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MGTOWs agree: Gay men are lucky because “vaginas are objectively gross”

MGTOWs learned everything they know about vaginas from old feminine hygiene ads (Note: This is from a real ad for Kotex)

By David Futrelle

Despite their often quite limited experience with vaginas in the field, so-called Men Going Their Own Way have very strong opinions on the subject. For example, that vaginas are all super stinky and gross. Sour, like grapes.

In a recent discussion in the MGTOW subreddit, a number of forum regulars set forth their theories on vaginal yuckiness, and why gay men are lucky that they get to avoid them.

By contrast, penises totally aren’t gross at all. Not that any of these guys are into them! escalover 28 points 7 hours ago I have gay friends and they find vagina absolutely disgusting. As a straight man I'm okay with penis. Like, penis is a thing that exists, other men have one, I have one, it's okay. I don't want to touch penis, other than my penis, but penis isn't "gross"; if one pops up in a porn, oh well. But gay men absolutely cannot tolerate the thought of vagina. Vaginas are objectively gross and if you didn't have hormones, you wouldn't be interested. Vaginas are literally Petri dishes.

Still, life would be so much easier if they were gay, though NO WAY THEY’RE NOT INTERESTED, nope, definitely DO NOT WANT.

Also, did you know that 20-year-old vaginas are much cleaner than those attached to old hags over the age of 25 or so? SCIENCE FACT.

migmxke 19 points 7 hours ago* I'm macho and shit. But lately I realized why gay men are more happy in life. (gay=happy anyway). Because they DO NOT have to deal with being attracted to a potential smelly rotten vagina, who will falsely accuse them or divorce-rape them. But I have to keep accepting my hetero risk, because my primal instinct and my biological imperative is to be attracted by young 20yo pussy or around 18-24, then pump-and-dump, rinse and repeat. Because in these young ages, their vaginas are generally cleaner. But again, just be very cautious, because this shit we call game, is getting more dangerous these day.

My condolences to all those who will never get to experience the joy of sex with one of these dudes because their vaginas are too old and stinky.

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EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

You are only interested in ”8 or aboves”. Ordinary women need not apply.

Ugh. I’m just imagining how creepy it would be to have such a person hit on you, and it makes my skin crawl.

6 years ago

Imagine them “lowering their standards” to hit on you, a below 8 wretch they took pity on, only to be rejected. Results in a lot of anger and violence hurled at those of us who dare to exist as below 8 women on dating apps.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

A troll popped up on the previous page.

All heterosexual men should be able to agree the attraction to women in general and to their vaginas in particular seems bizarre when we aren’t caught up in the heat of passion, we’re thinking clearly, and we consider what they are.

Women aren’t a what. We’re a who. Anyway, I guess I can’t speak for heterosexual men because I’m not one. But it doesn’t seem like most of them think their attraction is all that bizarre. I know it’s hard for you miggytoes to believe, but not everybody hates the people they want to have sex with. Maybe the issue isn’t that women are bad or that attraction is bizarre or that vaginas are icky. Maybe the problem is you and the way you think? Just a thought.

“Woman is a temple built over a sewer.”
– Tertullian, Early Church Father

Congratulations. You’ve (assuming the quote is accurate) proved that some church leader from a really long time ago also hated women. That proves… well, nothing really. Nice try?

“The value of vagina is only good from 18 to 29. Pussy get old like bread not like wine.”
– Patrice O’Neal, Philosopher King

*Checks down my underwear.* Nope. Not seeing any mold. Or fish. Or bleach. Or booze. Just a body part. And tmi alert, my vagina and vulva are probably the part of my body that has changed the least over the years. It certainly didn’t sprout mold upon my thirtieth birthday. Misogynists are so weird. And very immature. Your fear of vagina doesn’t make women look bad. It makes you look bad. Way to self own again and again and again.

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

– Tertullian, Early Church Father

“early church father” … now THERE was a bunch of MGTOWs

6 years ago

Vaginas are actually very clean. They essentially secrete hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacterial infection.

Hydrogen peroxide is used as a rocket propellant. So, take care.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
6 years ago


AWESOME! I always wanted to fly to the moon using my cooch!

*really needs a nap*

6 years ago


“Hydrogen peroxide is used as a rocket propellant. So, take care.”

Hence why you don’t find wimmins lighting their farts on fire on youtube. Don’t want the whole works to go up, now do we?

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Yeah, some of my female friends have shown me such messages. They’re horrifying.

I’ve also seen some of the messages sent to very conventionally attractive women, and those are also horrifying. It’s almost as if women can’t win.

6 years ago

I had much better luck when I was the one sending the first message. That’s how I met my husband. 🙂

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
6 years ago


You have to use Clitmus Paper!

Biggest LOL of the weekend – thanks.

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
6 years ago

I think that bit about the “beef” was one of the most genuinely stupid things I’ve ever read in my not-short life.
Vaginas do not have beef in them, like ever. Unless someone actually puts beef in there. I’m just not going to go there.
Unfortunately, I am recovering from a yeast infection which came about for the same reason that my eczema flared up. Stress, and lots of it. So the words of these morons made me particularly angry, given that I was already having to fight the old (and completely wrong) ideas that were put in my head at a young age, that “nice women don’t get yeast infections.” (My mother’s side of the family was extremely religious and had a lot of destructive ideas, particularly about women and sexuality.)
I’m very glad to know that my ancient vagina distresses idiots like this. I like to think that it would draw up into itself and disappear if they were ever to come near it. I’m glad they would find me repulsive, happier than anyone can possibly imagine.

