By David Futrelle
Lefty media site Unicorn Riot, which is doing a bang-up job exposing the so-called alt-right — recently obtained a virtual treasure trove of chat logs and audio files in which members of Patriot Front, a self-described “American fascist” group that split off from Vanguard America last year, talk about how much they hate Jews and love guns and all the assorted other things that the shithead Nazis of today like to talk about.
Some of the most hair-raising discussions in this vast pile of terrible concern one group of human beings that the current generation of Nazis especially hate: women. Nazis and white supremacists have always been sexist, but in the past their sexism always had a paternalistic side to it. Nazis and Klansmen claimed to want to protect and even celebrate white women, and many women found this appealing. In the 1920s, the women’s auxilliary of the KKK had a half million members.
The alt-right of today, by contrast, is overwhelmingly male — and overwhelmingly misogynistic, with an anti-woman ideology not that far removed from your average incel.
Take a listen to how these guys talk about women when they think no one is paying attention. If anything, their comments are even worse than the descriptions below suggest.
(Content advisory: sexual assault)
Patriot Front members are told that in an American ethnostate, rape is OK "as long as you're raping.. your own race." "Ethnostate rape gangs" would target unmarried white women who didn't adhere to "traditional values" https://t.co/lEVX6Izuzn pic.twitter.com/nIoL9skbNn— UNICORN RIOT (@UR_Ninja) March 5, 2018
In the recorded Discord voice meeting, Patriot Front members expand on their vision of 'White Sharia' in America. They discuss a desire to return to gender roles from the 1890s & share their admiration for Hitler's family planning policies in Nazi Germany https://t.co/lEVX6Izuzn pic.twitter.com/f5dqQCFCyB
— UNICORN RIOT (@UR_Ninja) March 5, 2018
It’s probably not much of a surprise that these guys are also violently homophobic.
Patriot Front's vision of 'White Sharia' also involves an extremely homophobic component. The only gay people that would be allowed to live in their American ethnostate would be those who "don't ever speak about it" https://t.co/lEVX6Izuzn pic.twitter.com/VqsB3RSOSp
— UNICORN RIOT (@UR_Ninja) March 5, 2018
Check out the rest of this twitter thread to hear the Patriot Front boys’ thoughts on the relative merits of different guns, the alleged racist evil of Black Lives Matter, and their alt-right rivals The Traditionalist Workers Party.
For more on the brief but still pretty awful history of Patriot Front, check out Unicorn Riot’s feature on the group, which also contains links to UR’s archives of the 26,0000 Discord messages they, er, obtained from these lovely lady hating fascists.
I never asked for this, and don’t know where to go
Seem to have gotten myself in a certain limbo
Me, in the face of misogyny
Being forced around by a gang unwelcome
Being given time to breathe so very seldom
Oh dear
I have two options here
I tell the truth or I can lie
Thing is that lyin’ isn’t sly
And my truth is something they won’t take as fact
Say I’m a woman and I’m carted away
Say I’m not in the binary and God knows what they’ll say
A catch-22, for either me or you
Either way I’ll surely say I’m not gonna like what they’ll do
If they get ahold
Of me or you, of me or you, of me or you
Let’s not be quiet, let’s bay our fear
Let’s say today, whether female or genderqueer
This ain’t the time we want
This ain’t the time we’ll take!
And prepare for a quake
Open your eyes and see the world surround
Open your ears and take in all the sound
And make it like a siren
And make it hard to mention
Or defend bigotry
Simple enough to see
Someone’s gotta take history
Okay, how are these people not labelled “terrorists” yet? I’m pretty sure they fit the legal description of terrorism, given that they’re planning to commit felonies for political purposes. The US is becoming increasingly more radicalized and the centrist media keeps on downplaying the danger these people represent.
Saw this on Twitter as well. I am utterly unsurprised by it.
Hillary Clinton called them a “basket of deplorables”; Trump called them “fine people”.
I’m putting five dollars down on “won’t change the minds of anyone who thinks they aren’t Nazis” the the WHTM pool on this one.
Just to add some background to this, one of the defendants is the person whose racist videos Trump retweeted.
Their terrorists are called “terrorists”…
Our terrorists are called “freedom fighters”….
Maybe a bit off topic here, but I find the use of the phrase “White Sharia” especially revealing. It’s been said before, but it bears repeating: fundamentalists and extremists around the world have more in common than they care to admit.They share the same motivations: bigotry, fear and hatred of the modern world, the desire to plunge humanity into a new dark age. They could do even more damage than they already are if they realized this and unified; fortunately, this will never happen because the various factions all despise each other, and each little group wants to be the one that winds up in charge.
It’s good to see racists get their just deserts.
Totally true. Listen to what they say – they say races should be separated to live in their own homogeneous states. They are totally fine with ISIS and other fundamentalists, because they’re basically trying to accomplish he same goals. Fundamentalist authoritarianism is what they both want. They’re the same group, and would probably get along just fine.
And they call us traitors.
This is stochastic terrorism at its finest. This is the kind of philosophy that guides almost every mass shooter. And really, it scares the shit out of me
These guys are refreshingly honest compared to the self-contradictory, duplicitous pablum Nazis usually peddle.
