By David Futrelle
Andrew Anglin, professional Nazi troll and founder of The Daily Stormer, generally does not have a lot of nice things to say about women, not even white ones. This is a guy who once described women as “disgusting sex perverts” whose “entire existence … revolves around sexual derangement.” This is a guy who hailed Vladimir Putin’s move to decriminalize “slapping hoes [and] bitches,” declaring that “[j]ust as it is axiomatic that Jews belong in the oven, so is it that women deserve to be slapped.”
But he’s willing to make a few exceptions to his “all women are terrible” stance. He’s a big fan of “Aryan Goddess” Taylor Swift. And he wants the United States to put Eva Braun on the $10 bill.
Now he has a new crush: the 18-year-old kid sister of Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof.
Morgan Roof is in the news after being arrested yesterday for allegedly bringing a knife, pepper spray, and marijuana to school. School officials were also alarmed by a message she posted on Snapchat expressing her hope that the students walking out yesterday to protest gun violence would end up dead. “I hope it’s a trap and y’all get shot,” she wrote, “we know it’s fixing to be nothing but black people walkin out anyway.”
Anglin’s reaction? “I’m in love.”
In a post on the Daily Stormer today, Anglin hailed the young lass as “HAWT” and begged her to get in touch with him.
“How hilarious would it be if I dated Dylann Roof’s sister?” he wrote.
Can you even imagine? I think the entire staff of the SPLC would have heart attacks simultaneously.
Addressing Miss Roof directly, he declared:
Just so you understand, I am not simply a heavily accomplished genius and a key influence on your brother’s writing … I am also an extremely handsome man in peak physical condition.
Anglin went on to admit that he was sort of joking about all this. Or maybe not. “I have a sort-of gf right now,” he confessed, “and I live in Nigeria so the dating part is a joke (mostly), but we should be friends for sure.” (Note: He doesn’t actually live in Nigeria. He’s a troll.)
On Gab. Anglin posted a picture of the two of them as the happy parents of a small horde of miniature Dylann Roofs.
Turns out that Anglin isn’t the only alt-right shitlord who is smitten by the young Miss Roof. On Twitter, assorted shitposters — some predictably sporting Pepe avatars and vaguely anti-Semitic handles — are openly declaring their love, or at least their lust, for this new Aryan Goddess.
Damn where can I find me a girl like this 💦
— Cossiimo (@cossiimo) March 15, 2018
One imagined a utopian future with Miss Roof that looked pretty much identical to Anglin’s Aryan wet dream:
Another posed this elemental question:
On Gab — that sort-of Twitter clone for people who’ve been kicked off Twitter for being racist assholes — Morgan’s fans were equally enthusiastic, with many of them seriously hoping she could be recruited to the alt-right.
But not everyone in the far-right fever swamps is a Morgan fan. Some are unconvinced she has sufficient moral purity to become a true icon of the right.
Others smelled a rat.
While I think we can safely dismiss this last theory, there is one big question overhanging all this: Does the young women being nominated to be “the Eva Braun of the New Reich” actually have any interest in the position? We don’t actually know what exactly she thinks about the alt-right, or about much of anything.
Yes, she’s the younger sister of a racist killer who was clearly motivated in part by alt-right ideology. Yes, that thing she posted on Snapchat was arguably more than a little racist. But that doesn’t mean she’s a full-blown Nazi ready to be Andrew Anglin’s symbolic, much less literal, bride.
Not that this is likely to dissuade her new fans. Neo-Nazis went on celebrating Taylor Swift as their own personal Aryan Goddess long after she made it known that she’d really rather they didn’t. One thing, though, is abundantly clear:
Brace yourself. The memes are coming, and they will be ugly.
I think I’m gonna throw up. I mean, what she did wasn’t right at all, but oh, poor girl. You don’t deserve what’s gonna happen. Nobody deserves that.
Gross. She’s in high school. I mean, she seems like an asshole, but I still reflexively want to protect teenagers from these creeps.
This gave me a good laugh though
I’ll believe that when I start believing that Trump is a stable genius who will make the economy grow at a 6% rate for infinity years with a tax cut, a tariff, and a little help from Putin.
They do know that’s a Snapchat lens that makes everyone look “angelic” (and whiter).
“Sort-of gf” seems uncharacteristically weak for him. Does she sort-of live in Canada?
Those shitposting bots are envolving quickly, damn. /s
Can’t believe we’re forced to share the same planet with these brainless brats. Oh, dear… :/
Yeah, that’s…
Horrible, really. Salivating over someone you don’t know in this way is terrible enough, but when the only significant thing that separates the person from millions of other, similar young women is her relation to a mass-murdering white supremascist, then you need to truely embrace that you’re the baddies.
This is all just sad.
