alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies international women's day literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim western women suck white sharia white supremacy

The Daily Stormer wants International Women’s Day replaced by “White Sharia Day”

And a happy International Women’s Day to you too!

By David Futrelle

So the Daily Stormer, everyone’s favorite “funny” neo-Nazi shit site, has weighed in on International Women’s Day. In a post (archived here) ostensibly covering the massive Women’s Day strikes in Spain, but which is actually just an excuse to talk shit, DS contributor “Roy Batty” declares that “[w]omen have been really fucking up in the West.”

“Batty” offers a nice long list of the terrible things (and allegedly terrible things) that he thinks women have foisted on Western countries.

[H]ere are some of the benefits that brave, stronk and empowered wimmins have brought to our societies:

college false rape allegations
mass migration from shithole countries
divorce rape
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets
wages cut in half
fat acceptance
speech codes

So thanks, ladies?

Damn these dastardly women and their herpes-infused bicycle helmets!

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore. So I’m not going to be wishing them a Happy Women’s Day. Because they’ve squandered any goodwill I could have felt towards them.

Here’s to replacing this squandered holiday with White Sharia day in the West very, very soon.

“White sharia” is alt-right slang for white dudes having total patriarchal control of “their” women in a future white supremacist ethnostate.

“Batty” would also like to have a couple of other holidays added to the calendar.

If we’re going to have International Woman’s Day though, there should also be an “International Burn a Witch Day” and “International Shame a THOT Day.”

It’s only fair that we reward AND punish.

Huh. These proposed holidays sound more than a little bit like MRA deadbeat grandaddy Paul Elam’s infamous “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” Maybe the Daily Stormer got the idea from him? Or maybe it’s just that terrible minds think alike — and that these terrible minds love to think of allegedly uppity women getting taken down a peg or two.

Hey, I can play this game, too.

Happy International MRAs and Nazis Eat Shit Day!

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6 years ago

Weird. Got a comment in moderation. No links, nothing to kick the filters. Deleted it.

Libertarian foreign policy = total isolationism.

6 years ago

School shooters: Has there ever been a female school shooter, I know only of male ones.

The only one I can think of is the girl who inspired the song “I Don’t Like Mondays”, but that was a few decades ago. These guys are probably blaming girls for not dating the boys who then shoot up the schools, though.

6 years ago

The only one I can think of is the girl who inspired the song “I Don’t Like Mondays”, but that was a few decades ago.

Nah, she was in Ireland. I didn’t realize she was the inspiration for the song. Was certain it were a different one! My fault.
That one was in ’79 (maybe ’80) in Ohio. (Edit: Brenda Spencer, January 1979. It would have bugged me not to look it up) Other than that, nada.

2 mass shootings by women since 1982 (94 by men) – but not specifically school shootings.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women are somehow responsible for school shooters? Really? Though, my father blamed Columbine on feminism. His reasoning was that women were too busy working outside the the home to properly care for their children, thus leading to the kids acting out. He changed his opinion when it came out that one of the perpetrators of the Columbine school shooting had a stay-at-home mom.

That reminds me of when Republicans blamed Susan Smith murdering her children on liberal depravity. Then it came out that she was raised by a Republican politician stepfather. Who molested her. Whoops.

Weird. Got a comment in moderation. No links, nothing to kick the filters. Deleted it.

Libertarian foreign policy = total isolationism.

Did you write something about Ron P**l? His name goes into the mod filter because that’s how many obnoxious fans of his have come in here to spread tedium.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Using my not very efficient Google skills, and adopting a broad definition of ‘school’ (I’m not sure what counts as a college in the US), I get:

2016 Dorothy Dutiel (1)
2010 Amy Bishop (3)
2008 Teah Wimberly (1)
2008 Latina Williams (2)
1998 Jillian Robbins (1)
1998 Laurie Dann (1)
1979 Brenda Spencer (1) – She’s the “I don’t like Mondays” one.

It’s always hard getting the true facts from news archives. Some of these seem to be spree killings, but others seem to be targeted against one particular individual.

ETA: Ah, very ninja’d – must Google faster!

6 years ago

Did you write something about Ron P**l?

I used his name, yes.
Thank you – good to know (and not surprised – his fans were/are some of the most obnoxious people on the planet).

6 years ago

Re: female school shooters, Brenda Spencer is the first to come to mind, since Bob Geldof wrote a song about her.

I agree with your point in general though.

Edit: wow, I got ninjaed hard. Thought I’d refreshed the page but I guess not! Sorry.

6 years ago

Alan: I would take 2 of this cases of.
There we have a woman (or girl the culprits were 15 and 16) going after one specific target.
Yes that happened at the school, not what normally is meaned by the term school shooting.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

So, basically, there’ve been fewer female school shooters throughout all of American history than male school shooters this year alone. And it’s March.

