empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reddit

“Girl Power is a state-sponsored eugenics program enforced at gunpoint,” explains dude that no woman will sleep with for some reason

Today England, tomorrow Spice World

By David Futrelle

I‘ve been poking around on the Braincels subreddit, which is the subreddit that arose from the ashes of the original Incels subreddit, banned after many years of complaints for being so egregiously hateful it was starting to embarrass the site admins.

Braincels (get it?) isn’t quite as awful as its predecessor, so … congrats, I guess? But it’s still full of things like this, er, unique theory, which I found in a thread devoted to the proposition that “women are worse than Nazis.”

fdaffasafs 11 points 4 days ago "Girl power" is literally a taxpayer sponsored eugenics program enforced by the state at gunpoint. That's what girl power is. The power to stop entire bloodlines for minor physical defects and get everyone else to pay for it and cheer her on as a good person and not superficial like she actually is. Girl "power" is the power for a legbeard with incel genetics to routinely harass her male equivalents and have everyone cheer her on, and then have her pass down her subpar bloodline as if it were made of gold. permalinkembedunsavereportgive goldreply [–]queenieofrandom 1 point 4 days ago I thought it was something to do with the Spice Girls

I had no idea the Spice Girls were into this sort of thing!

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Kay A. Ziraphale (they/them)
Kay A. Ziraphale (they/them)
6 years ago

*shudders* Not only misogyny, but also Eugenics. God, that is terrifying. As a proud autistic person, eugenics is frightening and hearing it in such rhetoric is an intersection of many of my fears.

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
6 years ago

Braincels aren’t as bad YET. Give it time. Here they managed to combine a reverse of “Governments get girlfriends” and a projection of nazi ideology. The only way to go is down. I suspect it won’t take long for them to hit the bottom and start digging.

6 years ago

If there’s a braincels subreddit, is there a brawncels subreddit?

(Afraid to look)

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

Yanno, I just can’t even, today. Pretty tired of their self-aggrandizing whining.

6 years ago

“Legbeard”? Add that to the lexicon, I guess.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

Do they really have to specify that they think (for lack of a better word) “Women are worse than Nazis” when they’re only against one of those two things?

Also, dibs on Legbeard for my pirate name.

Austin Loomis
6 years ago

“Legbeard” is just shorthand for a stereotype that’s been around at least as far back as the 1980s, as per this exchange from a classic Bloom County strip:

Steve Dallas: What does the term “liberated woman” mean to you?
Quiche Lorraine: Fat, manless and hairy-legged.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

This just in: Misogynists incoherent, lashing out at random, water is wet and you shouldn’t eat yellow snow.

Can’t really take anything from this, other than it being the same weird, selfaggrandisement that for some unfathomable reason seems to be the defining trait for most of these shitbags, wether racists, fascist or misogynist.

6 years ago

Hard to believe the Spice Girls was more than 20 years ago… man, where does time go? Can’t say I was a fan of theirs, but the music wasn’t really targeted to me. *shrug*

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m confused about how incel genes exist. How do they get passed on if no one will have sex with an incel? Or is it just a spontaneous mutation that sometimes happens? Or is it recessive with a Ci* dad and an Si mom sometimes making an ii boy?

* C is the dominant Chad gene, S is the dominant Stacey gene, i is the recessive incel gene.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

* C is the dominant Chad gene, S is the dominant Stacey gene, i is the recessive incel gene.

That is amazing and I laughed very hard.

(Also, I am drunk.)

6 years ago


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Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
6 years ago


Maybe inceldom is a recessive trait like sickle cell anemia for which a lot of people are carriers, and having one copy of the gene gives you all the advantages of being an incel like being a supergenius intellectual who’s resistant to feminazi propaganda.

Maybe it’s a mutation caused by mutagens that the girl power government puts in the drinking water.

Or maybe the expression of the incel gene can only be triggered by in utero exposure to scented candles.

Or – and I think this is the most likely theory – it’s a gene located on the X chromosome that mostly expresses itself in men like colour blindness, and women generate the gene spontaneously when they form ova because they’ve adapted over the eons to birth incel slaves because they’re just that evil.

There’s definitely no way it’s made up bullshit.

Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
6 years ago

The more I reread this post, the more I’m confused. So girl power is a form of eugenics, because women who carry incel genes can use their disproportionate power in society to reproduce? But I thought incel genes were bad. Isn’t that kind of the opposite of eugenics? And how does any of that fit with “[stopping] entire bloodlines”?

David, are you sure this post didn’t come from a reddit contest to see who can create the most bizarre logical contradiction in under 100 words?

6 years ago

So girl power is a form of eugenics, because women who carry incel genes can use their disproportionate power in society to reproduce?

But not with an incel – which is the only thing in the universe that matters to their sorry asses.
Don’t forget, they hate themselves as much if not more than they hate women (or Chad).

Edit to add: Anyone else get the urge to take Chad out for a pint some time?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

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Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
6 years ago

@Shadowplay I want to go for a beer with Chad, Stacey and Tyrone. They sound like fun.

6 years ago

This thread so far is gold. 😀

6 years ago


Your privateer license is granted, Cap’n Legbeard.

Do they really have to specify that they think (for lack of a better word) “Women are worse than Nazis” when they’re only against one of those two things?

Incels are against Nazis?

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

Tennessee State Legislature shows its ass….

(with apologies to Secret Sisters…)

Come, come, Tennessee me
Tennessee me silent here
Refusing to sign a censure resolution
And by doing, make my feelings clear

See me not speak up in favor
Tennessee me refuse to do right
See me not voting to censure
Nazis and Supremacists White

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
6 years ago


You have created my new favourite thing.

Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

If I dye my legbeard blue will that make me even safer from their attention?

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
6 years ago

*…Your bard is only capable of staring confusedly as a familiar refrain of “HEEEEYEAAAHHYEAHHHEAAAHHH” plays from the next room, muffled by the walls.*

*It’s Friday evening. They’re tired.*

6 years ago

I would just to help him get over these fools. Day in day out and getting constantly be used as a point of reference by Incels? That’s awful.

6 years ago

SFHC’s pirate wins the Internet for ever.


Anyone else get the urge to take Chad out for a pint some time?

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Your round first!

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