alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies international women's day literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim western women suck white sharia white supremacy

The Daily Stormer wants International Women’s Day replaced by “White Sharia Day”

And a happy International Women’s Day to you too!

By David Futrelle

So the Daily Stormer, everyone’s favorite “funny” neo-Nazi shit site, has weighed in on International Women’s Day. In a post (archived here) ostensibly covering the massive Women’s Day strikes in Spain, but which is actually just an excuse to talk shit, DS contributor “Roy Batty” declares that “[w]omen have been really fucking up in the West.”

“Batty” offers a nice long list of the terrible things (and allegedly terrible things) that he thinks women have foisted on Western countries.

[H]ere are some of the benefits that brave, stronk and empowered wimmins have brought to our societies:

college false rape allegations
mass migration from shithole countries
divorce rape
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets
wages cut in half
fat acceptance
speech codes

So thanks, ladies?

Damn these dastardly women and their herpes-infused bicycle helmets!

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore. So I’m not going to be wishing them a Happy Women’s Day. Because they’ve squandered any goodwill I could have felt towards them.

Here’s to replacing this squandered holiday with White Sharia day in the West very, very soon.

“White sharia” is alt-right slang for white dudes having total patriarchal control of “their” women in a future white supremacist ethnostate.

“Batty” would also like to have a couple of other holidays added to the calendar.

If we’re going to have International Woman’s Day though, there should also be an “International Burn a Witch Day” and “International Shame a THOT Day.”

It’s only fair that we reward AND punish.

Huh. These proposed holidays sound more than a little bit like MRA deadbeat grandaddy Paul Elam’s infamous “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” Maybe the Daily Stormer got the idea from him? Or maybe it’s just that terrible minds think alike — and that these terrible minds love to think of allegedly uppity women getting taken down a peg or two.

Hey, I can play this game, too.

Happy International MRAs and Nazis Eat Shit Day!

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6 years ago


On behalf of my nonbinary siblings I would like to request they stay the fuck away from us as well.

Oh, most definitely. They’d probably want to exterminate you/them. Right after they get done gassing the Jews, Muslims, uppity wimmin, etc.

6 years ago

In one city at least (Melbourne, Australia) compulsory helmet laws actually took a lot more female cyclists off the road than male ones. Because women are expected to be perfectly coiffed in the workplace, having helmet hair and no way to fix it meant women stopped cycling to work.

(Whether helmet laws actually keep cyclists safer in a systemic rather than individual way, and that doesn’t prioritise drivers, is a discussion for another time.)

6 years ago

Also requesting that they stay away from us the trans and the asians.

flexitarian haruspix
flexitarian haruspix
6 years ago

I encourage all Nazis not to wear helmets, or any common-sense safety gear, when performing hazardous activities. I mean, if they’re the superior race due to evolution, they almost certainly want to prove it by winning the most Darwin awards, right?

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago


Libertarianism is basically an excuse to justify classism, racism and sexism under the guise of freedom and assume all of the above doesn’t exist cause market always works.

David should do a piece about the intense cross-pollination between misogyny and the libertarian movement. It would be very eye opening for many.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

I fart in their general direction.

And I had some delicious Mexican for dinner.

(Happy International Wonen’s Day, Stormers.)

6 years ago

@PeeVee – I hope they consented … 😛

On the Trump/Mueller front:

George Nader, Cooperating Witness in Mueller Probe, Was Arrested for Child Pornography in the 1980s

No wonder he’s cooperating.

PeeVee the Tired
PeeVee the Tired
6 years ago

? Mexican food! I ate some delicious Mexican food!

6 years ago

😀 Now I want enchiladas.

Never mind, going out to my favorite cafe for a full English in an hour.

6 years ago

I can watch videos of that Spencer Nazi getting punched for hours.

Oh, and I thought that consumerism was a main component of ’Reaganomics’ – businesses making more stuff will cause consumers to spend, thereby increasing business profits enough to open more locations and create jobs blahblahblah… also known as ‘voodoo-nomics’.