Let’s narrow it down even further, because “fundamentalists” is still far too broad and “extremists” is already self-explanatory.
American Christianity promotes the same brand of fundamentalism as the Taliban and ISIS. They are into religion not so much for the “values and tradition” as they are for the dominance and control. Both religions treat women as little more than breeding mares.
I would even go so far as to argue that Christianity is worse, when given context. Islamic countries had to be bombed, over and over, pillaged, and be subjected to almost every form of foreign intervention, for over 70 years, to reach this point of fundamentalism and open hostility.
American Christians though? They became radicalized after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, and decided to push for a theocratic society. And now they’ve become even more radicalized after the election of Black man as president of the US. Just imagine what they’d be like if they had suffered the same indignities they inflicted upon the Middle East.
Also, the expansion of this style of Christianity into other countries, and all of its detriments, hasn’t been explored enough. It has had particular regressive effects in South America (Colombia and Peru) and Africa (Uganda), where American christianity experiments with laws they would like to pass in the US; much to the detriment of non-believers in said countries.
In that first clip, after some debate, they decide that 12-year-old girls are too young for gang rape, but 16-year-olds are prime targets. This after one of the guys cites 16 as Michigan’s age of consent.
Age of consent.
As applicable.
To gang rape.
Because you know, you don’t want to seem like a creep or anything.
What about married white women who don’t adhere to “traditional values”? I imagine they aren’t too happy with that group, either. I’m sure they’d be horrified to see my husband washing dishes and dusting while I’m working as a biologist.
Considering these people are a collective of organized abusers it would not be too far out to say they’re targeting people who are above the age of consent because then they can somehow claim that their victim consented; and then proceed to harass her and intimidate her if she says otherwise.
A 12 year old though? Too blatant for them to get off from all charges.
Exhibit A in why Antifa are not as bad as the right. These are people that would kill me, my friends, and likely someone that every centrist bastard cares about. Fuck them all.
Mostly I was just trying to illustrate the utter irony about talking age of consent as it relates to their frankly horrifying rape fantasy, but got more of the impression that they were imagining a world where it was totes legal for all dudes to go around raping any girl at least who’s at least 16. The thing is, age of consent only matters if consent itself matters, and as they unreservedly call it ‘gang rape,’ the lack of consent is a foregone conclusion and clearly doesn’t matter.
What they’re talking about seemed to me more along the lines of, “How young can our rape victims be before other men think we’re pedophiles?”
@fleixtarian haruspix
Oh, I got the angle you were going with, but I was wondering whether these guys motives were even more heinous than what they seemed at the surface level. You never know with these people.
Oh, I gotcha. ^^ And ain’t that the truth. Underestimating the Nazis got everyone in a bunch of trouble the last time it happened; I’d prefer no repeats.
I cannot imagine there being more groups of this ilk so truly deserving of a “***## to the face followed by endless LEGO walking while barefoot”.
There are too many as it is, maybe they need to be walled in like the scene from that Clive Owens’ version of king Arthur where he frees Keira Knightley’s Guinevere before taking on the barbarians with the help of his loyal knights and her people joining forces so they can all live happily ever after, have Merlin marry Arthur and Guinevere, get that sword back to the lake in between meetings at the round table. Or just plain shot into space towards that Tesla (if there are actual aliens I apologize for suggesting a tactic that would most assuredly ruin a few million light years in traveling the universe for you, as intelligent life beings having to deal with these examples of unintelligent life for us is pretty sucky. Accept Elon Musk as our apology, if you wish he can bring many Tesla, please. It’s not like most of us can afford them anyway.)
Does it ever occur to these douchebags that they might encounter women who are armed and won’t send them running with their hatemongering undies wedged up their backsides to get back to the safety of their internet echo chambers only to find we’re shutting those down too? They probably ignore how many women are a much better shot with firearms and reading/listening to every stupid word (that they can stomach) so they know these idiots are coming, ready to defend not just their own but all the ‘others’ targeted for hate?
Oh well. Can’t say they weren’t asking for it. Begging, even. (/S).
The “Will Mcavoy” character from “The Newsroom”…
Tea Party is “The American Taliban”
Maybe, but only up to a point. Remember this article?
If your husband is also white, then they’d probably consider you his property and therefore his problem.
As a cranky atheist, I’m usually the last person to say #not all Christians. But there really is a big difference between what you’re talking about, which are Evangelical Christians and mainline Protestants or Catholics. I’d say generally that Evangelicals are pretty fascist, but there are plenty of progressive Christians in the US. Including some who post and/or read here. The religious right is far more vocal than anyone else so it’s easy to get the impression that’s that the only type of American Christianity, but it’s not the full picture. I do wish there was more organized progressive Christianity though. Moral Mondays in North Carolina is a good start but it’s not enough.
The sort of men who think the Republic of Gilead (book version) sounds like a swell idea.
Can I just say your avatar makes me happy? 🙂
Golly, you sure can! Thanks!
For those not familiar with the character, she’s Gadget, the inventive mouse from the 1989 Disney series Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers. Gadget is everything that manospherians try to avoid in a woman: intelligent, compassionate, and able to take care of business when she has to. She’s actually a pretty good role model.