By David Futrelle
Pickup artists and Men’s Rights Activists and other reactionary misogynists love to claim that their retrograde ideas about human “mating strategy” have been proven 100% awesome and correct by SCIENCE. By SCIENCE, of course, they generally mean a simplified version of evolutionary psychology based on “just so stories” about our human ancestors and assorted studies of animals that supposedly prove the eternal truth that alphas rule and betas drool.
Consider, for example, one recent defense of “toxic masculinity” posted on Psychology Today and then reposted by Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men. In “Is toxic masculinity a valid concept?” Concordia University marketing professor and Evo Psych maven Gad Saad declares that
For sexually reproducing species including humans, evolution has endowed males and females with universal mating preferences that map onto sex-specific recurring challenges faced by each sex during our evolutionary history. This is profoundly obvious to anyone with a grade 8 level understanding of human biology and human psychology.
Ladies in “sexually reproducing species,” it seems, are hard-wired to love big burly dudes.
Female fiddler crabs and hens prefer males with extravagantly large claws and tails respectively. Ewes (female rams) will mate with the ram that wins the brutal intrasexual head-butting contest. They reward targeted aggression by granting sexual access.
Crabs also live underwater and have a seafood diet that includes sea urchins, sand dollars, barnacles, and algae. But never mind.
Needless to say, there are innumerable other examples of sexual selection that I might describe but I suspect that you get the general gist. Are rams exhibiting toxic masculinity? Are female fiddler crabs succumbing to antiquated notions of masculinity as promulgated by the crab patriarchy?
I’m going to say “yes” to that first question, as rams can do pretty severe damage to one another with all that head-butting.
Let’s now apply the exact same evolutionary process (sexual selection) to humans. Evolutionary psychologists have documented universal patterns of mating preferences that are invariant across time and place. In no culture ever studied have women repeatedly preferred to mate with pear-shaped low-status tepid men possessing high-pitched nasal voices.
As a pear-shaped — well, more apple-shaped — low-status tepid man, I do fine, actually, but never mind.
In no documented culture do women’s sexual fantasies revolve around granting sexual access to unemployed unambitious men who occupy the lowest stratum of the social hierarchy. Instead, women are attracted to “toxic masculine” male phenotypes that correlate with testosterone, and they are desirous of men who are socially dominant, are strategically risk-taking in their behaviors, and who exhibit patterns of behaviors that will allow them to ascend the social hierarchy and defend their positions from encroachers.
Other Red Pill thinkers also look to the animal kingdom for lessons on human sexuality, most often citing gorillas and chimps, which are genetically very similar to humans if a bit hairier.
Our old friend Heartiste, the floridly racist PUA guru, regularly turns to studies of other primates to understand what he calls the “renowned human female mate preference for jerkboys of varying jerkitude.” In one post, he recounted an experiment he claimed to have conducted in which he did his best impression of an especially macho gorilla to see how women reacted to this primal stimulus.
For shits and remotely activated tingles, I decided to try out the MAXIMUM ALPHA MALE MODE walking style in a beautiful baby zoo near you.
I walked about town like a guy who [had] absorbed a piece of gorilla DNA …
Result: After an hour or so performing the “here are my steely balls, ladies, feast your eyes” gait, I can conclusively say that a lot… no, a WHOLE LOT… of women tossed me lascivious stares. Not “what is this weird guy doing?” looks; real hardcore “i want… i need… to get to know this man” stares.
Ok, there were a couple of “who’s the weirdo?” looks, but most were definitely in the “checking him out” camp.
In the Red Pill subreddit, someone called SkorchZang offered his scientific assessment of ape sex.
I‘m always deeply touched when watching a documentary about apes and there’s some mating scene or something going on. Typically the male is what you’d expect, he’s humping away, working it, it feels good and he’s just focused in on that. But the female, man! They actually use their wrinkly monkey faces to make the exact same “porn faces” that human women will put on. You know the face, that “oh you dirty big fucking fucker, you… fucking me all bent over like that when you know that’s not very nice!” kind of face. With the eyes and everything. Hilarious display of the raw natural hunger for male domination that TRP often talks about and taps into.
But is a “hunger for male domination” really this universal? Even amongst those species that value male alphatude in matters of the heart and loin, things are a bit more complicated than the Red Pill alpha male myths.
