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Deplorables insist the Austin bomber, a right-wing Christian, was AntiFa or a “deep state sleeper agent”

Alleged Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt: Right-wing Christian homophobe who was somehow also an antifa supersoldier?

By David Futrelle

We don’t know much about Mark Anthony Conditt, the man allegedly responsible for a string of bombings in the Austin area that killed two African-Americans, injured numerous others, and terrorized a city. But what we do know is certainly suggestive: Conditt, who seemed to have been targeting prominent African-Americans, was a conservative homeschooled Christian who blogged about his  opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage and sex offender registries.

So naturally more than a few on the right have decided that Conditt must have been some sort of AntiFa supersoldier.

While the “Rex Tillerson” in the above tweet isn’t the real Rex Tillerson, those pushing this particular conspiracy theory aren’t all anonymous nobodies.  The Trump Train twitter account has more than 200,000 followers; General Deplorable has more than 60,000. @DrJaneRuby is a self-described “American Health Economist, New Right Journalist, TV Host” who is working with alt lite conspiracy theorist/former Bumble user Jack Posobiec and others to organize a right-wing networking conference in DC later this year.

Speaking of conspiracy theorists, one ingenious Twitterer managed to blame a prominent Parkland survivor-turned gun control advocate for somehow inspiring the bombings … by talking about package delivery services.

While some cried “antifa,” other right-wing conspiracy theorists thought they saw the hand of some nefarious “deep state” cabal at work.

On Infowars’ Facebook page the commenters mixed and matched comspiracy theories with wild abandon:


Looks like an antifa soyboy

Jimmy James The fact is, the majority of Americans are fucking morons and have no clue what's going on. All this has been written about / predicted for years and now it's all coming true, the deep state is activating it sleeper cells to blame conservatives and Trump supporters while Democrats are selling baby parts. Eat shit libtards

Even before the suspect’s name was announced, some glommed onto comments made on Reddit by someone claiming to be the bomber as “proof” of some sneaky conspiracy that could not possibly involve anyone with right-wing leanings.

Alex Jones’ Infowars pushed this angle hard, with Infowars TV host David Knight relying on the Reddit postings to suggest that the bomber was an AntiFa “nihilist.”

While Knight presented his theories in the form of questions, his colleague Paul Joseph Watson treated the unverified Reddit postings as Revealed Truth, declaring that they proved the bombings were “not political.”

Meanwhile, some cited the Reddit posts as proof that Alex Jones — whose alternate reality “news” empire is based in Austin — was the bomber’s real target.

It would all be a lot funnier if this weren’t how an increasing number of Americans get their “news.” From Donald Trump to Alex Jones and down all the way to @MKWPatriot, the right in America has chosen to live in an alternate reality of their own making. And the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Considering that he described himself as conservative, was in favor of the death penalty, was anti-abortion, and a homophobe….

No, I’m not gonna argue with idjits who probably don’t understand he lived in Pflugerville rather than Austin proper. (Yes, it’s a funny name. We had a lot of German settlers back in the 19th century. The local newspaper is the Pflugerville Pflag because we have a sense of humor.)

I live not far from the hotel where Things Happened last night. I’m shook up. I’m not scared. I’m angry. I’m mad as hell that I’ve gone from living in a town whose name I have to spell every time I talk to someone from out of state to living in a town that’s going to be synonymous with a bomber.

6 years ago

I sometimes wonder if these conspiracy theorists actually believe what they are saying. And of course Info Wars/Paul Joseph Watson believe anything Reddit tells them. It is not like they have posted lies before..they just run with it.

F is for 'Fro'
F is for 'Fro'
6 years ago

I guess these twitter guys and gals never watched Scooby-Doo? I had no trouble putting together the clues that he’s probably NOT AntiFa.

Also @ Victorious Parasol , shoutout to Pflugerville from Roundrock!

6 years ago

So Alex Jones is the only Radio host in all of Austin?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Has there ever been a time in which a white man was in the news for murdering people that wasn’t deemed a false flag? Like, ever? Even one?

And the bomber hated sex offender registries? So, basically he was an MRA as well as a fundie right winger, yeah?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
6 years ago

Was he somehow under the impression that Alex Jones is African American?

6 years ago

It’s a No True Scotsman variant, I guess. Any horrible act committed by a Trumpista must actually have been committed by someone else, or as a result of some deep state conspiracy, or some similar nonsense.

They see themselves as pure and right, and so actions performed by them, or their fellows, must also be pure and right, and if the actions aren’t pure and right, then the culprit can’t really be one of theirs. The catch for the sane people is, a lot of what these lunatics regard as “right” is regarded by everyone else as frickin’ horrible.

6 years ago

Bomb just gone off in Austin. (BBC breaking news, no link as yet)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

@F is for ‘Fro’

“I pfled with my pflogger pfrom Pflugerville….”

Explanation for anyone not fortunate enough to be from here:

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
6 years ago

*weary sigh* And yet again, the mental contortions they do could make Klein bottles. And it must be amazing to have so much visual perception you can tell someone’s political affiliation by just looking at a picture. Just amazing.

6 years ago

Apparently he left a video confession . . .

which is the “outcry of a very challenged young man” according to the Austin Chief of Police.

I had no idea that not murdering people was so fucking “challenging.”

6 years ago

@Shadowplay: not seeing anything at now…

6 years ago


Not seen any more on it. Desperately hoping some idiot at the BBC retweeted an old tweet.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, FemiNest Collective agent, Hell Toupee keeper & Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

((Testing testing…1 2 3 testing…tap tap…is this thing on? ))

Ahem…Don’t really have much to add here about the bombing and the bomber itself. However, an article I stumbled across not that long ago goes a fairly long way in explaining why so many Evangelicals think Trump actually embodies their professed Christian ideals.

