By David Futrelle
I get a lot of, well, less-than-complimentary emails from dudes who aren’t what you’d call big fans of this site. But I don’t get a lot of poems.
So imagine my surprise when I checked my email this morning and found this. Enjoy!
You, sir. are an absolute Knave
By G—— R——
David Foo-troll, you son of a bitch.If journalism were art, you’d not even be kitsch.
You riffle through trash, and you dig in the ditch
When you look for your subjects, and you give your pitch.
Your writing is garbage, your ideas are trite,
Not even a pro could set your blog right.
The fix is in, it must be set alight
While flames of justice glow in the night.
The call of the real men, the bark of the wild
Will show you the faces of those you’ve reviled
Male disposability is not a subject mild
All of civilization is on men’s backs piled.
Come to your senses, I beseech you to change;
You’ll find that Men’s Rights are not at all strange,
And feminists your ally badge shall exchange
The moment you see men’s needs on the range.
Give aid to the harpies, give aid, if you dare
But a happy man who did so, never was there
I advise you in such company to take care,
Of their pack-minded bloodlust, I warn you, beware.
The approval of women, these ephemeral things,
Can’t give you the happiness that men’s rights brings
Well, it doesn’t always scan, and some of the rhymes are a little rough. But I have to applaud the effort.
@ Valentin
Cargo cults are fascinating, and as a concept applicable to many things.
For instance, a pretend doctor (with, actually, no qualifications, in spite of being referred to as “Dr”) who had a TV show a few years ago in which she inspected people’s poo and shouted at them about their diet, alway wore a white lab coat.
Because that’s what, in imagination, all scientists do! Even in a TV studio. Even in someone’s kitchen, going through their food cupboards.
A lot of MRA “sciencey” stuff seems cargo cult.
I am verbally gifted, but coming up with a poem on the spur of the moment is best left only to the finest of improv rap battlers.
Instead, I think the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson describe the mentality of the modern right to a T:
Don’t question the gun. Don’t question your notions of masculinity. Don’t question white superiority. Don’t question your video games. Don’t question your comic book heroes. Sit down, shut up, and keep shoveling money into our coffers until you die. Don’t worry about us, there’s plenty more than 600 of you to shove into the mouths of the proverbial Russian cannons. But here, we’ll show you who’s really to blame, it’s the ones that actually did make reply and reasoned why. Get them! Make them pay for making you feel a moment’s discomfort! Make them pay dearly!
A blunt interpretation to be sure, but I think apt.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’ve got a Vogon
Troll for you.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Did Gerg misspell “Greg”
In his hurry to spew?
I figured it was a Gert sock.
Kupo, that crossed my mind, as well.
Welcome back, Samantha and this
is not off base at all. I think you’re spot on. I’ve always been baffled at how reactionaries and traditionalists have always had to fight so hard, to the point of brutal oppression at times to keep everyone in their natural place. There’s no way I’m naturally submissive and compliant just because I’m a woman. No frikkin way. My mom said the second I was born I had my eyes wide open and a defiant look on my face. My opinionated personality was not brainwashed into me by feminism or the communists or the Jews or anyone else.
Also, welcome back to Bina, dslucia and everyone else who’s been drifting back!
Who cares just what color the flowers might be?
Who cares about flowers at all?
I’ve spotted the blog of a beta-male cuck
And simply must pay him a call!
I’ll dazzle him with my most erudite rhymes!
I’ll insult both woman and man
And call it a struggle for men’s common rights.
If that won’t convince him, what can?
Not Gert. Probably MRAL/Seagull Eater again.
How is the post misandrist? Pretty much all he did was copy+paste the poem.
The MRM isn’t so much a game as it is a bad joke. And people have been mocking feminism for much longer than the MRM has even existed, so I’m not sure the last line is quite effective. I’m also not sure what the difference between feminists and gynocrats is. Plz explain?
There’s way more misandry here than in David’s post. You’ve mocked men in a lot of different ways here.
Blue wave 2018! Unless you know, the patriarchal, capitalistic, authoritarian Republicans with the help of gerrymandering, voter suppression and Putin manage to suppress it. But sure, reactionary white men are sooooo oppressed these days.
It matters not why? That doesn’t seem like a very effective call to arms. People aren’t going to fight for something for no reason other than because you said so.
The hills are alive with the sound of… braying donkeys?
I somehow missed when the gynocracy outlawed grilling meat. How tragic! The power tool ban must be recent too. Because I saw a lot of commercials featuring dads receiving tools as presents during the Christmas season.
