Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.
And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.
— David, who is hanging in there
Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄🎅 pic.twitter.com/YfyTsQ95de
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) December 25, 2017
At this time of year, take a few moments to remember who Christmas is truly about… pic.twitter.com/TQ9tSP5EED
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) December 24, 2017
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I needed this. pic.twitter.com/2aQFpugdis
— deray (@deray) December 7, 2017
Brian Eno, Paris, 1973 (with Christmas 2017 augmentation) pic.twitter.com/hRwMDTOUKv
— Brian Eno News (@dark_shark) December 25, 2017
“Fun” pic.twitter.com/tsAdsZeez8
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) December 24, 2017
#MerryChristmas 🎄🤶🏻 pic.twitter.com/IahMZhf5gc
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) December 25, 2017
Same. pic.twitter.com/kcNPdrLy6R
— Adrenalin (@adrenalindenver) May 24, 2017
All of a sudden …
🐾🐾🐾🐾 pic.twitter.com/fza8NZioI0
— The Cult Cat (@Elverojaguar) December 25, 2017
Human: My cat has an easy life
Me: pic.twitter.com/e8kvlVhUdR— Curious Zelda (@CuriousZelda) December 20, 2017
Thank you for asking – I were wondering (Scildfreja is one of my favorite commenters) 🙂 David has been tweeting today, so he’s about and at least semi-functional.
Speaking of – anyone seen PoM?
“Police blame prankster for Wichita shooting”
And, in the process, absolve themselves of any blame for being too fucking trigger-happy.
There’s plenty of culpability to go around here, no need for the “prankster” (read: violent felon) to get all of it. You didn’t need to be the murderer’s tools.
A single year? Given what it results in, and can result in, swatting should be charged as assault with a deadly, and voluntary manslaughter up to 2nd degree murder if anyone dies as a consequence of it.
Scildfreja posted on or a bit after Christmas. There’s at least one person who’s really MIA though: Policy of Madness! I haven’t seen anything from them in months.
I call BS. She was only 27, and she had ticked off the white-supremacist state. Full investigation needed. Normally I’d say FEDERAL, but with Trump in charge at that level, maybe it should be international …
In better news, we have this:
I’m a little frustrated by the praise being heaped on that guy who admitted he made a mistake voting for Trump. No, very concerned DailyKos writer, I’m not going to “attack” him. But my question for any regretful Trump voter is “Great. Now what?” It’s not enough to just say that they made a huge mistake. Their vote has done so much harm to this country and the whole world that I hardly know how to begin to catalog it. Amends are required. If regretful Trump voters aren’t going to vote for Dems in the midterms, vote for Trump’s 2020 opponent, campaign for those Democratic candidates in some capacity, talk to their friends and neighbors who are still supporting the GOP and pushing back against Trump in every way they can think of, I don’t really want to hear it.
Maybe that’s mean. But a vote for Trump was not the electoral equivalent of spilling a drink on the carpet or stepping on someone’s toe. It’s more like the equivalent of driving drunk, getting into an accident and killing someone. Saying it was a mistake just doesn’t fucking cover it.
And don’t read the comments. Unless you want to read a bunch of people scolding progressives who are still angry at Trump voters and blaming Hillary Clinton for Trump because she stole the primaries from Bernie Sanders.
WWTH: 100%. Bernie wouldn’t have done better than HRC, and probably would have lost in a landslide, would have helped elect more Republican’t Senators*, and contributed greatly to the total repeal of Obamacare.
I understand that progressives were disappointed with Hillary, but in my view she was about as far left as a candidate can be and still have a good chance in this anti-socialist brainwashed country. Now the SCOTUS and the lower courts will be packed with right-wing ideological nincompoops for a generation. If Trump’s lucky he might create a SCOTUS that would find SS and Medicare unconstitutional government overreach.
* For example, McCain and Graham’s hawk buddy Kelly Ayotte would have held her seat here in NH.
HRC and Obama’s politics are pretty much identical. So anyone who likes Obama or at least doesn’t mind him but didn’t think Clinton should be president because she’s too conservative gets a pretty hefty side eye from me.
That’s not to say the Democratic party shouldn’t be pushed further to the left. It should. But sitting out a presidential election where the alternative to Hillary Clinton was someone like the Cheeto Monster does nothing to accomplish that. That’s a bottom up job.
I’m reiterating points I’ve made here about a hundred times now, so I’m shutting up about it, but it just astounds me that there are still people saying that a Hillary Clinton presidency wouldn’t be much different than Trumps. I can only hope they’re faux progressive trolls. They probably aren’t though. I’m just glad these people have stopped coming here. I’m really, really out of patience with them and have been for a long ass time.
Just watched ‘USS Callister’, the first episode of the fourth season of Black Mirror. Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, was the entire episode scary as fucking hell. Gonna be having nightmares on my first night of 2018. Easily the best episode of the series thus far.