Ol’Roy was kind of oddly specific with the STI, if such health issues concern him maybe he could support comprehensive and factual sex education for students (age appropriate of course), raise funds for PP, start an outreach program that distributes condoms and educates on how important their use is in lowering STI risks? No? He’d rather bitch about IWD and women in general? Well that’s certainly not going to do anything to reduce STIs in men and women who are sexually active. It is an annoying high pitched whine in text form though.

6 years ago

The only real libertarian I’ve personally known was a woman who argued passionately for it. But yeah… could still be a macho thing in general. On the internet you sure seem to run into way more libertarian dudes than women.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

IMO, the only real difference between big-L Libertarianism and Nazism as philosophies is whether they want to watch people starve to death in camps or on the streets.

6 years ago

Gotta tell you, my sister was interviewed in a big newspaper today. There was this book about sex and the body for young girls, but now the publishers has cancelled the sales. The book describes the hymen as “a membrane covering the vagina opening”, with the usual caveat of there being holes in it where the period blood can come out I guess, and then says that it can break either the first time you have sex or when you run or jump. Then the book shows pictures where some of them are illustrations of actual deformities that require you to have surgery by a gyn to fix it, and it’s like “here’s what a hymen can look like”.
My sister is a biology teacher and also teaches a special high school class on sex, so I guess that’s why she was asked to comment.

These myths are so damaging… You NEVER have some kind of “lid” on your vagina (unless you suffer some legit deformity). As my sister pointed out, it seems like the authors believe they’re doing girls from controlling and conservative households a favour by saying “don’t worry, you can’t see on someone’s vagina whether they’ve had PIV sex or not since the hymen can also break from running or doing sports”. But in reality, it’s likely that lots of such girls will think “if I bust my hymen running around, no one’s ever gonna believe that – I better be really calm and passive all the time so as to preserve it for when I get married”.

Good thing the press caught up on this.

6 years ago

This is what I want the Daily Stormer replaced with:

“Error 404 page does not exist”

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
6 years ago

“Divorce rape”? I’m almost afraid to ask what that means.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago


It means child support, alimony and splitting belongings.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

@Lukas Xavier:

“Divorce rape”? I’m almost afraid to ask what that means.

“I got divorced, and my wife got the house.”

“I got divorced, and my wife divorce-raped me for the house.”

Manospherians will claim that forcible sexual contact is not rape, but then will quite happily use the word to describe mere monetary loss. In the context of the above conversation about libertarianism, this is interesting.

6 years ago

The more I hear about these assorted hate/terrorist/supremacy groups, the more they sound the same. I thought they consider Muslim’s almost as bad as black people(and to understand their mindset, my boyfriend and I read the Turner Diaries, they really think black people are not human)If so, why would they want to adopt their ways and traditions?

I think most of these extremist groups have at least 3/4 of the same beliefs, each group just puts a different veneer on it. So does anyone think some of them could eventually make common cause with each other? Or will being Muslim(or anything not white and Christian)always be a complete deal-breaker? What do y’all think, cause this possibility is a bit scary to me.(but then again, I’m prone to anxiety and paranoia?)

PS: Just in case you didn’t see my question on the article before last, Scildfreja, I’d really appreciate an answer from you like I said. The breadth and depth of your intelligent replies always answer my current question perfectly, plus they always evoke more thoughts in me. So if you get a chance to answer it, I’d really appreciate it. Goodnight everyone!?

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago


Wages cut in half

Damn women who had invented capitalism, costcutting techniques and offshore outsourcing (mainly in non-white countries) ! I mean, we know they are already Socialo-marxists (or something like that, i has forgotten the exact term), which are very well known for their taste of violent capitalism. And they are the cause of gender wage gap too, because if there were no paid women, there would not be a gap (problem solved).

