By David Futrelle
A big round of applause for two websites that have featured here on We Hunted the Mammoth from the beginning: A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been officially recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups.
The hate-monitoring group announced the news in its latest “Year in Hate” report yesterday. “[F]or the first time,” the report declared,
the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.
Both groups have more than earned this long-overdue designation. If you need to be reminded just how, take a stroll through the archives here for literally hundreds of examples of hateful rhetoric and actions by both AVFM and RoK, and/or their respective founders, Paul Elam and Roosh V.
You may also notice, in your stroll through the archives, that both AVFM and (especially) RoK have embraced some of the most noxious views of the racist alt-right directly. Indeed, one of the most notorious participants in the racist Charlottesville march last year — a man jailed for his assault on a counterprotester — was a former contributor to AVFM.
Elam’s response so far to his recognition as a hatemonger by the SPLC has actually been somewhat tame, at least by his standards.
He also retweeted this lovely sentiment from someone whose Twitter handle is a not-very-subtle reference to the c-word.
This dude was even more pissed:
Roosh’s response to his inclusion on the list was a bit, shall we say, ironic as well:
Thanks for proving the SPLC’s point, guys!
The SPLC report also notes a number of other discomfiting facts, starting with this one:
The SPLC’s Year in Hate and Extremism report identifies 954 hate groups – an increase of 4 percent from 2016.
Some of this increase, the report says, was due to a resurgence of fringe black nationalist groups — which the SPLC is quick to distinguish from “activist groups such as Black Lives Matter and others that work for civil rights and to eliminate systemic racism.”
But the real danger comes from the racist right.
[B]lack nationalist groups lagged far behind the more than 600 hate groups that adhere to some form of white supremacist ideology – and they have virtually no supporters or influence in mainstream politics, much less in the White House.
Within the white supremacist movement, neo-Nazi groups saw the greatest growth – from 99 groups to 121. Anti-Muslim groups rose for a third straight year. They increased from 101 chapters to 114 in 2017 – growth that comes after the groups tripled in number a year earlier.
Ku Klux Klan groups, meanwhile, fell from 130 groups to 72. The decline is a clear indication that the new generation of white supremacists is rejecting the Klan’s hoods and robes for the hipper image of the more loosely organized alt-right movement.
The overall number of hate groups likely understates the real level of hate in America, because a growing number of extremists, particularly those who identify with the alt-right, operate mainly online and may not be formally affiliated with a hate group.
These groups not only spew hatred; they have helped to spur a frightening rise in racist violence — and murder.
A separate SPLC investigation, released earlier this month, found that 43 people were killed and 67 wounded by young men associated with the alt-right over the past four years. Seventeen of the deaths came in 2017.
So AVFM and RoK are in some pretty shitty company here.
Oh. An incel. I’ll speak slowly.
What is an incel revolution, anyways? On past form, I say bring it on, but I’m not checking the video. Life’s too short for long winded buggers going on about nothing.
Still, any revolutionary change by incels has to be for the better for all of us. 😛
That was sarcasm. You might have heard of it.
In reality, I’d almost stand aside for it – just to see what happened when incels were in charge and then had no one left to blame for their own unhappiness and toxicity.
Seriously, kid. You want sex? Buy it. You want love? Start on yourself first, cause no one wants to be around some self loathing fool.
No sex worker deserves that.
I agree. Hard enough job without dealing with entitled whiners.
They’re safe enough from the incel wankers though – no one that entitled is going to pay out for what he thinks someone owes him.
@Laugher at Bigots
Has it really been three years? Time sure has flown.
Apparently. I only know about it because Logicked, an atheist YouTuber whom I used to watch, did a video on it soon after it came out and gave it the mockery it richly deserved.
I think it’s a lovely tradition for David to take weekends off, at a minimum. Get a good monday-to-friday schedule, David! You’re allowed to!
Oh, and an Incel! Who’s trying to do science!
Please don’t run away, Mr @Incel Revolutionary! Seriously – I will treat your position fairly! Shall we talk about copulins and pheromones in human biopsychology?
Your video, which I did do a look at, is talking about them things, copulins. They’re chemicals in vaginal secretions which are largely involved in the follicular (pre-ovulation) phase of the menstrual cycle. When exposed to copulins, cis-gendered men show a mild increase in testosterone production. (Notably, the effect of copulins doesn’t seem to have been tested on cis women). Based on this, the premise in your video (and plenty of other incel/MRA claims) is that the woms are turning men into zombos with their vaginas.
That is not true. Read the primary research. Exposure to copulins increases testosterone production. The effects of testosterone are increased aggression, increased libido, and a whole mess of other things. The one you incel guys seem most afraid of is the suggestion that increased testosterone leads to an increase in mate guarding behaviour. This suggestion is found in one paper from 2006, and which also states very clearly that the mate-guarding behaviour seemed to have social forces driving them. Further, it’s a suggestion which has never been replicated in research.
