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“Girl Power is a state-sponsored eugenics program enforced at gunpoint,” explains dude that no woman will sleep with for some reason

Today England, tomorrow Spice World

By David Futrelle

I‘ve been poking around on the Braincels subreddit, which is the subreddit that arose from the ashes of the original Incels subreddit, banned after many years of complaints for being so egregiously hateful it was starting to embarrass the site admins.

Braincels (get it?) isn’t quite as awful as its predecessor, so … congrats, I guess? But it’s still full of things like this, er, unique theory, which I found in a thread devoted to the proposition that “women are worse than Nazis.”

fdaffasafs 11 points 4 days ago "Girl power" is literally a taxpayer sponsored eugenics program enforced by the state at gunpoint. That's what girl power is. The power to stop entire bloodlines for minor physical defects and get everyone else to pay for it and cheer her on as a good person and not superficial like she actually is. Girl "power" is the power for a legbeard with incel genetics to routinely harass her male equivalents and have everyone cheer her on, and then have her pass down her subpar bloodline as if it were made of gold. permalinkembedunsavereportgive goldreply [–]queenieofrandom 1 point 4 days ago I thought it was something to do with the Spice Girls

I had no idea the Spice Girls were into this sort of thing!

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Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chsirs
Dang it i was late claiming legbeard as my pirate name lol. That picture is my new favorite thing I’ve seen today

6 years ago

Your round first!

Oddly – I’ve hoisted a few with a goodly number of folks from there, despite their fondness for Nigerian Guiness (stuff is foul, tastes like rancid Coke – you’re in London, you can get it here if you’re feeling brave enough 😛 ). Chari’s OK though. Fosters and lime without the battery acid and arsenic tastes.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

They sell more Guinness in Nigeria than they do in Ireland; it’s their biggest market.

Do you know the story about Brendan Brehan, the Irish poet, and the time he was commissioned by Guinness to come up with a new slogan? If not, I highly recommend you look it up.

6 years ago

At the risk of entering a tunnel of terror, can someone translate that diatribe?

As far as I’m aware, “Girl power” is a slogan meant to convey that girls ( and adult women) can have power. Like something you might hear one of the characters on DC Super-Hero Girls shout.

How does that in anyway relate to a government sponsored program or eugenics? Or Shecels, or whatever they call them, for that matter?

6 years ago

As a proud owner of a pair of leg beards decades old, I have to say, if they are what is keeping the incels away, then good for them.

(Full disclosure. I HATE shaving. That said, in recent years I have been forced by my vanity to shave my chin. I will not, however, shave my damned legs every again.)

6 years ago

Heh. Seconding Hexum.Though I’m guessing it boils down to some form of “femalez having freedom to choose reproductive partners = bad”

6 years ago

HEXUM: Ok I think this is the idea. Eugenics – trying to eradicate certain genes from the gene pool. Girl power – women feel it’s okay to turn sexual advances from men they’re not attracted to down.
So girl power means that certain men don’t get to spread their genes. And stopping certain people from spreading their genes – that’s eugenics!

6 years ago


Ha! I didn’t know that one. Not his most lyrical work, but there’s no denying it’s justness. 😛

Back in the 70’s Nigerians loved Guiness just as much, but couldn’t afford the imports. So the guys who brew Super Malt brewed their own version from millet.

When you roll up here next, theres a fair few places in Peckham and in Balham that sell it still. Just … warn your tastebuds. 😛

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m also curious about how leg hair indicates that a woman is carrying incel genes. Do they think ugly women have leg hair and hot women are naturally hairless? I’m losing my leg hair as I age. All I’ve got left is a little on the front of my ankles and lower shin. I only shave that off every couple of weeks because it’s not very noticeable. Does that mean I’m becoming more of a Stacey as I get older? Because I thought I’d have hit the wall by now.

6 years ago

That leaves taxpayer-funded state program enforced at gunpoint, meaning literally the only thing stopping them from spreading their genes is that it’s a crime to do so forcibly?

