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6 mindbending MGTOW memes to brighten your Presidents Day

It’s all a little confusing

By David Futrelle

Stretch your mind a little with these lovely memes, courtesy of some of Twitter’s most creative Men Going Their Own Way. While almost all of these images raise more questions than they answer, some are so thoroughly incomprehensible that they sort of broke my brain. If you can explain them, please do.

You might want to start with this one, which could keep you busy for some time. Maybe you could diagram it for me?

Speaking of diagrams, my brain shut down as soon as I even glanced at this one:

This one, thankfully, has many fewer words.

Then there’s this:

The big question I have about this one is what planet the author lives on. Here on earth, misogynists throw fits every time a woman declares herself independent. And I have yet to meet anyone other than MGTOWs who find the prospect of these guys “going their own way” even a little bit troublesome. Go your own way further!

This one made me a little queasy:

Why are the Berenstain Bears the first thing this guy thinks of when he thinks of sex? Leave the poor bears alone; they didn’t do anything to you!

In case you’re wondering if alt-right Nazithink has made any inroads into the MGTOW movement, this last graphic may provide a helpful clue:

Enjoy the rest of your Presidents Day, if you can.

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Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
6 years ago


I also like how the MGTOW in the third graphic has a red splotch on his head. I know it’s supposed to represent the red pill but it looks like a really terrible head wound.

“Hello my brain is a drug pill why don’t you appreciate my superior understanding of the world”

One figure representing the Blue Pill Man is shown… wielding a bunch of twigs? As a Finn, I can only think of these:

epitome of incomprehensibility

#2 is clearly wrong. The “Pussy Pass” is supposed to cross “Relativistic Hedonism” at a 45 degree angle. The “Morality of Constraints” line should be the vertical asymptote of the “Narcissistic Supply” curve f(x) = 1/x.

-E. Incomprehensibility, Professor of Evil Feminist Geometry

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
6 years ago


I get it now!

When they say they’re going their own way, they don’t mean “leave me alone, women, I’m gonna focus on being myself” at all. Like, not even in a misogynistic alpha-bro aristotle-and-pushups sort of way. “going their own way” means exactly what PUA’s talk about when they talk about alphas and game and all that garbage. Hypermasculine chauvinism, that’s all it means. There’s no “leaving women behind” at all.

It finally makes sense! I always figured they were just grumpy, reclusive misogynist assholes, but they aren’t! They’re PUAs, right down the ticket!

I figured long ago that the MGTOW are basically in the business of telling each other that they deserve more from women, for less input. It’s like, don’t sell yourself for too cheap, fuck women if you can but don’t play desperate, don’t accept the conventional terms, for the sake of yourself and other men.

Having sex or even long term relationships with women is not inherently against this idea – although apparently some individual MGTOW do strive abandon women. Or rather, perhaps, they strive to not miss the sex they couldn’t get anyway.

There couldn’t be a movement around just being single – but this movement is about encouraging other men to collectively raise their standards. Maybe there’s also hope that women would notice and accept this growing male rebellion, rather than just sitting home wondering “where all the good men have gone”.

Of course, in practice it mostly comes off as sour grapes, practice negging and general hatefulness. Not quite like the feminist discourse encouraging women to skip bad relationships.

6 years ago

@ Sinkable John

Incidentally, this whole thing happened because the defendants had originally made the same mistake, hadn’t they.

A similar mistake, yes. S&S discovered their client was a talentless fool. 😛

I’m still laughing over the editors notes on the manuscript.

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
6 years ago

In #2, does “relativistic hedonism” mean having fun as v—>c? Thanks to time dilation it should last longer. Although relativistic length contraction might be a problem.

Also, aren’t those Berenstain Bears brother and sister? Eww.

Nanny Ogg's Bosum
6 years ago

I refuse to look, you can’t make me. My brain won’t take the misogyny today.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The poster child of the dating site for Trump supporters is a convicted child molester

I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you!

6 years ago


I’m disappointed, too. I wanted to watch him make even more of a fool of himself.

I know, but let’s be patient. It’s not like he’s going to stop being a showy idiot. I don’t think his fifteen minutes are over yet, so I’m convinced he’ll find a way to self-own within months.

6 years ago


I like how the MGTOW has a woman’s silhouette next to him, implying that he’s having sex with women, and also that MGTOWs don’t understand what going their own way means.

That’s a sexbot, of course.

The icons on the left:

cop, court house, Oreos, monkey. I think Ms “WHAT’S IN FOR ME” (sic) is in legal trouble for mistreating her exotic pet (Oreos for a monkey? What was she thinking?)

The middle:

hair drier, intestinal distress, baby in a cage, negative equity, constipation. This guy is fucked up.

The right:

not much to say there. Mr WTF seems to have an expensive lifestyle, but he’s down to his last two dollars, and his sexbot will be repossessed. Mortar board and black power symbol: does he teach at an HBCU? That’s not lucrative.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

@ epitome

I laughed at your comment so hard I got terrible whiplash and my vision went cloudy for a few seconds. For a quarter of a second there I feared I might literally die laughing.

