doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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7 years ago

Ah! Thank you. Venom it is.

Think you’re right on the purple boot. The green left thigh – I immediately thought Poison Ivy (I like Poison Ivy, so bias. 😛 ) or Aqua Man, but they’re both wrong universe.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

You left out Spider-Woman’s leotard. Purple boot — maybe Scarlet Witch?

Meanwhile, who else noticed on watching some of the recent Marvel films back to back that the Marvel universe has two major family lines of engineering experts with involvement in the arms industry, one good and one evil. The good family’s surname is Stark. The evil one’s surname is Trask. These are anagrams of one another.

You can see two generations of Starks in the single film Captain America: Civil War, and two generations of Trasks by watching X-Men: Days of Future Past and X2: X-Men United (in that order). And the elder Stark and the elder Trask are both assassinated, the one by the Winter Soldier and the other by Mystique … until X-Men: Days of Future Past revises the timeline, that is. Both families also have had TV appearances now, Howard Stark in Agent Carter while The Gifted has Trasks as major villains. The Trask-designed Sentinels also keep cameoing, usually in X-Men movies in Danger Room sessions.

With the Fox/Disney merger, how long do you think it will be before a Stark and a Trask meet on-screen? (Or at the very least until Iron Man fights a Sentinel or something.)

7 years ago

An infuriating take on #MeToo, for those who’s blood pressure needs raising: #MeToo shuts out eroticism, director says

Times, so it’s a paywall article if you want to read it all.

WTF does sexual harrassment have to do with eroticism? Unless you are doing erotic completely fucking wrong.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Gamergate idiots are still about? 3 1/2 years later?

I’m not. These guys are classic grievance collectors, and so hard up for legitimate examples of grievance that they cling to the half-dozen marginal examples they can cling to. “Big Red.” “Trigglypuff.” “Matt Taylor’s Shirt.” “Manspreading!” I still find Twitter goons bring up freakin’ “manspreading” as if that was the biggest culture war battlefield out there!

And in the next breath, these are the same jokers that want to put the brakes on #MeToo for going “too far.” Just zero self-awareness.

Racism is creeping back into mainstream science – we have to stop it

I can see the problem and I think it has multiple knots that need untying. One is if these people come from tenured positions, that tenure and that academic body of work is their ticket to an editorial board position. Second is that the people proclaiming that “sunlight is the best disinfectant” won’t be the ones to feel the impact of the racism seized upon by these articles. Third is that these scientific articles are often misrepresented by media outlets that distort their findings, even if they do pass peer review.

Ask me the answer and I think it takes a combined approach. Science education needs to be improved so media clickbait doesn’t trick people. Academics really need to have a firm grasp on who these people are and be prepared to resist the influence of racists with an ulterior agenda and marginalize fringe people when necessary. The media needs to stop promoting crap like The Bell Curve which has no more academic validity than a Deepak Chopra book.

Despite tenure, guys like Philippe Rushton at Western languished in obscurity and rightly so.

But to take the point a bit further… I’m worried about science being abused by transphobes in a way that was certainly done in the past, but seems to be more pernicious on social media. I can’t help but be reminded of Magnus Hirschfeld, a name that should honestly be spoken of more if for no other reason than to remind the public that science has a keen humanitarian interest and biology is not walled off from the social aspect of gender the way TERFs want to pretend. Hirschfeld should also stand as a solemn example of what authoritarians can wreak upon academic institutions if their findings don’t conform to fascist dogma, for his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft stood as a bright light in Weimar Germany for the study of sexuality and gender expression. But even Hirschfeld could see the writing on the wall and fled the rising tide of Nazism, leaving much of his work to be lost in the book-burnings that followed.

It’s the same phenomenon that lead to eugenics and justified black slavery: a bunch of a-holes say “You’re not worth caring about and here’s some ‘science’ that justifies why we’re treating you as less than human.” No, it’s not science that says that; it’s you. Science illuminates the human tableau, which is why I found it enthralling enough to pursue after high school.