These folks could bear with (if nothing else) just a pinch of class
They can’t see what degenerate is, ’cause their heads are up their ass
Ain’t no light can make it past that airtight little seal
And so they make their own pers’nal echo chamber for their 14-word spiel
We’ve known they’re trash
And this is just…great
Oh, marriage? Get her dinner
Before you try to date
And perhaps just consider
That while she may be your type
For fuck’s sakes, she’s a minor
And y’all are overripe!
On the plus side maybe she’ll see how gross the Alt right is and change her views a bit.
Seriously though no one deserves this at all.
The moment she peeked in to weigh in with her opinion, I just knew the Nazis would cream themselves over her.
I just wish my [horrible] expectations fell short for once.
Interesting that part of her post hasn’t really been picked up, apart from the Post and Courier:
Racist as hell, yes. Coupled with what people were talking about in the last thread – racism is primarily an upper income evil.
Evil in itself – No. Someone that young shouldn’t be so despairing.
Admit if I were the kid sibling of a notorious murderer and still in high school – I’d probably be carrying pepper spray too, rules or no rules.
Just my thoughts. Don’t like half pictures.
They seriously overestimate how much we care about their love lives.
That poor girl. I think it’s fair to say at this point that with two publicly bigoted children, there’s something rotten in the Roof family… and even if there wasn’t, it can’t be easy being the younger sister of a mass murderer.
And now the creepy alt-right is perving itself to death over her. She’s barely an adult. Nobody deserves that, no matter how vile their opinions.
(Here’s hoping she learns and grows.)
Admit if I were the kid sibling of a notorious murderer and still in high school – I’d probably be carrying pepper spray too, rules or no rules.
Poor gal, she doesn’t deserve to get hounded by these scum rags.
Anglin, the man who dated Cambodian teen girls doesn’t speak
For me. I have long suspected that Anglin is a paid collaborator
Of some left wing organization, like SPLC,what with his inane
Offensive comment’s he spews. Which are NOT in line with the
Far right. Disgusting comments on women, etc.
Notice how Anglin has never been to a rally or protest or any far
Right event? That’s because their is many people on far right
Who would harm him for besmirchment of the far right
And now his pedophiliac lusting over a 18 year old girl in High
School , when he’s 33 . Makes me more sure this Manchurian
Man / straw dog jackass is paid provocateur of some left wing
Alt-right baby men lusting after presumably underaged schoolgirl. Quelle Surprise!!!
Completely not related – but fun:
This is one of the dumber things I’ve heard of Anglin starting in a while, and that’s saying something.
So judging by your choice of gag/retch GIF, you watched BrainDead too? If you didn’t, you really should.
Ew. Just… ew.
@ Shadowplay
That was amazing
Color me shocked. Totally. Never saw that coming. /sarcasm
What do you mean by “racism is primarily an upper income evil”?
OK, I’m going off what people have said in previous thread, plus my own observations.
How many regular working class whites you know isolate themselves from people of colour? Now, how many upper middle class types? Who’s more likely to call the cops on some guy walking while black at night – a delivery driver or a day trader?
Or look at the Nazis we are mocking here – not a working class or a poor face in sight – all middle class on up. (this is a slight exaggeration for effect. But only a slight exaggeration – not a one of the so called “leaders” are from poor backgrounds).
It takes money to be racist, or at least to be racist without blowback.
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe:
The only Braindead I’ve watched is the Peter Jackson zombie flick in the early 90s. I no longer have enough patience to watch TV series, I’m afraid (this is a personal failing, not a reflection on the quality of TV).
I just looked it up on Wikipedia – Anglin’s 32. Now I’m prepared to believe that sometimes an 18-year old and a 32 year old might be soulmates, but given that they’ve never exchanged a word, that’s not what’s happening here. He wants a toy and slave, not an equal. But I think we all knew that anyway.
She sounds like a pretty grotty person, but at 18, there’s still hope for her.
Würg, würg, würg.
My first reaction was poor girl.
I am a bit skeptical to take that back because of the arrest and the post on snappchat.
Sounds horrible, but we don’t know her and she is 18.
About Eva Braun:
The agedifference is somethink that this would have in common. For most of her life Braun was a misstress and not an equal. So the parallels are there.
The mainreason why everyone should walk away from this connection.
One day after marriage death by suicide.
So why is it even for someone ultraright a compliment to be the new Eva Braun?
I participated in the student protest and the thought that people would say “I hope it’s a trap and y’all get shot, we know it’s fixing to be nothing but black people walkin out anyway.”
It terrifies me. Someone turning a nonviolent protest into an opportunity to kill people, it sickens me. Why would someone say something like this?
(Also, how do I do the quite formatting y’all? I’m new here so I don’t know)