6 years ago


That diagram is a good example of the cargo cult mentality so common among the right wing. There is a superficial resemblance to the Duluth Wheel or the cycle of abuse diagrams I’ve seen, but deeper than that it’s just gibberish in a circle. The author has seen the cycle concept used, but lacks the understanding to actually replicate it, instead tossing ideas they dislike onto paper just to fit the pattern they’re mimicking.

This comment really cleared something up for me. I could never put my finger on what mindset such not-even-wrong diagrams came from, but I think you’ve nailed it. So, thanks!

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

I think you’re all overcomplicating it.

1) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.
2) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.
3) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.
4) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.
5) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.
6) Everything is the wimmins and jews’ fault because something.

6 years ago

#2 Looks like someone just discovered MS Powerpoint.Didn’t even bother to change the default colors.
P.S. Glad to see you’re back David.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Dalillama-It might be a relatively small number of women, but the high proportion of women who participated is still impressive to me.

6 years ago

“MGTOW dalam satu gambar” means “MGTOW in one picture” in either Malay or Indonesian. Mildly surprising; is the account targeting either of these countries, or is it more of a repost-bot that scraped this from some Malay/Indonesian MGTOW’s site?

6 years ago

MGTOWs are losers blaming women/feminism for everything that went wrong in their lives. It’s laughable when they pretend that they’re successful. If they’re so successful, why are they so miserable?

6 years ago

True Ruby

As an ugly undateable guy, I would rather shoot myself than identify with a bunch of women hating losers,. I would say most of the MGTOWS are incels in disguise, they pretend that they dont want women because deep down they know they arent attractive enough

My tip to them:

Get over your rejections
Dont think about dating ever again
Concentrate on you and stop bitching about feminism

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago

go away ruby. we seen what you written before. you are full with hate and have no place here.

6 years ago

Wow, so much to unpack here.

First, looks are only one of many qualities people can be attracted to. Also, the types of looks people are attracted to vary to a great extent. So ‘ugly’ is incredibly subjective and also doesn’t make someone ‘undateable.’

Second, MGTOWs don’t think they’re too unattractive for women to date. They just hate women, or at least the caricature of women they’ve designed to be their target of hate.

Let’s not talk about attractiveness as if it’s the cause of all dating problems, okay?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

@Englishboy, welcome! You sound like, uh, well, a number of incel and incel-parallel trolls we’ve had in the past.

Kupo said it best! Being conventionally unattractive has nothing to do with it. Lots of “ugly” people have sex, form relationships, get married, have kids, etc.

The major hurdle, in my perception at least, is that the incels and incel-parallel peeps only value the appearance of their prospective partners. They assume it’s all women care about, because it’s what they care about; everything else is secondary. If they valued humour, sense of fun, gentleness, intelligence, etc, they could find loads of women. But they don’t, so they don’t succeed.

If you’d like to argue against the above, feel free, but to do so you’re going to have to confront the fact that plenty of “ugly” people get great relationships. Sort of implies that other things are going on.

Oh, and finally. You have soaked in the idea of “women only care about appearances” quite a bit, apparently. I assume you don’t have to be told why that’s a horrible sexist thing to suggest? Please upend that misogyny into the bin if you would like to carry on the discussion!

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

(I sure am getting tired of having to explain to the i’m-not-an-incel-but guys how horribly misogynistic their shit is. “I can’t get a date ’cause I’m ugly” is such an annoyingly passive aggressive backhand.)

tim gueguen
6 years ago

Don’t we all wish 99 percent of women were feminists.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
6 years ago


what you said about attractiveness is also quite abelist. attraction is about more than what someone looks like. I imagine you don’t have for example, brithmarks on your face? or scars? or anything which society generally thinks is “ugly”. and instead you just not like men in magazines. it is not fair that media makes people feel like this – but you must remember that “ugly” – there is no such thing!

here is interesting article which will help you:

“”Asexuality is frequently conflated with being attracted to no one. Yet, what does it actually mean to be attracted to someone? What are the, often ignored, complexities of attraction? And how does asexuality open these conversations up for exploration? While expressing my own identity as an asexual person in social spaces, I have often encountered many non-ace people who have responded to me with statements akin to “So you’re asexual, that means you’re attracted to no one, right?” or “Doesn’t that mean you don’t want to be with anyone?” Both of these questions are misinformed and can be invalidating for asexual and ace people, yet endure as prominent conceptualizations of asexuality in the contemporary moment. This propels the flawed perception that asexuality is a desire to be solitary or is simply an absence of attraction entirely, which does not reflect the experiences of most ace people.”””

epitome of incomprehensibility

@tim gueguen – That first one seemed a contradiction to me: nobody’s a feminist because 99% of women are? I guess the guy who made it (“author” seems too strong a word) intended to say that feminism isn’t special because it’s women’s default setting… and that this is terrible.

Or, to quote @Sheila Crosby here:

1) Everything is the wimmins fault because something.


@dust bunny – Aww, thanks! 🙂 But don’t die, we need you!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

That first one seemed a contradiction to me: nobody’s a feminist because 99% of women are?