Remove the human element… well, you get Blade Runner 2049, which I finally got around to watching. The original Blade Runner is one of those films that I think is a masterpiece, but so bleak that I only watch it once every few years. 2049 was not quite up to the lofty heights of the original, but was just as visually engaging and atmospheric. Ironically enough, it was almost ten years to the day after I watched Armitage III on TV (which I remember because it was the first thing I watched when I moved to Lakefield) and was struck by the similarities in plot. But the concepts of reproductive capacity as a measure of personhood, the disposable underclass, the marginalization and shameless sexualization of women’s bodies for corporate profit, timeless topics that need to be explored.

Where I think 2049 fell down on was some aspects of pacing, and Hans Zimmer’s farty music score. Zimmer’s a solid composer who I consider at his best when doing high-tension instrumentals, but Vangelis’ score from the original film had the variety that such a moody, atmospheric film really needed.

I’ve also got a few questions about the statues sitting in the Nevada desert… mostly along the lines of “the hell????”

7 years ago

You left out Spider-Woman’s leotard.

It’s so me to leave out the most obvious. *facepalm*

7 years ago


Completely agree with your assessment on gamergate – I just figured that, gamergate coming mostly from the chans, they’d either get bored or fracture into opposing factions, like they normally do. They enjoy infighting far more than anything else, by the looks.

Bit saddened, really.

Regarding the statues in 2049, I’ve seen a couple theories. The one I can most agree with is discussed (fairly superficially) here. Link goes to a lot of spoilers, for those who have not yet seen the movie.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The New York attorney general is filing a lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein

This is a civil suit, not criminal, so he’s still not gonna be in jail where he belongs. But at least this could really hit him financially!

7 years ago

In twitter news, Unilever (the biggest consumer goods company in the world) is threatening to pull all ads from both Twitter and Google if they don’t sort their shit out.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

History-ish article on Comixgate

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


Well if that’s coming from Villenueve’s mouth, then I guess that’s what it’s meant to be… it just strikes me as a bit odd for such statues to be that toweringly gigantic in a place that went out of its way to radiate glamour (no pun intended). Those statues were large enough to be seen from a plane. O.o

Granted, holographic Joi advertisements spring to life fully nude, 12 stories tall and beckoning to passing men, so clearly the world of 2049 lost all pretenses of modesty some time back.

7 years ago


Aha! I see thy source of confusion 🙂

a place that went out of its way to radiate glamour

Replace glamour with power in that thought and the statues then fit in seamlessly.

*Not changing the typo – thy is a perfectly good word that is not used nearly enough. 😛

7 years ago

From the article Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie linked:

There are plenty of mediocre comic books about straight white men that these guys don’t even talk about.

They also like to wave around direct market (comic book store) sales data to “prove” that diverse titles aren’t good. Never mind that:

1) Given how the system works (non-returnable stuff ordered 3 months in advance on very slim info) the only thing these sales represent how much faith the stores have in the titles.
2) Titles featuring white men are canceled thanks to low sales regularly too. (From Black Knight to Foolkiller.)

7 years ago

(Barbara Hambly did a great job portraying a Big Bad with this attitude in Traveling with the Dead, which I happen to be re-reading right now.)

And up until now, I thought I’d read most of what B. Hambly wrote. Thank you! I’m guessing my local library forgot to put a note in the Sci-Fi section “Hambly also wrote historical fiction horror/mysteries, and we couldn’t figure out where to shelve them”

Sometimes I wish they’d just shelve the fiction by Author, and skip the whole “what genre is this?” issue.

Long series with multiple authors should clearly shelve under “V” for “Various”.

7 years ago


#MeToo shuts out eroticism

Seems to be a frequent criticism from the “MeToo has gone TOO FAR” crowd. IIRC that was a big part of the French petition against MeToo:

It’s also a great example of every sickening anti metoo argument.
-What about the mens careers!
-Limits sexual freedom
-Hurts “artistic expression”
-Makes male/female “courtship” less fun and less “Sexy”
etc. (rubbing on the subway is okay? WTF?!)
-Slippery Slope to puritanism

“Next we’ll have a smartphone app that adults who want to sleep together will have to use to check precisely which sex acts the other does or does not accept.”

