alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies international women's day literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim western women suck white sharia white supremacy

The Daily Stormer wants International Women’s Day replaced by “White Sharia Day”

And a happy International Women’s Day to you too!

By David Futrelle

So the Daily Stormer, everyone’s favorite “funny” neo-Nazi shit site, has weighed in on International Women’s Day. In a post (archived here) ostensibly covering the massive Women’s Day strikes in Spain, but which is actually just an excuse to talk shit, DS contributor “Roy Batty” declares that “[w]omen have been really fucking up in the West.”

“Batty” offers a nice long list of the terrible things (and allegedly terrible things) that he thinks women have foisted on Western countries.

[H]ere are some of the benefits that brave, stronk and empowered wimmins have brought to our societies:

college false rape allegations
mass migration from shithole countries
divorce rape
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets
wages cut in half
fat acceptance
speech codes

So thanks, ladies?

Damn these dastardly women and their herpes-infused bicycle helmets!

No, but seriously, I can’t even talk to Western women anymore. So I’m not going to be wishing them a Happy Women’s Day. Because they’ve squandered any goodwill I could have felt towards them.

Here’s to replacing this squandered holiday with White Sharia day in the West very, very soon.

“White sharia” is alt-right slang for white dudes having total patriarchal control of “their” women in a future white supremacist ethnostate.

“Batty” would also like to have a couple of other holidays added to the calendar.

If we’re going to have International Woman’s Day though, there should also be an “International Burn a Witch Day” and “International Shame a THOT Day.”

It’s only fair that we reward AND punish.

Huh. These proposed holidays sound more than a little bit like MRA deadbeat grandaddy Paul Elam’s infamous “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” Maybe the Daily Stormer got the idea from him? Or maybe it’s just that terrible minds think alike — and that these terrible minds love to think of allegedly uppity women getting taken down a peg or two.

Hey, I can play this game, too.

Happy International MRAs and Nazis Eat Shit Day!

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Did anyone see this? With no such thing as slow news days anymore, these stories can slip through the cracks. But it’s just… wow

The Republican party is running someone as a fake Green party candidate for Senate to try and beat John Tester.

This is why, as much as the two party system sucks, it’s crucial to vote Democratic in every race that isn’t a for sure safe election for the Democratic candidate. I’ve said it before about a trillion times, and I’ll say it again. A vote for anyone besides the Dem, is a vote for the Republican. No, I don’t like it either, but facts are facts.

If you want more choices of political party, do activism for instant run off voting so you can vote Green or Socialist or whatever without helping Republicans.

Ok, PSA over.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Did anyone see this? With no such thing as slow news days anymore, these stories can slip through the cracks. But it’s just… wow

The Republican party is running someone as a fake Green party candidate for Senate to try and beat John Tester.

This is why, as much as the two party system sucks, it’s crucial to vote Democratic in every race that isn’t a for sure safe election for the Democratic candidate. I’ve said it before about a trillion times, and I’ll say it again. A vote for anyone besides the Dem, is a vote for the Republican. No, I don’t like it either, but facts are facts.

If you want more choices of political party, do activism for instant run off voting so you can vote Green or Socialist or whatever without helping Republicans.

Ok, PSA over.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Instant runoff has flaws. List proportional representation is the way to go.

6 years ago

List proportional representation also have its flaw, and some countries like France have had serious trouble because of it. But it’s likely better than the current american system.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

I’m pretty sure just picking a name out of a hat would be better than the current American system. =P

6 years ago

STV is best pony (no, not pony, I meant voting system). I think.
No vote is wasted/useless, you end up with PR, and you also get local accountability. What’s not to like?
(no system is without drawbacks, I’m sure, but it does look good. I think STV is used in Ireland? And Canada?!?!?!)

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

Canada is still ‘first past the post’. 😛

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

STV is used in Ireland?

The Irish system seems simple to use; you just list candidates in order of preference (you don’t have to number everyone on the list though if you don’t want); but it’s fairly incomprehensible (to me anyway, cos maths) in how they allocate the votes. It’s not just divvying up the loser’s second choice votes etc; it’s all calculating percentages based on formulae and then apportioning surplus votes amongst the candidates. I can’t fathom it at all, but presumably it makes sense to someone.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

And Canada?!?!?!

I wish.

6 years ago

Ah, I was grievously equivocated and mistook 🙁
Looks like Ireland and Malta are the foremost users of STV.

6 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

Anyone else think Trump appointing a torturer to be the first ever female CIA head is a deliberate despoliation of what would otherwise have been a cause for feminists to celebrate whenever it finally happened?

While I’d love/hate to believe Machiavelli was in the White House, as a Brit born in the early 70’s, I’d say it’s quite common for the first woman to do a thing to be feminism’s nightmare, rather than feminism’s dream come true. The patriarchy loves women that betray other women (cough, Thatcher, cough) because it catches progressives coming and going.

