doggoes kitties open thread

Merry Christmas, if you’re into that sort of thing!

Hope you all are having a lovely day today, whatever this day means to you (or doesn’t). Consider this an open thread, to discuss whatever, from presents to politics to cats to whatever holiday stress you might be feeling.

And here’s some stuff I found on the Twitter.

— David, who is hanging in there

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

“Swatting” is most definitely not a prank, and the perpetrator of the instant case should face charges of, at minimum, voluntary manslaughter, if not depraved indifference second-degree murder.

7 years ago

To amend for the murderous swatting arsehole:

London Underground will spend the whole of 2018 celebrating fantastic women artists

Hell of a big gallery. Looking forward to it, Art on the Underground always showcase some good stuff. 😀

7 years ago

I suppose it’s good that the swatting suspect is talking. That means they’re probably screwed.


A+ use of an Arrested Development reference. I never get sick of those. Especially if it’s a Lucille reference!

I’ve no idea who that is, and I’ve never watched that show.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Randomly – the 2018 calendar for my office is a Wonder Woman calendar I picked up tonight. I figure I could use the reminder next year.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Haha. I guess you accidentally quoted it then. There’s even a gif of it!
comment image

Everybody should see Arrested Development, BTW. It’s the best show.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Recy Taylor, black Alabama woman raped by six white men in 1944, dies aged 97

Taylor was attacked by six white men as she walked home from church
Men who admitted assault were not indicted by all-white, all-male grand juries

Recy Taylor, a black Alabama woman whose rape by six white men in 1944 drew national attention, died on Thursday. She was 97.

Taylor died in her sleep at a nursing home in Abbeville, her brother Robert Corbitt said. He said Taylor had been in good spirits the previous day and her death was sudden. She would have been 98 on Sunday.

Taylor’s story, along with those of other black women attacked by white men during the civil rights era, is told in At the Dark End of the Street, a book by Danielle McGuire released in 2010. A documentary on her case, The Rape of Recy Taylor, was released this year.

The Rape of Recy Taylor is directed by Nancy Buirski, best known for directing The Loving Story, about Mildred and Richard Loving, the couple who toppled laws against interracial marriage

“This is such an important time in this country’s path to recognize Recy Taylor,” Buirski told the Guardian this month. “With women being singled out on Time magazine’s cover, as part of the #MeToo campaign, I really want to draw attention to the black women who spoke up when their lives were seriously in danger.”

7 years ago

Evopsych, as discussed and practiced by various named fools and sleazebags covered here (Mammoth passem ad nauseum), has made Scientific American, under the completely not at all clickbaity title “Do Women Want to be Oppressed?”

As is invariably the case, the answer to any headline containing a question mark is No, as the author skillfully points out.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


Everybody should see Arrested Development, BTW. It’s the best show.

Surely not. It has neither “Babylon” nor “5” in its name …

7 years ago

It has neither “Babylon” nor “5” in its name …

Never got into it, I’m afraid. Saw a few episodes on Channel 4, I think first series, but it didn’t grab me hard enough to make the weekly commitment to watching it. 🙁
I know, could have taped it, but 6 kids at home back then with their various needs, minimal hours in the day … it wasn’t really a viable option. By the time the kids had left home, we’d already ditched the telly for good.

7 years ago

Little more on David Clarke’s problem with the FBI here.

One of the funniest things is Clarke’s email as stated on the affidavit – it’s got cowboy in it. 😛

7 years ago


Gamers are in the news again. Someone’s dead because of their stupidity.

I see that Fox News has a lovely title for their article on this… “Police blame prankster for Wichita shooting”. Yep, setting armed and minimally accountable paramilitary units on people is a prank, these days. Lol, etc.

From a less awful news source, I see

Officers surrounded the home bracing for a hostage situation, when the man identified as Finch went to the door police told him to put his hands up, and an officer fired after the man moved his hand toward the area of his waistband, Wichita Deputy Police Chief Troy Livingston said.

That’s all it takes to receive an extra-judicial execution, not moving in a precisely determined way when a bunch of people with guns and body armor show up at your house and start yelling at you.

7 years ago

Ahh, my bad; it was the deputy police chief who said that.

Due to the actions of a prankster we have an innocent victim

7 years ago

The guy arrested for the swatting has a history. On that occasion, in 2015, he was calling in fake bomb threats.

7 years ago

Anybody have news of Scildfreja? Or of David? (I know tweeting are a thing, and that David tweets, but it is outwith my ken (also I am indignated at the spellchecker, because outwith is a very excellent word especially in Scotland as any fule kno)).

