advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females evil sexy ladies grandiosity has possibly never spoken to a woman hate literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism rape rape is good actually stacies

“Ethnostate rape gangs” and other treats the “American fascists” in Patriot Front want to bring to women

To be fair, Nazis don’t really understand women either

By David Futrelle

Lefty media site Unicorn Riot, which is doing a bang-up job exposing the so-called alt-right — recently obtained a virtual treasure trove of chat logs and audio files in which members of Patriot Front, a self-described “American fascist” group that split off from Vanguard America last year, talk about how much they hate Jews and love guns and all the assorted other things that the shithead Nazis of today like to talk about.

Some of the most hair-raising discussions in this vast pile of terrible concern one group of human beings that the current generation of Nazis especially hate: women. Nazis and white supremacists have always been sexist, but in the past their sexism always had a paternalistic side to it. Nazis and Klansmen claimed to want to protect and even celebrate white women, and many women found this appealing. In the 1920s, the women’s auxilliary of the KKK had a half million members.

The alt-right of today, by contrast, is overwhelmingly male — and overwhelmingly misogynistic, with an anti-woman ideology not that far removed from your average incel.

Take a listen to how these guys talk about women when they think no one is paying attention. If anything, their comments are even worse than the descriptions below suggest.

It’s probably not much of a surprise that these guys are also violently homophobic.

Check out the rest of this twitter thread to hear the Patriot Front boys’ thoughts on the relative merits of different guns, the alleged racist evil of Black Lives Matter, and their alt-right rivals The Traditionalist Workers Party.

For more on the brief but still pretty awful history of Patriot Front, check out Unicorn Riot’s feature on the group, which also contains links to UR’s archives of the 26,0000 Discord messages they, er, obtained from these lovely lady hating fascists.

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Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

I am enjoying this discussion, and will comment, but before I do I wanted to pop in with a quick little note. @Female Yid, you’re coming across as very aggressive. You might find that your comments get more traction if you were to take a less authoritative tone with your writing.

Oh yeah, and not SHOUTING SOMEONE’S NAME when they ask you to use it properly. You know, basic stuff like that.

comment image

Fluffy Spider
Fluffy Spider
6 years ago

Thank you currently Tom-Tom (didn’t make him my grandmother did) is my only kitteh. I used to have a gray one named Baby who was killed by a raccoon and a black one called Midnight who vanished when my old neighbors did (I think they killed him TBH they hated cats). Tom is essentially more my kid than my cat as he follows me everywhere, uses me as furniture and will only come to me when called. I love every minute with him. I even dumped a few guys for them saying they hate cats (I’m a catlady by far)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
6 years ago

Hey, Moderation Mammoth. New email address, long story. Anyway…

1)Whether communism ‘works’ depends on one’s definition of communism. And fuck tankies
2)Murican Xtians aren’t necessarily fascists. Nor even Murican evangelical Xtians. White Murican evangelical Xtians tho… Only a Sith deals in absolutes, but…
3)I’m black. I’ve literally 0 patience for ‘they don’t hate you, they’re just paternalistic’ ?
4)Sup, @Katie. To answer your question, it definitely coulda been that bad. And it was. But, this is important, there’s a difference between being unable to see and not seeing. You see it now, so you have the ability, you just weren’t given the right tools/lenses. Nobody, not even black folk, is born woke. And growing up in fuckin Tribeca will keep you sleep for sure ?

6 years ago

OT, but this is an ongoing social justice-y story here in Hogtown: that of alleged serial killer Bruce McAruthur.

PinkNews has a pretty good rundown of the case. I’d recommend checking out for the latest, but while this story has gripped headlines for the past month or so, it’s had me a tad unnerved for a couple of reasons:

1. This guy lived mere blocks from me. Seriously, in my morbid curiosity, I walked to the murder house with my camera to snap some photos of it. It was just behind the drug store I go to. McArthur reportedly trolled one of the local dives for victims, a place that I’ve eaten at on occasion (but not often; the food at McSorley’s is terrible). I will admit that it is somewhat amusing to see the upper-middle class denizens of Leaside up in arms about all the cop cars in their neighbourhood.

2. I remember the missing poster for one of his victims. It was last summer during one of my urban exploration walks along the Don River and I noticed the missing poster for Andrew Kinsman taped to a post near the intersection that leads to the Brickworks. I took a picture of it just for posterity and it’s still saved on my memory card. At the time I remember hoping that he’d be alright, but you can imagine how shocked I was to see that same face in the newspaper under the list of McArthur’s victims.