Can anyone see the progressive dream (of whatever demographic) rising to the top of the CIA over the last 20 years? So how much more conforming would a woman need to be to rise? Enough said.

6 years ago


Does it work like the Euro elections? In those, you number all the candidates (until you don’t give a preference).

First preferences are counted. If someone has more than 50%, it’s all over (but that’s unlikely). If not, the least popular candidate is eliminated and their second preferences are added to everyone’s existing total. Again, anyone got more than 50% If not, the least popular candidate is, again, redistributed; this time to the candidates immediately after (it could be 2nd choice, it could be 3rd, depending on how the first elimination went).

I’m sorry if I’m teaching a grandparent to suck easily sucked things, but the point of this is to make sure everyone’s preferences are properly reflected. Or, as I like to think of it, a 13 year old’s method of choosing a boy/girlfriend. First preference is always a Hollywood Star, but everyone has a unique preference, that will whittle down to someone achievable. STV will find a consensus, so that – if only two candidates are left – more people preferred the winner to the loser, even if there was someone they liked more (that no one else did). It may never give us Attlee (although, given Attlee won FPTP, there’s a chance…), but it should also never give us Moseley.

Sorry if everyone already knew this. I was in a preachy mood. And what else to do with a PPE degree than show off on the interweb (it was that, or enter Parliament; I chose wisely).

ETA Apologies Alan. I’ve just properly read your post and clearly you understand the Irish election system better than me. As you were.

occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

> John
There are problems with Discords for Orange users, apparently, especially the ones who use the application rather than the browser version. And they say nothing will be done because it is on the Orange side to act.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

“Orange users”?

6 years ago

“Orange users”?

Telecoms company.

Mostly mobile phones, legendary for the difficulty you have in cancelling a contract with them.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

And they specifically block a particular online site? And get away with it? That was fast. Fucking Ajit Pai and his fucking net neutrality repeal…

6 years ago

Oh, good lord, no. They haven’t actively blocked it (probably). They’re just extremely incompetent.

If something doesn’t work – it’s someone elses fault. Never theirs.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Well, if a specific web site doesn’t work on a specific ISP, due to that ISP, then that ISP cannot be merely acting as a dumb pipe. It’s discriminating traffic in some way that depends on its destination. And that’s a net neutrality violation, by definition. Whether Discord being unreachable by this ISP’s customers is an intentional block, or “just” a buggy side effect of something else the ISP is doing or trying to do, makes no difference.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Ventured into this thread because people were talking about Stephen Hawking. He’ll be missed. As a non-scientist, I don’t know much about his theories and discoveries aside from Hawking radiation and his search for a Unified Field Theory; I’m more familiar with his status as a popularizer of science and author of A Brief History of Time.

Plus, it’s got to be one of the most parodied/alluded-to book titles, above, say, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man or The Grapes of Wrath.

Also, I heard an interesting take on Hawking and disability yesterday; someone was saying how she was criticized by her academic supervisor for using her disability as an excuse not to get things done, and the said supervisor brought up Hawking as an example… completely glossing over the fact that Hawking had not just determination and intelligence but also fame and money on his side. Whatever the causes, it was good that he could live as long as he did and accomplish so much… and it was definitely not cool of that supervisor to set him up as some sort of “model minority”, ugh.

6 years ago

Epitome, minorities always get divided into “the good/deserving ones” and the rest, with the former being used as a stick to beat the latter, and to allow the majority to feel less guilty about their treatment of the minority. It sucks, and it needs to be called out, preferably by those of us whose privilege allows us to do so relatively safely (we shouldn’t expect people with disabilities to sort out our shit for us).

6 years ago

If it comes to that, Hawking himself pointed out that in one respect the ALS let him get more theoretical work done, because it gave him an ironclad excuse not to spend time on administrative work (which has to get done, of course, and we can get into a thing about gender and division of labour if you want); just what sort of work was the person’s supervisor accusing *her* of shirking, I wonder?

6 years ago

Hawking also used the fact that he was incredibly famous to demand better for the NHS, and to tear strips off tory scum pro-privatisation profiteer “Health Minister” Jeremy Hunt. Effectively speaking up for those with less clout than him.

6 years ago

opposablethumbs, while I applaud your use of the words “Tory scum”, I’d like to recommend Nye Bevan’s description of the Tory party, speaking at the creation of the NHS: “lower than vermin”. I’m sure he would find the modern Tories much changed, but still as verminous.

6 years ago

Nye Bevan knew whereof he spoke. He might be surprised to see the levels of sheer ineptitude and banal incompetence they’ve added to their venality, though. (I keep thinking they can’t get any worse, and then they do. Every time. While the overwhelming majority of the media do a remarkable job of ignoring (most of) their failings/attacking the opposition/squirrel-and-dead-cat-bouncing, and convincing enough of the public to keep them in office. Aaaaaaargh.)

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