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Incels embrace Austin bomber Mark Conditt as one of their own. Was he?

Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt: Incel or normie?

By David Futrelle

The motives behind the deadly string of bombings that 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt unleashed upon Austin before blowing himself up remain a mystery. A press conference yesterday, in which police revealed that Conditt had made a 25-minute recording confessing his crimes, left observers of the case with far more questions than answers.

Austin police chief ­Brian Manley said very little about the actual content of Conditt’s “confession,” telling reporters only that it seemed like “the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about challenges in his personal life that led him to this point” rather than the manifesto of a terrorist.

But it’s nearly impossible to disentangle the personal and the political, and so many were left wondering just what it was that was so “challenging” to this “very challenged young man.”

Were his “challenges” sexual or romantic? Over the past decade we’ve seen a succession of men (mostly young, some middle-aged) angered and frustrated by their inability to attract the women they feel they’re entitled to take their revenge on the world, and women in particular, through violence — most famously Isla Vista killer Elliot Rodger, who left behind a 100-page misogynist manifesto, and LA Fitness shooter George Sodini, a failed Pickup Artist.

And then there’s the steady parade of  murders we see on local news carried out by men recently rejected by girlfriends and wives; these murders, which often end in suicide, are so common they rarely even make the national news.

So it’s hardly surprising that some are asking whether Conditt was an “incel,” that is, a man furious at the women of the world for refusing to sleep with him.

Among those asking the question? A lot of self-described incels. And they’re asking because some of them, at least, want to claim him as one of their own,

Incels — members of what has become one of the most terrifyingly poisonous misogynistic subcultures in the western world — have long had a fondness for mass killers.

They’ve famously canonized Elliot Rodger as “Saint Elliot,” a sort of patron saint for their wretched community. And after the Parkland school shootings on Valentine’s Day many in the incel world celebrated shooter Nikolas Cruz as a new incel “savior.”

Incels are nearly as enthusiastic about shooters who aren’t, or at least aren’t obviously, motivated by fury borne of sexual entitlement, gloating over the “normies” Stephen Paddock mowed down in Las Vegas and all the “Stacies” killed in the Manchester Arena bombing last May.

In the Braincels subreddit — the slightly less obnoxious replacement for the absolutely horrific, now-banned Incels subreddit — one poster breathlessly reported “THIS JUST IN: Austin, TX package bomber confirmed ugly, home-schooled INCEL autist, possibly manlet.” 

“The hero we need,” replied another Braincel regular, before adding a disclaimer: “The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.” ”

“The girls deserved it,” added a third commenter, the somewhat alarmingly named IncelTactician. (In fact, most of those harmed in Conditt’s bombing spree were male. His bombs killed a teenage boy and a man in his late thirties, and injured two more men. Three women (not “girls”) were injured as well, including the mother of the teen boy murdered by Conditt and a woman in her 70s.)

On, several regular commenters seemed convinced Conditt was one of them, at least in spirit. “Elliot Rodger 2.0,” declared a commenter known as Big Ghey. “Unabomber incel” suggested another.

“I suspect so as well, can’t wait for the manifesto to leak,” added RichCel.

What a dumb faggot though, he had a good thing going and then ruined it by going to the FedEx store with his dumbass disguise and a powered cellphone. Guess he wanted to get caught.

This is what happens tho when you criminalize normal male behavior and turn white men into fucking pariahs. It is a perversion of natural order and I am not at all surprised it happened in Austin. If Texas had any balls, they would move the state capital elsewhere and wall off that cuck cesspool. 


On Lookism.Net — successor to the notorious incel-infested hate site PUAHate — several commenters celebrated Conditt’s alleged inceldom. “High IQ cel,” wrote someone called  jawanonics, “obviously read Unabomber manifesto and is saving society.”

Another lamented that he personally would never live up to Conditt’s fine example. “[H]es my age and achieving great things in life,” sighed Surgery+Roids=Ascension, “while I have nothing to show.”

But many of the internet’s incels remained unconvinced that Conditt was an Elliot Rodger-style incel saint. Not because the people he killed were men rather than women. Not because he left behind no angry 100-page manifesto a la “Saint Elliot.”

No, the problem was that he was just too good-looking.

“That guy is pretty good looking actually,” wrote an incel REdditor called Shamijay.

Eyes a little close set is all. 7/10, could easily pass as a Chad slayer based on face alone. Don’t know about his other stats. Fail thread.

Other incel Redditors agreed. “He is a mid tier normie,” one wrote. “That face mogs all truecels.” (Translation: He’s an average-looking guy with a more masculine face than any true incel.)

“this guy isn’t ugly,” wrote another skeptic on, “he has ideal colouring and canthal tilt, also a good face shape, but sub human eyebrows.”

“he does not look like an incel” another agreed, “plus he did gymnastic, parkour et… snowboarding, incels don’t do that shit!”

To the typical incel, apparently, killers are heroes, while snowboarders deserve to die.

So was Mark Conditt an incel? I’ve seen no evidence so far to convince me he was, and his choice of victims, at least, shows no sign of the poisonous misogyny that inspired the rage of men like Elliot Rodger and George Sodini. But we won’t know for sure until we know exactly what was in that 25-minute confession he left behind.

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Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

Of course he was one of them. Human filth has more in common than it does differences.

It’s the group who lives an empathy free life and injects toxic masculinity between their toes

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
6 years ago

Show this to the Deplorables. See what new contortions they use.

6 years ago

Unless the police release his wrist circumference, we may never know.