It’s a morbid topic, I know, and this is turning into one of my essay/rant comments, but it does raise a couple of questions about the relationship between the LGBT community and the police here in Toronto. Remember that Pride Parade that BLMTO halted and it became an online cause célèbre for edgelords and bafflingly-employed plagiarists to point to as “political correctness run amok”? One of the demands BLMTO had of Pride was better representation of South Asian communities, in addition to removal of the Toronto Police float due to at best police indifference to the LGBT community and at worst hostility to it. Well, lo and behold, McArthur’s victims were overwhelmingly gay men of South Asian descent. Chief Mark Saunders’ tone deaf statement certainly doesn’t help dispel accusations of indifference, either.

BLMTO’s actions were symbolic, but in hindsight, I think they served as an alarm bell that went unheeded and at least six people are dead that may have been saved had certain parties, namely the Toronto Police Services and those members of the LGBT community with connections to them, gotten the hell over themselves and actually worked with the vulnerable minority gay community of the city to catch this predator sooner.

I may be reading too much into it, and perhaps new evidence will change things, but that’s how I see things. And as a bi guy who lived in McArthur’s neighbourhood… kinda hoping the cops have my back going forward.

Micky Knox
Micky Knox
6 years ago

A fascinating article.

Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
Weird (America Where Are You Now? Don't You Care About Your Sons And Daughters?) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Female Yid:

Believing women are inferior and hating them are two different things.

They might be justifiably referred to as two different degrees of the same thing, but there is no way they’re two different things. We’re comparing human beings, here.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

@ dvärghundspossen

This is probably what they were talking about:

I’m from a Nordic country, generally assumed to be a woman, and in one of the more male dominated STEM fields. I can say I’ve felt the pressure to get out very strongly at times.

I’m convinced all this has a lot to do with the gender divide in politics and values, and the corresponding political and value coding in different fields of study. There are way more conservative folks in tech and physics. The lefties are in environmental sciences, social sciences, and arts. Biology & health sciences, law, and economics & business seem to be somewhere in between.

I’m going to say people choose the groups they think they’ll be comfortable living among and identifying with and whose values they agree with. I’m also going to say that what a teenage person’s interests are has way more to do with these group associations than talent.

And they’re really, really smart to do so. They have their priorities straight and will live happier lives as a result. I envy those comrades who haven’t had to sell their souls to work in their fields (tech is basically Satan let’s face it), and I envy anyone who can say for sure they’ve ever come face to face with another feminist (lean in types do not count) within their work/academic community.

6 years ago

BLMTO’s actions were symbolic, but in hindsight, I think they served as an alarm bell that went unheeded and at least six people are dead that may have been saved had certain parties, namely the Toronto Police Services and those members of the LGBT community with connections to them, gotten the hell over themselves and actually worked with the vulnerable minority gay community of the city to catch this predator sooner.

I read today that the Pride Committee is negotiating again with the local police (who want to march in uniform again) and everyone I know is just WTF, after everything that’s happened in the last month?!

(I don’t know for sure if it’s true, but remember hearing last year that part of the reason they’re so keen to have a uniformed delegation in the parade is that marching in uniform means they’re technically on-duty, and therefore get paid to be there.)

(formerly) DepressedCNS
(formerly) DepressedCNS
6 years ago

@ Starfury

Someone has said to me that in the ‘more equal’ countries (specifically the different Scandinavian models) women gravitate towards more traditional female roles in the workplace, as opposed to countries with greater oppression of women where they go into STEM professions more. The point being made was that where women have greater independence and freedom of choice they ‘naturally’ gravitate towards ‘lady-jobs’.

I also see this argument a lot (Especially in comments on articles re: James Damore. Uhg that manifesto is infuriating to me and the perfect Rorschach test for how well someone understands privilege)

Taking the claim at face value (I haven’t delved into the data but don’t find it implausible), this probably has a lot to do with work culture and whether or not your country has adequate social welfare. The US is known for strongly associating job title with prestige, and we have a terrible social safety nets. As such women here are motivated to and at times have no choice but to fight gender stereotypes to earn a living wage, because in the traditional gender role they perform much more unpaid labor, and “lady jobs” tend to pay less (lots of studies support this)

In countries with a large social safety net, women can more easily fall into traditional gender roles because there is less financial pressure

Tl;Dr capitalism and patriarchy intersect in interesting ways

6 years ago


I read today that the Pride Committee is negotiating again with the local police (who want to march in uniform again) and everyone I know is just WTF, after everything that’s happened in the last month?!