6 years ago

these idiots still haven’t realized that no matter how many times they use the words “objectively” and “rational”, it won’t magically turn their opinion into one.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Oh congrats, kupo.

Lemme see now… let’s see if I understand manosphere theory correctly:

You hit on him, which means that he’s an admirable high-T alpha chad. However, he responded positively to it, which makes him a despicable low-T beta cuck. He agreed to get married, which makes him a despicable low-T beta cuck. You earn your own income and aren’t dependent on him, which makes him an admirable high-T alpha chad.

If I recall correctly the two of you are monogamous. This means that he’s not sleeping with anyone on the side, so he’s not a chad. It also means that you’re not sleeping with anyone on the side, so he’s not a cuck.

So, he’s simultaneously low-T and high-T, both a cuck and a not-cuck, both a chad and a not-chad.

Phew! Man-philosophy is hard. I’m glad I paid attention in undergraduate quantum physics.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Ah, the old “Schrödinger’s Cuck” experiment … how fascinating. 🙂

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago


Wow, they indeed know as much on vaginas as they know about gay men.
I have never hear a gay person say he hates vagina. I never read a study saying and bringing the proof that gay people are vagina haters.
Not being into something does not imply hating this thing. Because if it was always the case, i should hate myself because i am not into men. Or i should hate my stuff because i am not into penises.

Do they also scream and hide their face when Graham Chapman (peace to his soul) comes full frontal in “The Life of Brian” ?
Do they think nudist beachs are only reserved to what they think are hot babes ?
Yet, they may be among the first to send dick pics to, er, “seduce”? women…

Have a nice day.

6 years ago

Soooo… how much of this is Fox and the Grapes and how much of this is lack of sexual education?

Paging future Premier Ford…….

6 years ago

Just because I did not attribute the reference to it’s original physician source doesn’t make my statement on the vagina = self cleaning oven (more or less, not precise equivalent) any less true.

6 years ago

Source for what follows wikipedia
Tertullian, Early Church Father:
This one is true (that Tertullian existed and can be discripted as Early Church Father)
I didn’t search for the quote.
I is interesting that even for early church Father he counts as misogynistic and its questionable if he was a heretic.
Only one of the few church fathers who is not reconized as a saint

Patrice O’Neal, Philosopher King
not quite.
In your face comedian, who seemed to have made a few anti-womenjokes.
Context is exspecially for comedy important and the question if that was meaned serious or not, is also important.
Now he is dead, so we have 2 dead men.

Even if the quotes are acurate, I echo the so-what.
You could posible find 100 of quotes to every topic from inteligent people that are pro-something completly wrong.
Not a proof of anythink.

Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
6 years ago


I’m sorry I gave you the impression I was somehow criticising you or implying you did something wrong in using the phrase without attribution to Dr Gunter.

It is such a wonderfully apt analogy that of course it has become part of the language of our times now. I only wanted to share the source with others here (and I can’t even be certain it was the first source – she may have been quoting someone else, for all I know), because the rest of her blog is as full of science, wit, and wisdom as that turn of phrase.

Once again, I’m sorry that my phrasing was unclear. My intention was to second your comment, not to undermine it.

(also, I heartily endorse the sentiment that “intent is not magic” while being unable to recall the primary source myself.)


6 years ago

You remember correctly! And I think that sums it all up pretty well.

6 years ago

Re: vaginas and hydrogen peroxide

I don’t think the OP was trolling or completely off-base, but merely misremembering the fact that certain Lactobacillus strains found in vaginal flora actually can produce H2O2 in hypoxic conditions sufficient to inhibit pathogens in vitro, and that it was once theorized that this had a beneficial effect in vivo (Wikipedia link here). However, subsequent research has shown that the concentrations of H2O2 found in the vagina are not nearly high enough to have this effect because, surprise, the human body really doesn’t like peroxides in contact with cells, and tends to break it down rather rapidly.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Re: rocket fuel

My vegan oppressor thought this would help persuade me to stop drinking milk. Ironically it was working; until I got to the last bit, then I just thought “Cool!”

comment image

(I am now on the soy, but that’s mainly to annoy MRA types)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Meh. You can make any food scary and dangerous if you word it a certain way. Remember the whole Subway bread is just like eating a yoga mat thing from a couple of years ago? I don’t really like to drink milk but no way am I giving up cheese.

6 years ago

Yeah… I’m a vegan since 21 years for animal rights reasons, and I really don’t think arguments relying on disgust are any good. Firstly, some claims about what’s in this or that animal food, or, for that matter, how animal foods cause various diseases, are just plain false (it’s a little like all those people on the internet who argue that aspartam is dangerous when it’s completely harmless, or low carb dieters who think carbs are more or less poison, and so on). Secondly, if I want to eat something that another person finds gross, that’s none of his business. Arguing for animal rights is one thing; how we treat animals affect THEM. But grossness? Up to each individual to decide what they find gross or not.

6 years ago

Maybe some of the claims about aspartame belong in that bucket, but there are studies showing that it is linked with significant increase of malignant tumors in lab rats, so it’s not completely without merit to argue that it’s dangerous.

But I get your point. If someone wants to eat something, great! If they don’t want to, also great! Don’t interrupt me when I’m heating up my food to warn me of the dangers of microwaves and I won’t inform you of how disgusting I find your radicchio to be.