By David Futrelle
A big round of applause for two websites that have featured here on We Hunted the Mammoth from the beginning: A Voice for Men and Return of Kings have both been officially recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups.
The hate-monitoring group announced the news in its latest “Year in Hate” report yesterday. “[F]or the first time,” the report declared,
the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.
Both groups have more than earned this long-overdue designation. If you need to be reminded just how, take a stroll through the archives here for literally hundreds of examples of hateful rhetoric and actions by both AVFM and RoK, and/or their respective founders, Paul Elam and Roosh V.
You may also notice, in your stroll through the archives, that both AVFM and (especially) RoK have embraced some of the most noxious views of the racist alt-right directly. Indeed, one of the most notorious participants in the racist Charlottesville march last year — a man jailed for his assault on a counterprotester — was a former contributor to AVFM.
Elam’s response so far to his recognition as a hatemonger by the SPLC has actually been somewhat tame, at least by his standards.
He also retweeted this lovely sentiment from someone whose Twitter handle is a not-very-subtle reference to the c-word.
This dude was even more pissed:
Roosh’s response to his inclusion on the list was a bit, shall we say, ironic as well:
Thanks for proving the SPLC’s point, guys!
The SPLC report also notes a number of other discomfiting facts, starting with this one:
The SPLC’s Year in Hate and Extremism report identifies 954 hate groups – an increase of 4 percent from 2016.
Some of this increase, the report says, was due to a resurgence of fringe black nationalist groups — which the SPLC is quick to distinguish from “activist groups such as Black Lives Matter and others that work for civil rights and to eliminate systemic racism.”
But the real danger comes from the racist right.
[B]lack nationalist groups lagged far behind the more than 600 hate groups that adhere to some form of white supremacist ideology – and they have virtually no supporters or influence in mainstream politics, much less in the White House.
Within the white supremacist movement, neo-Nazi groups saw the greatest growth – from 99 groups to 121. Anti-Muslim groups rose for a third straight year. They increased from 101 chapters to 114 in 2017 – growth that comes after the groups tripled in number a year earlier.
Ku Klux Klan groups, meanwhile, fell from 130 groups to 72. The decline is a clear indication that the new generation of white supremacists is rejecting the Klan’s hoods and robes for the hipper image of the more loosely organized alt-right movement.
The overall number of hate groups likely understates the real level of hate in America, because a growing number of extremists, particularly those who identify with the alt-right, operate mainly online and may not be formally affiliated with a hate group.
These groups not only spew hatred; they have helped to spur a frightening rise in racist violence — and murder.
A separate SPLC investigation, released earlier this month, found that 43 people were killed and 67 wounded by young men associated with the alt-right over the past four years. Seventeen of the deaths came in 2017.
So AVFM and RoK are in some pretty shitty company here.
Speaking of god and guns…
I came upon something rather bizarre. Well, to me it’s bizarre.
So yesterday I was doing a little online shopping for cremation urns. (For those who might’ve missed it, my mom passed away recently.)
There are many beautiful urns, half of which I would like to buy as decorative vases. Some really pretty blown glass ones (which are very expensive.)
Beside the urns you might imagine, there are smaller ones and pendants and things, for family members who may wish to share. One of these, rather than put a link to the site, I will describe it.
Or, you can see for yourself by googling “Pistol Keepsake Urn.”
It’s a little gun! One example shown has a cross engraved on it!
ooo kaaay…..
You can also get a dagger, skull and crossbones, or…. more guns! Yes, what could be better than a gun memento with even more guns engraved on it!!!
Pry it from your cold dead hands, will they? Well it appears you can have the last laugh by being IN the gun!
And of course there are plenty of “patriotic” themed items out there too. Another common “keepsake” or small receptacle is one made to look like an actual bullet.
The love of guns is apparently eternal.
I think I have made a choice, it’s called “Blue Shimmer cremation urn”.
If you want to look at pix you can google that, it’s the blue – green aluminum one. I think mom would like it 🙂
I loved the original Heathers (I also carried a torch for Winona Ryder for ages, which didn’t hurt).
This re-make, on the other hand… *shudder*
Nthing the fabulousness of the latest Oglafs, especially the one Shadowplay tweeted recently (flood, boat, etc.) ?
Wow, I haven’t seen anyone miss the point so hard since the latest Space Marine stuff for Warhammer. At least the garbage pile of a remake reminded me to watch the original.
