doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

Encouraging news time:

Despite the guidance by Betsy DeVos, colleges are still treating campus sexual assault by the far more beefed up Obama era rules.

7 years ago


I as well as 3 or 4 women I can think of off the top of my head – have given up on men completely.

If I remember Alice’s Restaurant, that puts you somewhere between an organisation and a movement. There ought to be an acronym.

Incidentally, I just googled for “seagull”, and top of google’s autocomplete list was “seagull recipe”, surprisingly. Clearly more and more people are going their own way!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


I had a severe case of cat paralysis syndrome last night.

My boyfriend suffers from this just about every night, especially in the winter. The girl cat is on one side and I’m on the other. Both she and I need his body heat. (MRAs, feel free to call me and my girl cat heat thieves. We’ll just smile and continue with our plans to destroy the patriarchy.)

Sometimes the boy cat joins us.

It makes getting out of bed very tricky for my boyfriend.

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


what Martin Freeman done? I didn’t know he is white supremacist. I remember one interview I watched when he is rude, but i don’t really know very much.

7 years ago

My boyfriend suffers from this just about every night

He has my sympathy. 🙂

Woke up this morning – partner’s back pressed against mine, one cat against my stomach, one behind my knees and one on the pillow, sort of wrapped around my head. It’s a lovely way to wake up – if you don’t need to pee. 😛

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


Yay, I have introduced somebody to Hambly’s Asher and Ysidro series!

Have you read her standalone Bride of the Rat God?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

I guess being immobilised by the felines is what separates us cat-worshippers out. I’ve heard of people who just move the cat, but that can’t be right.

@Victorious Parasol,

I’ve seen a few people in my Discworld group talking about Barbara Hambly with great enthusiasm. I’m almost at the end of DW (*sobs uncontrollably*) so I need something fabulous to read. You’d recommend, obviously?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


Moving the cat?!?!? Blasphemy and lies.

Oh, there’s a lot to choose from when it comes to Hambly. Bride of the Rat God is set in 1920s Hollywood, and does (among other things) a superb job of showing period-appropriate cultural appropriation while making it clear how shallow it was. Plus it made me like Pekes. I’m not a dog person, and I’d always thought of Pekes as animate dustmops, but Hambly made me like the Pekes in this book.

If you want Edwardian espionage/horror, start with Those Who Hunt the Night. Our hero, James Asher, is an Oxford don who thought he’d left his past in the Great Game behind. (Not really a spoiler; you learn this in the first few pages.) His wife Lydia is a great example of a strong female character who doesn’t come off as a paint-by-numbers SFC. There are 7 books in the series so far.

Her Darwath series was written in the 80s, but the writing holds up a lot better than others from that period. It’s one of the more intelligent treatments of the “person from our Earth goes into another universe” stories I’ve seen. I don’t know if I can say more than that without spoilers.

I haven’t yet read her Benjamin January series, but that’s because of the So Many Books/So Little Time problem. If you like historical mysteries, I’m told these are a great read.

Does that help?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


“Multiculturalism hasn’t and doesn’t help, because rightly or wrongly it polarises people so much,” he continues.

“Racism is one thing – and I don’t agree with that in any form – but noticing that there are differences is normal and fine and to be encouraged.

“We’ve reached a state now where it’s, ‘You shouldn’t notice. Why are you noticing he’s got a bomb and has a beard and is Muslim and wants to kill your family?”

“There is no country in the world like this. If all of a sudden all the traffic wardens in Ghana were Welsh, they’d really notice and might not love it… We give ourselves a hard time in this country in a sort of mea culpa way. But if we were that racist, people wouldn’t come. Very simple.”

And as a bonus, a rape “Joke” that’s closer to a confession:

Interviewer: And the height difference doesn’t matter?
Freeman: Not at all. I’ve got a ladder. It’s fine. And I’ve got drugs. I could just make them — y’know. Slip them something in their goblet. Some will get offended by that now. Cause they’ll call it [air quotes, eye roll] “RAPE” or whatever. But, um, you know. For me, it’s a helping hand. Maybe I should stop talking.

