alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies international women's day literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim western women suck white sharia white supremacy

The Daily Stormer wants International Women’s Day replaced by “White Sharia Day”

And a happy International Women’s Day to you too!

By David Futrelle

So the Daily Stormer, everyone’s favorite “funny” neo-Nazi shit site, has weighed in on International Women’s Day. In a post (archived here) ostensibly covering the massive Women’s Day strikes in Spain, but which is actually just an excuse to talk shit, DS contributor “Roy Batty” declares that “[w]omen have been really fucking up in the West.”

“Batty” offers a nice long list of the terrible things (and allegedly terrible things) that he thinks women have foisted on Western countries.

[H]ere are some of the benefits that brave, stronk and empowered wimmins have brought to our societies:

college false rape allegations
mass migration from shithole countries
divorce rape
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets
wages cut in half
fat acceptance
speech codes

So thanks, ladies?

Damn these dastardly women and their herpes-infused bicycle helmets!

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore. So I’m not going to be wishing them a Happy Women’s Day. Because they’ve squandered any goodwill I could have felt towards them.

Here’s to replacing this squandered holiday with White Sharia day in the West very, very soon.

“White sharia” is alt-right slang for white dudes having total patriarchal control of “their” women in a future white supremacist ethnostate.

“Batty” would also like to have a couple of other holidays added to the calendar.

If we’re going to have International Woman’s Day though, there should also be an “International Burn a Witch Day” and “International Shame a THOT Day.”

It’s only fair that we reward AND punish.

Huh. These proposed holidays sound more than a little bit like MRA deadbeat grandaddy Paul Elam’s infamous “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” Maybe the Daily Stormer got the idea from him? Or maybe it’s just that terrible minds think alike — and that these terrible minds love to think of allegedly uppity women getting taken down a peg or two.

Hey, I can play this game, too.

Happy International MRAs and Nazis Eat Shit Day!

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Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago

> Huh. These proposed holidays sound more than a little bit like MRA deadbeat grandaddy Paul Elam’s infamous “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” Maybe the Daily Stormer got the idea from him? Or maybe it’s just that terrible minds think alike — and that these terrible minds love to think of allegedly uppity women getting taken down a peg or two.

This is all the evidence you need to prove Paul Elam is the reactionary crapsack we all know he is.

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago


6 years ago

fines for not wearing bicycle helmets

Talk about reaching, and how many of these guys are riding bikes? Sounds like a soyboy activity to me.


Just Herpes. Are men responsible for all other STIs?

school shooters

How? I assume by creating angry Incels by not sleeping with them?

speech codes

I had to Google this to find out what it even was. I guess this is whinging about SJW restricted language on campuses? Most of these complaints just don’t make any damn sense…

tim gueguen
6 years ago

“Those damn feminists! They’ve taken away my right to being brain damaged if I’m in a bicycle accident!”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Since Hitler had the Syph, it’s pretty funny that a bunch of Nazis are hating on women for STIs.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

Wait they’re offended by bicycle helmet fines ? Seriously? I know these people who write for the Daily Loner who loves White supremacy crap I mean Stormer aren’t the brightest bulbs in the chandelier of life but seriously?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

They hate the idea of safety! Like, really. These are guys who mock seatbelts and scorn health and safety rules. Funny enough, they’re also the guys who use the fact that men work more dangerous jobs as evidence of Man’s Rights!

See, they don’t mind that men work more dangerous jobs, they don’t want women to actually work those jobs more, and they certainly don’t want to adopt safety regulations. That would ruin their masculine danger-flirting cred. No, they want everyone to acknowledge their bravery for not wearing bicycle helmets and not clipping their harnesses in before going up the cherry-picker.

Their disdain for safety is just a raw assertion of dominance. It’s stupid.

IgnoreSandra - Marxist in a Skirt

If men didn’t die or were injured in job lots, then they couldn’t twist that to try and justify women’s restriction through the lie that they’re protecting us.

So really, they have to make sure men live short, dangerous, crappy lives or else the non-logic and non-argument they have completely collapses.

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

I honestly think this devil may care attitude on safety so many similar groups have is one of the worst expressions of their warped “masculinity” being brave doesn’t mean doing stupid things to risk your life.
I hope one reads this

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, speaking of racism on IWD, let’s not forget the joys of White Feminism.

Representative Keith Ellison posted a twitter thread honoring five women of color from the Twin Cities. I made the mistake of scrolling down to see replies from a bunch of white women whining about how unfair it was to focus on WOC and doesn’t he know that white women matter?