Super off-topic, but I have an appointment with a gender dysphoria psych in a week. I guess wish me luck?
Luck wished!
Luck to you. May you find both answers and peace.
What Shadowplay said ?
(your post is hardly off-topic, either – we were already well into off-topic land!)
I think I’ll pull up the original Heathers on Hulu and give it a re-watch this weekend.
Good thoughts being sent your way.
To Keep And Arm Teachers…
… a poem… by the squatter who occupies the (former) White House
There’s too many shootings in all of our schools
We believe that’s because the staff lacks proper tools
To stop bad guys with guns
It takes good guys with guns
To meet them at high noon in western-style duels
As dumpster-fire-in-chief, I’m layin’ down the law
The art history teacher whose quick on the draw
Is surely the the solution
To deal leaden retribution
To the pistol and assault-rifle toting scofflaw
To those cynics, lib’ruls and democrats who conclude
That the qualifications to teach kids dont include
The experience and training
Of military campaigning
They don’t need skill — they need “intestinal fortitude”
The only thing that’s important in this once-great nation
Is the right (of white men) to bear arms — its very foundation
And the solemn institution
Of the campaign contribution
From the holy of holies, the National Rifle Association
To avoid any discussion of assault weapon, or even bump stock
We will put guns into hands more comfortable holding chalk
No need to train on handgun and carbines
Some of the teachers used to be Marines
Heck, any true American should know how to use a Glock
It’s said that the schools don’t even have funds
To buy books, pen and paper for everyone
We’ll solve that in a flash
With out coughing up cash
By mandating the teachers buy their own guns
… hell, we gave you thoughts and prayers, what else do you WANT???
The purpose of conservative economics is to redistribute wealth to the mega-wealthy.
The purpose of conservative politics is to allow conservatives to believe that’s not what’s happening.
Best of vibes to you friend.
Best Wishes
There’s toxic masculinity, and then there’s ridiculous masculinity.
Out shopping today, I saw a product branded “Brawl”. They come in a small, black box with lots of grey-and-red “dark and violent graphic novel” style art — zigzags, a “pow” explosion-oval behind the name, and so forth. The items inside, according to some of the text on the box, “don’t just start the fight, they end it”.
What, exactly, are in this box, you ask? Bullets? Guns? Grenades even?
What in the world is happening to the marketing of gaming/electronics gear these days?!
I do like that sort of packaging and marketing. It’s like the bright colours on venomous beasts – a handy warning for wallet to stay firmly shut. 😛
Wishing you the best of luck!
Thanks for that link. Lovely horse!
And the interview is more evidence of the lengths to which the patriarchy will go to — well, I dunno, exactly what the hell do they think they’re doing? Because it makes zero sense to force — or even let — your star ruin his body.
And I found out that Fraser was in Dogfight! Wow, that’s one of my favorite movies, and it’s feminist AF. It didn’t stick around theaters very long, and it deserves to have a much wider audience.
As always with the news about the people (I use the term loosely and apologize to humanity for using the word in this context) who work for Trump, it just gets more and more bizarre — and yet banal.
Manafort Left an Incriminating Paper Trail Because He Couldn’t Figure Out How to Convert PDFs to Word Files
Cruz’s Simpsons comments reminded me of when the show did that flash-forward episode where Lisa is the new POTUS and she mentions inheriting a huge deficit from President Trump. It was funny in 2000 because the idea of Trump winning the election was ludicrous back then.
Lisa Simpson 2020!
Update: Finally remembered to get some wings at the store.
MMMMMMhmmmmm Hot Wings.
Didn’t get any beer but vodka and coke will do.
Isn’t it kind of amazing in a horrifying way that the right has done so many fucked up things this week that the Missouri GOP blaming their indicted governor’s revenge porn scheme on a global Jewish conspiracy is barely even being talked about. Nope. The news is too full of more confirmation of more charges against Trump administration members and gun fetishists harassing Parkland survivors.
Behold the party of family values and morality.
I miss the days when the news cycle was longer than eighteen seconds.
I miss the 80’s too. Even the hair. 😛
Hey, y’all, the Dem memo is finally out now
Well, this made my weekend: a MGTOW-themed cartoon series called Man Paradise. Absolutely top-notch quality visuals:
(from @TakedownMRAs, source of all the good stuff)
Mish, that was inspirational. I feel so much better about both my life choices and my artistic abilities.
I ran here when I read this to celebrate Dave’s I Told You So moment. 🙂