I know that every celebrity’s said at least one thing that’s problematic at best to fucking gross at worst, but Freeman is basically James Woods without the acting ability.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

Next we’ll have a smartphone app that adults who want to sleep together will have to use to check precisely which sex acts the other does or does not accept.”

… hmmm….

(goes to I.T. department to query geeks about creating billion-dollar app….)

Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
Valentin - Emigrantski Ragamuffin
7 years ago


I would say ‘thank you’ but seems maube not appropriate ? white supremacist and his joke about rape is…i don’t know what word to say. fuck him

I don’t know who is James woods – but then that explains what you mean ? I also don’t understand why Martin Freeman is so popular actor. and also Benedict cumberbatch too. Sherlock is annoying. my brother loves it. but it annoys me so much – it seems only about how ‘amazing’ Sherlock is and that means it is okay for him to be rude and arrogant. there is no entertainment there.

anyway, I am very excited about black panther. when I get home I will see it immediately! and try to ignore Martin Freeman.

7 years ago


Dig around on youtube for the Basil Rathbone Sherlocks. Those are superb (in a very old fashioned way). 🙂
James Woods – guy from Videodrome. Really right wing.

And thank you all for the panic! I read Martin Freeman as Morgan Freeman and got quite upset for a minute.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ shadowplay & valentine

The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes adaptations are worth seeing. Brett really threw himself into the role. He did perhaps overdo the method acting a bit to the detriment of his own health, and he channeled his own bipolar condition into the part. In a way he *was* Holmes. Unfortunately that spilled over a bit into his private life and friends reported he had trouble separating himself from the character. But he is just so convincing on screen.

7 years ago


“The notion of sex as something women gatekeep has always infuriated me. It’s wrong on so many levels, including the total erasure of women’s sexual desire. It’s one reason I detest “friendzone” so much (“she could just have sex with me if she chose to, why is she so mean?”).”

I guess there is that truism that the person who wants something less is the one that holds all the power. But then we’re back to why the fuck ARE these men trying to have sex with women who don’t really want it?

7 years ago

“Next we’ll have a smartphone app that adults who want to sleep together will have to use to check precisely which sex acts the other does or does not accept.”

In what world would such an app be a bad thing? I mean, if one person is into watersports, and the other is not, wouldn’t it be better for them both to find out *before* they go on two or three dates?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

And today in “troubling news”, it seems that fascism is busily reclaiming its ancestral homeland:

Based on what the article says, most of the politicians there seem to range from spineless to outright sympathetic, particularly since (like Germany) Italy has had anti-fascism laws since the end of World War II, but they seem to be going unenforced.

On the other hand, one person — surprise surprise, a woman — from one of the genuinely left parties there, Laura Boldrini, had the courage to say the truth about what had happened. In a just world she’d be the next Prime Minister there, but somehow I doubt that will happen. 🙁

7 years ago

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie:

(goes to I.T. department to query geeks about creating billion-dollar app….)

Oh, get a load of Mr Ideas Guy here! We’ll get right on that, after we’ve finished putting out these fires.

(This never happens, because there are always more fires, sometimes on top of the existing fires)

7 years ago

Well, now I hate Martin Freeman. And apparently I dress like a slob.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

I’ve often described one of the big problems at my job as spending so much time putting out fires that I haven’t had time to install any fireproofing.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I think I’ve said it on other older posts, but Brett remains the definitive Holmes for me. He really nailed the character’s cheeky flair for the dramatic (like with serving the titular Naval Treaty on a dish), but didn’t wallow in the anti-social aspect of it that certain popular adaptations of the character did *coughHouseandSherlockcough*

Because although Holmes is so often thought of as the man of pure logic and deduction, the man did actually care about his clients. (*mild spoilers to follow*)

He risked prison time to break into Milverton’s house because he hated what Milverton was doing to people. And the fate of his client in the Dancing Men clearly left him distraught, so he’s not the unfeeling a-hole that certain modern interpretations seem to glom on to.


