empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex dolls sexy robot ladies

Brave Redditor advocates for LGBTQAPWSITSOWMWEYAAMGTOWWBSB rights, minus the L

Again with the sexbots?

By David Futrelle

Welcome back to what has become a veritable MGTOW weekend here at We Hunted the Mammoth!

So I’m browsing through yet another interminable discussion of sexbots in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and once again the consensus seems to be that sexbots will soon be here in a big way, rendering flesh-and-blood women obsolete, because of course the only thing they’re good for is sex and they aren’t even any good at that, ha ha sucks to be you, women!

Heck, already there are some sex bots that aren’t creepy like haunted dolls.

“The Harmony robot prototype blinks and moves her head,” noted one commenter. “As soon as she did that, she seemed real to me and no longer creeped me out.”

“It’s impressive,” replied another. “I’m fairly certain we’ll have the formula cracked [within a decade]. Now all we have to do is finishing work with artificial wombs and we’re all set to finally say: ‘Begone thot!'”

You know, the standard MGTOW technology-will-make-women-obsolete-because-they-basically-suck bullshit.

Then I saw this comment from the OP and it sort of threw me for a loop. Responding to someone noting that it still wasn’t socially acceptable to take one’s sex doll out in public, he declared:

throw_dat_awayyy[S] 14 points 1 month ago you can do whatever you want within the confines of your home though...whether it be smoking weed, shitting in your sink or masturbating with egg yolks. the same way you don't care whether someone is trans or not, same standard should hold whether someone chooses to purchase a sex doll or not.

Witness the birth of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Queer And Dudes Who Shit In The Sink Or Who Masturbate With Egg Yolks And Also Men Going Their Own Way Who Buy Sex Bots (LGBTQAPWSITSOWMWEYAAMGTOWWBSB) movement!

Oh, wait, I’m pretty sure these guys don’t want lesbians tagging along, so take off that first L.

So far this new movement hasn’t made much of a splash. The only person who responded to the comment got hung up on the bit about the eggs.

squeezeonein 1 point 1 month ago I often thought fried semen would make a good omlette but i guess it would be gay to eat your own jizz.

Well that took a turn, huh?

But you know what? You be you, guys. If you MGTOWs, in the privacy of your own homes, want to have sex with sex dolls or sex bots or egg yolks, if you want to fry up your own semen or mix it into a smoothie that you yourself will be drinking, go right ahead, it’s your right. (I’m a little less enthusiastic about the sink shitting, if only because I suspect that at some point a plumber will have to clear that out for you and that’s not a nice thing to do to a plumber.)

Yes, I make fun of the MGTOW obsession with sex bots all the time. But that’s not because it’s inherently pathetic to sex up inanimate objects; lots of people do that, many of them on a daily basis. It’s because you guys insist that these particular inanimate objects will somehow replace women because women suck and ha ha sucks to be you, women!

And it’s not even the misogyny itself that’s pathetic. It’s that your endless sexbot discussions absolutely reek of sour grapes. If you really thought that women were so easily replaceable, that they were truly as worthless as you so often declare them to be, you wouldn’t spend every spare second of the day talking about them on the internet, would you?

Speaking of which, this post will mark the end of this impromptu MGTOW weekend. Because spending even a weekend with you guys in my head is really kind of depressing.

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6 years ago

I often though fried semen would make a good omelette but I guess it would be gay to eat your own jizz.

Why yes, squeezeonein, as it so happens it is gay to eat your own jizz…but OTOH it is So Totally Not Gay to eat someone else’s jizz.

On contrary, it puts you on the high road to shitlordhood and alphadom. That’s a little-shared secret, and you heard it here. Now go forth, squeezeonein, and conquer. Do it for all our sakes, as well as your own.

{squeezes tears of wheezy laughter out of both eyes}

6 years ago


a book titled, I believe, “Natural Harvest” that is all about cooking with semen.

As opposed to, idk, vegetables, which are so unnatural?! OK, I guess they are, if we consider “selectively bred for centuries to make them better food for humans” unnatural.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Hi IP!!!!! Great to see you again!


If they wanted to really stick it to the sexdoll-hating feminists, they’d dredge it with flour first, then roll in breadcrumbs afterwards.

*stifled laughter*

6 years ago

Two things.

I need that book!

And: dvärghundspossen, I’m actually going NEI! Tell me more about that guy!

6 years ago

Zaunfink: Well, I only knew him very vaguely. He was really weird overall. A friend of mine, though, thought he was interestingly excentric and developed a crush on him. She was the one who told me that he once made an omelette with his own semen.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ugh. Trump has officially called for the death penalty for drug dealers.

Is this even enforceable? I thought the death penalty for crimes other than murder was ruled unconstitutional as it’s cruel and unusual punishment? Anyone know more?

ETA: He also apparently thinks he’s the first person to every think of doing anti-drug commercials. Yeah. Goofy anti drug commercials will fix everything!