Watch it, folks. The commenter base of this website ought to love it. Lots of relevancy in light of such issues as Gamergate, “Nice Guys”, tech bros, overzealous sci-fi fanboys, and so on.
@Surplus to Requirements:
That’s what I remember from the news article. This was about 2 years ago. I’m a layperson in regards to legal or police terminology…I think that was the actual time he wound up serving in prison…a year. I remembered it, because I was so shocked.
Sweet story.
OTOH, I must caution you that Walmart is owned by the Beelzebub family. (Why else would their other business be called Satan’s Club? Think about it.)
Oklahoma community surprises Walmart greeter with new car for Christmas
Yolanda Crawford’s cheerful greeting inspired shoppers to gift her with 2014 Nissan Versa
thegrio –
December 27, 2017
WWTH: I was screaming for a couple of years that — with the GOP in control of Congress — ANY Republican’t President would be a disaster. JEB? or Rubio probably would have been worse on domestic affairs if not as scary on foreign affairs. As time goes on I become more and more convinced that the Hillary scandals were mostly an excuse not to vote for a woman. Note the recent idiotic, hideously condescending Vanity Fair article encouraging her to take up knitting. She worked her butt off for 30 years, and then to be treated like … Sarah Palin?
Imagine if the murderer (not prankster) had been a person of color or a Muslim. Trumpelthinskin would be tweeting his fingers off. But it’s a white dude, so it’s all cool.
I found this photo on the Interwebz:

Here’s the ad text:
I thought that maybe “panda-sized” everything was all the rage. Panda-sized ice cream cones? Panda-sized umbrellas? Panda-sized bedroom slippers? But my search engine says no.
So I’m left scratching my head.
@abars01: What channel is this on? I’ve never seen it in my local listings that I can recall. And would one need to have seen the previous three seasons to understand it?
It’s so perfectly MRA because there’s initial sympathy then proof that he deserves none of it.
S4E6 will make people mad who deserve to be mad online as well.
@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
It’s on Netflix. And it’s an anthology series – every episode is completely independent and unconnected to any other – so you can watch them in any order and don’t need to see any preceding ones in order to understand anything.
Black Mirror
I recommend starting with S1E1 but it’s a tough episode to get over. No other is like it thematically, but it introduces the tech focus and lets you know to strap the fuck in mentally and morally because you’ll be tried.
If you want a soft, friendly intro that’ll probably still make you cry some people start with San Junperio
I don’t have Netflix. I do have an actual television, and cable. What channel is it on? Or do a lot of the whippersnappers these days not even know things like that? 🙂
I illegally streamed it all off certain sites where you can “watch series”, but I won’t post those links since legally David is suppose to remove them if they get posted
@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidatio
No clue, sorry. I don’t even know if it’s been broadcast anywhere other than Netflix. Been literally years since I’ve watched anything on TV as opposed to the computer. That’s Millennials for you.
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile:
That’s bizarre. I can’t imagine where that came from. Why not mastodon-sized? Or sperm whale-sized? Or, best of all, mammoth-sized?
I’ve been posting so much today, because I’m in the grip of procrastination. I must get my shit together, once and for all.
RE: Black Mirror
Netflix specifically commissioned the third season of Black Mirror; I presume that the fourth season is the same. It’s almost certainly a Netflix exclusive, like OitNB. You can probably find it streaming online elsewhere if you don’t have Netflix (and don’t mind some shady websites), but I doubt you’ll find it on any TV channel.
I’ve been meaning to watch Black Mirror for ages, and the posts here have convinced me. I’m thinking of starting with this new episode – if anyone wants to scream “NO! start from season 1!!!” please do so 🙂
We have a physical TV, because the big screen size is great, but we only use it for Netflix and Crunchyroll (and gaming). Watched quite a bit of regular TV when the boy was little, as the national broadcaster has fab kids’ shows, but it’s been ages now.
That reminds me of a joke. There’s a list going around the Internet of unintentionally funny things doctors wrote about their patients. One of them was:
Well, then it’s not TV. It’s some sort of web video that will stutter, glitch, and blow up your data charges. 🙂
Eh, aside from a handful of blink-and-you’ll-miss-them references/nods to other episodes (sometimes there are, like, headlines about characters from other stories), there’s no continuous storyline between the Black Mirror episodes, or even a shared universe. Start wherever you please.
Though I haven’t gotten to the fourth season yet, so I can’t yet speak to how representative of the show this new episode is.
Call it as you please, I suppose. I haven’t owned a physical TV or an kind of cable service for almost a decade now- my only TV is internet TV. Plus, no commercials. :p (Well, on Netflix at least. Other places sometimes have ’em, but a good adblocker can solve that.)