By David Futrelle
Last week I treated you to a surprisingly heartfelt, if still ridiculous, poem from an MRA who was trying to win me over to his side. Turns out he’s not the only manospherean who thinks he can pull off poetry. The exuberantly racist, woman-hating pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste — as overconfident in his literary abilities as always — recently treated his blog readers to a short burst of what he called “High T-kus” — that is “High Testosterone Haikus.”
Here they are. Well, here three of them are. I left out the one in which he miscounted the syllables.
throw iron like thor
testosterone-infused brain
now MAGA for goodsoybois sneer limply
laugh in their faces, i do
“lol you watch the view!”sophistic shitlibs
run marathons vote thec*nt
chad shits better men
In case you’re wondering, “thec*nt,” which Heartiste writes without the asterisk, is what he calls Hillary Clinton. No, I don’t have any idea why he thinks it’s funny either.
Naturally, some of Mr. Heartiste’s terrible fans were inspired, if that’s the right word for it, to write their own terrible haikus, boasting about their lifting ability and their ForeignBrides.
Someone called TLM offered this:
Always love to lift.
Add iron to bar eternally.
CrossFit is for gay.
One anonymous commenter added his own weirdly earnest take on lifting:
Put down the Starbucks
Steel plates build steel character
Strength makes shit happen
Someone called Johnny Redux posted something that vaguely resembled a haiku:
Throwing the Runes
Determining Fates of Men
Lower Men Shall Die
So that Higher Men Live On
Aware that haikus aren’t really supposed to have a fourth line, he reworked his non-haiku into something closer to a haiku and added two more. For some reason he didn’t bother to remedy the missing syllable in the first line.
Those reading for content rather than form may detect a subtle Nazi theme running through these verses.
Throwing the Runes
Determining Fates of Men
Lower Men Shall DieHigher Men Live On
And Shall Sow their Seed Afar
Spreading Wet Warm ThighsRise up Übermensch
Smash the Degenerate Filth
Clean Slate for Children
The most enthusiastic haiku-writer was a longtime commenter at Chateau Heartiste and other far-right manosphere called ET Jones, who offered his own take on how to increase testosterone:
Enough of the gym
T spikes from baking soda
and prostate massage
Commenter Greg Eliot felt this was an inappropriately unmasculine way to power up one’s testosterone:
Finger in anus
Is no way to go through life.
Avaunt, you fairy.
ET assured his comrades that it wasn’t his own finger up his butt, heaven forbid!
Did not mean myself
A ForeignBride can do it
or Happy Endings™
But alas, he complained, his ForeignBride is not at the moment in close proximity to his ass:
Wifey gone a month
Loins are getting congested
Fapping no relief
(In case you’re wondering, there seems to be no actual scientific evidence that prostate massages (however enjoyable they may be) increase testosterone. And while there is endless chatter about the allegedly miraculous t-boosting powers of baking soda on assorted supplement-shilling websites, I was unable to find any reputable site advocating its use for this purpose, at least in the dozens of Google results I scanned through. Also, maybe check with your doctor to see if you actually need more testosterone?)
Not all of the Chateau Heartiste commenters were willing to stay within the confines of the haiku form. The eccentric, always prolix commenter who calls himself “da GBFM zlzoolzlzzlzozlzloozozo” (don’t ask) spewed out hundreds of words of vaguely poetic gabble in a language roughly approximating English, with a little time-out in the middle during which he offered his theories about inflation, which for some reason (*cough* anti-Semitism *cough*) revolve around former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke.
Da GBFM also manages to work Bernanke into his poetry as well, alongside references to Twilight, anal sex and fiat currency, all of which he believes are deeply connected. Here’s a little excerpt:
one cock rule one cock rule
i ain’t no beats fool i ain’t no beta tool
over vampires and werewolfe you ginas all drool
letting their cocks touch your deep down stool
then you blame the betas in school
and transfer wealth for the bernanke gene pool
jonah goldberg sends our alphas 2 die on foreign shores
stuffing his face with dc pizza as they die in fiat wars
neocon womenz repeating butthexers lies in their mags
even after menopause and no need for da ragz
telling young chickas to lust after vampires
as they build their fiat empires
Well, it mostly rhymes, I’ll give him that.
But if you’re looking for Twilight-related nonsense, BedLipReading has him beat.
Yes, I know the video is several years old, but SO ARE GBFM’s CULTURAL AND POLITICAL REFERENCES!
Oh god. ew ew ew ew ew
So gross, in so many ways.
It’s amazing what a huge site that once was and now even among the red pill weirdos it seems to just be considered a site for cranks.
Bad Lip Reading is one of my favorite YouTubers.
My two favorites.
And if you are in the market for an ear worm of truly frightening stubbornness:
Anyone else misread high-t-kus as high-tsks and thought of our latest troll?
And here I thought Vogon poetry was the (second) worst in the Universe. I would not want to be attached to rythmic modulators, as I’m read all this shit.
“Ode to a lump of small putty I found in my armpit one midsummer morning” had more elegance than any of this.
I’ve heard about the (((globalists))) attempt at weakening the white race by peddling porn, but it’s the first time I hear about a (((globalist))) conspiracy about Twilight.
Someone should tell them Twilight was basically written by a devout Mormon conservative.
I have never been interested in CrossFit, but I am intrigued now that I have seen their new marketing slogan, “CrossFit is for gay.” Sounds kinda fun now.
Slightly off topic,
But can anyone remember,
Guest’s economy blog?
The sun woke me up
So early, and only to
Let me see this shit?
they’re like angry third graders
Can’t help but remember what happened to Sokka when he messed up a haiku battle in one episode of Avatar.
These guys think there’s an audience of soft young women just tittering demurely into their sleeves as they listen to these awful verses.
Nope, just us. And our incessant laughage.
Ah, Heartiste is banal, as always. What a complete bore he is.
Not just that, these are the same idiots who overtly express their disdain for anything related to liberal arts, because that career choice should be reserved for women and “soyboyz”.
So what do they do to reconcile the fact that they are engaging in an activity which would make less of them? Simple: inject testosterone into it. And I mean, literally inject that word everywhere, because that will make poetry MANLY!
You couldn’t pay Stephen Colbert to satirize these folks.
Must he (ab)use the haiku form? A haiku should be quietly contemplative. After reading one, I want to feel peaceful and perhaps slightly wistful. These efforts, on the other hand, feel like being shouted at by a red-faced jerk at a gym. They smell of sweat and desperation.
Sick burn, bro.
What is a butthexer? It sounds like something from a Chuck Tingle tweet.
“Pounded In The Butt By My Own Hexed Butt”, available soon.
So, do you use baking soda for prostate massage? That sounds a little abrasive. I think you’d need some liquid to help things along. Maybe try vinegar?
A musty smell of
abused language, twisted gods
Light disinfects it all
I am an asshat
I wear my ass as a hat
My hat = ass
Trump is my daddy
look! I can count syllables
poetry, stupid
P.S. I’m going to be the pedantic one who points out that a haiku doesn’t necessarily have to have 17 syllables. The traditional forms are 17 (5/7/5) and 11 (3/5/3), but there are also haikus that don’t fit either formula. To be fair though, I doubt the PUA would-be poets know that.
There was a young man
From Cork who got limericks
And haikus confused
Well poets these broheims are not
That rap isn’t rap it’s Crap
Telegram explodes
Mongo just pawn in life’s game
Looneytunes theme plays
“Hey dudes, you know poetry? It turns out that if you write it about manly things, poetry becomes something you can do without losing Man points.”
I wonder which subject they’ll discover and man-ify next. I’m hoping for ornate Japanese tea ceremonies.