Read that again: The thing you’re claiming is not replicable in research. So, it can be discarded until further evidence arrives.
Another thing to note is that copulins don’t direct male attention in any direction, they just increase testosterone production mildly. A dude’s just as likely to go work out or run or fight than he is to be interested in the sexy times.
The leading non-scientific source, the one that makes these claims, is from a website that sells frickin’ love potions and male enhancement products. Is that your trustworthy source, people who then carry on to try to sell you copulins as a testosterone enhancer?
In summary, copulins increase testosterone, and that’s it. If you’re scared of copulins, then you’re scared of having too much testosterone. Go have some soy.
Williams, M. N., & Jacobson, A. (2016). Effect of copulins on rating of female attractiveness, mate-guarding, and self-perceived sexual desirability. Evolutionary Psychology, 14(2), 1474704916643328.
Haselton, M. G., & Gangestad, S. W. (2006). Conditional expression of women’s desires and men’s mate guarding across the ovulatory cycle. Hormones and behavior, 49(4), 509-518.
Grammer, K., & Jütte, A. (1997). Battle of odors: significance of pheromones for human reproduction. Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 37(3), 150-153.
Blog, L. S. P. Pheromone Science: Effects Of Copulins On Men.
This is true, actually. Women give off chemicals to warn each other that incels are in the vicinity, much like trees.
…I love how MGTOWs and incels peddle the most ridiculously convoluted theories to explain why women avoid them. It can’t possibly be because their hatred of women radiates from every pore with the subtlety of cartoon stink lines. ? No, it must be some sort of global estro-Marxist Big Soy conspiracy to spray mysterious chemicals that turn half the human race into slobbering, brainwashed beta supplicants. It’s the opposite of Occam’s Razor. It’s Occam’s Junkyard, full of useless, rusty, excess crap.
Ninja’d, much more elegantly, by Scildfreja. 😀
Plainly, and belatedly, the only real Heathers remake is the musical. The FANTASTIC musical.
Ew, ew, ew. I just saw a site on copulins that presents a whole detailed technique for women to control their male partners – possibly even making them do things against their wishes. Ew.
Someone apparently asked how to do the copulin thing on her unwilling husband, and the response was “he has to sleep sometimes.”
Did I mention, ew?
Very nice APA presentation. 9 out of 10 (10 out of 10 if you’d included retrieval details) ?
Not really. They’re fascists. Boom, a simple characterization.
Are… are you disagreeing with them? Sorry, I’m not getting it 😛
@Mish, I looked up that site too! It’s, uh, well. Probably where a lot of the incels and MRAs are getting their !!science!! from. Gave me a giggle fit when I read it!
You can sure trust that author, they’s a hormonologist!
(Incel/MRA dudes reading: Science-people who study hormones are called endocrinologists. Hormonologists use hormone fluctuations to do horoscopes. They’re basically hormone-astrologers.)
I had a fun time reading about how copulins travel into the hypothalamus and turn mans into love-slaves. Totally exactly what the !!science!! says! Nevermind reading the actual primary literature, I’m sure this free-hosted website from 2001 is far more reliable a source!
(I have been watching a little hbomb tonight, so I hope you are reading that all in his voice)
That’s what incels say — they’d never pay for sex.
But as with everything they say — including “hi,” “bye,” and “LOL” — I’d have to verify it for myself before I believed it.
Oh, great. Now I’m picturing that terrible movie The Happening with fatal vaginal secretions instead.
That could be either a feminist horror film about women’s last ditch defense against the patriarchy or a porn parody. Depends on it was executed.
Is . . . Is that an angel at that poor girl’s bedside? Come to comfort her?
Trump campaign uses image of Fla. shooting survivor in email asking for donations
I was already reading that in HBomb’s voice; I could even see his facial expressions ?
How about both? I’d watch that for sure.
Fucking seriously? I almost threw my laptop across the room when I read that. JFC.
Anti troll kitteh

And a kitteh for David

(Both kittehs from Itty Bitty Kitty Committee)
Seconding the ew.
Me too. The story just underscores the fact that the president has no shame. In fact, he seems to revel in his shamelessness, knowing that it makes left-wingers’ eyeballs bleed.
The kitties might be itty-bitty, but their charm is enormous, not to mention fluffy.
My thanks to ischemgeek for the detailed and well written gun-lovers primer, almost missed the troll sandwiched in there between posts!
And an informed takedown of the troll from Scildfreja Unnyðnes. Science! I await his response eargerly.
Lovely kittens.
What response? It was probably a drive-by. 😛
I love your informed troll-takedowns almost as much as I love that pony.