A steak on every grill, a sexbot in every bed? Really, if you think men are oppressed because they aren’t burdened with the responsibilities of birth control because men, unlike women shouldn’t have to suffer side effects and because men aren’t allowed to grill meat even though they are, I don’t think you quite have a handle on what oppression is.
Alan should be happy, then.
Re: old poetry vs. new(er) poetry:
I think part of the reason older poems are more studied and better remembered than newer stuff is because they’re more accessible to the casual or beginning poetry reader. Especially for people who believe that things were better in the olden days when men were men, paintings approached photorealism, poetry rhymed, and everything had a clear and obvious meaning. Every artwork that draws from newer traditions bears the taint of post-modernism, which means nuance and ambiguity – which these people hate. They hate it because they can’t handle a world where you can’t just say “Thing good!” or “Thing bad!” and have that be the end of the debate. A world where you can say “Thing complicated!” is a scary and confusing one to them, because that’s a world where they can’t be obviously right. So that’s why right-wing reactionaries have to draw from pre-postmodern traditions when they’re making their own “art.”
This point really needs to be underlined hard. It’s not men they really want to protect, it’s their narrow concept of masculinity. Anybody who does not conform (like say, dressing androgynously or wearing makeup, or being overweight, apparently) is cause for ridicule. I do find it fascinating that they’ve abandoned “mangina” in favour of “soy boy”… I guess to be less overtly misogynistic.
Oh look, it’s the Sound of Dipshit Music!
When the dog bites

When the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my most hated things
And then I get really mad
As a scholar of literature, this has to be one of the most contrived and shitty pieces of writing I’ve ever seen, minus of course Heartiste’s extremely racist rewriting of some song (something you covered a few years ago).
Thanks! I’ve been periodically checking in between the bustle of all my classes, but I never really felt like I had anything to contribute to the open threads, aside from the general well-wishes to David and everyone else that other people were already offering. (Not that it often hurts to contribute to that.)
You’d think they’d start to wonder why, if female submissiveness is so “natural”, it has to be so heavily legislated, coded, and socially sanctioned. It’s so telling that whenever women object to the roles that are thrust on them, their reaction isn’t “hm, I guess it is understandable that women don’t like being abused and controlled”…it’s “hm, women are so stupid they don’t understand what’s best for them.” It’s Procrustean logic.
I think these types of men conflate “natural” with “makes life easy for me”. Of course it feels natural to them to have women catering to their every need, from food to sex to emotional labor. They don’t have to lift a finger. It feels like the way life is supposed to be: carefree and smooth.
The moment someone or something makes them feel uncomfortable, challenged, threatened, or guilty -whether it’s blue hair or women having jobs – suddenly it’s unnatural. Having to deal with difficult feelings isn’t something they’re used to.
If you follow this train of thought to its logical conclusion, the idea that men’s “natural” state consists of breezing through life on easy mode seems a bit infantilizing and, well, misandrist.
Did everybody get a gander at the latest paint-vomit that Jon “The Cthulu Version of My Jesus Constitution Painting Was Less Horrifying” McNaughton has unleashed?
The best analysis was linked in the Wonkette comments, an article from Dave Holmes writing in Esquire:
Honestly, that News of the World comparison is probably the greatest analogy I’ve ever seen in regards to Trump. Blinkered bewilderment that his quest for self-glorification is wreaking havoc on everyone around him. While you can feel some sympathy for that robot, he didn’t have legions of enablers cheering his every destructive action. Trump does.
Just as a side note, as crap a show as Family Guy is 95% of the time, the bit where Stewie is terrified of that album cover might as well have been right out of my childhood:
ETA: The Wonkette article captures some great Hannity trolling, too.
Ever-time I see this part it sends me into another fit of giggles.
You women had best sit and listen awhile,
I’m a man and I can’t say I like what I see.
We’ve tried to be nice, let you out of the house
and go out for awhile, even gave you the key.
But look what you’ve done now, balls’d it all up.
Ovaried? Can’t say I know the more feminine word.
It’s clear you’re not cut out for having control,
that’s the job of a man, in case you haven’t heard.
We built this dang place, built it up from the dirt,
all civilization’s a manly domain.
and we did it for you, you ungrateful girl-types,
we built it and all you can do is complain.
We’re the fucking explorers! Inventors! The kings!
We ploughed over the meadows and we tore down the trees
to sow fields of wheat as bright gold as your hair,
to build navies, to sail out and conquer the seas.
Pyramids, towers, cathedrals, and tors!
Cannons and rockets and lasers and guns!