Jordan Peterson (bleghh!)

Peter Coffin’s latest video is probably the best take on Peterson I’ve seen to date:

As I mention in the comments of the video, the cult-like devotion to Peterson is really disturbing and reminiscent of the way Scientology uses bog-standard pop psychology to lure people in, but with a Tyler Durden twist. His schtick really doesn’t boil down to much more than “double down on conforming to gender stereotypes and you’ll succeed.” Boys, stand up straight, be tough and don’t complain. Girls, realize you’re biologically programmed to want kids at 30, so don’t bother with those manly STEM jobs. Go into nursing and raise kids like God nature intends. Men are programmed to be aggressive risk-takers so that’s why they’re all CEOs and don’t have time for your woman problems like changing diapers or midnight feedings (and if they do, it’s just because how gung-ho and manly they are).

It’s the same gender-essentialist claptrap any MRA will tell a feminist to explain away representation issues, but Peterson skillfully combines it with the detached contempt for activism and altruism and just panders to the “nobody matters but you” nihilism rife on the alt-right, peppering it with smart-sounding jargon about “postmodernism” to confound the normies, while leaving the rest of his followers to pick up the dog-whistles and internalize the buried puritan messaging.

I just wish that journalists (looking your way Channel 4) would be two steps ahead of this guy rather than two steps behind. Because the last thing impressionable young men need is more toxic notions about gender roles.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ katamount

certain popular adaptations of the character did *coughHouseandSherlockcough*

I could bang on for ages about Holmes, but I do roll my eyes a bit at portrayals of him as lacking in social skills. He might be a bit insular at times, but when he wants to be he’s thoroughly engaging. But it’s the same as when Watson’s depicted as stupid.

Brett really did capture Holmes’ taste for the dramatic though didn’t he?

7 years ago

Jenora Feuer:

I’ve often described one of the big problems at my job as spending so much time putting out fires that I haven’t had time to install any fireproofing.

I can relate to that. Also, I have resisted making a dad joke about your name.

Me, yesterday:

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Quick! Somebody call 0118 999 881 999 119 725


Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago

Oh and yay, Canada now has its very own Trayvon Martin case!

And of course, the standard "Y U NO LYK SELF-DURFENCE!" caterwauling is making the rounds on comment boards all over the Canadian media landscape… enough that even Maclean’s had to remind people that it is in fact illegal to use or even threaten to use deadly force to protect mere property.

And when the PM weighed in to express what many legal observers are pointing out about the peremptory challenges system in place in the Canadian judiciary and how it was abused in the Colten Boushie case. In fact, I saw that system up close when I was called for jury duty: if your name gets pulled out of the big tombola drum as a potential juror, either attorney can simply look at you and challenge you as a juror. In the case my panel was selected for, those called were given the opportunity to explain if they have obligations that would cause problems if they sat on the jury and the attorneys used their peremptory challenges to dismiss those people as well. But if it’s used to ensure a biased jury in a criminal trial… yeah, that system needs to change.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


There are a few potential issues. A person could be coerced to agreeing on the app to an act. A rapist could potentially stop someone from changing their answer to no. A rapist could use “they checked yes to this before” as a defense to the police/courts. If someone marks yes and changes their mind, they could feel like they aren’t allowed to back out and do it anyway.

I mean, consent is ongoing, so the idea of a sex contract or app is squicky on several levels. There’s no reason why someone can’t just talk to their partner about likes and dislikes. I guess I would feel pretty uncomfortable if a date wanted me to sign up for an app and agree to sex acts in advance. I’d figure he probably had some issues with consent if he has trouble talking about it or reading body language and figuring out by that if his partners were into something or not.

I think consent is pretty simple and easy and any efforts to complicate and over analyse it only plays into the hands of those who want to uphold rape culture.

Just my two cents. I’m not trying to stop people who would find it helpful, but I’m personally side eyeing the hell outta it.