Imagine the horror! (BTW saw an episode of Black Mirror where they literally had this app and the couple somehow managed to still have satisfying sex.)

7 years ago

“Next we’ll have a smartphone app that adults who want to sleep together will have to use to check precisely which sex acts the other does or does not accept.”

Yer late on that one – I posted that exact app, complete with blockchain goodness, on this very thread (back in the teens I think, it were a few weeks back) 😛

The anti #MeToo arguments … aren’t. There is NOTHING that requires, or depends upon, or is improved by sexual harrassment. Not in science. Not in war. Not in art.
If their “artistic expression” is dependant on flopping their dick out and having a wank in front of someone – they can fuck off and flip burgers.

Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
Katamount (formerly Gussie Jives)
7 years ago


That is the best summary of the BS arguments against #MeToo that I’ve seen. And as I read them over, it strikes me that the element that unites all of them is the implicit assumption that women are sexual gatekeepers. Why else would this hashtag have a chilling effect on eroticism or courtship? Only if sexual contact is a goal for men (forgive the heteronormativity) that must be extracted from a less-then-keen woman would this ever be a problem.

Fuck, this is a trope that has been the cause of so many freakin’ cultural problems. The “Friend Zone.” “Scoring.” “The Game.” “Involuntary celibacy.” “She just regrets it.” All of it is predicated on women as sexual gatekeepers, providing access or denying it for their own malicious wiles.

I’ve written my fair share of sexy stories (I’ve actually been meaning to do a word count and I’m sure some of the unedited ones are novella length….) and there’s plenty of eroticism to be found between enthused lovers. Why rip a bodice when it’s being taken down inch by inch?

7 years ago


What Katamount said:

That is the best summary of the BS arguments against #MeToo that I’ve seen.

Goes for me too (no pun intended. I don’t pun on serious shit). Forgot to say that.

7 years ago

@Shadowplay @Katamount

Thanks, I’ve just heard the complaints so many times now I’m much more familiar than I’d like to be with them! I agree that they definitely rely on women being the sexual gatekeepers. This makes it the woman’s responsibility to stop harassment/assault because men “can’t help it” and it’s this BS all-powerful biological drive. I remember in High School that we only talked about consent in relation to how the woman has to say “No” adamantly enough to convince the helpless male to stop. Like it would be her fault if he didn’t listen. I hope it’s better nowadays, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up, I went to school in a pretty conservative area.

Then we have these people saying that “pestering” is a normal part of courtship, which is obviously so wrong, but look at how many still believe it! I really don’t know how to talk to someone like that. I’m tired of having to explain consent to people who it sometimes seems are being willfully obtuse! Jordan Peterson (bleghh!) said some dumb stuff recently too about how men and women can’t work together because we “don’t know what the rules are anymore.” Why is this so hard for some people to get? btw Katherine Deneuve also defended Roman Polanski (no surprise there).

Oh, and I forgot one more talking point: be sure to compare #metoo to “witch hunts” at some point.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Makes male/female “courtship” less fun and less “Sexy”

To me, arguments like this are a major own goal.

The fact that so many men find exploitation and lack of enthusiastic consent fun, sexy, and erotic is exactly why we need #metoo and why it’s a good thing.

The glossing over of how the (mostly) female targets of these men don’t find sexual harassment fun, sexy, and erotic just makes the point that we do need #metoo.

It’s a subset of Lewis’ law. Any comments on #metoo illustrate why #metoo is necessary.

Also, as a certified meanie pants feminist, I could just not give a shit if some male directors get a sad boner at the prospect of having to be respectful of female subordinates. Cry more, assholes.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Jordan Peterson (bleghh!) said some dumb stuff recently too about how men and women can’t work together because we “don’t know what the rules are anymore.”

Maybe we should start turning this back around on them.

“I agree. If men can’t stop themselves from harassing women, they can’t work together. I guess this means men are unsuited for the workplace. At the very least, they’re unsuited to be in positions of power. But really, just to be on the safe side, men should probably stay home and cook dinner for their wives and clean the house.”

