alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism beta males butts heartiste homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Pickup artist writes / The worst haikus ever wrote / Basho facepalm time

Basho is not impressed

By David Futrelle

Last week I treated you to a surprisingly heartfelt, if still ridiculous, poem from an MRA who was trying to win me over to his side. Turns out he’s not the only manospherean who thinks he can pull off poetry. The exuberantly racist, woman-hating pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste — as overconfident in his literary abilities as always — recently treated his blog readers to a short burst of what he called “High T-kus” — that is “High Testosterone Haikus.”

Here they are. Well, here three of them are. I left out the one in which he miscounted the syllables.

throw iron like thor
testosterone-infused brain
now MAGA for good

soybois sneer limply
laugh in their faces, i do
“lol you watch the view!”

sophistic shitlibs
run marathons vote thec*nt
chad shits better men

In case you’re wondering, “thec*nt,” which Heartiste writes without the asterisk, is what he calls Hillary Clinton. No, I don’t have any idea why he thinks it’s funny either.

Naturally, some of Mr. Heartiste’s terrible fans were inspired, if that’s the right word for it, to write their own terrible haikus, boasting about their lifting ability and their ForeignBrides.

Someone called TLM offered this:

Always love to lift.
Add iron to bar eternally.
CrossFit is for gay.

One anonymous commenter added his own weirdly earnest take on lifting:

Put down the Starbucks
Steel plates build steel character
Strength makes shit happen

Someone called Johnny Redux posted something that vaguely resembled a haiku:

Throwing the Runes
Determining Fates of Men
Lower Men Shall Die
So that Higher Men Live On

Aware that haikus aren’t really supposed to have a fourth line, he reworked his non-haiku into something closer to a haiku and added two more. For some reason he didn’t bother to remedy the missing syllable in the first line.

Those reading for content rather than form may detect a subtle Nazi theme running through these verses.

Throwing the Runes
Determining Fates of Men
Lower Men Shall Die

Higher Men Live On
And Shall Sow their Seed Afar
Spreading Wet Warm Thighs

Rise up Übermensch
Smash the Degenerate Filth
Clean Slate for Children

The most enthusiastic haiku-writer was a longtime commenter at Chateau Heartiste and other far-right manosphere called ET Jones, who offered his own take on how to increase testosterone:

Enough of the gym
T spikes from baking soda
and prostate massage

Commenter Greg Eliot felt this was an inappropriately unmasculine way to power up one’s testosterone:

Finger in anus
Is no way to go through life.
Avaunt, you fairy.

ET assured his comrades that it wasn’t his own finger up his butt, heaven forbid!

Did not mean myself
A ForeignBride can do it
or Happy Endings™

But alas, he complained, his ForeignBride is not at the moment in close proximity to his ass:

Wifey gone a month
Loins are getting congested
Fapping no relief

(In case you’re wondering, there seems to be no actual scientific evidence that prostate massages (however enjoyable they may be) increase testosterone. And while there is endless chatter about the allegedly miraculous t-boosting powers of baking soda on assorted supplement-shilling websites, I was unable to find any reputable site advocating its use for this purpose, at least in the dozens of Google results I scanned through. Also, maybe check with your doctor to see if you actually need more testosterone?)

Not all of the Chateau Heartiste commenters were willing to stay within the confines of the haiku form. The eccentric, always prolix commenter who calls himself “da GBFM zlzoolzlzzlzozlzloozozo” (don’t ask) spewed out hundreds of words of vaguely poetic gabble in a language roughly approximating English, with a little time-out in the middle during which he offered his theories about inflation, which for some reason (*cough* anti-Semitism *cough*) revolve around former  Fed Chair Ben Bernanke.

Da GBFM also manages to work Bernanke into his poetry as well, alongside references to Twilight, anal sex and fiat currency, all of which he believes are deeply connected. Here’s a little excerpt:

one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no beats fool i ain’t no beta tool
over vampires and werewolfe you ginas all drool
letting their cocks touch your deep down stool
then you blame the betas in school
and transfer wealth for the bernanke gene pool
jonah goldberg sends our alphas 2 die on foreign shores
stuffing his face with dc pizza as they die in fiat wars
neocon womenz repeating butthexers lies in their mags
even after menopause and no need for da ragz
telling young chickas to lust after vampires
as they build their fiat empires

Well, it mostly rhymes, I’ll give him that.