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

In the future….
Sexbot- “I’m leaving you Paul”
MGTOW- “but I designed you to be mine!!” who is it you vile female?”
Sexbot-“your toaster Paul, she has always been kind to me unlike you.. “

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

(The following will conflate sex and gender for simplicity’s sake)

When women are framed as a tool necessary for male reproduction, sometimes you get the impression that the very existence of the human female is somehow supposed to be conditional on this reproductive use. Like, when we finally have artificial wombs (and stem cell eggs, I suppose), women will simply disappear like some obsolete technology nobody wants to buy or manufacture.

Now, in reality women exist because roughly half of human embryos spontaneously develop on the female pathway. And, obviously, both sexes are (currently) equally necessary for each other’s reproduction.

Now, we’re already increasingly able to select the sex of our children, and it has resulted in some “deficit” of women China and India because families (usually consisting of a mother and father) favor sons over daughters. This deficit is known to be a problem for the society, when heterosexual pairing is still very much considered a practical and normative necessity. However, families seem to expect some other family will raise a daughter to marry their son – and if not, they can’t do anything to help that.

However, in developed societies (including, increasingly, urban middle class China and India, I think?) there doesn’t seem to be particular preference for either sex. Presumably, this would also apply if we stopped using female bodies (or male bodies) for reproduction. So people would still have both sons and daughters.

Now, it’s faintly possible that men with access to independent reproduction might indeed collectively abandon women, if they’d rather live and raise children with robots. Would the men still want to raise daughters along with sons? Possibly not.

More interesting question is, would the the men want to raise enough sons to sustain the male population? Even with sophisticated robotic help? Maybe, but who knows.

Presumably, in that scenario, women would also be able to reproduce independently – actually it could be a case of women actively segregating themselves from men rather the other way round. Then, If it’s actually true that women are indeed naturally more interested in raising children, the whole human reproduction would disproportionately depend on women (and their robotic help).

More to the point, the survival of the male sex might actually depend on whether women still want to raise sons along with daughters.

6 years ago

Aw man, Canada had the best goofy anti-drug commercials!

Oh wait, did I say “goofy” or “scream-yourself-awake nightmare”?

Yeah, that’s more like it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It looks like there’s laws on the books in some states to give the death penalty for drug trafficking but since it hasn’t been applied no one has taken it to court so the legality might be up in the air. Is that about right?

I’d also be interested to know what the details of this proposal are. If Trump even thought of any. How much drug would have to be trafficked and which drugs specifically? How much is it going to cost to put a ton more on death row. He also seems to only want this apply to drugs coming in from Mexico. Are domestic drug traffickers exempt? Are sham “pain clinics” that exist to prescribe pain pills to anyone asking for it exempt? Are the owners of pharmacies that act as fronts for dealing pain pills (a thing that exists in places like West Virginia) exempt?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This is my favorite drug PSA. From my youth in the early 90’s

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

The classic anti-drug commercial (US category, 1980’s):

Any questions?


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This is another classic

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago

Good afternoon everyone! I come bearing gifts of salt from 4chan!

PD: what’s the code for posting images?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Is that about right?

That appears to be exactly right.

Of course if the president of the electoral college succeeds in his plan to stack the court with his mates, who knows what might happen on appeal now.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

You know, if the courts rule that causing a death indirectly by trafficking drugs is death penalty eligible, wouldn’t that open up a whole can of worms? Like, if an energy company is negligent with worker safety and miners die, couldn’t the execs responsible be given the death penalty? That kind of thing? Whether that would realistically happen, probably not, but it seems like in theory polluters and owners of companies that neglect workplace safety and owners of companies that put out dangerously faulty products could be opened up to capital murder charges rather than just civil suits.

Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

@Diego Duarte

This is finest salt. I believe you have to insert a URL that ends in one of a few recognized extensions, like this one: 8WaAV.png (delete the space)
comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

As if the Cambridge Analytica story wasn’t disturbing enough already

I really, really, really hope this is the thing that finally prompts governments to start regulating social media companies more. If we don’t nip this shit in the bud soon, we’re going to end up in a sci-fi dystopia where every aspect of life is controlled by a corporate surveillance state.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Unrelated to anything, but just sticking this here for victorious parasol

tim gueguen
6 years ago

You can’t talk about Canadian PSAs without presenting the classic “Don’t You Put It In Your Mouth.”

Or Astar the Robot.

House hippos!

And possibly the greatest Canadian PSA of all time, the original Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe fire safety PSA.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

@ Alan

That gives me a really warm feeling. Thank you for sharing.

Speaking of sharing….

6 years ago

I was thinking about Astar the robot a year or so back and wonder if a safety PSA addressed to robots would feature a human saying “my skin can heal itself — yours can’t.”

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

@ diego;

re: drunk as fuck… izzat Richard Spencer???????

E.T.A. by the holy white… whiteness… what is the igno-right COMING TO?????