6 years ago

Gonna take excepttion to

Their disdain for safety is just a raw assertion of dominance.

It’s not true. Men simply assess risk/reward differently. Very badly counts as differently, right? 😛

tim gueguen
6 years ago

I remember some libertarian group lauding New Hampshire as one of the “freest” of US states because it doesn’t have a law requiring seatbelt use. So not believing in bicycle helmets may not just be a macho thing, but also a libertarian “fewest laws are best” thing.

Michael Suttkus, II
Michael Suttkus, II
6 years ago

I had not realized that herpes was invented in the 20th century along with empowered women. I thought it had been around forever. Must have been that revisionist leftist history. Also, mass migration is new! Whew, I thought that stuff had been going on for centuries. Like, say, being an important part of US history with the Irish escaping the famine by coming here, but that could never have happened before empowered women so I guess there aren’t any Irish people here.

I can’t wait to learn more about this fascinating topic. Except I won’t, because my ancestors were part of another mass migration to the US to escape a shithole country in the 1800s, so I must not even live here, so I probably don’t speak English and will hardly know MRAs exist. Load off my mind, really.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Well in all fairness it’s not called HISpes.

(I’ll get my coat)

6 years ago

OK so I have not been paying much attention but daily stormer ended up on a .onion domain (on the deep web) after godaddy dropped them right?
Did they ever find a server willing to host them that did not also host child porn?

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
6 years ago

OK, somebody please invent a penis enlarger which actually works, and can be produced and marketed cheaply, so maybe these assholes will finally STFU?

6 years ago

@Ivory Bill Woodpecker
I was about to remark that they will never be satisfied no matter how large it was and would eventually get angry about women “big penis shamming” when they discover that there comically oversized genitalia can be uncomfortable for their partners.

But then I realized that if their penises got big enough they would in fact STFU,
specifically after they suffer Genitalia induced Loss Of Consciousness (GLOC) when their brains fail to receive enough blood due it all going between their legs.

6 years ago

@WWTH: Every day is International White Fragility Day

6 years ago

I’m posting this link about for International Women’s Day:

The Male Glance by Lili Loofbourow

It’s a long read, but, I believe, an essential one to understanding how we’re encouraged to focus and dismiss women’s art while women’s stories constantly go unnoticed. And perhaps what to do about it.

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

@WWTH: Every day is International White Fragility Day

THAT ain’t no shit!

6 years ago

@Ivory Bill

somebody please invent a penis enlarger which actually works, and can be produced and marketed cheaply, so maybe these assholes will finally STFU?

It exists. Called a magnifying glass. A cheap cure for what ails them – which is an ailment of perception, not fact.

Not that any form of genitalia corresponds to any particular set of mental or moral attributes, and it’s an aspect of the language I wish would just fucking die already.

6 years ago

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore. So I’m not going to be wishing them a Happy Women’s Day. Because they’ve squandered any goodwill I could have felt towards them.

Well, “Roy Batty”, that’s fine, because I don’t want good wishes from the likes of you. I want you (and all your fellow mascu-Nazis) to shut up and take your toxic masculism away from not only me, but ALL women.

Far away.



6 years ago

precisely men who compensate for genital size don’t actually care about how big they are they are going to feel inadequate and compensate even if they are some how bigger then an XL dragon dildo.

On behalf of my nonbinary siblings I would like to request they stay the fuck away from us as well.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

I remember some libertarian group lauding New Hampshire as one of the “freest” of US states because it doesn’t have a law requiring seatbelt use. So not believing in bicycle helmets may not just be a macho thing, but also a libertarian “fewest laws are best” thing.

Opinion of one, here, but I’m of the mind that libertarianism is just machismo under an economic lens. Manly mans, accomplishing great things with no one getting in their way. The Libertarian superman, unfettered by rules or laws, striding into glory. (It really ends up being pretty fascist too, frankly. All that right-spectrum nonsense blurs together, in my head at least.)

6 years ago

Too late to add this to my previous post, but:

If we’re going to have International Woman’s Day though, there should also be an “International Burn a Witch Day” and “International Shame a THOT Day.”

It’s only fair that we reward AND punish.

Where does this nimnul get the idea that Women’s Day is a “reward” for us, in any way? Because it’s not. It’s a day of activism and awareness, not head-patting and tummy-rubbing.

And clearly, the “awareness” part isn’t sinking through to Mr. Punishment there.

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