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Deplorables insist the Austin bomber, a right-wing Christian, was AntiFa or a “deep state sleeper agent”

Alleged Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt: Right-wing Christian homophobe who was somehow also an antifa supersoldier?

By David Futrelle

We don’t know much about Mark Anthony Conditt, the man allegedly responsible for a string of bombings in the Austin area that killed two African-Americans, injured numerous others, and terrorized a city. But what we do know is certainly suggestive: Conditt, who seemed to have been targeting prominent African-Americans, was a conservative homeschooled Christian who blogged about his  opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage and sex offender registries.

So naturally more than a few on the right have decided that Conditt must have been some sort of AntiFa supersoldier.

While the “Rex Tillerson” in the above tweet isn’t the real Rex Tillerson, those pushing this particular conspiracy theory aren’t all anonymous nobodies.  The Trump Train twitter account has more than 200,000 followers; General Deplorable has more than 60,000. @DrJaneRuby is a self-described “American Health Economist, New Right Journalist, TV Host” who is working with alt lite conspiracy theorist/former Bumble user Jack Posobiec and others to organize a right-wing networking conference in DC later this year.

Speaking of conspiracy theorists, one ingenious Twitterer managed to blame a prominent Parkland survivor-turned gun control advocate for somehow inspiring the bombings … by talking about package delivery services.

While some cried “antifa,” other right-wing conspiracy theorists thought they saw the hand of some nefarious “deep state” cabal at work.

On Infowars’ Facebook page the commenters mixed and matched comspiracy theories with wild abandon:


Looks like an antifa soyboy

Jimmy James The fact is, the majority of Americans are fucking morons and have no clue what's going on. All this has been written about / predicted for years and now it's all coming true, the deep state is activating it sleeper cells to blame conservatives and Trump supporters while Democrats are selling baby parts. Eat shit libtards

Even before the suspect’s name was announced, some glommed onto comments made on Reddit by someone claiming to be the bomber as “proof” of some sneaky conspiracy that could not possibly involve anyone with right-wing leanings.

Alex Jones’ Infowars pushed this angle hard, with Infowars TV host David Knight relying on the Reddit postings to suggest that the bomber was an AntiFa “nihilist.”

While Knight presented his theories in the form of questions, his colleague Paul Joseph Watson treated the unverified Reddit postings as Revealed Truth, declaring that they proved the bombings were “not political.”

Meanwhile, some cited the Reddit posts as proof that Alex Jones — whose alternate reality “news” empire is based in Austin — was the bomber’s real target.

It would all be a lot funnier if this weren’t how an increasing number of Americans get their “news.” From Donald Trump to Alex Jones and down all the way to @MKWPatriot, the right in America has chosen to live in an alternate reality of their own making. And the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

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6 years ago

You know, as an actual Antifa ‘soyboy’ (as these rancid pissrags would likely describe me), own your shit, assholes. You fucks talk a big game about race wars, and genocide, and free helicopter rides, but the instant it gets closer than a computer screen, it’s all false flags and “we just do it for lulz”. Fuck you

6 years ago

He ‘walked away from his faith’ years ago. NOT a Christian. His parents were Christian.

You are pushing a Fake News conspiracy theory while whining about other people spreading conspiracy theories.

“Conditt reportedly walked away from his faith several years ago.”

6 years ago

I’ll be honest I think its more insidious then that,
by making every right wing terrorist attack into some kind of conspiratorial attack against them by the left they clear themselves of all the blame while planting the seeds of hate that feeds the next attack,
thus creating perpetual self fueling cycle of right wing hate and violence.

6 years ago

True dat.

Also, those pins are dope, and damn tempting. Though demonologists didn’t have much imagination, did they? Demons turn out to be invisibility granting, treasure finding, liberal arts college professors, really

6 years ago

President Buer seems a useful sort

Buer teaches Natural and Moral Philosophy, Logic, and the virtues of all herbs and plants. He also heals all infirmities, especially of men, and gives good familiars.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Did you know that Democrat/Muslim converts have been stabbing and killing people recently?

No, Patricia, I did not know that.

Muslim converts only? No one who was born a Muslim is stabbing and killing people?

And these Democrats — are they converts to the Democratic Party? Your wording is ambiguous. If they are converts, what party or parties did they belong to before they became Democrats?

How many stabbings have there been recently?

How many victims have died?

What do you mean by “recently”: this year? since 9/11?

Where have these stabbings and killings taken place?

Once you’ve answered these important questions, I will have many, many more.

Thanks in advance.

6 years ago

Did you know that Cruz was something of a follower of Islam and closely followed them online?

Who’s them? Do all 1.8 billion Muslims in the world have a joint tumblr account?

6 years ago

They refuse to even look at the truth. I would like to rub their noses in it. Want to talk Patricia?

6 years ago


Did you know that Stephen Paddock was a Democrat, a Hillary supporter?

Citation needed. It is of course a common failing for total fucking idiots to search the Florida voter records for “stephen paddock” without stopping to check the middle names of the people in the results, but presumably you haven’t made that mistake?

6 years ago


We need guns to impose white shakira to save our children!

Noooo, not white shakira!

6 years ago

It’s kind of heartening to see how afraid they are of antifa. It suggests that antifa are effective!