But if you’re looking for Twilight-related nonsense, BedLipReading has him beat.

Yes, I know the video is several years old, but SO ARE GBFM’s CULTURAL AND POLITICAL REFERENCES!

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Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
6 years ago

At least now they think
One step past telling themselves
“More like bro-etry!”

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
6 years ago

Whenever I read these poems, I basically hear them in my head as being read by Boris Karloff as the Frankenstein monster. It’s the only way I can take them seriously.

6 years ago

Wasted potential

6 years ago

why don’t these beta cuck manginas just buy illegal steroids like real men do?


Hulk no like stupid soyboy poetry

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I do enjoy the impromptu poetry improvs we have here. 🙂

6 years ago

You call this a haiku. You just counted syllables. Get back in the water.

6 years ago

Nazis write haiku,
Which came from non-white people.
Failed their rhetoric.

Seriously, though, shouldn’t Nazis hate haiku for coming from a non-white culture? They can’t even be consistently racist!

6 years ago

b-but Japan is as xenophobic as they are and anime nazis and and demure asian grils

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Oh thank you so much eli; you’re a star!

flexitarian haruspix
flexitarian haruspix
6 years ago

Angry men mutter
bile and nonsense to the void
and only hear echoes

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

Didn’t the Nazis
Consider haikus to be
“Entartete Kunst”?

6 years ago

Throw iron like Thor? Hela pulverized Thor’s hammer and Loki’s far sexier.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

I thought the Nazis
Called the Japanese “Aryans,
But honorary”.

But I would not know
What the Nazis thought about
The haiku itself.

6 years ago

Those are not haiku.
Those are not even senryu.
Those are crap-er-u.

(As for me, I’m sticking with Issa Kobayashi…master of the quirky, humorous ‘ku.)

6 years ago

High T-Kus = Low IQs

P.S. I have to give that rap credit for achieving the impossible; it actually made me feel sorry for Jonah Goldberg.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Aren’t haikus supposed to reference a season?

Grunt grunt lift grunt grunt
ugh ugh ugh apple blossom
lift lift grunt grunt ugh

6 years ago

Hey, those ornate Japanese tea ceremonies are lovely! We don’t need these bro-broken dudes around messing them up with talk of bars with weights and “do you even lift brah?”, or mouthbreathing on people.

Tragic that they think they are #winning. But not tragic enough to get all sad for their poor unpoetic bro-problems. Don’t need to understand why, or extend the hand of friendship/peace – what should happen to them is against comment policy for me to say so I shall just…think about it for a while. And wish for legos. Lots of them.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

And another one gone/
And another one gone/
Another one bites the dust!

Enough pruning the branches and leaves, time to go for the roots.
David, please use deep dream to hex Kushner now. 🙂

Then Ivanka, Don Jr., and finally NormanTrump himself.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
6 years ago

Aren’t haikus supposed to reference a season?

Grunt grunt lift grunt grunt
ugh ugh ugh apple blossom
lift lift grunt grunt ugh

This made me actually lol.

6 years ago

Grunt grunt lift grunt grunt
ugh ugh ugh apple blossom
lift lift grunt grunt ugh

Ah! A kigo!
Always a prerequisite
to true haiku.

Citizen Justin
Citizen Justin
6 years ago

I have often wondered just how connected the ads that appear on WHTM are to its content. When I view this page, just after I see “Someone called Johnny Redux posted something that vaguely resembled a haiku:” comes the following:

Put our experts to
the test this ISA
season. Find out more >

I know it’s missing a syllable but it’s still closer than Johnny Redux’s effort.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
6 years ago

Seconding @Hippodameia and laughing at @Buttercup’s masculine haiku.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

My laundry has been
Spinning fruitlessly for hours.
Reminds me of Fox.

– Ode To A Broken Dryer.

6 years ago

Is it a bad thing that the thing that frustrates me most about these is that most of them don’t include a seasonal allusion? For heck’s sake, if you’re going to abuse haiku, at least abuse it right!

…Only good haiku’s allowed to forsake tradition.