Amongst rhesus macaques, for example, “younger females often sneak off to mate with males lower down on the dominance hierarchy,” according to a guide to primate behavior put together by behavioral scientist Dennis O’Neil of Palomar College. Male chimps, meanwhile, prefer mating with older females instead of the nubile young lady chimps that Red Pill ideology would suggest they’d go for instead.
But this isn’t the main thing wrong with Red Pillers’ fetishization of animal studies as a guide to human sexual desires and behavior. The biggest problem? There are 7.77 million species of animals on our little planet. Red Pillers (and Evo Psych enthusiasts generally) cherry-pick a tiny handful whose behavior seems to best match with their crude “alphas rule, betas drool” vision of the world. But the mating behavior of many species bears little or no resemblance to what we humans do.
Consider, for example, our fellow social mammal the spotted hyena. Given their infamous aggressiveness, you might assume spotted hyena society to be lorded over by the alpha males who can bite and laugh the hardest. Not exactly. Female spotted hyenas like their men meek. As Wikipedia notes,
Males will show submissive behaviour when approaching females in heat, even if the male outweighs his partner. Females usually favour younger males … Passive males tend to have greater success in courting females than aggressive ones.
Oh, and did I mention that female hyenas have fake dicks?
The mating process is complicated, as the male’s penis enters and exits the female’s reproductive tract through her pseudo-penis rather than directly through the vagina, which is blocked by the false scrotum and testes. These unusual traits make mating more laborious for the male than in other mammals, while also ensuring that rape is physically impossible.
Things get even weirder when we move beyond the mammals. Fenale fiddler crabs may prefer macho lovers with huge … claws. Praying Mantis and Black Widow females like men they can literally eat (though in practice they eat their former lovers far less than the urban legends suggest).
If death at the hands of your insect (or arachnid) lover sounds unappealing, consider the horrific fate faced by male anglerfish after they get jiggy with it in their own weird way. As Wired notes, in many species of anglerfish, those hideously ugly denizens of the very deep,
[f]emales are so large and in charge that the much smaller males don’t even look like [they’re from] the same species. A male will bite onto his lady friend, then fuse his face to her body. He lives the rest of his days like this, releasing sperm when she releases eggs. That little bump at the back of her belly? That’s her husband.
Were Anglerfish capable of producing rom-coms, Wired wryly observes,
Every single movie would go a little something like this: Boy meets girl, boy bites girl, boy’s mouth fuses to girl’s body, boy lives the rest of his life attached to girl sharing her blood and supplying her with sperm. Ah, a tale as old as time.
While male anglerfish may be the ultimate omegas, male seahorses aren’t far behind. As most of us learned back in grade school, it’s the male seahorse that gets “pregnant” after being pumped full of eggs by a female who deserts him immediately afterwards. Here’s what a hot date looks like for these horsefaced creatures, according to Wikipedia:
During a “true courtship dance” lasting about 8 hours … the male pumps water through the egg pouch on his trunk which expands and opens to display its emptiness” in an attempt to impress his would-be mate. If his egg-pouch flapping gets his target female in the mood,
she and her mate let go of any anchors and drift upward snout-to-snout, out of the seagrass, often spiraling as they rise. They interact for about 6 minutes, reminiscent of courtship. The female then swims away until the next morning [when she] inserts her ovipositor into the male’s brood pouch and deposits dozens to thousands of eggs. … Both animals then sink back into the seagrass and she swims away.
Talk about being pumped and dumped!
Even amongst those species in which the ladies seem to prefer the most macho lovers the betas often manage to get some action as well. Consider the cuttlefish. As Wikipedia explains,
Male cuttlefish challenge one another for dominance and the best den during mating season. … The animals will threaten each other until one of them backs down and swims away. Eventually, the larger male cuttlefish mate with the females by grabbing them with their tentacles, turning the female so that the two animals are face-to-face, then using a specialized tentacle to insert sperm sacs into an opening near the female’s mouth.
But lower-status cuttlefish have a sneaky trick up their many sleeves — turning themselves into ladylike “sneaker males” to fool their macho rivals into giving them access to the cuttlefish equivalent of a HB 10.