*sigh* You know… I feel like the Toronto Police Services have taken a step back under Saunders’ stewardship. Public relations clearly isn’t his forte, and while he strikes me as less of a blowhard than Fantino was, it felt like Blair had started the TPS on the road to reform, a road that seems to have come to a dead end under Saunders. I chalk it up to Saunders being from the urban street gang and homicide divisions of the service; he strikes me as a hard-bitten professional officer who knows his field inside and out, but didn’t quite hone the diplomacy as much, hence the gaffes and PR issues.

(A)utonomist Escapist
(A)utonomist Escapist
6 years ago

@Female Yid: Most reactionaries are quite capable of both claiming, believing and performing love when it comes to their closest female relatives and partners, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t reactionary shitheels, religious or not, just that they are even more cognitively dissonant than those whose actions mirror their ideologies more clearly.

And concerning Communism, a-hierarchical Communists (AKA Socialist Anarchists of all stripes, colours and names), have always denounced the wrongdoings of the Bolsheviks, Khmer Rouge and assorted other authoritarians who’ve dressed up their barbarity in Red. Don’t expect those of us who advocate full dismantling of patriarchal, imperialist capitalism as being receptive to being called uneducated or unknowing of the past, because we basically do nothing but discuss the past to formulate a better way into our collective future.

@Diego Duarte: Not to diminish the scope of Sexual Assault in Sweden, but it is indeed closely tied to being underreported in most countries that Sweden is usually compared to, and that there is a much more thorough discussion of sexual violence and sexism in general in Sweden than in the rest of the Nordic countries. Indeed, a common dog-whistle for Danish Misogynists and Racists is their insistence on “Swedish Conditions” being a society overly sensitive to exaggerated and outlandish claims by women and minorities, basically a term used to smear feminists and antiracists, basically an older version of SJW’s Run Amok(tm).

Concerning far-right extremism in the Nordic Countries, there’s a lot of common ground, but also significant differences. I won’t include Finland in this, as there are distinct differences culturally, historically and politically, between Finland and the rest of Scandinavia. First, the history differs: Denmark and Norway were occupied by Nazi Germany, and while they were not treated identically, they were terrorized less openly than most other countries occupied. Sweden was never occupied, and enjoyed an uneasy peace with Germany. Although there was a lot of anti-nazi sentiments, there were also alot of business’ who did rather well, and for many, the war represented an economic boon. This in turn translated to a history of resistance against nazism in Norway and Denmark, although the actual participation in active resistance has been wildly exaggerated in the public discourse following the war, as well as trial and sentencing of collaborators. In Sweden, there has been less of a reckoning, meaning that there has been more of an underground acceptance to National Socialist theory. In Denmark, the projected self-image as having been on the right side of the war is very prolific, but ultimately flawed, as most people seemd happy to just get on with their lives, as long as the occupation didn’t affect them personally. This means that many danes are incredibly blind to issues of race, as they believe themselves to be beyond this on account of our history. This may be less the case in Norway, as they were treated noticeably harsher by the occupiers, as the resistance was more forceful in Norway.

In a danish context, this makes it possible for the governing parties and the so-called opposition, to scapegoat muslim immigrants and refugees, while they dismantle the collective welfare that was origianlly spurred on by the Social Democrats and a strong, organized workers movement.

TL/DR: The Nordic Countries are being messed up by regressive politicians, are not as tolerant as you(or we ourselves) believed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Did anyone watch Trump’s tariff press conference? It seemed like he was actually trying to blackmail Canada and Mexico to get his way on NAFTA. Did anyone else get that impression. He claimed originally that he wanted to get rid of cheating from China, but then he praised Xi Jinping talking about what a great guy he was. He didn’t praise any other leaders. Then he said our allies were the ones cheating us.

I did read today that the tariff would actually help China and Russia, but that analysis was from Goldman Sachs who I don’t trust anymore than I trust Trump. But after Trump’s little performance today, I’m inclined to believe them on this.

Then there was the earlier press conference in which Trump sent off Larry Kohn by calling him a globalist multiple times. I have not seen this called out on cable news as an anti-Semitic dog whistle but I’m quite sure it was.

Anyone have thoughts?

6 years ago

It seemed like he was actually trying to blackmail Canada and Mexico to get his way on NAFTA. Did anyone else get that impression.

