By David Futrelle
From the Unpopular Opinions subreddit, a rather ingenious explanation as to why it’s much, much worse for men (well, cis men) to cheat on (cis) women than it is for women to cheat on men:
This was an unpopular opinion even for Reddit, with everyone in the comments arguing against this unique insight from OpinionManVIP, who not only seems to have never had sex but also to have never watched any porn. Seriously, dude, if you believe this you are Very Bad at Sex.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
A blog and Huffpo. Not a promising start, but let’s check.
The first one just says that both romantic feelings and drugs engage the reward system in the brain. It does not say that this only occurs in women. It doesn’t mention sex differences at all.
The second one isn’t even remotely scientific. It’s not even trying to be. It’s just a love addict saying that she thinks love addiction and sex addiction are pretty much the same.
Are you even reading your citations or are you just posting links with the words love and addiction in the title? Because they don’t come close to backing your claims.
When it comes to subjective matters , as is the standard case in the “soft sciences”, what better evidence than actual first-hand testimony from human beings? Hey, it worked for Freud and Kinsey in their revolutionary studies of human sexuality after all.
As anecdotal evidence that this is indeed an ancient observable phenomenon for the whole of the human species:
And here’s something modern : *
* also reports that females are much more hypocritical than males when it comes to adultery
Some more :
Tvtropes as a source! I like this troll.
Why do MRAs always think normal people are “triggered” by boring rants?
They’re idiots. Like this one.
A new tactic is observed: attempt to bury the opposition in hundreds of browser tabs so they don’t post any rebuttals for days, and by then have forgotten; thus obtaining the coveted Last Word.
Next logical iteration: stealth the tvtropes link using tinyurl. 🙂
I don’t think you understand how social science research works. I’ll give you a hint. Sampling, including sample size is very important.
And TV tropes, really?
Also, I haven’t read the links but now he seems to be contradicting himself and claiming women are all lusty and sex addicted.
Considering that he just hit on Victorious Parasol’s avatar in the other thread, I think he’s trying to get the female posters to talk about how horny we are so that he has some wank material.
And in all of this, of course: no evidence whatsoever that the claimed sex differences among e.g. cheating spouses’ behaviors are biologically determined, rather than cultural.
Is it time to talk about Aunt Flo? I’m due for a visit from her any second.
Does she have some good arguments though? 😉
It’s mostly crap like “why’s your face so clear, here, let me clog those pores for you” and “you didn’t really want to be able to stand up without crippling back pain, did you?”
All PRATTs, really.
Me too! I’m quite bloated.
I stopped taking the pill because I read an article about how hormonal birth control residue leaks out into lakes and streams and make endangered frogs and toads sterile. Was off it for three years. During that time, my periods got progressively heavier. I never had any cramps or any other symptoms like that, but I just bled more and more. Eventually, I bled so much that I could fill a menstrual cup size large in a couple of hours.
I went back on the pill. I’m sorry frogs and toads, I really am…
As a I said in my last post —- and this is actually age-old wisdom we’ve all heard before —- to summarise my own position in this matter: human females generally give/have sex with human males in order to get love from them. The problem is , they never really stop , even when married already to somebody else.
This is why adultery is worse, as a general rule, when females do it then when males do it: aside from the obvious paternity fraud , there’s also an inevitable and irreparable alienation of affection involved, because it’s never just merely sex only for the females , there’s also love too, but they can’t be in love with 2+ males at once or if they manage that , it’s still not equally in love with them at all, and the new love is preferred over the old love or she never gets over the old love and the new love is always doomed to be in his shadow forever (as shown in the Titanic movie, the most popular romantic movie of all time for human females) tsk tsk tsk
Tusk tisk tosk. The daily mail and tv tropes. Sad.
@ jdsm
So what are the odds that just about every woman I know is a statistical outlier?
“Love their mistral more than their husband”? Does the troll know that a mistral is a type of wind? Seems oddly appropriate.
The pseudo- footnote is perhaps more revealing than intended, task task task.
Modern moderate my ass. You are a MRA. You share their beliefs even if you couch them in a more moderate way.
Who is that, Alan?
probably someone who’s name sounds like tsk
In outlander Jamie is much sexier than her English husband. also clearly you didn’t watch outlander.
@Alan Robertshaw
Who is he?
Edit: Most pics of him make him look vaguely threatening.
Donald Tusk. In the news a lot here lately.
Yeah, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council.