double standard men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises reddit

Why is it worse for women to cheat than for men? “Because Penis,” Redditor explains

Cloudy with a chance of … you don’t want to know

By David Futrelle

From the Unpopular Opinions subreddit, a rather ingenious explanation as to why it’s much, much worse for men (well, cis men) to cheat on (cis) women than it is for women to cheat on men:

Girls cheating on guys is 10 times worse than guys cheating on girls because Penis. (self.unpopularopinion) submitted 15 days ago by OpinionManVIP Practically speaking, the main pieces of equipment involved in the act of sex are he penis and the vagina. When a guy cheats and has sex with a different girl, it’s just another hole. Sure maybe it can be tighter, but it’s pretty much the same deal. When a GIRL cheats on a GUY and experiences a new penis, she experiences something different that her boyfriend can NEVER give her. If the guy she’s cheating with is bigger, smaller, or even just shaped in a certain way there are things every guy has in his arsenal that are his signature strengths / weaknesses. And for females, that makes the experience of cheating so much more to be guilty about.

This was an unpopular opinion even for Reddit, with everyone in the comments arguing against this unique insight from OpinionManVIP, who not only seems to have never had sex but also to have never watched any porn. Seriously, dude, if you believe this you are Very Bad at Sex.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

The Pearl, you say? I’ve seen the kinky side of that era, but that’s a name that I’m not familiar with.

I always think of the Victorian era as a time where people put a lot of emphasis on phony images. Piety combining with greed. False notions of chivalry and the complete rewriting of medieval history. Revivals of older architectural styles that border on tacky (I’d argue that Casa Loma crosses that border in several places). Public repression of lust while carrying on numerous secret liaisons, often ones that resulted in illegitimate children. It was probably worse during the Tudor or Georgian times, but the trappings of Victorian life just seemed to emphasize this image more that those other periods.

I could be wrong, though.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Yeah, but they didn’t have battery-operated vibrators. 😉

6 years ago


And batteries beat Cleopatra’s tube of angry bees? 😛

(I’m serious. Cracked up for about a week when I first read that. Still makes me smile)

6 years ago

I’ve recently learned about the Victorian fad for pierced nipples — both male and female — and the pearl-clutchers’ shocked reaction thereto.

My contribution to the “kinky Victorians” discussion.

6 years ago

Yeah, but they didn’t have battery-operated vibrators. ?

Incidentally, Casa Loma’s tenant Sir Henry Pellatt, owned the Toronto Electric Light Company. His neighbour, Albert Austin, owned Consumer’s Gas (founded by his father).

I’ll let you guess which house was wired for electricity and vibrating sexytimes first. 😛

6 years ago

All these Internet Nazis keep saying the Empire from Star Wars were the good guys and I was half convinced the “independent contractors” bit from Clerks (or was it Clerks II) was the source of that idea until I realized this was the Internet we’re talking about here.

Also, my first college roommate loved Clerks, and he was an asshole, so I formed a poor opinion about the film early on and haven’t really examined it.

For those who never seen ‘Clerks’ .

6 years ago

@JDSM Cute theory… So if I had sex without falling in love I must be a hooker/porn star right? Lets see I think I did it with at least 4-5 menz before I found the love. I wish I’d known I would have charged them monies.
Also a man fell in love with me once before we had sex. Totally head over heels he was. How did that happen? He must be some kind of Beta-Cuck. I love my Beta-Cuck, he is so good at virtue-signalling. Do you know what the opposite of virtue-signalling is; Asshole-signalling.
Your understanding of relationships is generalised pop-phsycology of a fairly low kind. Not as primitive as most MRA screeds, indeed fairly nuanced compared to the OP but still a pale shadow of the complex reality at hand.
You do appear to have pulled all of your “facts” directly out of your ass. Hence the requests for citations.
Really human relationships are in the higher order of complexity and it is pointless and grotesque to try and condense their essense into a few paragraphs. It displays a gross level of arrogance that you even tried.

Do you want to play?

6 years ago

All these Internet Nazis keep saying the Empire from Star Wars were the good guys and I was half convinced the “independent contractors” bit from Clerks (or was it Clerks II) was the source of that idea until I realized this was the Internet we’re talking about here.