7 years ago

Black Mirror season 4 dropped, first episode, USS Callister, guaranteed to cause some tantrums from MRAs and the like. No further spoilers at this time.

7 years ago

Getting ready to go underground in Gilead. There must be some rightwingers who really would use the Handmaid’s Tale as a handbook if they got half a chance. This frightens the hell out of me (and I’m not even USAnian).

7 years ago

RE: Swatting

Not so long ago, a 20 year old man was convicted of swatting. All the time he did was a year, if I remember correctly. No one died, except the victim’s poor pet dog?. The SWAT team shot the poor thing.

Sometimes I wonder if the assholes who perpetrate Swatting, think they’re in the middle of a videogame. Or, maybe I’m giving them too much credit, and they fully realize their so-called prank’s possible deadly consequences.

It might be in poor taste to mention this in the aftermath of someone’s pointless death, but SWAT teams are very expensive. It would be wonderful if the perps got stuck with the bill.

We got about 5 inches of snow early this morning. At first, the spouse and I didn’t think the snowblower was going to start. I was really, really, psyched to have to shovel a hilly 75 yard driveway by hand?. Thankfully, it finally started.

7 years ago

Scild’s fairly active on Discord, guess she’s busy atm.

7 years ago

Dormousing_it, here’s an Ars Technica article with some details about the alleged swatter. Some points from that:

* He claims to have been a victim of swatting himself, and that this is why he decided to start doing it himself. Personally, if I got swatted, my reaction would be “holy shit, this should never happen to anyone”, but his conclusion was different.

* He claims to do it for money.

* He wasn’t even a party to the dispute which triggered it. One of the guys who had the argument contacted him to ask for revenge.

* The way he’s shooting his mouth off seems odd for someone in such deep shit. If it weren’t for the arrest, I would be wondering whether he’s just a fantasist who had nothing to do with the case.

It might be in poor taste to mention this in the aftermath of someone’s pointless death, but SWAT teams are very expensive. It would be wonderful if the perps got stuck with the bill.

That sounds like the precarious top of a very slippery slope.

7 years ago

Good to know, Oogly, thank you!

7 years ago


Thanks for the article. This incident is even worse than I thought.

I see what you’re saying about my idea of having the culprits pay for the SWAT team. You’re right…its ramifications hadn’t occurred to me.

When I was 13 years old and my sister 11, we had our own phones in our bedrooms, and our own unique phone number. *
Well, we began making prank calls at all hours of the day and night. In particular, to a certain small business. We left hassling voicemails on their answering machine, among other things.

The inevitable occurred. The business owners called the police, and the calls were traced. I’ll never forget the police cruiser pulling into our driveway. I knew EXACTLY why they were there.

To make a long story short, when the business owners found out how young we were, they decided not to press charges.

Back to the murderous Swatter…he’s 25 years old, fer chrissakes!

*Yes, I know, we were over privileged little brats.

7 years ago

Dormousing: Too much of the time 25-year-old men have less maturity than an average 13-year-old girl — except for our President*, who is 71 going on 6.

BTW, his interview with the NY Times reporter was really scary. He is clearly seriously unwell — to the extent that truthful reporting of his mental functioning is lapping at the shore of ableism. I’m not sure that there’s any way to talk about him now that isn’t forced into ableism. I mean, how do you avoid remote-diagnosing some form of mental impairment?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


That was such a great episode. I had to wonder if the writers were reading Mammoth because the villain was so familiar.

I’ll not say much more to avoid spoilers if there’s anyone still planning on watching. Let’s just say I highly recommend. It touches in a lot of both on and off topic conversations we have here.

Also, It was really scary while avoiding typical horror tropes.

7 years ago

I can’t see mention of Black Mirror without recalling Mallory Ortberg’s wonderful summary of a hypothetical future episode: “what if phones, but too much”

7 years ago

The guy arrested for the swatting has a history. On that occasion, in 2015, he was calling in fake bomb threats.

Further to Moggie’s links on the swatting arsehole – not only did he get arrested for calling in bomb threats, he got convicted and sentenced for it – supposedly 2 years 8 months, but since he was sentenced in 2016 and it’s only 2017, I’m guessing he didn’t do much of the time.

Pissed at him. Pissed at the legal system. Pissed at the cops too. I mean, come on, it’s hostage 101 – anyone who comes to the door in a claimed hostage situation is always one of the damned victims! Hostage takers do not expose themselves in the early stages!

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