Whole species, extinct, in our civilized wars;
In destructive potential we’re second to none!
There’s nowhere forbidden from man’s reaching grasp,
our boot-heels have tramped on the moon’s Tranquil Sea.
No women involved in Apollo 13,
(Poppy Northcutt and Dixon might here diagree.)
We lay mountains low, grind them down into dust!
to scavenge and moil for a coppery sheen!
to lace the whole world in electrical coil,
so I can shout at you through this glowing screen!
All this for you, yet you whine and complain
is your pedestal not well appointed in gold?
these mouldering carcasses laid at your feet,
we killed them for you, here, they’re not even cold!
Don’t you like your ensconcement at head of the pile?
You’re the glimmering jewel at the top of our crown!
We let you take *one step* away from our horde,
And now look at you! Why, you’re letting us down.
Just one taste of freedom, that’s all that it took
to turn your hearts cold to our gentle dictates.
We should have known more than to trust a female,
We should chain you back up ’till your longing abates
for the cold mountain air, for we ground them all flat,
for the forested green, they’re now lumber in rows,
for the meadow plains fair, we ploughed over all that,
for the face of the moon, even there we impose.
We’re the kings of the land of eternal war,
we’re the masters of steel and the lords of decay.
You’re the prettiest gem in our throneroom, my dears,
and we’ve very much like it to keep you that way.
Darkest rewrite of the Canadian Railroad Trilogy I’ve ever seen. 😛
Awaken the Chunkies sounds like a slogan for a failed candy bar.. Gerg.
Roses are Red
Mras whine a lot,
I feel really sad,
For your future sexbot
Woo, typos. That’s what I get for mashing all that out on a tablet. Thank you!
Breaking that one verse down, in no particular order:
1) I love cooking meat on a grill, aye, and eating it. Tick.
2) I played rugby (pretty much the epitome of red blooded activity) for years until I got old and crocked. Tickety tick.
3) I have a son who gets plenty of play time (when the little git has done his homework! And occasionally when he hasn’t). I got tonnes of play time as a kid. Tick again.
4) I have used condoms. Hell, I’ve used cling film and a Jubilee clip. Roll your own, boys, roll your own). [This last bit: Not true. Ouch!] Tick tick tick.
5) I love a bit of DIY with power tools. It’s a great lark. Tick tock.
6) I’m not sure what the hell a masculine toy is. I’m worried it might be a fleshlight. But let’s pretend it’s probably something like toy soldiers or guns. Perfectly okay by me. Maybe it’s Minecraft or Lego, not sure why any of these are particularly masculine, but hey, these are all good toys. Tickety boo.
7) Worthy accomplishments? Not even sure what those could be. I mean, an Olympic gold medalist has done something worthy (women do get these too) but they’re not usually top level surgeons as well. So by which standard do we judge them? Surgeon super athletes are not great composers very often. So by that standard are they worthy? What about being a great dad? Worthy? What abut being a great mum? Worthy? I’m gonna need a lot more information. Ive done the odd thing, but are they worthy? Who knows? Tick.
8) Lastly, shelters for men. Great idea. So who is putting them up? Are the MRAs organising and doing so? If so, kudos. Good work, lads. I admit, I haven’t heard of this actually happening though…
..anyway, men and boys need support and help too. It’s not a zero sum game. We can help everyone who needs it. It’s a matter of priorities. Maybe, oh I don’t know, cash spent on missiles and guns could be redirected to shelters. I know, I know, crazy utopian. Tick tick and thrice tick. (Oh no, Mrs [/Frankie])
The strange thing, and this is really weird because I am obviously such a Manly Man (TM), is that I’m nice to women and think that their liberation is not opposed to my own. Hmmm. Make you think.
Why it’s like supporting causes that aren’t immediately and directly supporting me is something easy to do and takes nothing away from me. Crazy wildness.
It’s like, by being part of the fight against oppression of all people, fighting the oppression of specific classes of people that aren’t identical to me is also, perhaps indirectly in some cases, fighting for my own liberation. I mean, if I have to be selfish about it.
Nah. Can’t be that. That would mean that the bulk of the MRA ideologies and ideas are misogynist horseshit.
Wait a minute! {sound of lightbulb turning on}
I’m worried I have been insufficiently sarcastic.
Soy boy is pretty transphobic/misogynistic since its based off of the notion that eating soy feminizes you because it contains estrogen,
it should be noted that soy contains PLANT estrogen which does not have any effect on humans so its also scientifically illiterate so as an insult it says more about the user.
As a poetry fan, I have to say–Y’all are really talented!