[S]maller cuttlefish will use their camouflage abilities to disguise themselves as a female cuttlefish. Changing their body color, concealing their extra arms (males have four pairs, females only have three), and even pretending to be holding an egg sack, disguised males are able to swim past the larger guard male and mate with the female.
But my favorite animal sex-havers have to be banana slugs. Slugs in general, Wikipedia explains,
are hermaphrodites, having both female and male reproductive organs. Once a slug has located a mate, they encircle each other and sperm is exchanged through their protruded genitalia. …
In the banana slugs, the penis is trapped inside the body of the partner. Apophallation allows the slugs to separate themselves by one or both of the slugs chewing off the other’s or their own penis.
Fucking hardcore.
If Red Pillers and PUAs really want to impress the world with their badass no-fucks-given attitude, I’d suggest they stop taking their cues not from gorillas but from these slimy, yellow, penis-shaped penis-chewers.
H/T — Thanks to all those Tweeters who provided me with many excellent examples of Blue Pilled animal species. And check out Humon’s Animal Lives book for even more examples, helpfully illustrated.
It was hilarious, without even trying to imagine how he’d portray his idea of “gorilla”. (presumably something other than knuckle walking – I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work well with a hominin body plan)
“Oh, you mean those *other* apes?”
I’m transitioning to a new nym (the one I already use on Freethoughtblogs). The old one felt pretentious on the “arctic” part.
Lumipuna is a random nonsensical Finnish word construct meaning “snow + red”, which I think sounds pretty. It was made up on the run as I needed a WordPress username and didn’t realize it’d be my nym.
I’m not sure I get the point of that baad Saad article. “Here’s some behaviour which I think the womz would call toxic, but it’s animals, so that’s natural, therefore checkmate feminists!” But so what? Chimps are territorial, and will kill chimps from other groups who encroach into their territory. Mallard drakes have frequently been observed committing gang rape. Infanticide by the dominant male is practised by lions and some monkeys, among others. Cannibalism is common across many species. Crows and rats steal all your shiny stuff. Does this mean that those behaviours couldn’t be called problematic when practised by humans? I suspect Saad is perfectly aware that “chimps do it” wouldn’t be a strong defence in a murder trial.
I still very much identify as an ape and animal – while being very aware of the biological differences between humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans. If the human animal can be considered a furry identity, that’s me.
PUAs and random shitlords/internet intellectuals seem to think that since toxic behavior is inherently masculine, curtailing it socially would be either impossible or just plain wrong.
Meanwhile, incels and MRAs/MGTOW seem to think that toxic masculinity is ultimately a byproduct of women’s “hypergamous” sexual preferences. This “hypergamy” – which may well be accepted as inherently feminine – is seen as socially harmful and curtailing it would be worthwhile regardless of whether that would solve toxic masculinity.
I can’t believe none of us have gotten around to mocking this yet. Notice how his entire evidence that gorilla swagger is great and effective game is his perception of the way women are looking at him? We’re just supposed to take him at his words that the stares were stares of lust. Or at least some of them anyway.
We see this in a lot of red pill/PUA field reports. The “philosophy” sells itself as a tool for getting laid, but a most of the time proof of success is women looking a them, smiling at them, talking to them for 30 seconds etc. Not actual sex. Not dates. Not even phone numbers. Like the middle aged dad who wore a t-shirt with right wing slogans to a waterpark and totally got checked out by teenage girls. Or the guy who sexually harassed cashiers and the cashiers told him to have a nice guy. ETA: I meant to type “nice day” but it’s a funny error so I’m just leaving it.
Of course, when they actually do claim to get laid it does sound completely fake. Like our pancake troll who claimed to be getting sexed while he was trolling us. Or the spitting in her mouth is totally alpha guy who socked as his own roommate to assure us that “Fisto” looks just like Thor and totally gets laid all the time.
So, to get red pilled you have to become perpetually angry, learn a bunch of silly jargon, and spend all your time on reddit and manosphere blogs and the fruits of your labor are stares from creeped out women when you make an ass out of yourself in public

Not surprised at the identity of the bomber in the slightest, but now I’m worried this administration and law enforcement will just let this shit slide.
Just like they kept quiet about Cruz painting swastikas in his magazines, I’m sure they will try their hardest to keep a lid on any links Conditt might have had with White supremacist groups.