6 years ago

Pretty much. The link I gave actually has 3 female shooters (full stop, not just school) – San Bernadino was seperated out as an equal male/female shooting.

Women simply don’t shoot up schools – or anywhere else.

6 years ago

Okay, okay, first thing’s first… you Nazi chowderheads just leave Roy Batty out of this.

He’s seen things you people wouldn’t believe!
comment image

Secondly, the hell? Fines for riding a bicycle without a helmet? That’s on women? Not the municipal governments or local law enforcement agencies, but women as a gender cause fines for unsafe operation of a vehicle on the road.

And seriously? Blaming women for depressed wages? Not the disintegration of the North American labour movement. Not unbridled capitalist greed. But again, women.

Why stop there? Why not blame women for lampreys finding their way into the Great Lakes? Makes about as much sense!

The only one I can think of is the girl who inspired the song “I Don’t Like Mondays”, but that was a few decades ago.

Oh yeah, the strange case of Brenda Spencer. Don’t like mentioning the names of perps, but I’ve recently been hooked on the series Deadly Women hosted by former FBI Profiler Candice DeLong and Spencer was one of the ones profiled. The series can be a sensational at the best of times, but I dig their dramatizations and DeLong’s analyses are fascinating. If there’s one overarching takeaway I have, it’s that the breadth of motives and willingness a woman might have to commit murder are the equal of any man’s. Jealous, revenge, profit, desperation, covering up financial crimes, you name it, a woman’s capable of it.

Reminds me of a great scene in the Cadfael episode The Sanctuary Sparrow where Cadfael is laying out the case against the real perpetrator to the Deputy Sheriff and the jongleur that was initially accused:

Cadfael: Susanna let her come to you so no-one would have occasion to go to the waterside, where she’d left the extortioner dead.

Liliwin: I cannot believe. A woman… kill?

Cadfael: You underrate Susanna. So did her family, and worst of all, so did Peche. “A mere woman?” He expected lies, delay, pleading. Not someone who could accept danger instantly and stamp out the threat the moment it arose.

A part of me gets the impression that Edith Pargeter had a snicker to herself when she wrote that dialogue.

So I suppose my International Women’s Day message is… uh, read more women-penned murder mysteries! You can never go wrong with Agatha Christie. And pick up some Cadfael too, they’re awesome.

6 years ago

Women do murder. Thats a given. Plenty of evidence
Women do murder with guns. Thats a given. Plenty of evidence.
Women do not do mass shootings. Evidence above.


Women are better shots than men. Q.E.D

STEM Logik!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Racists shouldn’t say stronk… or thot…

6 years ago

Butterqup: Libertarian health system is easy. It’s simply a system where everyone pays for themselves, taxes pay nothing.

And, well, that’s their answer to everything. It should be run by private companies, not the government, and all customers/clients pay out of their own pockets for the services. Taxes are only to pay for police and army, nothing else.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

@KatieKitten, sorry I didn’t reply to that one sooner! I did see it originally, but have actually been mulling it over, ’cause it’s a really interesting question! I will reply to it in that thread, that seems the best place for it. And thank you, you flatter me <3

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago

Libertarianism is a faux anti-authoritarian ideology who’s entire schtick is to deny there’s any sort of social hierarchy in society and that anyone that fails does so because of their own fault.

They love to talk about civil liberties until people stop buying their bullshit talking points about capitalism. Then its Pinochet time.

It isn’t hard to jump from that assumption to “women suck at STEM” and “ethnic minorities are inferior”.

Let’s remember that Christopher Cantwell was a libertarian, as was Vox Day.

6 years ago


“And seriously? Blaming women for depressed wages? Not the disintegration of the North American labour movement. Not unbridled capitalist greed. But again, women.”

The more people available to do a job, the lower the wages will be. This is the same idea behind why late-night closers at a fast food resturaunt usually start at a higher wage than someone looking to work a mid-day shift. So on the surface, it checks out.

Once we scratch the surface, their argument fizzles. Even IF the men end up with higher wages when the women of the household stay out of paid labor, the household as a whole would lose a full second wage. Which means at best, the household would break even financially, or more likely, lose money.

Which you would think would shut these guys up, but unfortunately their gripe isn’t REALLY about their (often legitimate) financial troubles, but because women being in the workplace takes away their abusive power. With the wife/daughter working as well, they no longer get to play the martyr, slaving away for “the hags” at home, while at the same time having the power to grasp the household’s purse strings tight enough to strangle the women with them if they so choose.

Martyrdom indeed.

6 years ago

Completely unrelated to current discussion, but important:

House passes bill to force lawmakers to pay their own sexual harassment settlements

There’s more to it than just the penalties – it makes it easier for the victim, makes the cases public every 6 months, and adds some things to the rules of conduct that really should have been there from day one.

