alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism evil single moms evil wives feminism icky girls memes MGTOW misogyny straw feminists

6 mindbending MGTOW memes to brighten your Presidents Day

It’s all a little confusing

By David Futrelle

Stretch your mind a little with these lovely memes, courtesy of some of Twitter’s most creative Men Going Their Own Way. While almost all of these images raise more questions than they answer, some are so thoroughly incomprehensible that they sort of broke my brain. If you can explain them, please do.

You might want to start with this one, which could keep you busy for some time. Maybe you could diagram it for me?

Speaking of diagrams, my brain shut down as soon as I even glanced at this one:

This one, thankfully, has many fewer words.

Then there’s this:

The big question I have about this one is what planet the author lives on. Here on earth, misogynists throw fits every time a woman declares herself independent. And I have yet to meet anyone other than MGTOWs who find the prospect of these guys “going their own way” even a little bit troublesome. Go your own way further!

This one made me a little queasy:

Why are the Berenstain Bears the first thing this guy thinks of when he thinks of sex? Leave the poor bears alone; they didn’t do anything to you!

In case you’re wondering if alt-right Nazithink has made any inroads into the MGTOW movement, this last graphic may provide a helpful clue:

Enjoy the rest of your Presidents Day, if you can.

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MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

As for those memes. They are incomprehensible as ever, especially that diagram. The last one, wanting equal pay for equal work makes women greedy, does it? Fucking arsehole. And wish the Happy Merchant meme would just die already. Six million Jews were killed in Nazi death camps in WW2 because of anti-Semitism. In Russia, between 50,000 to 200,000 Jews were killed during the pogroms of 1918–1922. My own great grand mother had to flee to the other side of the world (to Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia) because of it. So yeah, I don’t like seeing that stuff so causally thrown around.

6 years ago

re pancakes:

That’s her getting the DVDs in the divorce.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

It’s worth noting that in terms of numbers, 90% of the women in Iceland is a population equal to Grimsby in the UK, or, in US terms, a well attended football game.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
6 years ago

Is the flowchart’s resemblance to a vagina deliberate or just a Freudian slip?

6 years ago

And, as a Melbournian in Victoria, Australia, how many MCGs is that equal to?

6 years ago

There are a whole bunch of MGTOW channels on YouTube that spew misogyny, which is against YouTube’s rules. Last month I targeted one of them by reporting 50 of the guy’s hateful videos. His misogynistic channel is still up and going strong. It’s ridiculous that YouTube facilitates the spread of hate.

6 years ago

Build a meme wall.

And make cats pay for it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

So, being a MGTOW automatically results in getting a college degree (which is not possible with women around, and which you would eventually lose in a divorce to some greedy harpy anyway, so why bother) followed by a lifetime of porn and video games. Which is totally not as pathetic as having cats!

Scorning women also brings you unlimited vacations and a giant house! Which are also definitely not possible or more attainable with a partner who could bring in a second income.

Depression and loneliness are only for men in romantic relationships, not men who primarily interact with porn and video games and treat all human encounters as selfish struggles for dominance. Jail is not a possibility for men who think rape barely exists and 12 year olds are in their sexual prime.

Next they’ll be trying to lure recruits with the promose of immortal thetan superpowers.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I also like how the MGTOW in the third graphic has a red splotch on his head. I know it’s supposed to represent the red pill but it looks like a really terrible head wound.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

At the time of the strike, the strikers could all have been accommodated there, but these days the capacity is down some for safety reasons.

6 years ago

I like how the MGTOW has a woman’s silhouette next to him, implying that he’s having sex with women, and also that MGTOWs don’t understand what going their own way means.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
6 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

So, being a MGTOW automatically results in getting a college degree … followed by a lifetime of porn and video games. Which is totally not as pathetic as having cats!

It’s rather remarkable and illustrative what these guys have internalized as “success.” In another very sad, but very true comment from Chapo about the McDonald’s Rick and Morty Szechuan sauce incident, one of the hosts pointed out that despite driving miles to stand in line for a condiment out of a false nostalgia for something they were too young to even remember… what the hell else where these guys going to do that day? Spam the Rick and Morty subreddit about how smart they are?

I mean, if porn and video games is the definition of “success”… well, what’s the problem here? It’s like when Peter Gibbons in Office Space tells his neighbour Lawrence that if he had a lot of money, he’d do nothing all day, and Lawrence’s answer is pretty simple:

“Well you don’t only need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Just take a look at my cousin, he’s broke, don’t even do shit.”

