella virgin dudes don’t, narcissistic or otherwise . Having sex doesn’t make you a better, more empathetic person

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ Buttercup

I just adore your way with language.

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