So lean on your senators please – Dem OR Repub. Doesn’t matter in this case, this bill needs to be PASSED with a veto proof majority!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Plus, I think the stagnation of wages happened before it became the absolute norm for the female half of a hetero married couple to work outside the home even after having babies. I’d wager that it was the need for a second wage even in middle class households that made it become socially acceptable for middle and upper class women to stay in the workforce so quickly. Look at how everyone, even a lot of misogynists can accept that women can work compared to the acceptance of women being non compliant with beauty standards, having a lot of sexual partners or getting an abortion. Those things still aren’t widely accepted because capitalism doesn’t need them to be. Wages didn’t stagnate because women entered the workforce. We were going to move in that direction no matter what.

These dudes also always conveniently forget that working class women always worked outside the home. The notion that poor men would automatically become prosperous if it weren’t for women being allowed to work is just silly.

6 years ago


I think there needs to be a moratorium on “thot”. Kevin Logan recently released one of his new Descent of Man-o-sphere videos where he profiled some MGTOW dipshit who worshipped Tyler Durden from Fight Club (the film version of course) and he actually said “thot” out loud multiple times. I don’t cringe easily, but hearing that caused me to. It’s an awful acronym that was never meant to be said aloud (but then frankly, it shouldn’t be typed either).

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago


Brother Cadfael! I love the books written by Ellis Peters (Edith Pargeter’s pen name). Those have a definite feminist slant to them for sure. Including putting them on old cliches like the woman falling for the man that takes her prisoner (Summer of the Danes – Irish Vikings FTW!).

Though the book version of The Sanctuary Sparrow needed a much better editor than it got, at least for the version of it I have. The wrong saint is enshrined at Shrewsbury for one, and a plea for financial help for the modern-day upkeep of the old abbey is placed to look like the actual end of the story for another. Good tale, otherwise.

I am rather wary of seeing the adaptations at times, though. There’s a lot of cultural stuff that Peters/Pargeter put into the books that the adaptations probably dropped for being “too confusing” to a general audience. The summary for The Potters Field episode, for example, makes me wonder if the adapters really understood WHY the adultry happened, and why the various characters involved responded as they did in the book. Based on the TV episode summary, it sounds like they decided to make the murder victim essentially be the Sharon Stone character in Basic Instinct, which would be a betrayal of the story as written by Peters.

OT question brought on by remembering the Cadfael stories – when exactly did the word ‘villian’ go from meaning ‘indentured servant’ to meaning ‘the bad guy in a work of fiction’, and how/why did it happen? Because that doesn’t seem like a logical progression there, at least to me. So what am I missing?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

I don’t even know what “Thot” means.


Ah, it’s a misogynistic slur. Because of course it is.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

@WWTH, if i recall the graph, wage stagnation started around the mid-70’s; or at least that’s when wages no longer tracked with productivity, one expression of that societal trend being wage freezes and reduction in pay increase rates. That’s also when supermarkets started providing a lot of frozen meals and frozen food to make meal prep easier. Women were still expected to do all the household work after all, they just were expected to do it after coming home from their jobs.

The wage stagnation in the USA correlates to a few financial events, but it’s hard to know exactly what caused it. My guess is that automation and the exploitation of workers in poor countries set it off, and that was soon joined by Reganomics and “trickle-down” theories that were never anything but lies to begin with, and legislation around the world that relaxed employee protections. Lots of contributing factors, though.

We saw it before, in micro-scale, during the Second World War. Women were welcomed in the workplace all over the place, because they needed the workers desperately – and the companies could afford to pay them a lower wage cause dey wimmens, naturally. Nevermind that they were making unbelievable record profits from government sales. All of a sudden, women could absolutely do all that work, just as well as a man! Until the men came home. Then women were practically chased out of the workplace. Chastised for taking jobs away from men, denigrated for not having a family. Back to the kitchen!

They never give women (or anyone) rights freely, only when they have no choice. They take them back the moment we leave them unguarded. We have to tear freedom, bloody and raw, from their clenched jaws.

That got a bit visceral! Sorry.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Thot, (n): A young woman who dares to have the promiscuity tendencies of the average young man. See also: slut, slattern, harlot …

6 years ago

This conversation reminds me of this study:
Gender Quotas and the Crisis of the Mediocre Man

In effect, requiring a minimum level of women’s participation in political representation resulted in an overall improvement in leadership because mediocre men were no longer protected by their patriarchal advantage and lost out. And their system-sabotaging behavior of surrounding themselves with even more incompetent people to prop themselves up left with them, so the overall situation improved.

Of course, it’s not that they were mediocre men based on however you define manhood/masculinity, so much as they were mediocre humans. And their wailing and finger-pointing is all about blaming everyone else for their failure to people. And so it is with the MGTOWs. Same thing with racists propped up by our white supremacist system who fear direct competition with “those people.” At all class levels.

(Edited to fix link–there’s a problem with the “link” button html)