7 years ago

But Shadowplay,

If the guy has to fuck off and go flip burgers – he might burn his wienie!

It’s happened before you know, to Popeye even! Don’t you remember the old song…..

I’m Popeye the sailor man
I live in a frying pan
I turned up the heater and burnt off my wiener
I’m Popeye the sailor man!

Work places are….. (wait for it) …. places of work! You wanna hit on women, go to a club.

Or, a polite ask for something like a coffee or drink after work, same thing as if you were in church. You gonna go up and Heeyyy Baby women there? So as if you were in a religious place. I suppose it’s ok to ask someone if they’d like to go out, and if they say NO, take NO for an answer!

And do I need to get started on married men? Dude, you are married. Unhappy? Get a divorce. I also came up with the idea that this is technically “illegal”. They are in breach of a civil contract which includes “forsaking all others.” And at work yet.

One of my friends told me that what she would do to married men who would not take no for an answer: Go into their office, pick up the phone, call their wife and tell her to tell her husband to STOP hitting on women at the office.

Why didn’t I think of this? Wow. She said it worked great too, the guy would be sitting there with his mouth hanging open. And probably crapping his pants over the thought of going home.

And if you don’t believe these married creepers are widespread too, just go look at any site with personal ads. Probably half of them are married men. They say so. They often also say that they have no intention of “changing their situation”. Sure they don’t, they don’t want to lose money. Nor the wife that takes care of them like a mother would.

I’m glad I’m older and men mostly leave me alone. I took up another tip from another friend: Be a slob. Dress like a slob. Or a guy. No makeup, no hair done, put a hat on even. Do not make eye contact with men.

And they think the #metoo ruined their chances? No, acting like hyenas in heat ruined their chances. I as well as 3 or 4 women I can think of off the top of my head – have given up on men completely. Which is too bad for them too, because any one of us could make a nice companion for someone.

But why bother? I sometimes wish I had some help around the house, but why not just do it myself? Or a second income. But why not just work more?

And chances are, from the behavior I see recommended on their “manurespherian” (I love this! 🙂 ) sites, – they tell men not to do jack shit round the house, so all you’d be taking on is – unpaid work! Why not get a second job or start a business or learn investing with that time?

Speaking of jobs, I’m looking right now, I often look at all kinds of things, even out of my field, you never know what you may find. I read the freelance gigs too. And right now there’s one on Craigslist (Chgo) in the creative gigs looking for a “Party Girl”. These are men looking for a woman who wants to do a six man gang bang.

Seriously? Jeez guys, shut the porn off. Doesn’t appear that they’re getting any responses, since the ads been repeated several times. Oh, and they claim to be “wealthy”. Right. Can’t be too smart if they’re willing to risk an STD. Their answer to that would be: Oh, but we would demand a CLEAN woman! (Also has to be attractive and fit).
But how do you know that your friends are clean?

I would bet serious $ that this thought never crossed their minds.

7 years ago

If the guy has to fuck off and go flip burgers – he might burn his wienie!

Hey, I can’t help it if my idea has a few extra benefits! 😛

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Re the #MeToo discussion, upthread; Katamount posted:

Fuck, this is a trope that has been the cause of so many freakin’ cultural problems. The “Friend Zone.” “Scoring.” “The Game.” “Involuntary celibacy.” “She just regrets it.” All of it is predicated on women as sexual gatekeepers, providing access or denying it for their own malicious wiles

Yes, this. The notion of sex as something women gatekeep has always infuriated me. It’s wrong on so many levels, including the total erasure of women’s sexual desire. It’s one reason I detest “friendzone” so much (“she could just have sex with me if she chose to, why is she so mean?”).
Did anyone see Ian M Cheong’s “sex scepter” tweet the other day? Same stupid logic.

In unrelated news, I had a severe case of cat paralysis syndrome last night ?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

I heard somewhere recently that the only two white actors in Black Panther are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis, who played Gollum.

They’re the Tolkien white guys.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Martin Freeman’s one of the biggest pieces of shit in Hollywood (I would love to hear what his black costars have to say about that whiny little white supremacist), but damnit, that pun was excellent. =P

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