Out of topic, but Matt Furie, creator of Pepe, sues Infowars (and our friend Alex Jones) for a (ugly and ridiculous) poster the site sells (and it seems there are really persons ready to pay about 30$ for that shit). Probably another conspiracy which going to be unveiled…

Have a nice day.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

Katie Kitten said: “I think most of these extremist groups have at least 3/4 of the same beliefs, each group just puts a different veneer on it. “

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago


Yeah, I should have realized that, given a pecker embiggener which actually worked, they’d overdo it–since their size obsession has nothing to do with sexual activity or what women want from sexual activity; it’s all about simian male-competitive genital display.

We talking apes really haven’t evolved as far beyond our hairier wild cousins as we like to believe.

6 years ago

from batty

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore.

Okay that is a privilage that Western women have. I think there are a few men near batty that want that one, also.

mass migration
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets

I just qoted those were I know what he means by them and I know enough to question the “womens fault”.

Mass migration(I deleted the rest): Most of imigrants are young and male (If more women would be in the group it would be easier to integrate them).
Reseans for mass migration: 1. Shitty politicans (including dictators) turning whole countrys into bad places to live (to simplify things). Most of them are male.
2. Big natural disasters.

Migrations are nothing new btw. If someone is interested I would suggest looking at European history pre Kolumbus, there are some interesting (and violent) examples.

School shooters: Has there ever been a female school shooter, I know only of male ones.

Fines: That are regulated by law. And the law is made by politicans. Last I checked most politicians are male. Fault of the women?
Btw bikes are awesome. Helmets can safe lives.

Consumerism: Somethink that is part of Capitalism. Of course there are women that buy to much, but there are men that do it also, they just don’t buy (mostly) that much clothes and shoes (yes that is a clice not true for all women) but other thinks.

Herpes I can see were he comes from. Nearly every STD comes from sexual contact with someone else. For hetero men that is normaly a women. (Ignoring the fact, that those women don’t get it because they are evil manhaters) Now I have a theory why Batty mentions only herpes…

6 years ago

Women are somehow responsible for school shooters? Really? Though, my father blamed Columbine on feminism. His reasoning was that women were too busy working outside the the home to properly care for their children, thus leading to the kids acting out. He changed his opinion when it came out that one of the perpetrators of the Columbine school shooting had a stay-at-home mom.

@occasional reader: RE: $30.00 poster. Kind of reminds me of the $40.00 “make America great again” Christmas-themed hats. “There’s a sucker born every minute” really is true.

6 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but since the one above is so long and this is a complete different topic, and goes into political theory I thought is better, to have its extra post:

I don’t know much about libertarian groups, but for me that looks like a normal principal twisted to the extreme and used while switching the brain off.

The principal that laws should only be used, when needed is not new and not wrong.

Be it in private live or in busness doing what we want is not per se bad and the staate not telling us what to do is part of living in a democratic country.

But there are the rights of others and individual humans do a bad job in taking care of the whole picture. So a state has not only the right but also the resposibility to regulate for a lot of reasons.

One of the reasons is to keep its people safe. (Pettheorie: This is one of the main reasons that countrys exist)

On the other hand to much influence makes problems. (Okay but America is famous for having some of the most crazy laws in existance)

So having less laws that make the live dificult for no reason is not a bad think. (Note even if Germany hasn’t got fines for not wearing bicycle helmets, that this is the hill they want to die on, is strange)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

All those mental gymnastics, and these dudes can never stick the landing.

There’s something iredeemably adolescent about right-wing libertarians. The issues that motivate them are always the “Get out of my room, Mom!” ones: bike helmets, taxes, guns, child custody laws, smoking, gambling, alcohol. Why aren’t they ever ranting about education and the centralization of testing standards? What would a libertarian health system look like? Is there such a thing as libertarian foreign policy?

It’s a philosophy that lives mostly behind a keyboard, and is profoundly disinterested in the texture of life as we live it today.