Get out of my head, please. That were my exact thought (almost word for word). 😛

It’s pure Mafia business – “nice steel industry you got there, shame if someone tariffs it to oblivion.” The “suspension” of applying the tariffs to Canada and Mexico only drives the point home deeper.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Anyone have thoughts?

Lots; but none of them repeatable in polite company.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago

Did anyone watch Trump’s tariff press conference? It seemed like he was actually trying to blackmail Canada and Mexico to get his way on NAFTA. Did anyone else get that impression. He claimed originally that he wanted to get rid of cheating from China, but then he praised Xi Jinping talking about what a great guy he was. He didn’t praise any other leaders. Then he said our allies were the ones cheating us.

Well, not sure you’ve heard about this but México has started negotiating trade policies with Argentina and Perú, ever since Trump got elected. They’re gearing up to give the US the middle finger and go full nuclear on a trade war. They’re looking to be less reliant in regards to trade with the USA.

And naturally, since we’re Latino brethren we’re backing them up. Anything that Trump does is going to come back and bite him in the ass. Unfortunately, many innocent people are going to suffer higher prices because of him.

@(A)utonomist Escapist

Thanks for the insightful comments. It was a very interesting read.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

@Female Yid,

Socialist anarchism and worker’s control might be the answer, but they have a strong history of failing miserably and careening out of control pretty quickly as the stupidest prole is viewed as equal to the smartest economist.

the stupidest prole is viewed as equal to the smartest economist

*laughs nervously* there’s um, quite a few problems here. First one: that’s not how equality works.

6 years ago

I think to people who grew up in cities, this sort of unbridled bigotry seems brand new, but I grew up in Pennsyltucky, and as a white person who racist white people have felt comfortable showing their racism to, this shit is not rare at all. My school had maybe one black kid in it. One time a black guy visited the school and talked to my teacher, and some kids were making jokes about getting out their white pointy hats. There’s a reason no black people lived in my hometown. Rural Pennsylvania will give the old southern racism a run for its money, let me tell you that.

Only now have I had the chance to work with people who are as liberal as me, and it’s great. I’ve been fortunate in that my parents are pretty liberal (my mother is more economically liberal than she is socially liberal, but at least she didn’t vote for Trump and she always rants about him when I’m home). But to see city journalists go into rural places with a mic in hand, dying to talk to and get that “country wisdom” from Trump voters is embarassing. There’s no reason they voted for Trump beyond racism– trust me. And it’s not a “poor white person” thing, because rich white people felt perfectly comfortable voting for him as well. Articles like this one about Johnstown was a great example of how awful journalism is in regards to journalists from liberal cities trying to “understand” po’ white folk, completely ignoring a) all the black people that live in Johnstown and b)acting as if poor white people are the problem, when much richer and much whiter counties, like those outside of Pittsburgh, actually voted more for Trump than the county Johnstown is in.

It all strikes me as so voyeuristic, like rich white liberals are looking into a zoo to observe the poor sad redneck TrumpVoter™, when Trump voters live within their own communities and are probably part of their own families. But becaue these Trump voters are rich white people who don’t live in trailer parks, they’re somehow not as “interesting” to write about. Just like how journalism will look down on the KKK, but will describe Richard Spencer as “dapper”. Same deal, different package.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with these shitty Nazis. I just thought I’d say my two cents about how insular liberal cities are and how we can fool ourselves into thinking conservative white Christian rural people “aren’t that bad”. Oh, they’re bad. Trust me. They’re bad. And once we start recognizing that, we can settle in for a long and prolonged fight without expecting instant change.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, not sure you’ve heard about this but México has started negotiating trade policies with Argentina and Perú, ever since Trump got elected. They’re gearing up to give the US the middle finger and go full nuclear on a trade war. They’re looking to be less reliant in regards to trade with the USA.

I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. I’ve got to imagine that Trump sees all of Latin America as a third world dump with no economic power, because that’s how racists roll. I’m sure still thinks Mexico will roll over for him even though Pena Nieto has been pretty hostile to Trump so far.

Really, in any country standing up to Trump is going to be a good move politically because everyone hates him. He seems to have told himself that the media is out to get to him and is disguising the fact that everyone loves him.

Janis Ian said it best

6 years ago

I really felt like things were moving forward, and we were making progress. I went to Stuyvesant high school in Tribeca, and it was common to see same sex couples holding hands, or kissing in the halls. LGBTQ students were treated like everybody else. Same for race.