I have to wonder how much of his bravado is just delusion and how much of it exists just to profit off of toxic, gullible assholes. Surely they are aware that they cannot keep on selling the exact same product without re-branding and re-packaging it into a new shiny “technique” for getting laid.
Hyenas are awesome.
Well, they’re still not calling it terrorism. Trying to cover up like cats on a tile floor, they are.
Case in point
Edit: added link, just saw it on twitter.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders specifically said it wasn’t terrorism. Whether he had a political motive, I guess we don’t know yet, but as soon as we learned he was white, terrorism was automatically ruled out and of course Trump went the mentally ill loner route. Sigh.
Ugghhhhhh, Gad Saad… he’s like a try-hard version of Jordan Peterson, only without the self-help angle, so he’s left floundering the edgelord sphere as one of those “We couldn’t get Peterson” consolation guests. He’s not only odious, but he’s thin-skinned as well.
I won’t link it here because it’s very NSFW, but if you have second, look up that Oglaf cartoon on Anglerfish. It ends with the dapper Anglerfish in his housecoat, swirling his brandy saying:
Truer words were never spoken.
Also, there’s a surreally hilarious movie called “Green Porno” where Isabella Rossellini dresses up in various animal costumes and acts out their mating rituals in a series of skits. The snail and slug ones stood out to me as particularly odd. I think the whole thing’s on YouTube (or at least clips of it).
I’ve always been interested in psychology which is why I gave up on Psychology Today about twenty years ago. It either always was or became the National Enquirer of psych.
I had to click through to the Palomar College site to see if it’s the one I attended and it is! Probably the best two year college out there with the highest rate of transfer to four year schools in California as opposed to some of the other jr. colleges* I’ve attended. Lookin’ at you, LA Pierce College!
*or extended high schools, as I call them
Except cats, of course.
Yes, but wasn’t that right before he was identified? I’m wondering if that will change now and what evidence might come out regarding his ties with White supremacist groups (which I imagine he will have).
The bomber identified himself as conservative. Home-schooled, anti-abortion, homophobic, in favour of the death penalty.
There’s a claim that this was his short-lived blog, from 2012. Unsurprisingly, the posts are getting comments today!
Speaking of Nikolas Cruz – his brother wants to set up a fan club for him
I think cats teaching people things is incidental, but it’s more plausible than lobsters, that’s for sure. 😀
And of course this guy’s political views are about as deep as a puddle. “Don’t sex if can’t baby! Teh ghey is unnatural! Dead people can’t murder! Problem solved! DOY!” And I thought my Grade 10 Civics class left me ill-prepared (actually, in retrospect, I gained a lot out of it).
*sigh* Example #17,204,928 of why public education is so damned important. You hear that, Betsy DeVos? Of course not, I’m not a billionaire.
End-stage capitalism, folks. Attention is currency. Other people’s lives only matter in their capacity to consume. Likes. Clicks. Retweets. So it freakin’ goes….
In lighter news, John Oliver’s Marlon Bundo book is outselling the Veep’s:
PeeVee, did you see that it has over 4000 reviews on amazon.com? Funny thing is, a lot of the one-star reviews are supportive too!
See, that’s why there’s all sorts of steps you take to have a truly scientific study, otherwise you risk confirmation bias. I can imagine it now:
“We observed your interactions and our conclusion is: Science thinks you’re an asshole.”
Moggie…no, but I am not surprised that it has that many reviews.
John Oliver has a *lot* of fans.
You forgot to mention he wanted to do away with sex offender registration. So at the very least MRA adjacent.
I always try to not observe the shitshows known as guys attempting to be alphas (assholes) It’s just so awkward to watch an unironic aping (pun intended) of the jocks from 1980s era Teen movies. It’s one of the ultimate cringe inducing experiences (others include people shouting racial slurs, alt right protests,etc)
“… so I walked around like I had absorbed a piece of male Black Widow Spider dna…. The way the females looked at me, it was obvious they wanted to breed…. After a few ‘passes”, I got with one… then she ate me.”
Mike Cernovich wrote an article about the burdens of his “fame” – link is archived here so you don’t have to give him the page views.
Reads like Sterno’s been hitting the sauce again.
“I can’t trust anyone. So what if I invariably attack my friends, they should put up with it as the price of knowing me. So lonely.”
Guy sounds like Trump, without the minimal coarse charm.