OT: HR McMaster out, John Bolton in. Sounds like more war is on the way.

Bina's Little iPad Sock
Bina's Little iPad Sock
6 years ago

If hatred of Others is a criterion, then he is One Of Them. Otherwise, not so much.

tim gueguen
6 years ago

Hard as it may be for them to believe not every young man who isn’t having sex is upset about it. Conditt was apparently a conservative Christian, so perhaps he believed he shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage. Unless he specifically said so someplace we’ll probably never know. Of course if something like that does come out they’ll decide he’s a cuck, beta male, or something similar.

6 years ago

Is there any scumbag they won’t try to claim?

6 years ago

Incels? Here I go to Urban Dictionary to try and figure out wtf these guys are even talking about.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Canthal tilt? Subhuman eyebrows?

I have never in my life heard a woman who’s attracted to men say anything like “well his canthal tilt is totally hot but unfortunately he has subhuman eyebrows so I’m going to friendzone him.”

I’m also wondering why gymnast rules out incel. Sure gymnasts are buff, but male gymnasts – pommel horse specialists aside – are usually short. Olympic silver medalist Oleg Verniaiev is only 5’3″ for example. I thought that according to the sad boner set, a man has to be over 6 feet tall to get laid?

6 years ago

I had to google canthal tilt as I’ve never heard about it before, and the first page is pretty much all manospere types and plastic surgeons since they’re apparently the only ones who even know what a canthal tilt is. I really have to wonder if all this crap about “wrist circumference” and “canthal tilt” is just a conspiracy by the beauty industry in order to dupe men into spending thousands on their looks.

Wasn’t it Paul Elam that used to say that women were made to feel sad and anxious so that they would spend all their money on beauty products? Seems to me that Elam was looking at the wrong gender. The sheer amount of things that some men worry about being “wrong” with themselves cosmetically just boggles my mind as a woman.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

Here these deplorables go again
Claimin’ credit for another’s crimes
I’m runnin’ out of material
As well as clever rhymes

Say it won’t get worse
As in pulls a hearse
In the background of the shot
Story twists and turns
As the great sun burns
And they claim a lit grill ain’t hot
Tragedy and then as farce
In their minds to corrupt our hearts
Maybe it’s true

I just hope to god we get through

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
6 years ago

I was just thinking earlier today that it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the Incel community lays claim to this guy.


6 years ago

It means “involuntarily celibate” basically they can not find a sexual partner and they think that is somehow a human rights violation.

In other words very angry and entitled misogynists.

6 years ago

They do know claiming that certain terrorist actions willy nilly are tactics actual terrorists use right? Oh wait nvm we’re talking about Incels here.

6 years ago

A meteorite could fall from the sky and kill some people and incels would claim it as one of their own.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The meteorite was mad because no ice was willing to trail behind it like those Chad comets. What else was it supposed to do besides fling itself into the earth in hopes of killing some evil Staceys? Panspermia is the only way they can even hope to spread their liquid fucking gold seed!

6 years ago

I have this vague memory of daesh calming responsibility for an electrical fire once,
so if the incels are following the same playbook they would do just that.

6 years ago

Wasn’t it Paul Elam that used to say that women were made to feel sad and anxious so that they would spend all their money on beauty products?

That’s a fairly conventional feminist critique of modern capitalism, not an MRA talking point. It’s not even very controversial, there’s plenty of evidence backing it up.

6 years ago

The heck is a manlet?

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

I’ll never understand why some people idolize cowards like this.

We know the bomber was a conservative christian. This makes him being a right wing terrorist entirely more possible.

While conservative christianity is certainly misogynistic the attached purity culture makes it unlikely for male adherents to identify with incel or PUA culture.

6 years ago

Ha ha canthal tilt!!!!

There may be something in it though. My new man* has awesome eyebrows. Never thought about canthal tilt though – but maybe he has the right sort. I could stare at them for ages.

Oh, he also has small wrists. Something I wouldn’t have noticed had I not seen stuff here. I have massive wrists. Oh noes!!!

*also we’ve been together for almost a year, so maybe not new man anymore.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

I understand “manlet” is a manosphere term (typically pejorative) for men who lack the sufficient height/muscle bulk/wrist circumference to be considered “officially” masculine or good looking. If Conditt “qualified” physically as a manlet, incels could more easily feel justified claiming him as a fellow incel.

In practice, it seems that individual incels first decide whether or not they want to claim a particular murderer, and then try to interpret physical cues according to that, often arguing fruitlessly against other incels.

6 years ago

The heck is a manlet?

An evolved aglet.

6 years ago


also we’ve been together for almost a year, so maybe not new man anymore.

You can preserve that new man smell for longer with careful valeting.

6 years ago

My eyebrows don’t look dissimilar to Conditt’s. Does this mean I have sub-human eyebrows too? Why has no one told me this – all this time I’ve been wandering around with sub-human eyebrows and no one even thought to mention it to me?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


Re gymnasts, I’m guessing the fact that they’re in shape and they exercise trumps the fact that they’re not very tall, on average? Plus maybe that all gymnasts tend to look attractive when they’re performing?


“The hero we need,” replied another Braincel regular, before adding a disclaimer: “The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.” ”

I haven’t seen the entire context of this, but it reminded me of what Katamount and EJ commented on in the previous thread, and what many others have noted. Claim a thing, then insist you were joking/fictionalising if people call you out.
Also calls to mind that recent piece on Jordan Peterson, where the author noted that JP tends to say nothing much specifically, so that it’s impossible to zero in on what the problem is – he always has deniability.