I’ll use this quote as an excuse to post this very funny anecdote about the Star Wars RPG:

6 years ago

I choose to believe that the Victorians had ornate steam-powered vibrators of brass and ivory, and nobody can convince me otherwise.

As for Victorian repression:

6 years ago


They did (sort of, they were more early Sybians than vibrators). Both steampowered ones and pneumatic ones – which also gives me the giggles thinking about some woman shouting “More coal!” 😉

6 years ago

Polished walnut and wrought iron dildo for me please! And I wants it sail powered somehow.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

For anyone who wants to know more about The Pearl, Wikipedia ahoy!

Or you can check out this link:

But don’t blame me if you blush. You have been warned.

Edit: Katamount, have you seen the UK documentary Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home? Fascinating look at the everyday Victorian culture. Without the seamy smutty underside.

EJ (The Other One)
6 years ago

OT: Did… did Sam Nurnberg just do what I think he did?

Has anything like this ever happened before?

6 years ago

The Nunberg thing is unreal. Somehow, we seem to have been switched to an even dumber timeline.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

Polished walnut and wrought iron dildo

Seriously? One part cold metal, the other part liable to give one splinters where one really does not want splinters?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago

The Nunberg thing … oh, my stars. WTF is going on up there?

Re Victorians and vibrators (one of my favourite conversation topics), this ad is one I use in classes on the social construction of ‘deviant’ and ‘normal’:
(it’s possibly Edwardian, or late Victorian? close enough!)

comment image

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
6 years ago

I’ve always liked the idea of a Victorian physician patiently explaining to a husband how he is to use this new medical device at home, to relieve his wife’s hysteria and melancholy. Neither of them think it’s at all sexual; there’s no penis involved, after all.

6 years ago

Well, I actually have no other hidden agenda or ulterior motive than to seek forums whenever and whenever for the truths of life which have been revealed to me as a result of my searching for them…

As the Russian writer Chekhov once quipped, if you want to be Happy, get Married, if you do not, you become a Philosopher (but whether they are indeed Kings is arguable).

Just as “selfish” genes seek to replicate themselves into eternity , so do their counterpart , memes (in their original sense) …

The “Holy Spirit” of knowledge compels me to speak the truth to whomever may be listening …

PS, there is a reason why internet search-engines were invented, you know…

PPS NTR may seem “quaint” to you ladies, but then again, you are not males, and so do not and can not know our hearts, and the pain of such betrayal , which you yourselves are the root causes! Oh, how sad it is to be a male! Our existence painted in both the red of desire and the black of despair! Tsk tsk tsk

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I don’t see any links to JSDM’s assertions or responses to anything specific in their last comment. Does anyone see any links to JSDM’s assertions or responses to anything specific in their last comment?

It’s like they don’t actually want anyone to be able to figure out if anything they typed is true.

6 years ago

Oh, how sad it is to be a male! Our existence painted in both the red of desire and the black of despair! Tsk tsk tsk

comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

PPS NTR may seem “quaint” to you ladies, but then again, you are not males,

The person who asked what NTR is actually is a man.

You shouldn’t assume the gender of everyone here.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

This is that one troll who had all those conspiracy theories about the Catholic Church and Chaucer, right?

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
6 years ago

NTR may seem “quaint” to you ladies, but then again, you are not males

Nobody said “quaint”, you fucking asshat. You’re quoting nobody.

Why do MRA trolls always assume:
1. we’re all women
2. it’s normal to call women “you ladies”
3. all men obsess over the same porn categories they do?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I don’t know who I feel more sorry for right now: Sam Nunberg or JDSM.

Mm, Nunberg wins. JDSM didn’t commit major faux pas on live TV.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ jdsm

Oh, how sad it is to be a male! Our existence painted in both the red of desire and the black of despair

I’m male; and it’s frikkin ace!

Seriously I’ve been doing it for ages now; I think I’ve really got the hang of it. And it’s wonderful. Especially for us white cishet types.

Sometimes it feels almost like the whole system is rigged in our favour.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

@ Alan – So, I gotta ask. If you had a client who started babbling on live TV the way Nunberg did, how long would he stay your client?

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