In short, these quote-unquote “woke geniuses” are not taking these precious seconds not spent on feeee-males and using it to write the Great American Novel. They’re slackers resentful that they don’t have Bob Guccione’s life, seemingly unaware that they can be slackers without the resentment.

Next they’ll be trying to lure recruits with the promose of immortal thetan superpowers.

Being the cheeky chap that I can be, I was trolling the Peterson brigade on YouTube, who were spamming the comment section of several videos critical of their new messiah. Because his dumb book might as well be Dianetics for Failsons with “L. Ron Hubbard” scratched out in crayon. Where it’s right, it’s obvious and where it tries any kind of depth, it falls flat on its face, but since it does it with a bunch of big words, its easily-swayed audience mistakes it for something deep. It’s the new Scientology, just without the fake navy.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago

Oooooookay, so I will try to decipher this shit as best I can, based on what have been their recurring talking points so far.

Meme # 1- Essentially all women are feminists because they complain, presumably, because of inherent biological processes that make them irrational. The meme then goes further to shame conservative women for standing idly in regard to societal advances, achieved by feminist women, and says that by their lack of protest they are responsible for the current status quo. Their silence, in the face of the “depravity” of feminism, means consent; and so they are complicit.

Meme # 2- They just crammed as many projections as they could onto this one and it’s just garbled.

Meme # 3 – Women only think about money and they have the courts, law enforcement on their side and will get both custody and alimony without fail. The man has to bend over backwards to please the woman, something entirely impossible due to biological differences and women being amoral subhumans (or something akin to that), and this inevitably leads to depression, ulcers, suicide and monetary losses for the common man.

Meanwhile the Miggytow lives happily, not understanding any of this pain because he is far removed from women, thus he enjoys all life has to offer, including (allegedly) supermodels (not sure how that one works out).

Memes # 4 and 5 are pretty self-explanatory, since Miggytows think that people are overreacting to them going their own way; whereas what they are actually doing is staying where they are, and advocating for nazism and proprietorship of women. And well, they think the only valuable asset a woman has is sex, so inherently all women who are past the “wall” (ages 30 and above) is worthless to them.

Meme # 6 – This references “Cultural Marxism”, which is a ridiculous, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theory that states that feminism, LGBT and racial equality protests where started not out of genuine concern for oppression towards women and vulnerable groups; but as a means to destroy western culture. And apparently the people pushing for these changes are the Jews.

6 years ago


I like how the MGTOW has a woman’s silhouette next to him, implying that he’s having sex with women, and also that MGTOWs don’t understand what going their own way means.

I imagine given MGTOW contempt for most women they likely don’t consider sex-workers women (the silhouette makes me think he is trying to convey stripper).

6 years ago

I’m sure there’ll be stories on this in the usual places soon but….

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

I like how the MGTOW has a woman’s silhouette next to him, implying that he’s having sex with women, and also that MGTOWs don’t understand what going their own way means.


I get it now!

When they say they’re going their own way, they don’t mean “leave me alone, women, I’m gonna focus on being myself” at all. Like, not even in a misogynistic alpha-bro aristotle-and-pushups sort of way. “going their own way” means exactly what PUA’s talk about when they talk about alphas and game and all that garbage. Hypermasculine chauvinism, that’s all it means. There’s no “leaving women behind” at all.

It finally makes sense! I always figured they were just grumpy, reclusive misogynist assholes, but they aren’t! They’re PUAs, right down the ticket!

Ah, it’s nice when something fits into place neatly. Really should write an ontology or something.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ matchstick

Thanks for that link, been following this with car crash type fascination. There’s been a lot of laughs on the legal forums about it.

My particular favourite was when someone asked what “Pro se” meant after Milo used the phrase, and the response was “It’s Latin for ‘bring popcorn'”.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago


Wanna bet on whether they’re gonna blame TEH JEWZ for “silencing” Milo ? Seein’ as, yano…

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
6 years ago

Alan, I was thinking of this as the ultimate “show trial”.

John: The self-persecuting Jew.

Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

Yeah, bit disappointed it’s not going to trial; would have been fun. Especially if it was the same judge who’s been doing the preliminary hearings and whose responses to Milo so far have been: “I’m sorry?” and “That’s not happening”

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago

Well I guess he could also be persecuted by The Gay Agenda.

6 years ago

So Milo’s new representation discovered they had a fool for a client? 😛

6 years ago

I’m disappointed, too. I wanted to watch him make even more of a fool of himself.

6 years ago

Today I was organizing my comicbook reaction image collection. This was tagged “popcorn”:
comment image

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
6 years ago


Incidentally, this whole thing happened because the defendants had originally made the same mistake, hadn’t they.