Basically, he’s their invented fictional Jesus, not the guy the Bible actually describes.

6 years ago

Did you know that Stephen Paddock was a Democrat, a Hillary supporter? The man who shot up the Texas church in the fall was a CNN devotee (a Democrat. conservatives don’t watch it) and a fanatical atheist, who shot up a church full (obviously) of Christians, mostly white? Did you know that Cruz was something of a follower of Islam and closely followed them online? Did you know that Democrat/Muslim converts have been stabbing and killing people recently? There is a growing list of them. Stop it with the malignant and malicious myth-making about white conservatives. Who tried to shoot up the Republican congress last summer? Oh, yeah, a Democrat/Bernie supporter. There are other cases I am forgetting. I was a lifelong Democrat, but you people are disgusting. I can’t bear to see what hatefulness you are selling and yet it never stops.

Biot (yet again!)
Biot (yet again!)
6 years ago

I only have one feeble question: when will the pushback against these willful idiots start? They are pushing lies to support their own narratives, and regardless of whether these tweets are attempts to deflect blame or to maliciously lie about the left, they will shape discourse for the worse. Everything that’s being spewed by these Twit-heads is serving a purpose: radicalize themselves, weed out dissenters, and provide cover and additional grievances for them to act on.

I’m sick of this cycle.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

Ah the denial of the alt right Is unsurprising. This guy is without a doubt a terrorist, when I said the same thing an hour ago to a friend. They were shocked I’d say terrorist for this. To which I bring up evidence, he had specified targets from the evidence and he had extremist views. A weird trend with alt right and to a degree a good number of conservatives is the disbelief a white conservative Christian can be a terrorist which he obviously is.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

@ Patricia

Did you know that Stephen Paddock was a Democrat, a Hillary supporter?

Why don’t you prove it?

The man who shot up the Texas church in the fall was a CNN devotee

CNN devotee

Oh. That would explain it. “CNN devotee” is a step up from “soyboy” and (I daresay) a step down from “SJW”.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Democrat / Leftist /Liberal “ANTIFA” supporter



The catch for the sane people is, a lot of what these lunatics regard as “right” is regarded by everyone else as frickin’ horrible

Comments policy, thanks

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Did you know that Cruz was something of a follower of Islam and closely followed them online?

Citation needed on that one. Everything I’ve ever seen about him indicates that he was in fact a white nationalist. How would you explain the MAGA hat photo?

Stop it with the malignant and malicious myth-making about white conservatives.

This request might look more reasonable if you didn’t open with talkig about how violent Democrats/Muslims (are the two synonymous?)

I was a lifelong Democrat, but you people are disgusting.

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Oh, and I clicked on our new troll’s name. Nothing much to see there, but there was an anti-Hillary meme with graphic photos of dead children so, I’d advise not looking. Apparently Boko Haram is her fault now. Cause a woman is always to blame for everything, but don’t you dare comment on violence from white conservative men. They’re utterly blameless in all things.

Funny how someone who posts such grotesque pictures on their blog with no content warning and jump is calling us disgusting.

Here’s an actual citation

In comparison to the 2000s, there was a sharp decline in the proportion of terrorist attacks carried out by left-wing, environmentalist extremists during the first seven years of the 2010s (from 64% to 12%). At the same time, there was a sharp increase in the proportion of attacks carried out by right-wing extremists (from 6% to 35%) and religious extremists (from 9% to 53%) in the United States. This article does not distinguish which religions the religious extremist terrorism comes from but no, don’t assume they’re all Muslim.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Does liking Anderson Cooper gifs make you a CNN goatee?

He sums up my opinion of Patricia and all the other Trumpkins pretty well

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

. I was a lifelong Democrat, but you people are disgusting

Holy carpets, you people are unbelievably terrible at passing. At least make an effort to blend in. (Tip: Swish a glass of Chardonnay and say “cuck” a lot. Even Rachel Maddow will be fooled!)

So what turned you away from the Democratic Party? Was it the part about protecting workers’ rights? Ending poverty? Investing in rural America? Providing quality, affordable education? Ensuring livable wages? Safeguarding voting laws?

Or maybe it’s because the Democrats weren’t SUFFICIENTLY disgusting enough for you?

6 years ago

Democrat / Muslim converts have been stabbing and killing people recently?


I was invited to volunteer with the Democrats, if it’s going to be this much work I think I should ask for a fairly decent salary.

6 years ago

The Right: “Illuminati antichrist Marxist Muslim Nazi Jews are trying to white genocide straight men with planned parenthood! We need guns to impose white shakira to save our children!”

White cishet dude kills a bunch of people,

The Right: “Illuminati antichrist Marxist Muslim Nazi Jews are trying to frame patriots to white genocide straight men! We need guns to impose white shakira to save our children!”

Every single time.

Off topic but I backed this kickstarter that is making pins of the 72 demon sigils from the Ars Goetia.

I pledged for 4 pins any suggestions which ones would be “useful” for a lgbtq+ person in these uncertain times?
Thinking of getting: Marquis Phenex(all the science! + Poetry), Duke Barbatos (talking to animals and finding treasure!), President Marbas (disease healing and shape shifting! and giving nazis wicked head colds could be fun) and Duke Valefor (I hear they make a good familiar as long as you ignore their “advice”).

Asking the mammothers because you are folks always seem super knowledgeable and well read regardless of the subject.

6 years ago

And apparently I suck at links…

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