I went to a dinky little high school way out in the back of the woods, and though we had early marriage and gun racks and pickups there, we also had what you had: gay kids whom everyone knew to be gay but who were not hounded on that account; open displays of affection between those same gay kids; and interracial couples who weren’t persecuted (what shows up in retrospect as even more remarkable about this was that we had relatively few black kids, though we had plenty of Hispanics and some Asians) but almost kind of looked-up-to in a way. Things may have changed since then, but I can’t see that they’ve changed for the better.

How did we get here from there in such a short time?

Drat me if I know. (I’m writing this principally to let you know that the same change in atmosphere you’ve noticed in NYC is also to be found almost 3000 miles away on the opposite coast. IOW, You Are Not Alone.)

Things couldn’t have been this bad underneath all along, could they?

The potential must always have been there, otherwise the potential couldn’t have manifested itself — but aside from that, this is a question to which I have no answer. Happy dreams.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Katie, Wanda, et al,

I grew up naive in a lot of ways. My city is progressive. I knew racism still existed but I thought it was mostly subconscious bias type of stuff when I was a teen in the nineties. The only time I ever witnessed homophobia was when I went to a diving meet in Ohio at age 15 and some divers from Indiana called my very flamboyantly gay coach a f** They also sexually harassed one of my teammates. Lovely guys. It shocked me because my block had a gay couple and a lesbian couple living on it and nobody in the neighborhood cared or treated them differently. I thought homophobia was a thing of the past. I wrote it off as an aberration.

Then when I went to college in rural Illinois, on orientation week someone (and we all knew who) wrote “go home n*****s” on the wipeboard of the dorm room door belonging to twin bothers from Ghana. The suspected culprit ended up getting expelled later in the year for making an obscene call to the housing dean’s wife. So yeah, misogyny and other bigotry always seems to go together. Since I was a little more mature this time the lesson stuck. I was privilege blind due to being a white cishet person from a progressive area. If there’d been more of an internet culture at the time, I might have figured it out sooner, but there’s definitely a liberal bubble thing going in a lot of cities.

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago

@dust bunny

What you said. So. fucking. much.

I’m an engineer working in oil and gas. I was more than aggressively told to f off during my MEng. The men I was told to manage sexually harassed me relentlessly, spoke incredibly degradingly about women and were just overall arrogant jackasses.

I’ve spoken with female petroleum engineers from Muslim majority countries. Despite being in many ways repressed, they didn’t feel their male colleagues were treating them as outsiders. Sure they had extremely old-fashioned views as to how they should behave and discriminated against them based on these beliefs, they never told them to get out. They also had a tendency of ”lowering their gaze” (i.e showing deference) when they passed by and did not sexually harass as much.

Many women from Saudi Arabia also told me that engineering is considered a clerical job ideal for women. Manufacturing trades in factories are considered a man’s job, as they are hot and women’s veils make it uncomfortable.

This is what I mean by hating women and treating them paternalistically being different. These Muslim men certainly view these women as being forced into a certain role, but didn’t disrespect them, at least not nearly as much

Also the Norwegian Gender Paradox is right-wing horseshit invented by men who’ve absolutely no idea what women go through and the cultural differences in gendered labor division.. It is implicit islamophobia, as it assumes Muslim countries are all sexist shitholes. They’ve done absolutely no analysis of women’s experiences and how equality in public is not equality in private.. More often than not, men who promote this garbage are the ones who most make STEM women’s lives miserable and believe orientalist stereotypes about Middle-Easterners, my Mizrahi Jewish self included.


I’m a bitch. Get used to it.

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago


Ever wonder why Clinton outraised Trump many times to one? It isn’t because of the right-wing conspiracy theories about Clinton, it’s because corporate America cares very deeply about its bottom line and is absolutely vicious when it comes to anything even vaguely threatening it. GM and Ford stand to lose close to a billion in profits if Trump’s steel tariffs go through.

Most white trash that voted for Trump are economic illiterates.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

I’m a bitch. Get used to it.

I’m not going to tell women that they shouldn’t be as aggressive and forthright as men, but… have you considered not being an asshole?

Female Yid
Female Yid
6 years ago



You have to be an asshole in my industry or the arrogant male jackasses you have to deal with won’t take you seriously.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

Okay, let me rephrase:

Have you considered not being an asshole all the time, even to nice people in kind social spaces rather than in a professional environment?