6 years ago

To be fair, there are fewer than 5 million people in Ireland and 193 million people in Nigeria.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ jo

Maths isn’t my strong point, but that’s more people in Nigeria right? I’ll have to see if I can even the odds next time I’m over in the free state,

@ shadowplay

Super Malt

Oh gawd, I’d forgotten about that stuff. Someone once bet me I couldn’t finish a can. I wondered what the fuss could be about; but then it took me about nine hours to drink it. I can only imagine they make it by running Ovaltine through a neutron star.

6 years ago

See, man with incel genetics = incel. WOman with incel genetics = still able to ride the cock carousel. Because in their world only men ever get turned down for sex and so women can’t ever be incels, only carriers.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@SFHC ROFL!!!!! *salutes you with leg beards*

@Otrame Yup. Only shave my pits now because I can’t stand the smell, and unlike everyone else I can’t run away! 😀

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

I love this thread. Best Saturday morning procrastination ever.
SFHC’s legbeard pic and Moggie’s “Heimbach manoeuvre” (from other thread) are gold medallists for me this week.
Re SFHC’s pics, anyone remember this, from when three Aust. mammotheers were off to crash a men’s rights conference?

tim gueguen
6 years ago

@Katamount way back in 2010 YTV played Spiceworld. I commented on my blog at the time that some of YTV’s intended audience wasn’t born when the movie came out, that it was as much a historical piece to them as a Beatles film would be.

Yesterday on Dispatches From the Culture Wars Ed Brayton had a post about Tucker Carlson comparing the kids marching for gun control to Mao’s Red Guard. The post drew the attention of one James Connelly, who has proceeded to rant rather sloppily against gun control, leftists, marriage equality, and other topics. But this bit from one of his comments really made me roll my eyes:

You will refuse to believe this but when I went to Bank Austria to set up a deposit, the girl – intelligent girl – at the counter asked if I would impregnate her. She said she could get two years of full salary if she gave birth, and would not hold me accountable.

I told him I refused to believe him because it sounded like a letter from a Penthouse Forum column. Of course it also sounds like the classic anti-welfare trope of women getting pregnant over and over again to increase their welfare payments, but used to make a supposed point against the horrors of European leftism instead of US social programs.

6 years ago

I really wish I hadn’t clicked on the subReddit link. I feel sick. Not a good way to start the weekend

6 years ago

We here will join ye’s in a stein hoist!

And as my comrade has just informed me, you can get even MORE leg beard with “Fluffies”.

These are like fur leg warmers. Rave fashion.

They come in blue, too 🙂 And glow in the dark, and light up.

They’re leaning on me to break out the new credit card! And oo I’m itching to do so! Because you know I want to be as beardy as I can be. Evidently The State is compelling me, at gunpoint, to do so also.

Shopping spree!!! Will need all the boots also. It’s part of the Crush Men Underfoot Plot, based on various animal hooves. Science! I should remember this for after I run up the credit cards, to explain to the BK judge.

No, I was just reminded, that wouldn’t be an issue because women can do whatever they want and get away with everything. Oh, right! I almost forgot. Never said I was an economist!

What’s the next step, also? Whole beard? Turn yourself into oak moss or a beard of bees or something? I hope to come up with some kind of early retirement plan, I might be interested in going this route, if anyone has any info about it 😉

6 years ago

Does Cap’n Legbeard have a fellow pirate, Cap’n Pitsbeard?

I’m a non-shaver: it’s the next best thing to having feathers.

When I had chemo all my hair disappeared from everywhere, which felt entirely weird, not to mention chilly. The legbeard was the first to re-emerge. It’s all back now apart from my eyebrows.

And another thing: apparently eugenics = bad, but “girls” using taxpayer funded gun-enforced power to pass on their “subpar bloodlines” = also bad.


Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

RE: fdaffasafs’s post

comment image

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

That cowardly prick Sessions just fired McCabe, making him ineligible for his FBI pension.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

Only a fool pisses off the spies.

I guess Cheeto Benito thinks his master, Tsar Vlad, can protect him.

CB must have the same faith in his master that the Trump Chumps have in CB.

6 years ago

@PeeVee the Tired
How many times can one piss off the FBI before its too late?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Shorter sassafras: Only we get to be superficial!!!