6 years ago

LOL Yeah the list really could have been like 12 guys and they would all be professors at Pandemonium U,
but if you want some real creativity look up the art for these guys I’m fairly certain some strange mushrooms were involved.

I’ll add them to the short list.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

And these Democrats — are they converts to the Democratic Party? Your wording is ambiguous. If they are converts, what party or parties did they belong to before they became Democrats?

Oh, that one’s easy. They were Republicans, right up until they committed murder. At that moment, for the sake of right-wing optics and/or ability to sleep at night, they instantly became Democrats. 😛

6 years ago

I find it amusing that the official stories all say that there are so few clues as to his motives. I think a cheap algorithm could spot the motive. A homeschooled conservative Christian who was political enough to start a blog to discuss his views on abortions and homosexuality… what are the chances he was a right wing racist terrorist radicalised by the shit-posters of the internet? Good odds, I would put money on it.

A non-exaustive list of sites where trolls will encourage right wing terrorism would take up quite a lot of space, so lets just start with 4chan, reddit/pol/ and stormfront. they probably even provide links to bomb making instructions. It was only a matter of time before this happened.


6 years ago

The local PD is phoning in the investigation if the Sharif pushing a “misunderstood mentally ill loner” narrative thing is true.

6 years ago

Shaun & Jen did a relly good video on how this same thing happened with the Quebec mosque shooting, too. He tracks how, as more facts came out, they changed their story so that it was always a Muslim that did it:

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
6 years ago

‘Conservatives, of course, don’t bomb people.’

And yet these the types who are convinced they need their guns because one day they might have to overthrow their own government.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

OT: Who knows? Maybe this case could take Trump down.

She Said, He Lied
Trump Is About to Get a Dose of Due Process From Summer Zervos
Zervos, who is only seeking $2,914 in damages, cannot be bought off. She wants either an admission or a jury verdict.

After aide Rob Porter departed the White House amid accusations he had physically abused two ex-wives, President Trump tweeted a question:

“Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”

Well, Trump is about to get a dose of it.

On Tuesday, a Manhattan judge dismissed Trump’s effort to deny due process for Summer Zervos, ruling she can go ahead with Case 150522/2017. That is the suit in which Zervos charges Trump defamed her by calling her a liar. She was one of more than a dozen women who accused him of groping and or kissing them.

Trump had sought through his lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, to block the suit, arguing in December that a sitting president cannot be sued in state court. Kasowitz further argued that Trump was too busy leading the free world, and that Trump’s remarks were “political speech” covered by the First Amendment.

In an uncommonly clear 18-page ruling three months in careful making, Judge Jennifer Schechter rejected all that. She offered a simple principle that is a pillar of America’s true greatness.

“No one is above the law,” Schechter wrote.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

First off, Bye, Patricia!

Second: Considering the canonization of Dylan Roof, Timothy Mcveigh, the whole of the Army of God and other assorted violent and murderous fascists of varying hues, the mental gymnastics displayed here can only be construed as deeply disingenious, which again brings us back to the underlying logic* of all fascist ideologies, namely that deliberate misinformation and re-definition of truth is a nescessary tool to divide people and set up the conflict nescessary to perpetuate the state terror and authoritarianism that fascism dresses its capitalism up in.

*internally consistent logic, not actual mathematical or scientific Logic.

6 years ago

So many questions… Here are the first few to come to mind.

Is a Bernie supporter better or worse than a Hillary supporter?

How does one become a “Muslim affiliate”? Are there franchises available? What’s the membership fee? Are there biscuits at the meetings?

Is bombing random people in Austin the most efficient way of targeting Alex Jones?

Occam’s Razor is really more of a corkscrew to the Right, isn’t it?

6 years ago

The lack of logic is what get the most on my system. They accuse soy to make people “effeminate” (which in their wordviews mean “not aggressive and ruthless enough”, nevermind that women are often more ruthless than men and can largely be just as aggressive)

And then, a cold killer who exhibit all the signs of “masculinity” they strive for is suddenly a “soyboy”. At that point, I wonder if they think that soy make people liberal ? ’cause it sure don’t seem to have a lot of other effects based on their statements.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Learned a new acronym today, DARVO.

That’s “Deny, Argue, Reverse Victim and Offender”

It seems a very useful summary of the tactics used in all sorts of situations.

6 years ago


Professor Lionwheel! I hear he eats you if you don’t do your essays on time, but at least he’s good about keeping regular office hours.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

The efforts to frame this as Random&VeryMuchNotPolitical are especially stark this time, aren’t they?

Austin’s police chief:

Mr Manley said the motive for the bombings and why specific people were targeted may never be known.
“We’re never going to be able to put a [reason] behind these acts,” he said.
“But what I can tell you, having listened to that recording, he does not mention anything about terrorism, nor does he mention anything about hate.

The DA:

“The deaths that occurred here were random and meaningless and something that we can’t ever get our heads around,” Ms Moore said.

Seconding that ShaunJen video. I know I’ve sung Shaun’s praises here ad nauseam, but the detail, care, and patience he puts in to his analyses are just so impressive. The video on Trayvon Martin was amazing.

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

Did you know that Cruz was something of a follower of Islam and closely followed them online?

I understand that the author of this ‘blog is “something of a follower” of MRAs and MGTOWs and “closely follows them online”, but I wouldn’t make any conclusions based solely on those ideas….